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Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

Oooh. Sweet list.

My love of playing games like these is the whole reason I decided to make one. Nice to finally have a comprehensive list.

And just as a general notice, I don't care where my game is downloaded from, so long as people get to enjoy it.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

just sad tho that some great rpg games will never finish :(
now to talk about some good games and ma experiences with them :3 leaving out MGQ :3 i could not express in words how epic that game is

one of them being "monster girl island" i LOVE that game tho the hentai portion of it is iffy everything else (besides a certain building with sex slaves as i don't believe in slavery on any form or for any reason) i really loved :3
the story for this is you play a boy who was brainwashed from birth to belive that all monsters are evil which is not true.all monsters were transformed into sexy girls and were so popular with men that they would leave their wifes to be with the the"downside"(i dont agree with this)is that the baby will ALWAYS be a monster girl from that race(very rarely it can be born a boy which is called a incubus)so the human race is scared that they will go extinct(seriously it doesn't matter that's what pisses me off :/)so much discrimination happens against monsters given some are bad not ALL of them are.just liek humans.anyway the monster lord(blond sexy possible vampire)changes this curse so that boys can be born as well.
the church which is like the government in this world knows this but tells its people that the world will end if they get with monsters...leading to much uncalled for hatred
the point of the story is that your character loses his memory and learns that monsters are not all bad and ends up fighting for their cause as their are places in the world where people are not fooled by the church and live with monsters.
so your goal is a mix of finding a peaceful palce for monsters and humans to live together and or create peace.

Does Nyaa look terrifying or ferocious to you?
Nyaa?~ :3
umm...not really
indeed virgin island is a great game(excluding the natural things you cant avoid or could of been better including shitty endings like End 4)
but with high quality custume artwork.
a pretty good move list(tho sadly you mostly with only use maidens blade until you get to lvl 13 which gives you your strongest skill(if your still a virgin)

pretty tough to get started to need alot of grinding at the start on the south beach to get to lvl 5 so that you can do anything :3 but once you get to lvl 10+ it shouldn't be greatly hard excluding a few fights

story for this...your a virgin who is looking for treasure which leads you to meet a goddess who gives you a sword that powers up virgins and says she will grant you a wish if you find the other half of a certain stone.she honestly makes me think of saber from fate stay :3
well...with the amount of rape/slavery and general mistreatment to living beings that's in this i now am a little shamed to be part of the hentai community :(
when i heard one of the best games ever i was expecting something lovable :(
but alas..tho ignoring the "story"(hell im not sure what the really story is o.o)
the rpg system is awesome tho i still prefer turned based games its rather unique and awesome idea.
the artwork is also high quality and their seems to be quite alot of content
in terms of that tho i would guess as i have not played enough of either that queen opala has it beat tho on how much their is in the game. at least currently.
I LOVE DEBUG! :O i don't even care to legit play thru it! its so much fun to be able to just do w/e you want rather then spend countless hours on it! :3 i wish all good rpg games had a debug as sexy as this game does! :3

i really wish you could kill every single mail in the slave market :/...that's a load of crap that your to weak to do anything or that the capital wont do anything about it :/...also have the serious urge to hit some thing everytime i read the word whore >.> they are being forced...a whore is a girl that wants to have sex with people of her own free will with out having a relation ship also for money in some cases...(i can respect that they may need it and have no choice)

but i will be putting in on hold for serious play until everything is translated.
i may play thru on regular mode if that day ever comes,
Alone- Great artwork not the best (as i recall in my mind) but great regardless.
being able to be a saviour or a selfish doucebag is a nice turn so that both people that like being good and bad can get what they want.(when it comes to sex games i have to be good the bad path usually pisses me off)
but the choices in the actually effect how much certain characters like you.

the story goes that you are a divine(anyone that's a male)which also means that you have access to magic.and well the downside of this is that any girl you mean is pretty much forced to have sex with you as doing just about anything other then what you want sad as this is...is a crime punishable by death(they mention even touching a divine with out his consent is worth the death penalty)
as nice as that may sound. as it would be difficult for most people to understand...if your a male in prison you would not want to be raped by another guy correct? same idea here.
in this world its 99% girls probably even higher much higher so they have many female couples.
who really love each other could you imagine how wrong it would be to force these people to sleep with you because your a man and for no other reason at all(not like their is a legit reason :3)
that's just plain horrid. try to understand girls feelings people :(

also did not like misery tho the artwork was very high quality the slavery concept pisses me off to much. if they let you get revenge at some point and kill the doucebag master who will punish you for the hell of it not even if you did something wrong then i may re consider.
i spent more time just searching thru the pictures then playing it :3 sucks some are censored tho :( and most/all pictures look like their from online :3
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Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

Mega Vitamin - Beta 0.3 on track
highly recommended test this game
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

Great topic <3 :) just what i was looking for :)
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

hmm.. not a big fan of Legend of Queen Opala.. I really hate games that won't let you save except at specific save points.. can't even save in bed. Secondly the game is just too open with too many mazes basically with no quick way to get around. I also did not like having to spend all my gold in the beginning to buy the quest log.

No this one just did not draw me in I was getting bored too fast.. I did not even care to fight the battles they just felt pointless. Just a little too much RPG and too little story or H for my taste.

Things summarize that I did not care for I could tell developer put alot of work in this game but not to my taste.

1. Save points
2. Buying quest log
3. travel is too slow
4. Did not feel like leveling did not bring me any cool factor that most give like yeah I leveled
5. Too much non-linear for my taste.. most of the time I was doing pointless traveling trying to figure out what I should do
6. Over and hour in the game and no sexy scene at all


So unless you like alot of non-linear game play than avoid this one.. If you love linear game play with crafting and such than you will love this one.. Game too me felt more like work than fun for my taste.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

1.you can save anywhere you need the coin of saving found in the 1st city
2.nothing wrong with buying a log juts kill stuff for more money and exp for that matter)
3.i do wish you could run but its not needed thanks to the save crystals(theirs also a cheat that unlocks sprinting if you don't care about achievements)
4.if you don't like rpg games don't play them... playing a rpg game just for porn is retarded :/
5.anyone that h8s exploring should have a different hobby then video games .....
6.don't play games if that's all you care about...they are meant to mix them....

Was not criticizing developer he did a great job. But I am not the type of person that really was a big fan of Final Fantasy. This was more like Final Fantasy with too much openness without a clear path for my liking. I play a lot of RPG but I prefer ones with a bit more linearity for my taste not really the explorer type. I am a fan of the Tales of Vesperia type RPG games which was pretty direct on where to go next instead of me wondering around trying to understand what to do next.

With RTP Games I tend to go more for the story linear ones like Jenallia's Wrath and Monmusu Quest which was pretty clear where to go but still involved combat. The old game Knights of Xentar was really good too but again I was not wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out where to go next.

So my taste is in the more story driven games that direct you in a more linear manner than an open exploration type games. Prefer just to buy better weapons than have to gather material to craft them. But for the type of game it is the Developer did an excellent job I have to admit.

So far games I have played so far that I really liked haven't played most of these yet.

1. Adventures of Garnet (newest playing)
2. Jenallia's Wrath
3. Virgin Island (need more to be translated so I can play it more)
4. Xenoscourge

What other games is in this list that you would say out of this would you recommend for me with linear story driven game play being more my style?
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

What other games is in this list that you would say out of this would you recommend for me with linear story driven game play being more my style?

Harem is fairly linear, but with two paths intertwining the same direction. Not completely linear as you are very rarely railroaded from scene to scene, but there's usually one thing that has to be done at a given moment, sometimes with a sidequest of two available.

And yes, I'm recommending my own game.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

Also you totally have to clear out that one tower before you can go through the mines, even though it's the seer who tells you to clear out the tower and the mayor of the city doesn't say he won't let you through the mines until you do clear said tower.

Deliberately vague to avoid spoilerz.

It'll make sense when you get there.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

i see sorry if you took what i said last message the wrong way.
i was under the impression that you just did not like rpgs at all yet played them anyway :3

today i have been playing mega vitamin
and i thought it would be more interesting but dam lol...your stuck in one house,yard,barn and underground tunnel thru the whole game it seems i only played up to act 5 i think tho...and theirs not really much of a story other then living daily life and talking with your cousins to ask how their day is going lol...
i stopped playing after 30 or so minutes of looking for moss when i decided it was not worth it :3
and the hentai in is is mostly bestiality which is not my thing especially the scene with the monkeys that was discussing :3
also been playing conquest of avindale and i freaking love it...
1.i get to play as a girl
2.she has pink hair
3.she is a succubus
4.she can have a legions of demons,undead or monsters :3
5.theirs choices(good or bad)which can effect your corruption or redemption
6.the sex is interesting theirs almost no pictures the sprites act it out :3
7.theirs a beastery which not only tells you all their stats and how much xp and gold they give you but also thier weaknesses strengths attacks and you can fight them w/e u want but you get nothing for it :)
8.it seems at some point you can choose what creatures you can add to your army(to some extent)
9.at the start of the game you lose your full power and choose between a Aracane user or a Warrior(i choose Arcane)magic ftw! :3(bright side of magic is it has perfect if not high accuracy :3)
downsides(some may only apply to me)
1.monsters don't respawn after being killed so if your a fan of grinding for power like me.your hit :3
2.a good deal of stuff is not implemented yet better to w8 until a updated version to try it.
3.some areas and chests seem impossible to get such as ones in your dads house(may be able to get these if you pick the"good" option) or the port village
4.you get a ugly looking angler fish demon as a party member(i want females!)
5.after you enter the fishing dock city i have found no way to remove the robe you put on
6.their is no sprite for armor/clothing for your character so equipping means she will still be near naked(i think she has gold chains or something on her)
really looking forward to updates for this! :3
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Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

hmm.. not a big fan of Legend of Queen Opala.. I really hate games that won't let you save except at specific save points.. can't even save in bed. Secondly the game is just too open with too many mazes basically with no quick way to get around. I also did not like having to spend all my gold in the beginning to buy the quest log.

No this one just did not draw me in I was getting bored too fast.. I did not even care to fight the battles they just felt pointless. Just a little too much RPG and too little story or H for my taste.

Things summarize that I did not care for I could tell developer put alot of work in this game but not to my taste.

1. Save points
2. Buying quest log
3. travel is too slow
4. Did not feel like leveling did not bring me any cool factor that most give like yeah I leveled
5. Too much non-linear for my taste.. most of the time I was doing pointless traveling trying to figure out what I should do
6. Over and hour in the game and no sexy scene at all


So unless you like alot of non-linear game play than avoid this one.. If you love linear game play with crafting and such than you will love this one.. Game too me felt more like work than fun for my taste.

I'm pretty sure legend of queen opala was meant to be an actual RPG with just a bit hentai included not hentai with small bits of RPG included which means there was actual work put into the gameplay and story which made it an enjoyable game. LOQO was one of the first English Hrpg's I played and honestly if you are interested in actually playing a game not just fapping to it is worth checking out... if your looking to just stroke your ego and be done with the game That really is the worst possible game for you to be playing.

You must have missed a lot because you can see Hentai content in the first few minutes of gameplay if you know where to look for it there are hidden hentai images all over that world as well as the magical hentai man in a box. LOQO rewards you for searching around towns and maps to find all those hidden hentai images. Also one of the scenes require you to have Opala's mother ( can't think of her name off the top of my head ) in your party when fighting the giant squid boss to unlock another hidden hentai scene. LOQO is also quite linear if you follow what is going on in the story while talking to the majority of people to gather information you should be able to navigate around the map though early on the crossroads may confuse you. All in all the game isn't terrible but it is more of an actual RPG with hentai Easter eggs.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

agreed tho i have not get very far into it its quite a enjoyable experience with a good amount of skills(i am like lvl10-12 right now)but as a Rpg in itself not as a hentai game its quite fun.tho i would be lying of the occasional hentai did not make it better/me like it a little bit more :3

still looking for a 100% save for the 1st and second game :( someone must have it :(
i just want it for the images because to get some of the cg you have to make choices that you may not wish to make.
and currently working on a "good" playthru trying to make as many girls like me as i can(tho questionable as to why you don't lose standing when your willing to help the pervert) :3
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

agreed tho i have not get very far into it its quite a enjoyable experience with a good amount of skills(i am like lvl10-12 right now)but as a Rpg in itself not as a hentai game its quite fun.tho i would be lying of the occasional hentai did not make it better/me like it a little bit more :3

still looking for a 100% save for the 1st and second game :( someone must have it :(
i just want it for the images because to get some of the cg you have to make choices that you may not wish to make.
and currently working on a "good" playthru trying to make as many girls like me as i can(tho questionable as to why you don't lose standing when your willing to help the pervert) :3

You can't really get all the CG's in one playthrough even when you go Game+ mode due to the fact there are two possible events for some of the good and evil scenes. Umm I'm pretty sure your hero is the true pervert in that tale, sure all three of the ladies have some umm Tendency but atleast they aren't on a quest poking in every drawer, barrel and box looking for pictures of naked people. xD

I do have a save file for this game but it isn't nearly 100% complete i'd say more 70 - 75% as I don't have all the CG's am on Game+ and have beaten all the rare monsters, I missed the CG with the squid boss because I didn't know it was a CG till long after I killed the thing.

As for the second game I've beaten it but didn't spend all the next time to aimlessly look for missing items / collectables
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

thanks for the info did not know about the new game plus :3 if it was not for the grinding it would be much quicker lol...do you keep anything besides the cg?items, equipment, lvls
Garden high-this is another very boring game
you play as a high school girl who is about 17 years old and your brother and father are always trying to molest you(surprised they did not rape her yet...)
and your principle blackmails you.he is a drug addict who brought the school 250,000 into debt and expects you to pay it off because your the student council president :/...(so stupid lol...)
and if you don't he will make it so you cant attend another school for the rest of your life :/(as to why she doesn't just open her mouth and tell people is beyond me same with the train scene)
even ignoring all that theirs a few places where the game seems to crash at least for me.
1.talk to dad eat food he "rapes you" after that scene is does not load for me stays on a black screen and i can open up the menu)
2.once your finally able to go where you want going into the otaku clubs room completely froze the game.
another downside to this game is theirs dam near no dialog!pretty much nobody in the game says anything when you interact with them :(

Zauber wont let me use a controller :(
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

thanks for the info did not know about the new game plus :3 if it was not for the grinding it would be much quicker lol...do you keep anything besides the cg?items, equipment, lvls
Garden high-this is another very boring game
you play as a high school girl who is about 17 years old and your brother and father are always trying to molest you(surprised they did not rape her yet...)
and your principle blackmails you.he is a drug addict who brought the school 250,000 into debt and expects you to pay it off because your the student council president :/...(so stupid lol...)
and if you don't he will make it so you cant attend another school for the rest of your life :/(as to why she doesn't just open her mouth and tell people is beyond me same with the train scene)
even ignoring all that theirs a few places where the game seems to crash at least for me.
1.talk to dad eat food he "rapes you" after that scene is does not load for me stays on a black screen and i can open up the menu)
2.once your finally able to go where you want going into the otaku clubs room completely froze the game.
another downside to this game is theirs dam near no dialog!pretty much nobody in the game says anything when you interact with them :(

Zauber wont let me use a controller :(

Garden High
The story to that game sounds like the person who made it was the one with the drug problem. I remember playing that game and encountered similar bugs, I also got a bug that wouldn't let me leave the house or sleep... or do anything else for that matter after going home. It is a really early beta so you can't expect full functionality but it is a bit broken down/untested at least I hope it is untested..

You keep everything in Game+ but those super difficult monsters don't respawn can't remember if they are in the first playthrough or not but once you complete the game and have the chance to buy the end game items including a CG viewing item , monster information item and a Game+ mode item it will explain everything that game+ does its been a while since I played LOQO1 but pretty sure you keep everything when you go over to Game+

Didn't even know you could use a controller to play it shows how much attention I pay, the gameplay of that game is what made it fun for me didn't even care that much about the fact it is suppose to be a hentai game was to busy suffering from old dungeoncrawler nostalgia blasting monsters.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

thanks again :3
ya i use a ps2 controller to play most of the rpg maker games don't even have to set it up it just works from the start :3
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

hmm.. not a big fan of Legend of Queen Opala.. I really hate games that won't let you save except at specific save points.. can't even save in bed. Secondly the game is just too open with too many mazes basically with no quick way to get around. I also did not like having to spend all my gold in the beginning to buy the quest log.

No this one just did not draw me in I was getting bored too fast.. I did not even care to fight the battles they just felt pointless. Just a little too much RPG and too little story or H for my taste.

Things summarize that I did not care for I could tell developer put alot of work in this game but not to my taste.

1. Save points
2. Buying quest log
3. travel is too slow
4. Did not feel like leveling did not bring me any cool factor that most give like yeah I leveled
5. Too much non-linear for my taste.. most of the time I was doing pointless traveling trying to figure out what I should do
6. Over and hour in the game and no sexy scene at all


So unless you like alot of non-linear game play than avoid this one.. If you love linear game play with crafting and such than you will love this one.. Game too me felt more like work than fun for my taste.

Exactly what they said. This is an actual game with some pics and erotic texts as a reward. You will actually want to play it for its story than the artwork which is ofcourse awesome.
Also most of your problems exist cause you didnt explore or read the dialogs enough which explains to you what to do with details(quest log?).

today i have been playing mega vitamin
and i thought it would be more interesting but dam lol...your stuck in one house,yard,barn and underground tunnel thru the whole game it seems i only played up to act 5 i think tho...and theirs not really much of a story other then living daily life and talking with your cousins to ask how their day is going lol...
i stopped playing after 30 or so minutes of looking for moss when i decided it was not worth it :3
and the hentai in is is mostly bestiality which is not my thing especially the scene with the monkeys that was discussing :3

He has actually said in the info that this is more of a simulation than an rpg, but the characters are interesting and likable and i mean all of them,something pretty rare, also the artwork is awesome.
After day 6 you get to town and see way more stuff.Furthermore it will take you 2 hours max to do everything since he hasnt done many things yet.
Apart from that it has many bestially pictures and some are really disgusting "monkeys" bleh!
But i recommend this game to anyone who wants to explore and find secrets but dont want to fight and grind for levels.Did i say the artwork was awesome?!

I also think that i had somewhere an 100% western save for loqo I and II but i cant find it anywhere for the moment :eek:
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Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

i see,well i don't think the simulation concept as bad it just...did not work for me for that game.
agreed about the art tho
for the monkey scene the part with her nipples is what bothered me even more then the animals.that's what really turned my stomach...
i worry if something like that was realistic i would end up getting sick everytime i saw a real girl :(

would appreciate that save but if theirs a new game plus i guess i wont complain and if i feel like working on it i will :3
personally i want more pictures of the pink haired friend rather then the mother of opala and....(does anyone ever remember her sisters name)on that note
is their any point at all in making her relationship with you higher?i mean shes only into girls right? o.o
given i plan to make her like me as much as possible 1st playthru regardless i was just curious :3

would like to note that its saddening that i have a negative rep on this site when all i did was ask a few questions and state my opinion on games ive played :/
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Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

i see,well i don't think the simulation concept as bad it just...did not work for me for that game.
agreed about the art tho
for the monkey scene the part with her nipples is what bothered me even more then the animals.that's what really turned my stomach...
i worry if something like that was realistic i would end up getting sick everytime i saw a real girl :(

would appreciate that save but if theirs a new game plus i guess i wont complain and if i feel like working on it i will :3
personally i want more pictures of the pink haired friend rather then the mother of opala and....(does anyone ever remember her sisters name)on that note
is their any point at all in making her relationship with you higher?i mean shes only into girls right? o.o
given i plan to make her like me as much as possible 1st playthru regardless i was just curious :3

would like to note that its saddening that i have a negative rep on this site when all i did was ask a few questions and state my opinion on games ive played :/
None of the characters in LOQO are only into girls well atleast not Opala, mother and sister. As depending on which side you choose you can sleep with any of them. I can never for the life of me remember any of their names other then Opala...You can't get her relationship very high till you become a villain as her goals include enslaving her sister and mother. Once you beat the game you can do whatever you please with any of them after invitng them to your house ( That run down house in town you can buy). There are a lot of hidden things and additional maps you can locate in that game so it should keep you busy for more then a few hours.
Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

thanks again :3
ya i use a ps2 controller to play most of the rpg maker games don't even have to set it up it just works from the start :3

You could use MotioninJoy for the PC I use it for my PS3 Controller as it will allow me to remap buttons to keyboards so even games that do not support controllers will work with it.

Re: RPG Maker English Games Repository

Harem is fairly linear, but with two paths intertwining the same direction. Not completely linear as you are very rarely railroaded from scene to scene, but there's usually one thing that has to be done at a given moment, sometimes with a sidequest of two available.

And yes, I'm recommending my own game.

Yeah I forgot to add yours to my like list that I played.. anxiously awaiting the next release.

Now my opinion on Naked Order...

Ok this game to me is poor I do not see what anyone sees in it.. poorly done.. tells you to go up to third floor yet you can't view a map of the school when you should already know the school.. Guard sees you does not even have to catch you just sees you and you lose.. The npcs see you through buildings. Supposedly crawling makes you not be able to be seen from 1 hex.. what a laugh they see you from more than that.

If this game was done with more care with more of a Assassins Creed feel this could of been a great game.. I was expecting a game where you sneak around to accomplish the orders but instead you run and run and try to avoid getting caught than when you finally reach the building goal. You have to than NOT get seen by the NPC's in the building because if you do it's over no chance to run it's just plain over. Oh and if you fail it's over you do not get another chance to do that mission. So you run around lost in a labyrinth for a building just hoping your luck does not let you be seen.

This is one of them poorly thrown together games to be able to sell but not worth the time to play.
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