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Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The voice of Serina ended his day dream and from the sound of her voice she was not happy. Of course Carlos couldn't much see to stand but he made an attempt anyway only to fall on his face. "Sorry love I don't seem to have my legs just yet." Carlos tried to smile but his head began to throb. "Think Ill just lay here a moment if you don't mind." Of course Serina would have none of that and at her cold command the pirate hung over and recovering form a near fatal poisioning stood.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina would push up from her chair non-chalantly and approach him with a light sway. The pirates eyes still fresh from the fantasy glacing down to the girls luscious, skin tight leather clad legs. Their alluring nature only spurring different thoughts.

Though before a cheeky comment escaped him one of those luscious legs flew up and kicked the pirate right in his jewels! Serina quickly reached down under his chin to make the poor man face her "That was for the act." before a slap would finish her 'good morning' sending him right back to the floor "And that was for the slap."

Her plan completed the girl all too pleased with herself turned around and walked back to her chair a devilish smile on her face at how great that felt.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos eyed the sway of Serina's hips not helping his situation bit. Such thoughts raced threw his head in a desperate attempt to find the right comment for the situation. "Ya knowoWWWWW" pain shot threw his groin and into the rest of his body bringing him to his knees. This was quickly followed by a few words from Serina that he didn't quite make out due to his current pain. The slap that followed sent him to the floor. Making no effort to break his fall Carlos simply held his jewels grunting and writhing a moment.

After a moment however he got up tenderly shielding his hurt man hood fromt he vengful amazon. "I deserved the slap but really did you have to hurt the first mate in such a way. He didn't do a thing to you." Carlos eased himself into a chair and looked at Serina clearly upset at the woman.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"After the display in the bar and on the beach I just wanted to check if there's anything there." she smirked wickedly at him, sitting back down and looking to him clearly all too pleased at the actions and the comment made.

The rogue picked up a glass of water and sipped it lightly "Your 'friend' is here too." Serina smiled and glanced towards the next room. It was a specialy create cell for interogations, no windows and little to no ways to escape it.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos looked to the room in question. "You should have killed her Serina. She will be nothing but trouble." Holding his groin and giving a slight wince as he moved slightly. "Shall we get down to buissness then? Your looking for The Siren? Is it true then Serina is my dearest at her mercy?"
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Sorry Carlos, I don't murder unless I have to. She's far more useful to us as she is." the rogue smirked "Not to mention she's my best lead to the Siren and her captain."

"I am and it's true. We were attacked enroute to a neighbouring Island of Orr. They only took Kyra." Serina stood up "Actually they only wanted her, even if they had the chance to take more they didn't." the girl casually walked around the room thinking "The question is... why her." The rogue glanced to the pirate "The only connection between Kyra and that group is...." she stepped infront of the man and leaned down or forward depending on his current position "You."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Me? Surely you are mistaken." Carlos righted himself and looked to the door. "I may have tangled with The Siren back when I had my own boat." Carlos stood up and adjusted his pants wincing slightly. "Still I wonder why they sent Ms Bloody Blades after me. They know my pirating days are over." Carlos wasn't looking at Serina though he did head to the door. "Maybe it was wise to keep her alive."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Well it wasn't a slave run, nor a pillaging run for supplies. The crew attacked with a clear intent to take Kyra." Serina placed a finger on her lips thinking "Well either way, tell me everything you know about them. Where do they dock, their crew, specialties, the works." the rogue went past him and sat on one of the bed, her long legs crossed alluring.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos looked at the door clearly looking at something beyound the simple wooden portal. "The Siren......" Carlos paused a moment his hand going to his neck rubbing it as if it had been holding a heavy weight. "She's a fast ship even before they rigged her with that gods awful azuran junk. She has no home port that is known anyway. Undoubtly they have their own little hide away. Likely a undiscovered island or even hidden mountain top. They do however pay their dues to the pirate council after all what good is looting and pillaging if you don't have any safe place to buy supplies or sell your haul. " Carlos turned and leaned against a wall. "As for the crew its always changing. Ya see Lucia has a very... intresting recruitment policy. Though she always keeps at lest two underlings around. The last one I knew about was a giant of a norn named Gruff. Used to be a member of the Lions Guard till he got greedy. A seasoned warrior he will be a trouble to fight. As for the rest of them Im not sure its been awhile sense Ive tangled with the Siren."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

" 'Interesting policy'?" Serina raised an eyebrow looking to the pirate "I'd rather know more about the enemy than hints and myths, Carlos." even he eluded to answer the rogue would insist.

"Either way, guess we have a lead. The pirate council and their little broker." Serina turned to the closed "But maybe we can get something far more substantial from your friend." she paused looking back to the pirate "You comin'?" if it was not evident the girl was to go to the assassins 'cell'.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Following Serina up Carlos sighed. "Well Serina when she spots a capable fighter on any ship she is taking she has them captured. She then has them fight to the death to determine who stays and who goes. Thats not the worst of it either. Once a winner is decided she ensnares their mind. They never question their loyalty. I know I had to kill my own captain once....." Carlos looked at the door and opened it. "Still I would like to know why she sent a assasin....."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra was strong, both in will and strength... hopefully they'll reach her before it's too late "Let's ask her." the rogue smirked as she pushed open the door. Inside tightly wrapped in restraints and tied to a chair sat Katarina. Upon hearing the squeeky door she couldn't help, but wake. Instantly meeting the duo gazes and attempting a few light struggles as if making sure of her fate.

For the time being she was gagged by a piece of cloth, but not for long. Serina approached with a confident sway and a fitting smirk, her steps taken one in front of the other, incidentally giving Carlos quite the exceptional view of her long leather bound legs and firm round ass.

"Evening, 'Bloody blade'." Serina leaned forward closer to her "Let's chat. Shall we?" she slowly reached forward and pulled out the piece of cloth, allowing the assassin to speak for now.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Katrina made a show of struggling when she heard the door open hoping they would take it as part of her deception. For the past hour she had been trying to free herself of the bounds to no avail. Still as she locked eyes with Serina she plotted her next move.

Carlos watched Serina with a slight smirk on his face. His mistreated member hardining despite himself. Watching the rogue and her shaply ass move to the captured assassin he watched and fanistied. So lost in his daydream he missed when Katrina spit in Serina's face as the cloth was removed. Wincing he waited for Serina's next move. "Aw love you shouldn't have done that."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina frowned at the defiant spit and would release a sharp slap echoing across the room "Fine... if you're going to be that." the rogue leaned out and turned to the pirate "Carlos, make her talk." she smirked confidently, fully trusting the pirates abilities to interrogate the assassin.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos blinked a moment. She wanted him to do what? Well love I think your doing a fine job, keep up the good work." Carlos smiled at Serina trying to remain calm and collected. After all he had no idea how to interogate someone he just usally stole or seduced them to get what he wanted.

Katrina felt the sting from the slap noting it was more noise than hurtful. Listing to the idiot pirate speak it dawned upon her that she was caught by amatures and in that moment for reasons unknown she found it rather amusing.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Doing a fine job?" Serina leaned closer to him looking him dead in the eye "Your assassin, your contact, your problem." she leaned out with a wide smile. In truth, Serina never had interrogated anyone... ever. Heck it was questionable if she'd even have the heart or stomach for such things.

A pirate has to know these dirty things... right? "There are some tools over there, good luck, pirate." she'd smirk and seem clearly keen to just leave Carlos here alone with the assassin.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos eyed the tools inwardly paleing at the thought of using them. He had no idea how to use them well there was the one he had used once but that was a diffrent situation all together. That sure was one sexy girl though.

Carlos got a glazed look in his eyes and neither woman in the room couldn't help but notice his member stiffing.

"You two are so terrible at this..." Katrina couldn't help herself as she started to chuckle. "I can't belive I was beat by such soft people." Her words where broken by her own laughter. "Maybe you should just untie me and let me go. At this rate you won't get diddle squat from me."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Rikke leaned out in surprise at the glazed look and turned to the fairly disheartening sight of the numerous toon, then to Carlos's glazed look and clear signs of excitement... "Ew..." the girl winced lightly and looked to the questionable indulgences pirate "Well if it floats your boat... I guess. Have at it." clearly the man had er.... great interests in using the tools in question.

The rogue turned to the assassin and frowned "How about we just chat and Carlos here doesn't get to get his rocks off to torturing you." the girl crossed her eyes and looked to the assassin "We're after the Siren and it's newest crew member. You know anything about it?"
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Katrina did in fact have a rather disturbed look at the state of Carlos's ... excitment. "What for?" Looking back at Serina Katrina smirked defiantly. "Its suicide to go looking for them you know that right."

Meanwhile Carlos walked over to the tool in question. Grabbing it up he examined the manacles and tested their weight. The clank of the metal was easy to hear from the girls positions.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Then you have nothing to worry about. We'll go after them and end up captured. You might even get a neat bonus for fresh slaves." Serina smirked confidently looking to the assassin "Besides, it's not us who tied these ropes. You should likely be able to tell... and you have a lot of enemies. Enemies who'd love to have you tied up and presented to them."

Meanwhile Carlos went over to the tools, causing the rogue approach the assassin from yet another angle. The girl subtly leaned closer and spoke in a low voice "And do you really want Carlos, to get his jolies on you with those tools." she looked to the assassin briefly and then to Carlos enjoying his kinky nostalgia trip.