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ACT [ rusimarudou] [ るしまる堂] HENTAI EATER / エロイーター (RE113831) (RJ113831)

Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

I'm not sure why but I am really interested in this game. Has there been some sort of release date or something like it announced?
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

10/10 would (will) fap again. But seriously, this demo alone has me excited for the full game, this one looks like it'll be a really good one!

Wishing I could play this but when i boot it up im just getting a bunch of read errors in the in-game window. I've got aplocale set up to japanese settings, running XP. any suggestions? not exactly the most tech savy when it comes to jap locale settings and games like this.

I had this same problem. Try changing the names of the game/folder. I changed both and it started working for me again.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

There is one already..the giant, halfway through the demo. Seems like he has more than one attack and one of them is a sex grab.

Thanks for the notice,i should have just dragged the fight a little longer than just charming the heck out of the poor sod...But still that guy is sort of a mini boss...

To balance this game out the ordinary enemies should also have some rape attacks instead of just blindly trying to smash the main char(i can't really fathom why the enemies try to do so instead of trying to rape her instead which would be more logical and productive).

@sureaboutthis: Do futas really have any weaknesses?
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Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Anyone else getting weird graphical glitches during some of the walking and sex animations? The girl seems to create 4 clones of herself and they all get extremely slim. I assume that the glitch is that all of the frames for one animation are being smooshed into the sprite size box.

This happens on afew ofther games as well, such as Ki's Quest.

Anyone know of anything like this?

Since you mentioned Ki's Quest I presume you are on Windows XP?
That can be the problem if this game done with Action Game Maker.

I like the game. Sex grabs look a bit strange though. Movements look kinda jerky. It's too easy to blast through levels without being hit once. Overall seems like a nice platformer.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Awesome for a demo, My only proper complaint is that I see he's tried to put lots of effort into the graphics quality but to be honest it just makes it difficult to see what you can stand on and what you can't, and what will get in your way when to try to walk forward etc.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Looks like there is a boss preview on the blog, unsure if it is in the demo or a preview of full game.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Just letting everyone know that the demo has been upgraded to v1.02. Includes a system to earn extra lives, one new enemy, and stage intro titles.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Played the demo and this game looks awesome! The dick tail i'm guessing is just for the bosses, maybe there'll be female enemies around, who knows, i think it's cool, the catgirl final animation looked great. Btw, the distance you are from the enemy when you charm them affects whether he dash at you or fall (close = fall). Some enemies don't dash or don't fall. Didn't play it that much since i rather wait for the full game, but i think the gorilla and the dog don't fall, and the goblin in the trees doesn't dash.

I thought the lack of fluids disappointing, but looking through his blog i think it's just because it's a demo. Anyways, excellent find...now wait until aprox. august...
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

As it stands you can just run past everything which is a little silly but maybe that will become more difficult later on.

A lot of the animations aren't complete or lining up properly atm (The cyclops has problems with both of his animations I believe, bat on the ground's dick doesn't enter the Succubus properly, plant animation is wonky.) as well as the fact that you can't see the ape animation very well because of the grass.

The bat oral animation (Which would be one of my favorites) is far too short, infact most the animations are. The default animation lengths should be much longer since you can speed them up with button pressing for those who want to enjoy them. It's also a little weird that you can charm through obstacles and makes the dog enemy far too easy as he always seems to be trapped past a rock. The venus fly traps are a bit slow to respond.

Right now I'm surprised by how easy this is for a Jap side scroller. Maybe a lot of this is because the game is still unfinished, I hope so because it could be really good if all these problems are just that the game is unpolished. He may just be new to animating, it seems like he may need some practice smoothing things out judging by his site. The diversity with animations is great and the game has some promise right now to be a pretty good casual game, I look forward to seeing it progress anyways.
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Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

New video shows off collectable items, new enemies, maybe an intro cutscene you get if you leave the main menu open long enough.

It looks like you get a 1UP at 66 cum points?
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

I think this game could use a little voice and cum animation in it
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

I think this game could use a little voice and cum animation in it

Well it is possible that there will be some in the full game(Cum that is)...As it looks now it is either omitted just from the trial,or it hasn't been done at all so we won't be seeing any splurting even in the full game...Note that this is all just my guessing.

About voice acting i'm not sure...
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Wanted to mention about the goblins, there is actually yet ANOTHER scene for them if you can charm 3 of them at once, as well as 2 at once. This can be done in the very first area. Now to try and see if there's any situation where I can get 4 at once.

Also, I saw mention that there is an oral animation for the bat, which I have been unable to get after repeatedly trying. All I get are the two cowgirl positions and then doggystyle with the bat.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

It doesn't even have cum animations, it's not worth the time taken to download it.

I mean, you can form your own opinion and all that, but yeah.

Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

It doesn't even have cum animations, it's not worth the time taken to download it.

I mean, you can form your own opinion and all that, but yeah.


It is actually very well animated, an actually good GAME, and pretty damn sexy. I'd say it gets a 3/3 on what an Hgame should have.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

Because no self respecting Succubus would ever allow herself to waste a drop.
Re: Erotic Eater. a Succubus game

That does say an august release right.