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Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Oh like you would let me go after giving you that information. Please its the only thing keeping me alive." Katrina looked at Serina. "Besides I don't think you have the guts."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"I don't need guts to turn you in. Whatever happens to you then won't bother me. Believe me." the rogue smirked wickedly at the assassin "So in other words, you can risk to me sticking to my word about not giving you away to get violated, killed or both. OR~ you can spit in my face again and we'll be done." she looked to Carlos "Carlos already has several leads, so you're not our only chance. Just an additional aid.

With that Serina crossed her hands and looked to the assassins reply, while Carlos did whatever he did best.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"You wouldn't turn me in Im to valuable." Katrian hushed herself she had gotten drawn into the rogues trap. In truth she would rathe be killed than turned in. Years spent in prision at the mercy of other inmates or even guards did not sound promising.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina smirked wickedly "You think so?" she raised a confident eyebrow "Did you forget my previous words. We have leads to follow and even a clear plan, anything you provide is bonus or possibly even something we know." she placed a finger on her lips thoughtfully "In fact, I bet I could buy far better information from a broker with the gold I'd get from turning you to quite a few eager people."

"So I ask again, shall we talk or should I leave and see who has the highest bounty on your head, "Bloody Blades" ?" the rogue crossed her hands and kept a clearly dominant gaze at her captive. Serina held all the cards and she knew it.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

There was no way she could have that info. Impossible even she didn't have The Siren's location only her meeting point. Still why this rogue may not have the guts to kill her in cold blood she did have her tied up and her bounty was rather high. But then.. when the captain kills them they will surely come after her. Looking down feeling dread of two impossible discions resting on her heart Katrina fell silent. Carlos meanwhile had slipped out of his pervy daydream and looked to the rogue and assassin. He hadn't been completely oblivious to what was going on and knew Serina had used his distration to pressure Katrina. Heading over her tested the manacles on Katrina's wrists. "Yes this are a good fit mind if I have a go with her before you turn her in." Carlos winked at Serina indicating he was playing along.

The cool metal on her hands caused Katrina to jolt upright and shiver in fear a moment. "I.. I... I don't want to go to prision or be left with him......" Katrina let her head sag she had been defeated and was now at the mercy of the two rogues.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Stay back Pervy." Serina gave Carlos a stern gaze, only via her expertise in bluffing did she not allow a smile to cross her face "Alright, talk." keeping her hands crossed the rogue kept her eyes stern and locked to the assassin. Time to find out, why was she after Carlos and of the Siren.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Katrina looked up at Rikke clearly broken in spirit at lest. "I don't have an exact locationto where the Siren is but I do know where Im supposed to meet the person for payment." Katrina looked down. There's a road leading to the Lion's Arch that has a small lake. Im supposed to meet them there."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"When and with who?" Well this was an interesting new discovery... a discovery Serina could put to very good use. She'd ask about everything: signals, clothes, the works. Everything, so she herself could take Katarinas place and 'wait to turn in Carlos'
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Im not sure who I just know the place. They said I would know who was there to meet me." Carlos looked down at the woman and dropped the manacles before pulling Serina back to whisper to her. "Its a trap they would likely kill her before paying her. After all I know the place well. There is a swamp nearby where they dump the bodies so the Lion Guard don't find them."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Is this your first job with them?" Serina crouched down to be at a more even level with Katarina, depending how the assassin answered, perhaps there was something she needed to learn about her employers... the rogue looked to Carlos "Tell her."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Katrina simply nodded at Serina, clearly this woman had no idea who she was dealing with. Then agian she was a skilled foe. Carlos meanwhile looked at Serina and sighed. "Well my bloody blades... its probably best we took you out. You see the Siren wouldn't have payed you at all. More than likely they would have killed you and dumpped your body into the swamp." This news brought a tight lip frown to Katrina's face and had it not been for her lack of her hood Serina doubted she would have caught it.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Do you even know the reason Carlos is wanted by The Siren?" Serina looked to the assassin confidently "Because he knows just a bit too much." she glanced to the pirate for him to follow along "That's why the moment you mentioned the drop-off point he sprung to life. She wasn't the first 'contracter' to be 'paid' was she Carlos?"

"Now while you were napping I've talked to Carlos, for the information I need." the rogue continued her bluff with suprising confidence and clarity "The Syren has been changing her usual habbits." before continueing Serina would allow Katarina or Carlos a word in.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Not the first and likely not the last. At lest whenI delt with them they got a proper burial and not some in glorious resting spot in a fetted undead infested swamp. Before Carlos could speak again Katrina muttered something.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

While Serina didn't hear it she could suspect it "So that brings us back to where we are now. Questioning you, the doomed contractor, for perhaps information on these new hotspots." the rogue crouched down and looked to the assassin "I won't promise you complete freedom, but at the very least I can offer a way to get back at them."

She smirked wickedly "We get on that ship and it'll be the end of the Syren." she glanced over the bonds "You can probably tell those bonds were not done by amateus, we have allies. Allies that will sink the Syren and it's crew."

"So tell us, how did you end up with this contract. Everything."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Katrina sat a moment her thoughts her own till in a faint voice she spoke up. "They contacted me about three weeks ago. Here in the city. They told me it was a simple snag and bag. They wanted that pervert right behind you." Katrina adjusterd herself slightly. "He was supposed to be alone other than that I don't know why they wanted him. Though he had to be alive on delivery. When I asked about that they said he was going to be pretty preasent for someone. They seemed to laugh about this saying something about being the captain personal cabin boy." At this Carlos stepped back and paled noticably.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

At first Serina didn't even notice Carlos's shock. The rogue leaned out thoughtfully and placed a finger on her lips "Cabin boy?... Carlos, do you--" the rogues eyes widened at the state of her ally "Carlos?" the rogue looked to him befundled at the sudden shock, were the news that scary to him?
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos quickly recovered and took on a far more stern and serious look. "Serina we have much to do we need to get to Kyra as soon as we can. Leave this assassin we have an ambush of our own to plan." Carlos's voice was grim and even commanding. Still Serina was her own woman and while she watched Carlos gather his gear so could intigate Katriana some more.