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Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 8) Abandoned Human Settlement
Secondary Biome: C) Magic Moon Rock

The Where: 3) Long distance from Birthplace
The Why: B) To start a new life away from the dangerous invaders!

Desires: 2) Desires to conquer any female he finds suitable, especially his own sister due to being so readily available / B) Desires to conquer her own brother, no matter what it takes
Dispositions: 4) Other: The King loves his Queen, but can't help find new ways to annoy her. / D) Other: The Queen dislikes her King's antics, but truly loves him.

Non-Royal Males Shape: 5) Monsterboy & Feral
Non-Royal Females Shape: 1) Monstergirl

The Invaders: 8) Butterflies
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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: GROVE
Secondary Biome: MAGIC MOON ROCK


Dispositions: / KINGO AND QUEENO LOVE LOVE DAISUKI. Can we make the queen a huge weeb? This thought amuses me.

Non-Royal Females Shape: ????????????????????????

Non-Royal Males Shape:
Non-Royal Females Shape: ALL TWO

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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: Abandoned Human Settlement
Secondary Biome: Magic Moon Rock

The Where: Long distance from Birthplace
The Why: To start a new life away from the dangerous invaders!

Desires: 2) Desires to conquer any female he finds suitable, especially his own sister due to being so readily available / B) Desires to conquer her own brother, no matter what it takes
Dispositions: 1) The King loves his Queen / A) The Queen loves her King

Non-Royal Males Shape: Monsterboy
Non-Royal Females Shape: Monstergirl

The Invaders: Humans
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 8
Secondary Biome: C

The Where: 3
The Why: B

Desires: 3 / C
Dispositions: 1 / A

Non-Royal Males Shape: 6
Non-Royal Females Shape: 1

The Invaders: 8

Bandwagoning on the Human settlement and magic rocks. The distance and reason for maximum prep time. Desires and dispositions means they like to share mates with each other. I like all three forms for males and I prefer more human females. Ants for crossbreeding and additional loyalty.
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 8 Abandoned Human Settlement
Secondary Biome: C Magic Moon Rock

The Where: 3 Far from birthplace
The Why: B To start away from danger

Desires: 3/B Desires any female, not opposed to sister/Desires her brother
Dispositions: 3/A Brother disdains the Sister/ Sister is unconditionally loves her brother.

Non-Royal Males Shape: 5 Monsterboy and Feral
Non-Royal Females Shape: 3 Both

The Invaders: 7 Moths, the fiends!
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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

For real though. Butterflies though.

Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 8
Secondary Biome: C

The Where: 2
The Why: C

Desires: 3/C
Dispositions: 1/A

Non-Royal Males Shape: 6
Non-Royal Females Shape: 3

The Invaders: 3
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 6) Mountains
Secondary Biome: B) Underground

The Where: 3
The Why: B

Desires: 1/A
Dispositions: 1/B

Non-Royal Males Shape: 4
Non-Royal Females Shape: 1

The Invaders: 5
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 6) Mountains
Secondary Biome: B) Underground

The Where: 3
The Why: B

Desires: 1/A
Dispositions: 1/B

Non-Royal Males Shape: 4
Non-Royal Females Shape: 1

The Invaders: 5
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 6) Mountains
Secondary Biome: C) Magic Moon Rock

The Where: 2
The Why: B

Desires: 3/C
Dispositions: 1/A

Non-Royal Males Shape:6
Non-Royal Females Shape: 3

The Invaders: 6
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Primary Biome: 2
Secondary Biome: c

The Where: 2
The Why: A

Desires: 2/A (noooo onii chan)
Dispositions: 4/D (King sees the Queen as nothing but his first brood cow / Queen resents getting taken as a brood cow. Expect a civil war between the two at some point)

Non-Royal Males Shape: 3
Non-Royal Females Shape: 3

The Invaders: 1
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Looks like I fell in a putz for a few days. It frankly shouldn't have been this hard to cough up a dumb update for this thing.

2nd Vote Results: Mountain, Magic Moon Rock, Far away from Birthplace, To start a new life, He might do Her, She wants to do Him, Mutual Love, All sorts of Males, Monstergirl Females(with rare Monstrous ones), Butterfly invaders

Primary Biome:
2) Grove: 2
6) Mountains: 3
8) Abandoned Human Settlement: 5

Secondary Biome:
B) Underground: 2
C) Magic Moon Rock: 8

The Where:
2) Moderate distance from Birthplace: 4
3) Long distance from Birthplace: 6

The Why:
A) To prepare for taking back what is rightfully theirs!: 1
B) To start a new life away from the dangerous invaders!: 7
C) Undecided, maybe even divided, on what to plan for!: 2
D) Other: 0

The King...?
1) Desires to conquer mates of his own, refusing to claim his sister no matter what: 3
2) Desires to conquer any female he finds suitable, especially his own sister due to being so readily available: 3
3) Desires to conquer any female he finds suitable, and would not be opposed to being his sister's first: 4

The Queen...?
A) Desires to conquer a suitable mate of her own choosing: 3
B) Desires to conquer her own brother, no matter what it takes: 4
C) Desires a mate, any will do, either of her own choosing or if her brother offers: 3

1) The King loves his Queen, what kind of love depends on previous votes: 7
3) The King dislikes his Queen, but they are destined to be together all the same: 1
4) Other: 2

A) The Queen loves her King, what kind of love depends on previous votes: 6
B) The Queen tolerates her King, out of necessity: 2
C) The Queen dislikes her King, but they are destined to be together all the same: 0
D) Other: 2

[Results: The King and Queen harbors deep mutual affection for one another. Neither is opposed to the idea of mating with eachother to establish their Hive, but it would be a little bit awkward at first for the King while the Queen is very much in favor of the idea]

The shapes of Non-Royal Males
1) Monsterboy: 1
3) Feral/Beast: 1
4) Monstrous Humanoid & Feral: 2
5) Monsterboy & Feral: 2
6) All three sorts: 4

The shapes of Non-Royal Females
1) Monstergirl: 5
3) Both: 5

[Result: Both sorts of Non-Royal Females, but Monstrous Humanoid ones will be very very rare and kept as human as possible regardless]

The Invaders
1) Humans: 2
3) Wasps: 1
5) Bees: 2
6) Spiders: 1
7) Moths: 1
8) Butterflies: 3

They had fled devastation. They had only barely scraped and clawed themselves away from the clutches of death. Death, in a thousand vibrant colors and bright lights of all the rainbows colors. And then some, no doubt. Tensions had always been high between their Queen and that of a nearby colony. Beetles and Butterflies were never meant to co-exist it would seem. Their Hive, now little more than dust in the wind, and long warred back and forth with their neighboring, brightly colored, flying neighbors for the pettiest of reasons. Their mother, their Queen, had wanted the shiny rocks the Butterflies had claimed since ages ago. It had been their mothers life-long obsession, and likely that of their grandmother as well... And it had resulted in nothing but grief for their Hive.

But the Twins knew better then continuing a pointless feud. They had fled devastation. They had fought of course; done all they could to protect their Queen like any proper Brood ought to do. But the moment their mother, their Queen, had been disintergrated by a blast of magic by the Butterfly Princess and turned into little more than colorful dust... They had escaped. All that now mattered to them, and had for the past tendays or so, was getting away from their birthplace. As the young Princess... Nay, young Queen, cradled herself against her brother's chest, now a young King, as the larger of the two carried them both away from the vibrantly colored death, neither of them spoke or really cared where they were heading towards... As long as it was away from the devastation they had barely escaped from.

Eventually She had succumbed to exhaustion in the arms of her brother, and He had simply continued to fly on. By the time the moon stood at its zenith, if hidden behind thick clouds, he had almost no light to guide him by the time his own exhaustion began to slow him down. A lone light in the distance, below the two of them, was like a pale blue beacon for his hazed mind and aching body. By the time he had descended enough to make out what he had found he no longer was in much state of mind to take note of the glowing rock he had came upon. It rested in a large hole in the ground. And it would likely remain there by the break of dawn. With naught but the buzzing of his winds to stir the quiet of the night, the young King made landfall near a large rock of some kind... Or was it a mound of many small rocks? As he curled up on the ground, his beloved sister tightly held against his carapace-armored chest, he stopped thinking about the rocks. His last thoughts were of his sister.

And then he too was embraced by the darkness.


He was roused by She, and She was awfully excited about something. Dawn had came, and went, with the sun now glaring down upon them both. She was smiling, the first time in twelve days now. She was also talking. A lot. And very fast. As He slowly eased himself upright, seated on the ground, She was still talking. "-any idea what this means?! We... we have found it! What our mother had always yearned for! And we... we just-" While the young King's mind had yet to fully awaken, his body was as alert as it always needed to be. She finally stopped talking as He grabbed onto her with all of his four clawed hands and pulled her down against his chest again. She felt how He wrapped his carapaced arms around her, over her back, and held her close. She didn't even need to make use of that clever head of hers before raising her own four arms to return the embrace. Her arms didn't quite reach entirely around him though, not like his did around her. That had never kept them from being close to one-another.

Nothing had ever managed to keep them separate from one-another, as they were born as Twins. At least in the sense that the Insectoid people used the term; Humans would find it an odd word to describe the paired King and Queen, given how vast of a difference there was in their appearances. But to Insectoids they were Twins by birth alone; an exceedingly rare occurence among the bug-like creatures.

He was close to ten feet of height, entire body covered in thick chitinous plating, and his head was very much that of a giant beetle. In fact, the young King in his entirety looked like a huge angry beetle that had decided to walk on its hind legs while using his four forelimbs to pummel things into the dirt with. An angry, enormous, beetle with opposable thumbs and wings strong enough to give him the capability of flight.

She on the other hand... The first impression one might have of her would be that of a young, powerfully built and eight feet tall, human woman. If still quite alien; partial coverage of chitinous carapace could be found on her, starting at her forehead as a crown-like growth with an intimidating horn that served as both protection and to hold back her ivory white and fluffy hair. Each of her four arms had chitin covering them starting at the elbows and continuing outwards to the tip of her claw-like nails, with her legs sporting similiar protection a by the knees and downwards that culminated in claw-toed feet. Her shoulders and upper back were armored, with the back plating being split along the middle and articulated as to open up and close down as needed; serving to protect her translucent wings that marked her as a Royal Brood. Nestled just above her rear were a smaller pair of articulated carapace that served to protect a small sac-like abdomen; so far dormant, but unlikely to be for long...

The quiet embrace, similiarly, was unlikely to last for long. And as much as She might have wanted to it was He that broke the silence, though not the embrace just yet. With a clicking, hollow-sounding, voice the young King spoke lowly, "Now, my Queen, can you explain again to me... what it is, that have you smiling once more?" He could almost see how the excitement was about ready to boil over again, but She did earnestly try to reign it in a little this time around. Her voice lacked the distinct clicking of her brother's own, and would sound more pleasing to human ears were they to hear her speak; it sounded much like any woman's voice, if a bit alien due to a small amount of hollowness to it. "My King, my brother... You found us something amazing! I am not certain, but..." There was a twinkle of excitement in her eyes that only had him smiling, as much as his mandibled maw could manage anyhow. "It might very well be what our mother had looked, and fought, for all her life. A shiny rock, that casts a pale light much like the moon itself... I can almost feel it radiate with magic just being this close to it."

He nodded slowly as She spoke, and what his sister had said rang true now that he thought about it; there was a... irregular feel to the air around them, as if humming with energies he could sense but not quite grasp the nature of. As the young King finally, if reluctantly, let go of his young Queen as to let them both rise together he would finally cast a cursory glance over their surroundings. Strange... He had never seen rocks with that shape before. Almost flat, sometimes square even, forming small dens of a sort? Most such structures close to the crater wherein the magic rock nestled were completely or partially destroyed though. Seeing her brothers confusion, She parted her back-shell and buzzed her wings; with a small hop the young Queen took to the air to hover a little above old rooftops. Following her example, He similiarly parted his back-shell, though the buzzing his wings made was far louder and kicked up more dust as he slowly ascended. "I think this was once a... a Hive of sorts, my King. I have only heard of Humans building them like this though..." She frowned a little bit, though not over the thought of humans. "They build so... poorly. Solid, sure, but they are terrible at making proper Hives like our kind does! Just too chaotic, with no rhyme or reason!"

The young King slowly nodded as She spoke, while He continued to observe their surroundings... No sound nor scent carried along the wind, and nothing caught his eyes... This place was deserted as far as He could tell. "This shall become our Hive." He spoke with authority and determination that had the young Queen startled at first. Her eyes widened as the implication of his words sank in. A new home! One that THEY would build together! Her wings buzzed more rapidly, more loudly and excitedly, and He could tell immediately how exciting such a prospect was for his darling sister... Though there would be plenty work ahead of them, but first they would have to consider how to go about getting their new home, their shared Hive, started.

[NOTE: Each of you get two votes for each of the following votes, but it should preferably be spent on two separate options! Any mono-vote will be counted as 1½ vote. IE Name of the King gets 1 vote for Option 1, but also 1 vote for Option 3, or 1½ vote for one of the options]

Name of the King?
1) Rayek
2) Klesk
3) Other

Name of the Queen?
A) Reyis
B) Sliska
C) Other

King's general personality/mannerism? (Might not be noticed much when interacting with Queen)
1) Ponderous & Collected
2) Irritable & Reckless
3) Commanding & Prideful
3) Other

Queen's general personality/mannerism? (Might not be noticed much when interacting with King)
A) Calculating & Methodical
B) Brash & Impatient
C) Curious & Energetic
D) Other

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive?
1) Both scout the immediate surroundings of their Hive-to-be, while also keeping eyes out for prospective mates
2) The two decide to mate first, and then scout the surroundings together until the Queen must return home to spawn her first Brood
3) The two decide to mate first, and then the King heads out to scout the surroundings while the Queen begins building the Hive
4) The two decide to mate first, and then begin to build up the Hive together for the time being
5) Other

Anything else...?
1) Other
[Basicly, feel free to add your own thoughts about where you'd like to see things go with this, or potential elements to include]
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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Klesk and Kairyi, sittin' in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G


Kairyi is A HUGE FUCKIN' WEEB. Which is basically C except she gets SUPER FUCKIN' HYPE about WEIRD, NICHE INTERESTS. Like HUMANS.


After which they scouted.
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Name of the King?
1) gets a 1½ i find it fitting (Rayek)

as for the queen
Name of the Queen?
B) gets 1½ as well since "I" think it fits her :3 (Sliska)

King's general personality/mannerism?
1) & 3)

Queen's general personality/mannerism?
A) & C)

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive?
1) & 2)
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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Name of the King?
1½ towards Rayek

Name of the Queen?
1½ towards Kairyi

King's general personality/mannerism?
1 towards Ponderous & Collected, 1 towards an other option (Kind & Dependable)

Queen's general personality/mannerism?
1½ towards Blarg's C

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive?
1 towards option 1, 1 towards option 2
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Name of the King: 1) Rayek

Name of the Queen: B) Sliska

King's general personality/mannerism: 3) Commanding & Prideful

Queen's general personality/mannerism:
is A HUGE FUCKIN' WEEB. Which is basically C except she gets SUPER FUCKIN' HYPE about WEIRD, NICHE INTERESTS. Like HUMANS.

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive: 3) The two decide to mate first, and then the King heads out to scout the surroundings while the Queen begins building the Hive

Anything else...?
Have sex on the magic rocks. Claim the queen and claim the land in one go!
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Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Kairyi is A HUGE FUCKIN' WEEB. Which is basically C except she gets SUPER FUCKIN' HYPE about WEIRD, NICHE INTERESTS. Like HUMANS.

I was going to not vote and just read this one, but this is so good that I put all my votes on this

Weeb queen go!
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Kings name 1) Rayek 1 ½
Queen name B) Sliska 1 ½
Kings personality 1 Ponderous and Collected 1 ½
Queens personality C) Curious and energetic 1 ½
Activities 1) Scout for mates and
2) decide to mate first
Nothing for other right now
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

Name of the King?
1 (Rayek)

Name of the Queen?
B (Sliska)

King's general personality/mannerism?
1) & 3)

Queen's general personality/mannerism?
A) & C)

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive?
1) & 2)
Re: Royal Life, Royal Strife: A Buggy CYOAS

King's Name: 1
Queen's Name: A
King Personality: 3
Queen Personality: D: Same as A but gets very excited when she finds something interesting

How will the Twins go about setting up their Hive?: 3