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Ryu (Ryu)

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Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu opens a door to what appears to be a cell. immediately upon opening the door, a scrawny looking woman jumps at him. She is wearing tattered clothing and appears to be little more than a mindless drone.

Ryu DEF: 1
Wild Woman HP: 2

Flee N (67% Success)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu sighs, having found someone else so soon. Noticing her state, he thinks it best to put her down, since she would likely not yield him any information. As she leaps at him, he spins around, trying to land a kick right in her face.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Executing a roundhouse kick that would impress Chuck Norris, Ryu connects with the woman's jaw. She rebounds off of his foot and into the bed. Ryu moves closer to see if she is still conscious, but the only sign of life is a trickle of blood and a shallow breath.

Ryu DEF: 1
Wild Woman HP: 0

Search the body
Search the area
Travel North
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(*blinks* Well, wasn't expecting that! Is there a way to recover defense?)

Sighing again at having beaten another woman into a bloody pulp, Ryu decides to have a proper search of the area, then a search of the woman when he was finished with that, should his first search go uninterrupted.

(It's 2 actions I know, but I figured I'd save us the filler and post my next 2 instead of 1 at a time >_> )
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(DEF and CONST both recover at 1 per action, assuming there is no bad guy around, and that's not a problem, I'll try to fill out the best I can ^_^)

Searching through a dresser drawer, Ryu comes across a butonup flannel shirt. The right size on the shoulders, it is too small to button, so he leaves it unbuttoned. He then searches the body, and finds a set of brass knuckles. Pocketing them as well, he prepares to move out.

(Brass knuckles will add a +2 to your combat rolls until you lose them by getting hit by a crit hit or having your arms restrained.)

Ryu DEF: 2 + 1(clothes)

Search again
Travel North
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu puts the knuckles on. They weren't exactly his style, as he preferred to use his legs, but maybe he'd appear more intimidating and not get in as many fights. Still feeling winded however, to tossed the girl off of the bed and sat there himself, taking a chance to recover, watching her and the door in case something happened.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(you can wait/recover if you want, but I think I am going to give a chance of an encounter, that way there isn't like 4 or 5 posts of "I wait" "He waited" "I continue to wait" etc ;))

Ryu sat there, trying to calm his nerves and rest his body.

Ryu DEF: 3 + 1(clothes)

Search again
Travel North
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Heh, 3 of 4 is fine. I've just had some bad experiences in games where NOT resting when you had the chance turned out to be a very bad idea. ^^; )

Feeling like he'd rested enough for now, Ryu heads back out the way he came, giving a glace over his shoulder to make sure the wild girl was still unconscious and likely not be following him.

(Go North)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu walks back into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Noting the door to his north and the hallway to the east, he ponders his next move.

(Nothing exciting here! lol)

Ryu DEF: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/E/S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Knowing that he'd come from the north originally, Ryu heads east.

(Move East)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu travels to his east. After few moments of walking, he comes to a crossroads. As far as he can see through all the dimly lit hallways continue onward. There is not much around save for a few bags of trash and other rubbish.

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Not wanting to search through the garbage, Ryu thinks a moment. With a shrug, he heads south again.

(Move South)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Walking for a moment, Ryu runs into a dead end. There are several crates stacked up at the end of the hallway. Looking around, he is startled by a small blob of slime that leaps out from behind a box. Striking him in the shoulder, the blob os slime knocks him to the floor.

(crit Hit)

Flee N(83% Chance)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Gasping in pain from being sent down like that, RYu growls, twisting around like a cat that got knocked over and punching at the slime with his new brass knuckles.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

In his sudden anger, he blindly punches at where the thinks the blob ought to be. He connects with nothing but air. Looking around quickly, he notices that the slime is still stuck to his shoulder.


Ryu DEF 2 + 1
Slime HP: 1

Flee N (83% chance)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

knowing full well his legs won't be able to reach his shoulder like that, he takes his hand and thrusts it at the slime, intending NOT to hit himself with the strike should it miss.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(What, Ryu not that flexible ^_^)

Ryu takes a swing again at the the slime, this time connecting with a massive blow. Pieces of slime scatter into a mist around Ryu. He looks around for any more attackers. Satisfied he was alone again, he ponders his next move.

(crit hit)

Ryu DEF 2 + 1
Slime HP: -1

Search the area
Rest/Recoup (38% encounter chance)
Travel N
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Not as a male, no... That would hurt a bit between the legs. ^^; Also, you said doing an action when not in an encounter recovered Defense/Const as well... But you only gave resting an encounter chance? That seems to discourage resting...)

Breathing a bit heavily, Ryu decides to begin searching the crates all around the room, thinking that there might be something useful inside of them. And hopefully not a slime.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(I did it that way mostly for someone who is recovering from near 0. My thought is that recovering for a long period of time exposes someone to being stumbled on by a roving bad guy.)

Looking into a few of the crates, Ryu comes across a set of navy cargo pants. They appear to be in good condition, with a few patches of dirt on the seat. Trying them on, Ryu is happy to see that they fit well.

Ryu DEF 3 + 2
Slime HP: -1

Search again
Rest/Recoup (38% encounter chance)
Travel N
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Quite happy indeed to be rid of the tight jeans from before, Ryu heads back north, a somewhat satisfied smile on his face. If nothing was in the room to the north, he'd go north again.

(Move North. Again, double action, but I'm anticipating another "filler" post, so I'm trying to avoid it. :p)
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