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Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon shakes his head. "If my system can help you out in any way feel free to utilize it. Let me know what materials you need and I will see if I can get them, though no promises."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris turns his head and grins. "Easy, one step after another. Gotta make the plans first." He lowers his head towards the paper and starts drawing a rough sketch. Pretty quickly a human form appears, even though it doesn't look quite right. Ben peers over his shoulder and snorts. "Are you serious? You do realize your name is Ritter and not Tony Stark, right?" "Meh, same difference."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphons only reaction is a small amused smile to this, and he sits down on his bed, seemingly thinking about something.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris draws for a few minutes before stopping and looking at his sketch. A frown slowly appears on his face. Have I really drawn that? "Looks awfully sinister, doesn't it?" Ben looks at the drawing skeptically.
The helmet of what seems to be a futuristic suit of armor sports a mask that looks like a stylized human skull, and the suit itself is covered in a pattern that resembles an electric circuit. In the center of the pattern, where all the wires connect, sits a strange symbol. Ben points on it. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I... I don't know." Chris pushes himself away from the desk and stares into emptiness for a moment before shaking his head. "Vivid imagination I guess", he says with a grin that turns out somewhat lopsided.


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Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon looks at the drawing himself.

"Yeah it does kind of Chris. Been watching too many horror films lately?"

A grin is on his face.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris shakes his head. "Most horror films focus WAY too much on gore in my humble opinion." He sighs. "Well, doesn't matter I guess. I can always redesign it. That's just decoration. What do you think of the idea in general?"
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Looks pretty good to me. Hmm, wonder how it would fare made up of solidified nevaria?"

The last part he doesn't seem to know he said out loud.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris blinks in surprise. "Excuse me, what? Made up of what?"
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon looks at him blankly for a moment before it dawns on him the last was said out loud.

"Oh, solidified Nevaria. Remember the generator I showed you? The mineral that powers that is called Nevaria. If it were to be refined to it's solid form, it's damn near indestructable. Actually, my computer system casing is made of solid Nevaria."

A thought as he adds, "though with something the size your thinking of, it would weigh half a ton or more probably. Unless I could hollow out the Nevaria. Course getting it is another problem altogether."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris shrugs. "Man, I just thought about slapping sheets of metal together. I didn't worry about the weight. The suit can carry it's own weight or it would be a misconstruction."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"That should work as well."
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Right then. Jet boots or a jetpack?" "You can kick people with the jet boots." "Good point. Kicking people is a big part of crime fighting after all, isn't it?" Chris almost giggles in glee as the plans are coming along.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Indeed. Perhaps a taser too?"
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

"Mhmm. Wrist-shot tazer." Chris makes a note on the sketch.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon nods and chuckles slightly, then glances over at the clock. "Oh boy, getting near the time I have to meet with that hunter. If you need to use the computer system for anything, go ahead. I'll try to return a bit sooner today to get ready for my night out. See ya soon."

He grabs a few items, namely his belt with the pistols, and takes the cloaking device with him, just in case he doesn't get back until late. As almost an after thought, he grabs two bottles of water to go, and then heads out the building.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Chris looks at the watch and twitches. "Wuh, that late already? Almost noon." He turns away from the sketch, leaving it on the desk. "I'm hungry again." "You are ALWAYS hungry." Ben opens the door for Chris.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon heads back into his room, and grabs some of his things. Fairly soon he has donned on a pair of swimming trunks and placed his usual clothing over the top of it. He grabs a couple of towels, as well as a flash light or two. He starts to head out, then pauses.

Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, he quickly leaves Chris a note.

'Went out swimming tonight, will be back in rather late, if at all. Extra crap has happened today, fate of demoness unknown. Will try to explain more later when I get back, maybe with luck I'll actually know by then what I am talking about too. Enjoy the evening. -Siphon.'

Once he was done, he left it directly on the stand by Chris's bed, where he knew it would be most likely to be seen. If Chris didn't he was sure that Ben would immediately notice something there that wasn't when they had left earlier. He was counting on that.

With a final look around, he grabbed the rest of what he was taking with him, and headed out the door at a leisurely pace to meet Sho.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

As Chris returns from the club halls it's already late afternoon. He shakes his head in anger. "Tch. I can't believe I didn't find that Tech Club." "Maybe it's not one of those clubs that you find. Maybe it's one of those that finds you." Ben comes in behind Chris. "That's bullshit. How. . ." Chris voice dies as he sees the note on the pillow. "You've got to be kidding me." "See, I told you." "That can't be. . . See, it's from Siphon." The young man's voice sounds relieved as he reads the note.
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

Siphon eventually arrived back at the room, opening the door and entering as silently as he could, since he had no idea if Chris was awake or not. He close the door and then turned around to head for the bathroom to call Sho.

((Not sure if Chris would still be awake and if Ben is still there, so leaving my post open ended if they are, then they can spot him and say something to him.))
Re: Room BD108 - Ritter and Siphon

((Guessing not so moving on))

After making his call, Siphon sat down at his computer and took several hours to create new documentation for Aya online. It was a bit harder when doing it for someone else versus yourself since he had to creatively come up with things. Finally, he had everything settled properly, and submitted the information to be sent in the form of cards to Aya.

This done, he went to bed.