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Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Being Raped (By Crazed Girl)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][23]}
The female used her body and his momentum of throwing his head forward to knock him over and then roll over on top of him. She used her hands quickly opening the small opening in his boxers and like she would die if she didn't get it, she slammed down on it and started to ride his member hard and fast. With each slam down she let off a loud moan.

{Give In} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack}

(and read my edit above for the free thing XD. :p and as for this one...determination ftw! :p XD)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

((Determination ftw indeed.... and kindness ftl >_> ))

Ryu's body quivered as she rode him, his member hardening almost immediately inside of her. He would moan almost in unison with her, his arm shaking a bit as he aimed a punch at her chest, hoping the sex she so craved would reveal a lapse in her defenses.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130-1=129]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Being Raped (By Crazed Girl)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][23]}
The female continued to pound hard onto Ryu's hardened member, leaning down to give him a long passionate kiss, her pelvis started to rotate his member inside of her and even squeezes her muscles inside to squeeze on Ryu's member. It not only rotated his member around her hot and warm wetness but squeezed it, it was obvious she was wanting to feel his member release inside her. All of her constant distractions made him slip up and forget completely of his attack upon her.

{Give In} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack}
(Killing someone, don't tknow about you but that, doesn't sound like kindness :p)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

((No, but the 2-3(maybe more) turns where I just talked/did nothing weren't exactly malevolent.))

RYu moaned into her kiss, his tongue even trying to massage hers at times, forgetting that he wasn't exactly in a position he wanted to be in. Then he remembered himself. As nice as this felt, he wanted out. As their tongues danced, he waited until hers was in his mouth, then tried to bite it off.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][130-1=129]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, {[Health:][DEAD]}
The continued to work her muscles and hips with Ryu's member, leaning down to lick his lips and giving him a long passionate kiss, she felt a sharp tinge and the pain made her stare at him a few seconds, in his eyes before she fell limp against his body. Her warm body slipping away, knowing he had finished her off once and for all.
Gained 52 experience.

{Wait} {Move On}
(Actually it kept her from attacking/trying to pin you. Death by kissing. o_O wicked. XD)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu actually had tears in his eyes from this. He hadn't wanted to kill her, but losing his virginity to a random, zombified stranger.... just didn't feel right. He strokes her body a few times before getting up, finding his boxers if they were there and putting them back on, then heading to the next room. "What the hell is going on here....."

((Move on))

((Also, I think I'm at 128 stamina? I was at 129 at the end of last round, and I lost 1 more this round))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Strength)

Ryu's last glance at the female was that she seemed almost as if she was sleeping, the only real sign of an injury was the blood on her lips and hidden within her mouth. Though as Ryu put his boxers back on, he found himself enter the next room. Scanning around to find himself in a dungeon room similiar to the last but this one having no crazed woman. No person. No creature. No nothing. He had only two choices now, rest or move on to the next and hope a better chance to escape this place.

{Wait} {Move On}
(Bah I'm jynxed with you. It was a forgotten edit. [I edit the previous stat post and I forgot to edit the -1 out, so no you're 129] >.< God damn lol I have had like 3-4 typos like that and...2 of which are yours. o_O'' lol)
[and -_-'' what is with finding empty rooms today? 2 so far and I ain't done updating everyone yet. / not everyone moved to a new room. XD]
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu was partly relieved to see an empty room, but a bit frustrated as well. Deciding nothing was better than another fight, he gave a shrug and moved on to the next room.

((move on))
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Strength)

With a shrug, Ryu enters the next room to find what he can only assume to be some kind of tentacle creature. It held one eye in the center of its 'body' and tentacles thrashing around everywhere else. Though what was most strange was that there was a girl there seeming to pet the creature, and in return the creature had been petting between the girl's legs. Though it could be seen as the creature raping the girl if the one seeing it didn't pay attention.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
(I swear, I blame my girlfriend :p and she knows she's at fault. XD She even agrees that she is distracting me too much. haha)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu decides to let the happy couple be, trying to sneak around them to another exit.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned (By Tentacle Monster)

The female seemed to not even notice Ryu's prescence but the tentacle creature sure did. Soon as Ryu made a sneak for the exit, the tentacles shot away from the female and ensnarled Ryu suspended in the air, the tentacles slowly brought Ryu over by the female and dangled him over her. She made no movement to talk to him but just stared him up and down, as if she was sizing him up.
ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu squirms and writhes in the air as he's brought to the duo, growling at being caught so easily. He didn't like being held like this, nor the way the female was looking at him. With every ounce of strength he had, he struggled, trying to free himself from the tentacles that held him.

((Escape pin))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Monster) Pinned (By Tentacle Demon)

The tentacles held tightly and restrained him from his escape though it wasn't until his struggles were halted completely by the tentacles did the tentacles start to stroke his body, the most prompt tentacle going inside his boxers and wrapping itself around his member, completely covering it in the tentacle and squeezing lightly, every few seconds a squeeze would come. Though while this was happening he felt the female's body brush against his chest, the tentacles had brought him in close enough range that she wrapped her arms around him and seemed to be studying his body.

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

((Two lvl 3 large class.... I'm fucked, aren't I? >_> ))

"L...lemme go!" He yells, flailing in their grasp, trying to hit the tentacle monster that bound him, hopefully making it drop him.

((Attack Tentacle monster))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Monster) Being Raped (By Tentacle Demon)

Ryu went to attack the tentacle monster only to find that he was pushed down upon the tentacle demon, the tentacle demon letting off a small moan as she felt his member shoved deep within her womanhood. She held him close as the tentacle monster's tentacles ravaged not only Ryu's body as well as the Tentacle Demon's body, coming the touching to each of them so they were even more pleased.

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait/Give In} {Try To Escape Pin/Rape} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
(could be but who knows...luck has a weird way of helping sometitmes......or killing xD)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu throws his head back in a moan as his shaft is sheathed within the female, his body relaxing for a moment and letting them continue to rape and molest him, as if taking a break. Then it sprung back to like, writhing and flailing, again trying to hit the creature that bound him.

((Attack Tentacle Monster))
((If it's up to luck, then luck owes me big time for putting me in this situation in the first place. >_> ))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Being Raped (By Tentacle Monster IN ass By 1 tentacle) Being Raped (By Tentacle Demon Being Thrusted Into)

Ryu went to swing and kick towards the tentacle monster but each punch or kick fell short, whether it was the pleasure going through him from being thrusted into the female demoness or the fact the tentacle creature bound him. It wasn't clear but he was held at bay and within one hard thrust against the tentacle demon he felt something rub against his ass, almost as if it was trying to breach within. Though it wasn't until the next time the tentacles thrusted Ryu's hard member into the demoness he also felt something slip into his ass, teasing and taunting it as he was thrusted into the demoness, harder and faster.

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Give In} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

"P...please... don't do this...." he begs them both, gasping and moaning as he's violated on multiple fronts, his body quivering in unwanted bliss as he feebly struggled, the desire to fight rapidly leaving him.

(Talk (and try to escape if I can in the same turn. if not just talk))
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Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Monster) Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Demon)

Ryu's words seemed to halt the females moans, she looked up at him with a blank stare before turning to the tentacle monster. A second later the tentacle monster's tentacle removed itself from Ryu's backside and stopped thrusting his member into the demoness. Though the tentacles still ravished his body, as well as the female stood up some to face him, licking his lips before she actually said something which shocked Ryu. She had seemed to not even be able to speak. "And why would I stop filling my desires on such a handsome man?"

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
(escape + talk are two different actions, this time around. Next time, it'll be more of a sub action)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu's face was striken with a blush at the demoness's words. Ok. So he had their attention. Now what? His mind was racing. These weren't mindless creatures like the one he had encountered in the previous room, and there was a dim hope in his mind he would be able to talk them out of what they were trying to do to him. His breathing slowed, relaxed, him trying to choose his next words carefully, though not taking long, for fear of losing what little ground he had gained with them. "Because, a lovely demoness like you deserves better than me, an attractive but weak human. My body gives out easily, and I'll be unable to satisfy you for very long. Why waste your own energy when it could be put to better, more fulfilling uses?" he says, a pained expression on his face from admitting his own weakness, his body still shaking and quivering from their combined caresses and rubbings.

((I honestly think that was one of my longest posts ever in a forum RP as a player. ^^; ))