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[RP] Hot Spring Zone

Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser nods. "I see. Doesn't really matter who won I suppose. We all enjoyed ourselves, right?" He smiles, walking over to Sen. "Again, I'm sorry about before. I don't know what came over me to make me do that after I told you earlier I wouldn't..."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Just... Just... Don't do it again, ok? I don't think I'll be able to sit normally for the rest of the week. Sen replies, wincing. She does glance at Kaiser's cock as he comes over, but reminds herself that he probably won't be using it until he's had a chance to rest.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

He nods, blushing. "Right... Not until you've had more practice back there... Though knowing this place, that shouldn't take long." he chuckles, noticing her gaze wander to his hips, increasing his blush, then he sits down in the water as well, hiding it from view.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

So... do you know what's going to happen to you when you get to old to work here? Sen asks, not having any ideas for what to talk about.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"I'd imagine this place has something to keep us eternally young, like it does to prevent pregnancy. I have no idea though. Just speculation." he nods, leaning back against the edge of the pool, looking skyward before closing his eyes, looking quite relaxed. If anyone would look close enough, they could see the tip of his cock peeking out of the water.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Moving closer to Kaiser, Sen eventually lies her head down on his chest letting her long hair pillow out on his body. I guess they might have something worked out with nanites or magic. I only started watching some of the stuff from here recently, so I never really got a chance to see if the people aged. As she lies there, a few strands of Sen's hair fall down to tickle along the tip of Kaiser's cock.
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Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser puts his arm around her, gently nuzzling the top of her head, a faint shudder going through his body as he felt the silky stands caress his sensitive tip. He chuckles. "You seem so much different from when we met earlier today..."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

You mean the 'hello, let's fuck'? I kinda figured, you know, jump in head first and all that. Adjusting to stuff is supposed to be easier when you just plunge in without taking your time. Well, that and the fact that it's hard to act slutty when I'm tired and sore. Don't worry though, I'll be back up to my 'camera' face as soon as I get my rest. Sen replies with a sigh, letting a hand start to play around on Kaiser's stomach she eventually notice's his cock. How can you still be up for more after all that? You even passed out at the end.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser nods. "Yeah, I did didn't I... probably should have mentioned that as a slave, I've been forced to live on 3 hours of sleep a day. Every now and then it catches up with me..." he sighs, blushing in embarrassment. "As for being ready for more, I must be your first dragon. It takes a lot to really wear us out sexually." he chuckles, still petting her. "You don't need your camera face... It's cute no matter which one you've got on."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

At the comment of her looking cute, Sen does something completely different that what would be expected of her camera face: she turns and hides her face in Kaiser's chest blushing heavily. She then mumbles a response to what he had said earlier, I told you before: you're the first guy I've ever fucked or been fucked by, the only people willing to go out with a girl with tentacles before were girls, and from the stories I'd heard, most guys didn't even last long enough to get a girl off.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser holds back a laugh as Sen hides herself in his chest. "That just makes you look even cuter." he teases, tail stroking along one of her thighs. "Yeah, you did say that, but you might have been lucky to find someone who was both a male and female... Never mind though. You have male company here. And your stories... it really varies from person to person. It's a factor determined by both the guy and the girl."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Nyah! Sen says trying to burrow her face even further into Kaiser's chest in embarrasment, the hand on his stomach actually staying away from his cock for once. Male compa... I... you know there's a difference between the mindless sex like for the shows here and actually being with someone, right? I can do mindless sex. There are no strings attached and it's only about pleasure... companionship, though, it's more intimate... it... nyah! She finishes, squirming her head again.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"I suppose... I never really had the chance to learn the difference. It's always been 'mindless sex' for me." he sighs, cuddling her closer, suddenly seeming a bit depressed.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Sen catches the depressed vibe and soon Kaiser finds a pair of arms warpped around his chest in a hug even though Sen is still keeping her face to his chest. 'M sorry. Just starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, didn't figure I'd do more with anyone than just fuck 'em and drop'em.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser hugs back, sighing, but in a happier way. "It's all right. What made me and Mel different though, made you want to not just abandon us after you wore us out?"
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Mel was still holding me and seemed like she needed it, with you... I don't know, you were my first guy...? Sen says, not sure why she is treating him the way she is either. In the end she simply settles for lying there and hoping he can come up with an answer.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"Your first guy... I suppose that makes sense. I doubt I'll be your last though. Least if you stay here. I'm sure plenty of guys who frequent this place would love you and your tentacles..." he smiles, idly stroking along her backside.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Nyeep! She jumps slightly before settling herself a little, slowly she starts to make steady breathing sounds. Apparently having fallen asleep, her body starts sliding down Kaiser's sloped chest until her head is only held out of the water by his cock in her ear.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser smiles, laying the sleeping human off to his side, making sure she was well away from the risk of drawning, yet still in the warm water before exiting the pool, shaking himself dry much like a dog before spreading his wings and flying around, wanting to explore the rest of this place.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

A little ways off, Kaiser can see Melusine, melted back into a loose blue puddle, idly drifting in the hotspring near where Sen left her. A blob of his cum is still visible in her middle, smaller now as she slowly absorbs it.