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Room GD110 - Yume/Monday

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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This is the room where Yume sleeps, and from where Monday comes back to life via peoples dreams each night. The room is fairly standard as rooms go, with all the standard things you might expect in a girls room, spare perhaps being a little bare of personal belongings beyond those directly related to school life. Yume simply hasn't had very long to gather miscellaneous belongings since waking from her coma a few months ago and being sent to live at Gossamer Falls. The few notable things in the room include a set of nice quality lilac pyjamas folded at the foot of the bed, a business card with her doctors number from the hospital on the mainland resting on the desk, an artists pad with pencils and water colours, and a school loan violin on a stand in the corner.

Yume had this evening totally missed the unfolding drama of the courtyard, and had been happily practising her violin all evening, delighted with the miraculous ease she had seemed to pick up the skills since first trying it earlier today. Though she was finally starting to get tired, and would soon be retiring to bed.

((General note - I realise that Yume can be a confusing character, given her multiple personalities and strange nature of what she actually is. I'm happy to answer any questions or passing uncertainties. Also, if your interested in or have any ideas regarding making use of her dream manipulating powers, go ahead and pm me. There is of course always the chance that Monday will simply turn up with her purple dream scape text in your room unannounced. Don't worry, I won't do anything too strange or mind warping without checking its all right first. All affected dreams will be posted here as well.))
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Re: Room GD110 - Yume/Monday

Returning to her room for the night, Yume had barely managed to reach the dorms without falling asleep again along the way. Even before reaching her bed, images of pink rugs and other things were filling her head. Lazily changing out of her uniform and into her pyjamas she flops onto the bed, and is doomed from the moment she lays down. Unable to summon the energy or motivation to finish putting on her night wear properly, she squirms under the covers tangled in a mess of half worn half hugged pyjamas.
Re: Room GD110 - Yume/Monday

Yume awakes, a little earlier than usual. The sun hadn't yet climbed above the trees to reach her window, but her sleepy eyes could just spot the morning blue colouring the sky through her curtains. Not intending to get out of bed just yet, she shuffles in bed gently and rests her head down on the pillow again. As she does so though, she notices a damp spot on her pillow. Dabbing it with her hand perplexedly, she then feels her cheeks and face. She'd been crying in her sleep? She wipes her eyes a little, and lies slightly bewildered. This certainly seemed strange.

She knew that she'd had a dream, but couldn't properly remember it. Try as she might, she couldn't put the dream in order or recall anything specific. Just feelings really. It was kind of frustrating, since she had this lingering feeling that it had been something special. Resigning her efforts to remember, she flips the pillow and rests a while longer for now. Still some good comfy time left to be had before she had to be out braving the world.