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Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Monster) Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Demon)

The demoness let off a smirk, "Flattery will get you everywhere, with humans. I deserve everyone I wish and I really wish to have my way with you. I'm sure you'll satisfy me well at least once. Or is it because you are not attracted to me?" She said as she ran her hand down and into his pants, stroking his member while she continued speaking. "Whether you find me attractive or not, your member sure does." She said with a snicker and leaned in licking his lips again. They seemed to be debating it or something, seeing as they didn't go back to raping him so fast. The tentacle monster's eye stopped upon the demon, as well as the demon turned to the tentacle monster. "What do we gain in letting such a body go?"

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
(woot, my story inspired a long post! :p)
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

"Not being attracted to you has nothing to do with it. Your body is one of the finest I've had the pleasure of viewing. It's just...." he gulps hard, blushing again. "It's not you, it's me. I just... I'm not ready for this. Both my mind and body are inexperienced, weak." Then he thinks another moment, wondering what he could possibly offer them in exchange for letting him go. "If you let me go, I can come back later! Give you a real ride, a more satisfying partner, rather than let you settle for what I am now. If you want me now, just picture a stronger, more experienced me!"

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Pinned (By Tentacle Monster) Pinned&Felt Up (By Tentacle Demon)

The demoness licked his neck and nibbled on his lower lip. "How can I be so sure you'll return to me? Mosts likely if I let you go, you'll run away and never return. Leaving me pissed off." She said in a coy way, even laughing at the thought. She had a strong feeling he would just run away. Though the grasp by the tentacle monster was slowly loosened some and it stopped caressing Ryu as if it was listening to the demoness or Ryu.

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu thinks for a moment. He was actually a bit hurt that she thought he would completely abandon her. "Well.... isn't there some sort of demon magic you could use to make sure I come back? Maybe a contract of some sort?" he asks, reaching out to gently caress her, hopefully unhindered by the tentacle bindings. "I wouldn't dream of not coming back. If I thought I was enough to make you happy, I'd fuck you raw, right here and now. I just don't think I'm up for it in my current condition, and would cover and fill you far sooner than either of us would want. As you've already noticed, I am QUITE happy to see and be with you."

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

The demoness moaned from his caress before shaking her head. "I am not that kind of demon. My powers lie without the same aspect of this creaure next to me here. I am a tentacle demon. I cannot bind you to me. If you betray your word, I wish upon you a thousand rapings within this dungeon!" She said as she turned to the tentacle monster with a glare. It immediately let Ryu down onto his feet and the demoness waved her hand towards the exit. "Go now before I change my mind. DO NOT betray me."

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][135]}
Tentacle Demon, Large Class, Level 3, {[Health:][108]}

{Wait} {Leave} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu smiles and approaches the demoness, embracing her gently and giving her a long, sensual kiss. "I'll do everything in my power to keep my word, though I fear that even without your wish, there will be many who want me as badly as you, and won't be as willing to save me for later." He says with a sigh, releasing her from the embrace and heading for the door. "But it's on them I have to condition myself, if I ever want to be suitable for you. So with you in my heart, I go onward." He says with a confident smile, heading through the door.

Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

The demoness returned the kiss and gripped him hard but gentle in his crotch, "Don't forget your promise big boy." She watched as he left, as he did the monster let off a groan. The tentacle monster was obviously frustrated now from not being able to be released. As he enters the next room he finds himself, completely alone in this new room.
Empty Room

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

"Well... that's a let down. Empty rooms are boring...." he says with a sigh, stepping up his pace a bit and moving on to the next room, hoping there would at least be something there.

((move on))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Ryu moves on to the next room to find himself with a room full of coffins all around. Though it doesn't appear much else is in the room. The most prompt thing in the room is a red coffin by the exit, the rest of the coffins are all black.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Red or Black Coffins} {Open Red Coffin} {Open Black Coffins}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu looks around the new room, a bit confused. Deciding they were worth investigating, he looks over the black coffins, thinking that the single red one had something special, in which case he would save it for last.

((Examine black coffins))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Ryu examines the black coffins and even though they look ancient in ways, they seem freshly cleaned and polished but at the same time they held some aged manner to them. Though it wasn't until he found one that was cracked open that he got anything worth while in sight. There was a human skeleton inside with a wooden stake through the bones. As well as his nose could catch the scent of garlic draped around the coffin that was cracked.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Red Coffin} {Open Red Coffin} {Open Black Coffins}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

"Hm. Vampire. Well then, no opening the black ones....." he says a bit nervously, moving on to examine the red one.

((Examine red coffin))
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Level 1
Experience: 52/100
{[Health:][110]} {[Stamina:][129/130]}

{Blue Wristband(INT+5}
Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Ryu couldn't see in any cracks on the red coffin but overall it held the same kind of look to it. One would venture to say that it was the same except color. Possibly a leader of the 'coven' of vampires slept in it, or possibly it was something else inside. Only way he could find out is if he opened it. Even listening upon the top of the coffin he couldn't tell if there was movement or anything within.

{Wait} {Move On} {Open Red Coffin} {Open Black Coffins}
Re: Ryu Hikaratsu [Ryu]

Ryu throws caution to the wind, steeling himself and opening the red coffin in one, rapid motion.

((Open red coffin))