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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Anyone can submit a picture of their nipple by messaging me and i will put it up here in a thread all of its own.

people then have to guess who's nipple it is.

Prizes for people who guess correctly may and or may not exist (by whim), as do prizes for people who submit nipples (by requisition).

it is completely within the rules to disguise your own nipple and have two threads about it (I will still know obviously), however you are not allowed to use someone else's nipple, computer enhancements or appearance altering drugs.
Re: Rules

Do we guess in the thread or in PMs?
Re: Rules

I suppose in the thread, as it promotes discussion about nipples.
Re: Rules

Mommy, how come my nipple looks different from everyone elses?

..no I mean seriously, I get a lot of chest/nipple hair, do all ya'll shave or something?
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No I tried that. How do you think I became Toxic
Re: Rules

How do you think I became Toxic

I always assumed you ate tampons and drank toxic waste like soda pop, and the dead fetuses with the toxic chemicals merged with your DNA, causing you to become Toxic Shock, with a mask and a cape.
Re: Rules

Damn that RJ, he figured it out. Both nipples are mine. Point 1 is obviously my right nipple, Point 2 is obviously my left.

And no, I don't wear masks, so ha!
Re: Rules

Can we revive this game now?
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Well... In order to do that... We need another nipple!
Re: Rules

Umm... did anyone ever actually guess Point 3 right, or is that still technically going?
Re: Rules

This game turned out to be a great idea that was ruined by extremely quick correct guesses. Every one of them was guessed within the first or second guesses, including the deleted "point 4" thread.
Re: Rules

Hence kusunagis title as chief nippleseer