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Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Art trundles back to Corax and his room after an uneventful wander, yawning loudly he makes for his wardrobe and pulls out a pair of pajama's. He then quickly gets changed into them and crawls into his bed. Muttering 'good night' whilst yawning again Art drifts off to sleep.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Siphon arrived finally at the door to Coraxus's room, and after a moment's hesitation, knocked quickly. He spoke as well, making certain he could be heard through the door, but not at an obnoxious level. "Coraxus, if your awake I have a question for you that you MIGHT be able to help with. It's Siphon."

He would wait a few minutes there, and if no one answered he'd have to come back.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Coraxus was still sitting at his computer, typing away. Upon hearing Siphon, he went to let him in.

"Hello Siphon. What's on your mind?"
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He moved inside letting Coraxus close the door first. He frowned slightly at the sight of another person already asleep, but pushed ahead anyway. "Well, I've been working on a cloaking field similar to the one I have for my weapons, only this one covers an entire person. I may have told you this earlier. I've been having problems with refining the field, but I think I fixed it. Now though it's emitting high levels of radiation not found on earth anywhere, but only inside of the field. Luckily I'm immune because of Talvesh, but for anyone else it would be a lethal dose."

He pauses, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I thought at first it was a containment issue with the power source, but now I'm not so certain. Earlier tonight when I was testing it again, I was able to pass through solid objects at will while it was active. This leads me to believe that the device is working differently than I had planned. I want to know if it's possible that the device is actually sending me to a side pocket of this dimension, but out of phase with the rest of the planet, and if so, could that explain the radiation?"

Another pause as he breathes, then, "so basically it's a technical question, as well as one regarding different phases. I was hoping maybe you could help in some way to figure out what in the hell I actually have created here, because it isn't working the way I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, it works fine for myself, but I want to know what I did that made it more effective."
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

"This is... interesting, to say the least. I don't know if I will be able to help, but I will try. May I see this Cloaking device?"
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He unclipped the device from his belt and set it on the table. "It won't activate for you though, I made sure no one else other than myself could turn it on. I don't want some random person nuking themselves because of a careless oversight on my part."

A sudden thought occurred to him. "Coraxus, that computer can interface with my converted scanner. I took a ton of detailed scans of the radiation inside of the field as well as spacial coordinates, would that help?"
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

"It may do. I'm still not too familiar with Alveran style technology, so I guess anything'll help."
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He nods. "It's worth a try anyway. Truth be told like I said, I'm even surprised by what it's done. Isn't doing what I expected it to do, but it's not necisarilly a bad thing."

He puts the scanner down, and removes a chip about the size of one seen in a digital camera, and places it into another device that looks like it should fit into the USB port of a standard computer. Handing this to Coraxus he says, "alright, that SHOULD interface with your system. I think."

It's clear he hasn't had reason to test this yet, so he isn't sure it will work.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Coraxus takes the device and plugs it into his computer.

"Give me a minute. Also, keep your voice down. If we wake Art up it might cause a few problems."

He gestures to Art, then begins accessing the data. Before long, the scans appear on the screen.

"Alright, what next?"
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He nods, having actually forgotten about Art being there.

"Now, we have a look and try to piece together dimensional data. This is where my knowledge gets a little fuzzy. I can pick out certain variance, but some of them make absolutely no sense to me at all."

He stops, then points to a large spike at the start. "That spike there is when I activated the device first. The red one is radiation, and as you can see, it's off the damn chart. Not sure what the yellow one is supposed to be for though, I assumed it was interference from where ever I duck into, maybe a reading for subspace?"

As the scan chart goes on, they would both notice that while the radiation always remained at an extremely high point, there were areas where it spiked well beyond the graphs ability to compute. "This is strange. LIke I said at first I thought it was a containment issue with the Z.P.M powering it, but these readings are way beyond anything it's capable of outputting. Well, normally anyway. It'd have to overload for these kinds of readings, and if it had I wouldn't be here telling you about it. One thing I'm curious about though is why it doesn't harm anyone near me when I'm around them and it's active. So it has to be in whatever area I duck into right?"

It's now that he notices a startling extra reading taken while the device was active. "Hello, Chrimtan particles? That's not even possible."
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Coraxus sighs upon hearing the words 'not even possible'.

"If it's in whatever area you duck into, wouldn't it affect you?"
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He nods. "Yes the radiation would affect me, but because of the symbiote I'm immune to being nuked by it. Simply put I can survive such a hostile environment only because of Talvesh. Without him I would have been dead the second I activated the damn thing."

He too let's loose a sigh as he continues to read over things. "This shouldn't even be possible though, now I know for certain I must be ducking into some kind of parallel universe to our own. Chrimtan particles simply do not exist on our plane of existence. You might recall I come from another dimension? Where I came from, these particles were only part of maybe three planets in our own galaxy, they are extremely rare. I scanned for them on this planet when I first arrived and they weren't present. My people at one time thought about harnessing the power in them as a power source, but ultimately we went away from that project. The reason was that after a certain amount of time with interacting with our technology, the particles became very unstable, to the point of actually exploding. We always thought it was simply something to do with our technology, but now I'm starting to suspect that it varies by dimension. What if this area I duck into is loaded with the things, but instead of becoming explosive upon contact with a person, they generate radiation unlike anything we could imagine?"

He leans against the wall for a moment, a bit tired from the day and finally says, "this is not even remotely what I had imagined as being the likely cause of the radiation. It still doesn't explain why I duck into another plane of existence though. Oh shit."

He stops and then runs another scan on his cloak, searching for something. Although it scans still, it can't record since the recording chip isn't present, but he can view the results immediately. Just if he presses for another scan he can't view the last results anymore. After several minutes he breathes a sigh of relief. "Another question to add then. Why didn't said particles come back with me into this plane?"

He rubs at his eyes, the day finally catching up to him now.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

"I don't have any answers for you at present. I'd suggest we get some sleep and discuss it in the morning."
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

He nods, definitely more confused than before, but knowing pushing the issue wouldn't do any good. "Agreed, I have a meeting to go to tomorrow at some point, so I'll catch up to you again when I have free time. Thanks for the help, at least now I have a slightly better idea of what happened."

He gathers his items and takes back the chip from Coraxus, and then heads out towards his room.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Walking up the corridor Emily finally gets to Arts room.

"ARTEMIS WINGATE, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" She shouts through the door while hammering on it with her fist, the door literally looking like it would fall out of its frame if it continued to be 'attacked'.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

Coraxus bolts upright and hurls a ball of liquid metal at the door, acting on instinct before he realises what he's doing. The metal covers the door and hardens instantly, reinforcing it against the assault but preventing it from being opened until it was removed.

"I'm already missing having my own room. And NO-ONE WAKES ME UP. LEAST OF ALL BY POUNDING ON MY DOOR."

((Take note: Don't wake Coraxus up, or he might revert to his old personality for a while.))
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

If Art wasnt woken up by the pounding on the door he was certainly woken up by Corax's shouting from theopposite side of the room. A quick intake of breath could be heard from the opposite side of the door.

"What the hell's going on?!" Art says loudly, throwing the quilt off himself and tumbling out of bed.

"Art, get out here right now!" Emily calls through the door angrily.

"Oh crap, this doesn't bode well for me. Corax, if you're still awake could you remove the metal?" Art climbs out of the quilt and stands up.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

"Art, what the shit is this fuck?"

Coraxus forms the metal into a ball and shoots it out the window.
Re: Room 330 - Artemis and Coraxus

"It's uh...complicated, I'll fill you in once you've gotten up properly," Art says to Corax as he moves to the door. "And thanks."

"Art, if you dont open this door I'll bust it down! You know I can!" Emily calls through the door.

"Okay, okay, keep it down, I've got a roommate thats trying to sleep," Art says as he opens the door and ushers Emily down the corridor to the communal area.