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RuneQuest Campaign Information Thread

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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This will be broken up into multiple posts, with the information as follows:

I. Introduction and FAQs
II. Major Factions, Guilds, and Cults
III. Playable Non-Human Races
IV. Example Characters
V. Languages List
VI. Map-ish stuff

System Information:


Q1. For non-humans, can I choose something not in the Common Background or Common Professions list?
A1. Yes. While I may ask for you to justify it with character history, those are just what's common, not what that race is restricted to.
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Re: RuneQuest Character Generation Information Thread

Major Factions, Guilds, and Cults:

Factions: Coming Soon

Guilds: Coming Soon

Cults: Under Construction

NOTE: Membership in one of these cults is NOT required to find, gain, or use associated runes or skills. Associated runes are just easier to obtain from a cult, and trainers for associated skills are more likely to be found or cost less for cult members.

Solari (Light Deity)

Favored Weapon: Great Sword
Cult Type: Sun
Cult Runes: Man, Light, Truth
Cult Skills: Evaluate, Influence, Perception, Healing, Oratory

An extremely popular deity among humans, Solari's cult promotes order, community, healing and a fair amount of related positive traits. Recently, however, a movement has started in the faith towards a more aggressive stance, including a harder, perhaps more extreme, stance towards rooting out and punishing secret worshipers of Ulgeth. This has lead to a few incidents when well-standing folk were tried as Ulgeth worshipers on perhaps somewhat uncertain evidence.

Arlath (Air Deity)

Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Cult Type: Air
Cult Runes: Air, Infinity, Magic
Cult Skills: Perception, Artistic Expression, Lore, Streetwise, Survival

Patron of explorers and discoverers, Arlath tends to have few true temples. Then again, most of his followers tend to stay on the move, looking for new knowledge to uncover. Perhaps it is unsurprising, then, that wizards and students of sorcery are often counted among his faithful.

Solrissa (Water Deity)

Favored Weapon: Glaive
Cult Type: Water
Cult Runes: Water, Cold, Trade
Cult Skills: Boating, First Aid, Courtesy, Dance, Shiphandling

Primarily worshipped by sailors, dancers, and others who enjoy a certain fluidity of movement, Solrissa's faithful also promote the efforts of healers.

Skorgrim (Fire Deity)

Favored Weapon: War Hammer
Cult Type: Fire
Cult Runes: Fire, Metal, Stasis
Cult Skills: Persistance, Resilience, Craft, Engineering, Mechanisms

Skorgrim is known as a patron to those who work with metal and stone. Unsurprisingly, he is a highly popular among the Dwarves, and even non-Dwarven art tends to portray him as one. However, any who work with metal and stone, support craftworks, or are willing to defend those who do, are welcomed by his followers.

Erissae (Earth/Nature Deity)

Favored Weapon: Shortbow
Cult Type: Hunter
Cult Runes: Earth, Beast, Movement
Cult Skills: First Aid, Perception, Stealth, Survival, Tracking

The usual nature deity, Erissae is worshiped mostly by those who must live off the wilds, or those who work the earth. Centaurs, Elves, and Halflings tend to gravitate towards this faith.

Malaris (Shadow Deity)

Favored Weapon: Dagger
Cult Type: Night
Cult Runes: Darkness, Moon, Illusion
Cult Skills: Acrobatics, Sleight, Stealth, Disguise, Streetwise

Perhaps one of the oddest of the better known faiths, the followers of Malaris tend to promote secrecy and thievery, yet also promote the night as a time for rest and healing. Many among the faith have come bear a dislike for undead, assassins, and treachery, the latter two an oddity perhaps. Also recently, the cult as a whole has begun turning resources towards locating followers of Ulgeth, with apparently the intent of exposing them.

Ulgeth (Psycho Deity) {Restricted}

Favored Weapon: Ball and Chain
Cult Type: Chaos
Cult Runes: Chaos, Disorder, Infinity
Cult Skills: Resilience, Unarmed, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon, Ranged Weapon

Little is known about the cult following the deity known as Ulgeth, save for the fact that most of those suspected of being cult members ended up becoming hyper-violent, raving madmen. From certain observations of suspected cultists, it is believed that a central tenet of the faith is a prohibition on working with those outside of the faith.

Ersha (Death Deity)

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Cult Type: Death
Cult Runes: Spirit, Death, Fate
Cult Skills: Perception, Persistence, Resilience, Lore, Survival

Known primarily for their beliefs in the proper order of life, followers of the death goddess Ersha are surprisingly diplomatic. There's also three known sects of the faith, one focused on proper care of the body upon death, one focused on understanding the state of undeath, and one devoted to properly containing the more "mindless" examples of the undead, while attempting to recruit those of a more intelligent variety. The last also operates primarily as a military arm whenever Ulgeth worshipers begin trying to raise undead armies for destruction and chaos.
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Re: RuneQuest Character Generation Information Thread

Playable Non-Human Races: Under Construction

HOUSE RULING: All non-human characters are allowed to roll an additional die for each stat, and then drop the lowest die.


Characteristics are rolled as follows:

STR: 3d6+6
DEX: 3d6
CON: 3d6+3
SIZ: 4d6+12
INT: 2d6+6
POW: 3d6
CHA: 3d6

Movement: 6m
Starting Age Range: 25-40

Right Hind Leg: Leg HP
Left Hind Leg: Leg HP
Hindquarters: Abdomen HP
Forequarters: Abdomen HP
Right Fore Leg: Leg HP
Left Fore Leg: Leg HP
Chest: Chest HP
Right Arm: Arm HP
Left Arm: Arm HP
Head: Head HP

Damage Modifer: STR x2, STR+SIZ while kicking, charging, or attacking with lance or longspear.

Common Backgrounds: Barbarian, Nomad (Temperate)
Common Professions: Bard, Hunter


Characteristics are rolled as follows:

STR: 4d6
CON: 2d6+12
DEX: 2d6
SIZ: 1d6+6
INT: 2d6+6
POW: 3d6
CHA: 3d6

Movement: 3m
Starting Age Range: 50-80
Special Traits: Earth Sense, Dark Sight
Earth Sense - May fight and make Perception checks against targets within 10m if in total darkness.
Dark Sight - May treat pitch black conditions as normal darkness.

Common Backgrounds: Civilised, Noble, Townsman, Wizard's Apprentice
Common Professions: Blacksmith, Craftsman, Knight, Merchant, Miner, Thief, Wizard


Characteristics are rolled as follows:

STR: 2d6+3
CON: 3d6
DEX: 3d6+6
SIZ: 2d6+3
INT: 3d6+6
POW: 2d6+6
CHA: 3d6

Movement: 5m
Starting Age Range: 100-150
Special Trait: Life Sense
Life Sense allows a Perception test while touching someone to determine their current Hit Points, level of Fatigue, and whether or not said target is currently poisoned or diseased.

Common Backgrounds: Barbarian, Civilised, Noble
Common Professions: Bard, Craftsman, Farmer, Knight


Characteristics are rolled as follows:

STR: 2d6
CON: 2d6+9
DEX: 2d6+9
SIZ: 1d6+3
INT: 2d6+6
POW: 2d6+6
CHA: 3d6

Movement: 3m
Starting Age Range: 35-50

Common Backgrounds: Civilised, Townsman
Common Professions: Craftsman, Farmer, Herdsman, Thief
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Re: RuneQuest Character Generation Information Thread

Example Characters: Coming Soon

For the first example I'll do up, a human character will be made:

Thus to start with, stat gen.

After rolling, the stat numbers generated are 17, 14, 13, 11, and 9 for the 4d6s, with 18 and 15 for the 2d6+6s.

Assigned as follows:

STR: 13
CON: 11
DEX: 17
SIZ: 15
INT: 18
POW: 9
CHA: 14

Deriving the Attributes from that, we get the following:

CA: 3
DM: +1d2
Left Leg: 6
Right Leg: 6
Abdomen: 7
Chest: 8
Left Arm: 5
Right Arm: 5
Head: 6
MP: 9
SR: 17 (17.5, unrounded)

Now, to figure Basic Skills:

Acrobatics 17
Athletics 30
Boating 13
Dodge 12
Driving 19
Evaluate 18
First Aid 18
Influence 24
Lore (Animal) 18
Lore (Plant) 18
Lore (World) 18
Perception 27
Persistence 19
Resilience 20
Riding 26
Sing 14
Sleight 17
Stealth 12
Throwing 17
Unarmed 13
All Close Combat 30
All Ranged 17

Now, for the Background and Professions:

For this example, Nomad (Temperate) and Tracker are going to be chosen, resulting in the following changes:

Athletics +10
Lore (Animal) +5
Lore (Plant) +5
Lore (World) +15
Perception +10
Resilience +5
Riding +10
Stealth +5
1H Hammer +10
1H Sword +5
Dagger +10

Language (Native) 68
Lore (Regional) 28
Survival 37
Tracking 28

400 SP

Now, for the free skill points:

Engineering 18
Dodge +30
Persistence +30
Resilience +30

Next, the finishing touches:

Movement: 4m
Hero Points: 2
Age: 24

And Equipment:

Light Mace
Leather Shirt
Leather Trews

Which, when taken all together, gives us a character, named Matt in this example:

Name: Matt
Background: Temperate Nomad
Profession: Tracker

STR: 13
CON: 11
DEX: 17
SIZ: 15
INT: 18
POW: 9
CHA: 14

CA: 3
DM: +1d2
Left Leg: 6
Right Leg: 6
Abdomen: 7
Chest: 8
Left Arm: 5
Right Arm: 5
Head: 6
MP: 9
SR: 17

1H Hammer 40
1H Sword 35
Acrobatics 27
Athletics 30
Boating 13
Dagger 40
Dodge 42
Driving 19
Engineering 18
Evaluate 18
First Aid 18
Influence 24
Language (Native) 68
Lore (Animal) 23
Lore (Plant) 23
Lore (Regional) 28
Lore (World) 33
Perception 37
Persistence 49
Resilience 55
Riding 36
Sing 14
Sleight 17
Stealth 17
Survival 37
Throwing 17
Tracking 28
Unarmed 13
All Close Combat 30
All Ranged 17

Movement: 4m
Hero Points: 2
Age: 24

Light Mace
Leather Shirt
Leather Trews
44 SP
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Re: RuneQuest Campaign Information Thread

The following list gives the names for the languages in the campaign world, or at least commonly used names, as well as who is likely to use them.

Haven - Local human common tongue, named after the primary human capital. Used throughout most human settlements in the region, as well as the halflings' primary language.

Kezar - Dwarven language.

Rissae - Elven language, also used by the Centaurs as well as the followers of Erissae for their services.

Arlathic - Used by the nomads, as well as by Arlath's followers for their services.

"Eastern Common" - Used as the common tongue among those human settlements living in far eastern lands.

Trade Common - Created language used by traders, merchants, sailors, and ambassadors.

In addition, each faith has its own language that is believed to have come from their deity. In two cases, this has passed into more common usage. The remaining are:

Solis - Solari's faith
Olrisae - Solrissa's faith
Skoric - Skorgrim's faith
Shaedriss - Malaris' faith
Naedric - Ersha's faith

The "faithful" language of Ulgeth's faith is unknown.
Re: RuneQuest Campaign Information Thread



Western orange area: Dwarven lands, primarily mountainous. Also contains a few desert areas. Kezar-Kharûm is located here.

Dark green area: Forested area known as the Deep Woods.

Light green area: The Kingdom of Hawkwind. Major human lands.

Northwestern goldish area: Grand Haven, capitol city of Hawkwind.

Red area: Light's Point, major city of Hawkwind.

Central brown area: Lands desolated during recent major demon invasion.

Purple area: Unclaimed wild lands.

Light blue area: Arctic and tundral lands.

Light orange area: Grasslands and steppes.

Northeastern dark brown area: Lands controlled by Darkholme.

Silver area: Skywind, major independent port.

Blue islands (Southeastern part, small and difficult to see): Outposts controlled by Eastern trade interests.

For more information on specific locations:

Hawkwind: Major Human Kingdom, under severe strain since the late demon invasion and recently embroiled in a civil war started over religious issues.

Grand Haven: Hawkwind capitol city, site of Castle Hawkwind and the High Sun Cathedral, a major temple to Solari. Major city with a Major Temple to Solari, minor temples to Malaris, Skorgrim, and Arlath, as well as shrines to Erissae, Solrissa, and Ersha. (Campaign starting point.)

Light's Point: Major city, site of Dawn's Light Cathedral, a major temple to Solari. Origin point of the Blazing Dawn Crusade, an extremist sect of the Solari faith. Flashpoint for the civil war.

Kezar-Kharûm: Dwarven capitol city, site of the Eternal Forge, a major temple to Skorgrim.

Skywind: Called "the Freeport". Independent city, considered the main seat of the Alrath faith. Site of the Grand Plaza, a major temple to Arlath. Also site of the Celestial Pond, a major temple to Solrissa. Minor temples to Skorgrim and Erissae. Shrines to Solari, Malaris, and Ersha.

The Deep Woods: Home to the Elves. Site of the Grand Conclave, a major temple to Erissae.

Darkholme: Major city considered the seat of the Ersha faith, site of the Great Necropolis, a major temple to Ersha.
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