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Ryu (Ryu)

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Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu continues eastward when he comes across another fork in the path. He notices that one path leads north toward another greenhouse. The path also heads south through more jungle-like plants, as well as continuing to the east. Traveling quickly, he fails to stumble upon anything useful.

Search the area
Travel W/E/N
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Wanting to stay on the same "path" he was on, Ryu continues in the same direction, breathing a bit quickly from the rapid movement he was performing.

(Go east)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu quickens his pace to the East when he almost smacks into a wall. Looking around, he sees a greenhouse to his north and a path running to the south.

Search the area
Travel W/N/S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Blinking at his close encounter with the stone wall, Ryu shakes his head, then heads north again.

(Go North)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu enters the greenhouse and is shocked to see a desert landscape expanding off into the distance to his north. Tall, rolling dunes cut off the vast majority of his northerly view, but he can see sporadic cacti and notices that there are walls to his east and west.

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Taking note that he was at the entrance to a desert, or so it semed at least, Ryu stops for a moment, looking around for something that could pass as a decent source of water before he departed.

(Search, then go north)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Looking around, He fails to find any source of water. He does, however, find a long shovel. Picking it up, he surmises that it would work well as a makeshift weapon and throws it over his shoulder before heading north.

He heads north and quickly runs into a wall. Looking around, he discovers that this desert room is not only strange for an underground facility, but is also a dead end.

(Shovel will add a +3 to combat rolls)

Search the area
Travel S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Smiling as he took the shovel, he frowned as he found the dead end. With a sigh, he begins the long trek back, and further.

(Head south 3 times if able)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu travels south, first through the dunes and then back into the jungle setting. He passes the last familiar intersection and continues south. He notices that the path continues to the south and a path travels to the west. Out of no where he is hit hard in the back of the head with a rock, followed by a girlish giggle. He turns around to see a beautiful woman, but something doesn't seem right. Her skin is a dark red color. Her eyes are glowing with fire in her eyes.

"Hi" she says cutely

(Crit Hit)

Ryu DEF: 2
Ryu CONST: 3 + 2
Succubus HP: 5

Flee N/W/S (17%)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu staggers slightly from the rock, holding his head a bit as he looks at her. "Hey there. Don't suppose you saw who threw a rock at me?" he asks kindly, thinking it was probably her, but he'd ask anyway.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

The girl giggles before jumping with incredible speed into a tree above her. "Tee hee, a man. A big man. He ran off that way." She says, pointing to the north. "Not nearly as hansom as you."

Ryu DEF: 2
Ryu CONST: 3 + 2
Succubus HP: 5

Flee N/W/S (17%)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu blushes a bit, but smiles. "Is that so? I just came from that direction and saw no such man. I'll have to keep an eye out should I go back in that direction." He chuckles, watching the agility she used to get in the tree. He cautiously walks over, wary that she might throw something down at him. "What brings an attractive maiden such as yourself out here?"

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Hee hee, I live here silly." She says. She almost seems to teleport to just in front of Ryu and rests her arms gnetly over hsi shoulders. "Looking for a man to... talk to"

Ryu DEF: 2
Ryu CONST: 3 + 2
Succubus HP: 5

Flee N/W/S (17%)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu felt his blush increasing, but kept his smile. "Talk to? I suppose I can help with that. What's on your mind?" he asks politely, looking around slightly, seeing if this place was livable like she claimed.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Hee hee. Well, babe, tell me about the outside." She moves closer still to Ryu, her face mere inches from his. "Is it everything they say it is?" She asks as her arms slowly move down Ryu's body.

Ryu DEF: 2
Ryu CONST: 3 + 2
Succubus HP: 5

Flee N/W/S (17%)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"About the outside... That's a rather broad topic. How about you tell me what they say, I'll let you know what's true and what's not." he offers, body quivering slightly as her hands traced down his form, his blush remaining as her face moved ever closer.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Well, I have been told it's full of beautifle, hansom, men. I already sees that they are right about that, if you are truly from the outside." She runs her hands up his chest. "Aren't you hot in this jungle?" she asks, before undoing his flannel shirt, throwing it aside.

Ryu DEF: 2
Ryu CONST: 3 + 1
Succubus HP: 5

Flee N/W/S (17%)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu ponders a moment, not even thinking of stopping her as she removed his shirt and threw it aside. "Well... I wouldn't be able to say if that's right or wrong. I'm not nearly as attracted to guys as I am to the more delicate and seductive sex. But you are right... I am rather hot here... And it seems to be getting hotter..." He grins, leaning in and trying to kiss her as she finished with his shirt.

Last edited:
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Are you asking me permission to attack?? hee hee)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Not sure it qualifies as an attack. Usually attacking is beating the snot out of um. Or from them an attack is seducing/raping, so i guess it works. Editing. )
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