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Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon quietly made his way back to his room, and let himself in. He didn't see the need to use the cloak again for something so trivial, and it gave him a chance to keep his stealth moves sharp. Setting his stuff down on a table, he then quickly and quietly changed into something more comfortable, then got into bed. His eyes closed, and his mind drifted towards the night's events as he drifted off into a state of half meditation, half sleep.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

((Been 4 days so I guess I can post here again now.))

Siphon awoke with a start. He had actually slept for once, and he felt much more revitalized now. He also was quite hungry. Getting out of bed and changing into something comfortable, he quietly made his way out of the room, stopping only long enough to gather his supplies and personal items, minus the swords. He had learned long ago never to go anywhere unarmed if you could avoid it, and since he had the cloak keeping the weapons hidden perfectly, he would keep to that tradition.

It didn't help his mind was still going over the events from last night, and he briefly considered running over by the dorm again while cloaked, to see if the light of day had revealed anything he'd missed last night. Shaking his head, he headed off to get food instead, knowing full well that he hadn't missed a thing. Either the woman had been lying, or she had somehow disposed of the body in such a way even he would never find it.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Ben opens the door for Chris, and the blond boy rolls in. Coming to rest next to his bed he turns his wheelchair around and faces Siphon. "Oh, by the way - you forgot to turn off the lights when you left." Ben hmphs as he sits down on the bed.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon stops right after the door closes. "I did? I could have sworn... ah shit, I tried to shut it off after I cloaked and my hand must have gone through it. Sorry."

He sits down for a moment then says, "alright, Ben this applies more to you since I know your job is to look after Chris. Last night when I went out to test the cloaking device, I happened to wander by the girls dorm. Apparently there is one amongst us who seems to be some kind of shadow demoness or something. She was trying to kill a bunch of people on the rooftop, and claimed she had already killed one already that night. We were able to stop her attack, but not apprehend her. Thing is, whatever she is, she stood up to a full stun blast from that pistol I showed you yesterday afternoon. A FULL stun blast, and she shrugged it off and was on her feet not ten seconds after the shot. Now while she has no reason to come directly after Chris, unless he happens to get in her way, she DOES have reason to target me, and I felt it might be wise to inform the two of you. Honestly though, I'm not sure what we'd be able to do against something like that. I have a feeling vaporize setting won't be much more effective on her than what I already hit her with, and I don't even know why she broke off the attack either. Something about daybreak."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris stares at Siphon for a moment. "Wait. A... demon. Are- are you serious? I mean, I can take dimension-jumping ALIENS, but demons? Except... hm. Except you could look at them the same way. Dimension-jumping aliens, that is. And you said she's a- what, a shadow demoness? Well, no wonder she broke off at daybreak. Night is nothing else than Earth casting a shadow on itself." Chris' mind is already drifting again. Ben, on the other hand, seems to be a lot more concerned about that.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

He thinks for a moment. "Well like I said, I'll call her a shadow demoness simply because she was able to manifest vines out of the shadows to become solid and strike at people. If I hadn't been out of phase cloaked she would have nailed me without knowing it too."

A moment then he says, "hmm, that's true. But that makes no sense since the sun would cast shadows on anything still. There has to be another reason. My guess is she's limited by something as to how much time she has, like a vampire or lycan would in horror films. Maybe she has another form she assumes by day? Either way, she's most definitely insane."

He decides not to say anything more here, mostly because at this point he's now speculating.

"This is well out of my area of expertise."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Have you seen her today yet?" Ben is getting straight to the point. "If she is a threat to Chris it's in my responsibility to neutralise that threat." "Ben! You can't just go 'round killing people! Geeze!" Ben's face turns into a frown as he thinks. "Alright. But I'm not leaving the school grounds anymore. I'll look if there's a housing for staff around here."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon hesitates for just a moment, then says, "yes and no."

A moment as he collects his thoughts. "I saw earlier someone who APPEARS to be her, but she looked different somehow. Same facial features, same body and everything, but she definitely wasn't the same personality as the one on the roof last night. At first I thought maybe she was hiding it, so I posed a question to her to gauge her reaction. I asked her how her night was and if she slept well. She replied it was alright, and she slept pretty well. Here's the thing though. I'm completely certain she was telling the truth as far as she knew it. Which leads me to one of two disturbing possibilities. One, she has split personality, which is tough, or two..."

He trails off then says with a sigh, "two is she's partially possessed by a demon who has control over shadows, that can only come out under the right circumstances. IF she is a demoness Ben, I'm not sure you would be able to hurt her even if you wanted to. What little I do know of the supposed mythology of demons is, if they have possessed a person, and you attack them, they will generally tend to rear their full ugly faces and powers and use them on you, unless they WANT the host dead. From the appearances of it last night, this demon very much likes it's current host. Truth be told, I'm not even sure a removal would be possible. Containment perhaps, but I would have no idea how to contain such a foe that can shadow teleport at will."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"I have my methods", Ben growls. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna go around and build a light trap, with like two dozen floodlights that eliminate all shadow. Seriously Ben", Chris says with a rolling of his eyes, "lay it off a bit okay? I don't want you to start slaughtering people because they COULD be dangerous. You'd have to start with Siphon right here."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon blinks at Chris. "That's not a bad idea actually, making a light trap. I'll help you make that."

He shakes his head and turns to Ben. "Seriously though Ben, while I appreciate your drive to keep Chris safe, getting yourself killed by a demon isn't the way to go. If she was able to stand up to a full onslaught from an energy pistol designed to stun and send one flying, I doubt very much that anything you throw at her will even slow her down. Besides, you'd never get close enough anyway. We can't have a scene with this, and besides, I'm already dealing with it. According to what I've heard rumored, she's being hunted by a tracker. I'm to meet with said tracker later today."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Ben hmphs again, but says nothing more. Chris, on the other hand, smirks. "IF you can find me a place where I can work without interruption and bring me the right parts AND a compatible power source I'm game."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"We can probably set up shop in here. As far as parts and power source go, what are you needing and thinking?"

He catches Ben's noise and adds, "hey, I'll keep you in the loop. Let me know where your staying and if I have to I'll come to you."

It goes without saying that Ben won't have to worry about Chris's safety so long as one of them was with him.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris sighs. "I don't really have space here. And other people may take offense to the sound of hammering and buzzsaws in the middle of the night. Or any other time of the day for that matter."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Hmm... I'll have to get back to you there."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"These buildings are really old. I'm sure there is some basement we can set up shop in." Ben claps his hands. "On to other things. What do you want to do today? It's still a few days till classes start." Chris thinks and shrugs. Turning to Siphon he says "Hey, is there anything interesting to do here, or something cool to see?"
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon thinks for a moment. "Well there IS the town where Ben is staying, I'm sure they have stuff you can do there. There's some club halls, the gym, waterfall grove, a hot spring. Really not all that much around the school you can do."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Hm. A shame I didn't think about bringing your handcycle. You could make a tour to town." Chris shrugs. "You could call Mom to send it. The hot springs - are they deep? I can't swim, of course, but it sounds nice."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Couple feet deep unless you go right out in the center of them. You should have no problem with even sitting down near the edge of it and keeping you head above the water."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Cool. Maybe I'll check that out later. For now..." Chris rolls over to his desk and opens a drawer to pull out paper. "I hope you're not mad, but this morning I've studied your computer." He raises his hand to illustrate his point. "And I'm starting to understand all the connections. I want to build something myself - of course, I don't have the necessary material, but I can still start making plans. It's gonna be something like my leg braces, but bigger."