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Ryukoujis Lair


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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A cavern of stone, hollowed by nature, flame, and claw into a passable home for the corrupted dragon Ryukouji. The Quartz-Streaked Granite walls of the main chamber are lit by flickering torches and lined with gold, gems, and other valuables looted from settlements abandoned in the demonic invasion while its center is coated in grand furs and cushions so that those who serve the dragon may attend to him in relative comfort.

A few side chambers store food, mundane weapons, a small handful of books, and any number of other miscellaneous items claimed by the dragon that he does not see fit to place in his proper hoard. Outside, trees and scrub brush shelter the entrance from casual passers by and a sheer drop of some thirty or so feet beyond the small ledge on which they perch discourages both escape from within and closer examination from without.

This is the lair of Ryukouji the Burning Sky
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

That the flight was relatively short was a mercy to both Ryukouji's erection and to his mostly-naked captive, though she at least was shielded from the wind by his bulk. To claim her on the forest floor would have been quite right, but it felt even better an idea to claim her as a way of breaking in his new cavern home.

He set the dwarven woman down just inside the entrance, pacing behind her, tail coiling with ill-concealed impatience. "Inside. I would properly break in my new home and my new servant at the same time." Ryukouji considered a moment. "Tell me my dwarven whore, how would you like me to take you?"
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, Fate unknown

At the very least, the dwarf was spared from the cold thanks to the large warm body of her dragon captor. Though the fact that she was here to begin with was the real issue. She simply collapsed under the dragons assault and now here she was, naked and being carried off by her ancient enemy to be no doubt fucked half to death. Dropped off at the entrance, she'd realize the dragon wasn't about to wait all that much longer. He was still hard as a diamond and his tail was curled up in anticipation. That meant he was ready to go. "Understood, Great Dragon." She said in an effort to placate him and his ego. If she knew anything about these beasts, it was that they loved having their ego's stroked. "Though Servant? You seek to corrupt me that fast? I figure you'd be up for a challenge, Great Dragon. The thrill of the hunt as it were." Again, trying to satisfy him in ways beyond sex. She had learned much in her time as a merchant. Smooth talking saved her life on many occasion. "Well, if it pleases you...and me..."she mumbled that 'and me' part. Seems her desire to have the large beast atop her was starting to wear down her natural defense. "How bout we start simple. The great beast atop his defeated foe. Would you prefer me on my back or on all 4's like a proper mate?
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

Many older dragons would not have been quite so taken by Rowynn's contrition but Ryukouji -for all his bluster and his undeniable power- was still young, eager rather than canny. To bring the dwarf to her knees had been a rush, and she was right that it might be far more thrilling to do so again and again rather than merely once.

Perhaps he would let her go a while... Not before he had laid his claim to her body, but afterwards, release her, and hunt her again~

The thought went to the back of his mind however as her words brought his libido back to the fore. Hunting could come later, now was the time to enjoy his victory. "On all fours." He rumbled, padding forwards his cock bobbing slightly as he slowly stepped over Rowynn, a wash of heat over her from his breath, then the bulk of scale and muscle shifting over her head, and then the heavy heat and hardness of that draconic shaft, slick and ready, nudging against Rowynn's womanhood. It shifted and twisted against her entrance, seeking the proper angle to push inside her as it slowly urged her netherlips to part for him, impatiently rolling his hips as he worked the tip of his shaft into her folds, bit by bit, spreading her inch by inch as he braced the pressure with a single claw on her shoulder. "Take your new lord's cock, Dwarven slut!"
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, Fate unknown

The delay in his response gave the dwarf pause. Was he honestly considering letting her go without any resistance? It felt...strange. Normally her sweet talking and silver tongue got her some minor reward but nothing like escaping from the clutches of a dragon. But a part of her wasn't really thinking about escaping. A part of her wanted to stay and remain the dragons little dwarf pet. Just being naked before a beast like this was bringing an unparalleled heat to her loins. "Gods above...forgive me for what I'm about to do...but I can't hold back anymore." The fire in her belly only grew more intense as she assumed the position on te pile of furs that served as his resting place. She was allowing herself to be mounted like a bitch in heat. Cept she didn't have scales to match his. As his heat radiated over her and the cock began to part her tender and moist lips, she was almost tempted to push back. But she restrained herself...barely...and just spoke to him instead.

"M...my scaled lord is mighty indeed in both strength...and manhood. T...truly an exemplar of your proud race. I...I can see why the men of my race were eager to hunt you. Clearly, they were envious of your glory."She showered the compliments on and as she waited for the final plunge, she offered another kind word. "I could have never hoped to tame something as mighty as you."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

Ryukouji was barely even listening to the dwarf's words as his world narrowed for a long moment, a single frozen instant of tension as he felt Rowynn's womanhood stretching to accommodate his girth, almost admitting him, but not quite, pushed so close to the breaking point that even he could feel the strain. A low growl of focus, a frisson of his spine as his neck twisted downwards, tongue slipping from his mouth to taste her skin, slipping over her shoulder and around to her breast to find the hardened nub of one nipple and lashing against it, encouraging her body to give in, to stretch just a little further.

"MmmrrRRAAHHH!" His tongue came away, his neck arching black and unleashing flames that licked the ceiling of the cavern, bathing them in flickering orange as that last bit of resistance finally gave and his cock sank into her at last. It was only a quarter of the monstrous length at first, but it was inside her, making the dragon's eyes widen at the incredible tightness. Succubi were one thing to fuck, able to take any cock without so much as even wincing, but to feel a cunt stretched just so, almost to the breaking point yet falling just short of it, it was something he'd never really felt until now. "Hrr... Good..." He pulled back, sliding a few inches out of her, then putting his weight behind another thrust, driving a little deeper, and then a little deeper the thrust after that. Thrust after thrust, inch after inch of dragon-cock disappeared into Rowynn's cunt. "I'll fuck you like a breeder..." Ryukouji's voice was strained by the effort of withholding primal instinct long enough to speak as he fucked her. "Fill your womb with my seed... Give you... A child your men could never offer..."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, A breeder to be

Seeing how much effort the beast was going to just to fit inside of her, the dwarf woman was almost surprised he was going through it and not simply ramming into her. Or maybe he just couldn't. Apparently she was that tight, even with her...interesting choice of persuasion when it came to other merchants. Though they certainly couldn't match the sheer size and thickness of the beast before her. She was anticipating something...amazing when he finally broke through and when the fire came, the full thrust came shortly after. And when he did, the dwarf let out a loud gasp. Her body shook as a wave of pleasure and a tiny bit of pain ran through her body. But the pain passed and all she felt was his cock comfortably resting partially inside her. "A...a breeder? For a beast such as you? I...I suppose I should be honored. M...my ancestors may curse me...but fuck it. They hold...no sway over me. C...claim me, dragon. S...show me how superior your kind really is."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, Claiming a Mate

"Quite so." Ruikouji growled, some of his control slipping as her words egged him on, begging him for more. "Your Ancestors... Would be jealous... Of what you... Rrrhh~... Are about to receive..." She could take it, anyone he chose to bear his young must be strong enough to take him all, and so he made it his mission to make sure that she would take every last inch, muscles flexing and tensing and roiling under his scales as he drove into Rowynn. Intent on seeing her belly bulge with his cock and cum.

This was not the measured strength he had demonstrated before but rather something more primal, driven by instinctive desire for that vision. For that future. To breed, to mate... Ryukouji's head came down, his tongue more quickly seeking Rowynn's front coiling around the generous swell of her chest and squeezing the slick muscle of his tongue around one breast, whipping it's tip across her nipple as his thrusts grew more and more urgent. No longer simply fucking but rutting her, a savage pounding intent on driving himself to the hilt inside her, cock twitching against her tightness as his orgasm rose. "P-Prepare yourself slut!"
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, A breeder to be

Watching the beast in motion was almost a spectacle in itself. She almost admired him and his form. It sent a shiver through her spine and she was entranced by her larger partner and his motions. This was a beast who wanted to claim her body for his own and she was not about to deny him anything. Her body was aflame with passion and having this magnificent creature above him was only driving her closer to orgasm. And an earth shattering one one at that. She twisted her body as he began licking her breasts, the nipple teasing drawing out more ong moans from her. "I...I'd ask for nothing else...my Lord. Please...give me your all!"
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

This was the last straw, driving himself to the base in the dwarf as she begged for his cum Ryukouji could hold himself back no longer. "Hhrraaahhh!" Licks of fire escaped his mouth as he unleashed his seed into Rowynn's womb, pulse after pulse of white heat blasting into her. A dragon in such prime condition as Ryukouji could produce a tremendous volume of cum naturally, and Ryukouji had been made to service succubi for years and then left to his own devices with no relief for months. Even with his thickness pushing Rowynn's walls to their limit some of his cum would find it's way into the spaces between cock and cunt, bubbling up and dribbling around the point of their union as he filled her utterly, pumping until no more could fit into her.
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, A breeder, a decision

It was happening. It was going to happen no matter how much a part of her wanted it to stop. The part in control was however, not wanting to let it stop. Seeing the fire escape him and the surge of heat pour into her was enough for the dwarf woman to cum herself, riding the wave of pleasure as the beast laid claim to her body. Her soul was not quite conquered, but it had taken a serious blow today. And though a little of the seed spilled out between them, a fair amount still spilled into and filled her body. In the past, she'd taken measure to protect herself against bearing young. But today...she'd hold off. This beast earned her and it'd be wrong to rob him of his victory. "G...great dragon...if I may...I think I might change my mind on leaving so soon. I...if I'm with child...your offspring might not be safe in my lands. The people might worry about a dragon born of such a union. That it might share your corruption. It...it may be best I remain till your children are born..."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

It never so much as occurred to Ryukouji that Rowynn might want to try and keep herself from bearing his young, and nodded regally, his neck craning down to inspect her cum-swollen belly. "Hmh..." She could hardly run right now anyways, and besides, to do this again certainly bore a certain appeal. Weighing the immediate pleasure of keeping the dwarven woman close and the greater pleasure that would be a second hunt, the dragon chose impulsively. It was true that her kind often needed to be shown the glory of serving a dragon before they would truly respect him, and they might hurt her in turn, a notion that... Offended him. "Perhaps it would do for you to stay a while then, so that I may ensure that my seed is kept safe from the ignorant."

A few more breeding sessions would likely be in order to ensure it had taken properly in any case, as even now Ryukouji could feel his sac churning, already creating more cum in anticipation of the next cunt to fill...

As the time passes, Ryukouji's corruption begins to influence Rowynn as well, creating a small brand in the shape of a stylized dragon over her belly as he empties more and more loads into her womb. as well as changing her body slightly to make her a more suitable breeder.

Rowynn Gains the Trait: Damage Resistance (Physical) Rank 1 - Reduce all Physical damage taken by one, the better to resist her draconic mate's strength while breeding.

Rowynn Gains the Trait: Unnatural Feature (Pheromones) Rank 1 - Gain +1 Sexual ability as the lusts of others are naturally inflamed by her presence.

Rowynn Gains the Weakness: Marked Rank 1 - Ryukouji's mark, singling her out as belonging to him whether she wants it or not, is clearly visible over her womb unless covered by clothing.

Rowynn Gains the Weakness: Fetish (Ryukouji) Rank 2 - Though she is not completely conquered, the pleasure has ensured that Rowynn will find it more difficult to resist her draconic mate should she escape and fight him again...
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, A breeder, a decision

"Master Ryukouji's is quite wise indeed. As smart as he is strong and virile. Why my race sought to oppress such magnificence is beyond me. Allow me to serve you while we wait for my child to come into this world." She'd attempt to walk but was more effectively waddling around the dragons lair for a while. Maybe it was her words but she didn't seem to hate this beast as much anymore. He was as great as she had described and she enjoyed the sex far more then she thought she would. And the thought of carrying the child to term with him was fine indeed. And many others, Ancestors willing.

Her further unions with the beast only made her love of him grow. Her body changed, the corruption altering her to be even happier with his presence and accepting of his seed. And the mark above her womb only sealed her fate. "So would master turn me into a scaled creature like him? A tiny kobold or dragon kin."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

The Elven Forest
Tags: Rowynn, New Home

Ryukouji felt a certain pride as he watched the dwarf make her way around his lair, the young in her belly, his children, in his breeder. The Succubi had never let him breed before, and so it was a new feeling, tainted with desire and darkness, but also warm and pure in it's own way.

He would never have admitted it, but there was a sense that just as he had changed her, Rowynn had changed him in some ways too. With the way she relished in every union, held her belly happily, how she looked at him in joy and even seemed to delight in the idea of being claimed again, of becoming more like him, more like a proper dragon. He couldn't help but see her as more than a mere breeder, not quite a full mate, that honor was reserved for a full dragon, and even the corruption's transformative properties might struggle to accomplish such, but a first concubine perhaps? A Mistress?

"I think it would suit you better... Some scales, a proper pair of wings, turn you into a proper dragon-mistress..."

Dragon Mistress... He liked the sound of that...

With her womb quite thoroughly seeded and their children growing quickly, Ryukouji was reluctant to risk damaging these first precious offspring, not matter that they would be half breeds. Thus, rather than claim her womanhood as before he offered a different sort of pleasure, letting her train her mouth to try and take his girth while he teased her folds with the sinuous length of his tongue... "I cannot wait too see them... Our Children... and then I can claim you again and give you more of them..."
Re: Ryukoujis Lair

Ryukouji's Lair
Tags: Submission, Curiosity

"Lord Ryukouji you do paint an appealing picture of life in your service. A mistress? A title of distinction for some. I mean, Guild Mistress tends to be the highest rank in guilds among my home, so a dragon mistress clearly would be above and beyond that n every capacity. I can only imagine my dwarven body covered in scales, a pair of wings, maybe a tail if you'd allow it. I could basically look like a bipedal and female version of you if you'd accept that. Of course, if I had to use my overactive imagination, I'd say you'd look amazing on two legs. Tall, dashing, scaled. You'd be quite the looker, my lord."She'd clear her throat as she again approached her magnificent master. She' begin licking and playing with his member in as comfortable a position as he could with her large belly""Forgive me, My lord. I wa just...amusing myself."