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Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]


Dec 9, 2008
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Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Race: Human

Bio: Ryu was the son of the head of Hikaratsu Tech, a prodigous company with an iron grip on the technology economy. Ryu had always been rather lazy, and his father knew this. Surely such a lazy son was unfit to take control of the company should he have to! Then he got the idea to talk with some of his less.... admirable friends, having Ryu get kidnapped and put into their "game", which he was assured would turn him into a real man.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Ryu wakes up in a damp and dark dungeon, the only thing he can hear is some groaning coming from the corner of the room and in front of him theres a small case. Ryu's clothing have been stripped to the point he is down to just a pair of boxers. The noise once he looks upon it more there is a human figure in the shadows, moving around rapidly but what its doing is unknown.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk} {Approach Person} {Take/Open Case}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu shakes his head, cursing loudly in his head. Where the hell was he? Last he knew... he had just settled down for a nap. Maybe he was dreaming? With that thought in mind, he pinched himself, a tingle of pain easily felt. Nope, this was real. His eyes immediately fall on the case in front of him, and he tries to open it to see what was inside.

((Take/Open case))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Ryu fiddles with the case and opens it to find a small blue wristband that sits in the middle of the case. Obviously it was of some importance but what a wristband could be of importance was unknown. As soon as you examine the item in the case you hear the groaning noise stop and the figure approached Ryu, it was obviously a female as Ryu could make out her breasts and the fact she was completely nude didn't hurt that observation. Her inner thighs were dripping with juices that could only be assumed to be what the groaning was about.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk To Her} {Wear Wristband(can use it with another action)}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu decides the wristband looks rather stylist and puts it on, turning to the woman. His face turned a shade of red quickly when he saw she was completely nude, but he still managed to speak. "Errr... hello. Are you alright?"

((Wear wristband + talk))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Ryu had gotten no responce but she stared at him for a few moments as if trying to think of something to say or she was just trying to figure out what he was saying. The second her stare broke from him, it moved down to his crotch and the next thing he knew, she had leapt towards him but missed grabbing him. It wasn't obvious if she just couldn't speak or if she didn't want to but either way she didn't move her lips more than to lick them.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Try To Talk To Her Still}

(All guy's dream...naked girls jumping at him XD)
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

"H...hey! What are you doing!?" he yells out at her, a bit nervous at her licking her lips, but more worried about why she had tried to pounce him. He kept a wary eye on her, trying to keep his distance as he waited for a response.

((Try talking again))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Clinged To(Pinned)

Ryu yet again got no responce but this time the female leapt and succeeded in wrapping her arms around him tightly, her arms around his neck and her body pressed up tightly against his. Her breasts pushing against his chest. It was rather obvious of what she wanted by the way she acted and the way she pressed her body against Ryu, it was no doubt she was after one thing.

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Try To Talk Her Out Of Wanting You}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu blinks and blushes further as he realizes what she's after, and since she never even gave him a response, his mind came to 1 conclusion. She must be a zombie of some sort! While still in her grasp, he pulls his leg back, then thrusts it upward, attempting to place his knee in her gut. "Sorry, but my body isn't yours for the taking just yet."

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Clinged To(Pinned)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][87-25=62]}
Ryu's brute forced knee to her gut sent her flying back away from him with a groan, whether it was a groan of pain or annoyance was yet to be seen. Though she stood up on shakey legs and went lunging at him again, successfully wrapping her arms around him once more and pushing her body even tighter to him this time, trying to keep him latched in her grip so she could take him or if he preffered take her.

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu was a bit impressed by her persistence. Or maybe it was just her single minded desire to screw him. He wasn't sure. As she took hold of him again, he let out a sad sigh, this time bringing his head back, then bashing it forward in a headbutt strait at hers.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][62-32=30]}
Ryu's headbutt sent her falling to the ground and her head was spinning to the point she didn't even make a lunge for him this time. Though her eyes once her mind settled some did resettle onto his crotch, obviously, thinking back to her one great desire.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu sighs again as she's sent to the ground, taking some steps back. "I really don't want to hurt you. Can't we just talk about this?" He asks, almost pleadingly, choosing not to attack as long as she didn't.

((Wait ( + talk? ) ))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][30]}
Ryu's words seemed to jolt her off staring at his crotch and she looked up into his eyes but she didn't say anything. She seemed as if she couldn't even talk or maybe forgot how to by how she was acting. Though her eyes remained focused on his.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Continue To Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu kept his distance, staring her down a bit. He decided to talk to her a bit more before he dismissed her as a zombie and tried to finish her off. "Can you speak at all?" he asked politely. "Or if you can't, can you at least shake your head? Or somehow let me know you're setinent?"

(Continue talking))
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][30]}
Ryu's words seemed to affect her some as she tilts her head and almost like she is having a seizure she shakes her head, it seems like she twitches but its the best responce Ryu would get from such a mindless sex crazed creature.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Continue To Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu looks sad as she shakes her head. The best thing he could do for her was end her suffering. Or at least knock her out. Slowly, he approached her again. Then he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "I'm sorry." he said sadly, aiming an elbow to her head.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][30]}
The softer eyes of the crazed human slowly shifts to an angered look as she sees him go to elbow her and before he can do any damage to her she rolls out of the way and tries to grab his wrists to pull him into another clingy pin but he pulls his arms back before her grasp could take hold.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu growled at her attempt to grab him. He had been trying to do her a favor. Give her a quick, hopefully painless release. But no. She seemed to still want to struggle. After escaping her grasp, he aims a kick at her gut, right where his knee had gone earlier.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned (Clung to)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][30-7=23]}
The female took his kick to her stomach hard and fast. She held her stomach and stared at him in a manner that her eyes showed she was pissed off. She took another lunge at him and literally took a leapt onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She was determined, that was for sure.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu squirms as she latches around him, part of him getting rather aroused by now. How could he not, having started at her naked form for so long, as well as her continual desire to screw him? Despite this though, he pulled his head back, against ehr hands, then lunged it forward in another headbutt.

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