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Room GD330 - Sho's room


Nov 10, 2008
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Leaving the two newbies to work out their differences, Sho returned to her room to finish what she was originally intending to do: get ready to go out.

Being a senior student did grant*her a bit of privilege, though really the only flaunting she did (or at least tried to do) was the fact that she had a single*room. Of course, after years of sharing, this was something of a blessing that she took full advantage of.

Clothes were occasionally scattered here or there, but she knew exactly which ones needed to be laundered and which ones were clean. Books and papers poked out from under piles of other items, furniture, and sometimes plates that hadn't quite made their way back downstairs yet. Still, if you asked her to find something, she could take you right to it after only a minute or so of searching. Organized mess. God forbid anyone did clean in here. She wouldn't be able to find anything.

Humming to herself, she pulled a blouse on over her tank top and changed her lounge pants for a pair of jeans. Popping into the bathroom for a second to give her hair a quick brush, she walked over to the window and slid it open. The air was a bit chilly, so she also grabbed her trench coat and slipped that on as well. Fortunately for her, when they looked for students who were dodging curfew, they looked on the ground.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

Climbing into her room, Sho's foot caught on the window frame and she hopped a couple steps before she managed to catch her balance again. Grateful no one was around to see that lovely display of grace, she went over and sat on her bed for a moment, shoulders drooping.

She had to have been lying. If she did...kill...Al, there'd be a body. There'd be something.

Pushing herself to her feet, she snagged her keycard from the table by the door and headed out into the hallway.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

Shoulders drooping, Sho half-heartedly pushed her door closed, allowing gravity to carry it shut the rest of the way. No answer on the door. Either no one was in the room or they were very sound sleepers. Sleep. That sounded pretty good right now.

Stripping out of her clothes and after getting into her 'jams, she crawled into bed, not even bothering to set her alarm. Beginning classes were worthless anyway. Just overviews and introductions. Right now, she needed sleep. Keeping her winds contained like that, not to mention a constant focus had given her a raging headache. Still, there was the meeting to worry about.

Picking up her head, she squinted at the clock. Screw it. Siphon could fill her in on the important details if she missed anything. Letting her eyes close a second time, it wasn't soon before exhaustion caught up with her and she was sound asleep.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

Rolling over, Sho caught herself before she tumbled out of bed. The sudden rush of adrenaline caused her to wake up even further and she wriggled around, finally settling on her back. Rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hand, she squinted her clock into focus. Wasn't there somewhere she had to be?

The field. Right. Getting up, she stumbled into the bathroom to rinse up and help wake herself up more, then stripped from her pajamas, tossing them onto her bed. Snagging up some fresh clothes, the last thing she grabbed was her trench coat as she headed out the door.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

The quiet in the room was finally broken by the ringing of Sho's cell phone. If she was able to look at it now, she would see that finally, it was Siphon calling her.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

Rolling over in bed, Sho groped for her phone, glanced at it, and flipped it open. "Hey, sexy. Make it back home okay?"
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Yes, I did and I saw to it that Grace got back to her dorm alright. I hope I didn't wake you up?"
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"That's good. And nope, just relaxing." He could hear her stretch, as if proving that point. "Oh, Aya brought up some interesting questions that I wasn't wholly sure how to answer, so I invited her to breakfast tomorrow. Thought you'd be best to help with that, given that you two have a similar background situation."
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Fair enough. Want to tell me anything of what she said, or just wait until morning?"

He was definitely curious as to what would stump Sho question wise.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Well, to give you a heads up on what to try and figure out, how does a recently unthawed being from an Ancient race with no birth certificate, no identification at all, really, go about enrolling in school, not to mention secure funds so she doesn't have to wear the same thing every day?"
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Ok that is a good question. I'm going to have to think that one over a bit, I mean I was able to manage it somewhat, but she's in a completely different boat with that than I was."
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Well, we can think on it together, tomorrow. But yeah, I mean, I really had no clue how to help her out. I've got enough to spot her if she needs something immediately, but that can't keep up. Maybe we can rig something off the net." She chuckles.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

There is a moment of silence before he finally replies, "well that should be relatively easy to rig something up. Might take a couple of days to get her the needed materials for a job or something, but I think I can manage that. I'll see if I can whip something up in a little bit then."
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"I knew there was a reason I was attracted to you. You're just as devious as I am." He can tell she's grinning. "Shall I let you get to that, then?"
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Up to you there my dear. Is there anything else that we would need to go over before morning though? If so we should do so while we have the time and no prying ears and eyes."

He's smiling at the other end of the line as well, evident in his voice.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Mmm. Nothing I can think of. You've got your fancy duds for tomorrow night, right?" He can almost imagine the arched brow that accompanies that question.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Of course. I'm looking forward to it very much so."

There is another pause as he seemingly stretches himself before he adds, "alright then, get yourself some sleep then, and I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow morning."
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Breakfast it is," she replies with a smile, rolling over to set her alarm clock at the same time. "I'll see you there. Until then, sleep well and dream better." She made a kiss noise into the phone.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

"Will do, same for you. Love ya's and see you in the morning."

He too made a kissing noise into the phone, and then a moment later, the line hung up, leaving her to sleep if she was ready to.
Re: Room GD330 - Sho's room

Sho reached out and smacked her alarm clock. Why was she getting up this--Breakfast! Right! Tactical planning and espionage.

Rolling out of bed, she rubbed her eyes and headed for the shower. Contrary to most, a hot shower always helped wake her up as opposed to help her relax. Once she'd run enough water and soap over herself, she stepped out, stirring a warm breeze around herself to help dry off.

Throwing on some clothes, she pulled a comb through her hair before grabbing her trench and heading out the door for the cafeteria.