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RPG RPG Maker [サークルゴリッチュ] 神の目のアイオーン ~前編~ [RJ266972]


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score

Release date: 10/09/2019
Genre: RPG
Tags: exhibition, incest, urination, sprite sex, Male protagonist

Controls: Standard RPG maker hotkeys.

Summary: Japanese.

New H game from Red Ribbon! From the creator of Vampire sister and the like, another H game with a ton of dialogue, puzzles and a fleshed out story (Also, no text skip still ((Seriously red Ribbon, cmon man)). Much like his older games, you play around with the menu a fair bit, and in order to advance the story you need to either have certain items equiped, or talk to the main characters on specific days/timeframes. Their H games tend to be very specific, linear fashioned, but also fairly bug free. The same method is involved for unlocking more H scenes, and with a cast this big there's probably going to be a ton of triggers to figure out. It's worth noting the developer stated he will not be offering advice anymore after Vampire sister on how to progress the story, guess he got tired of all the emails, even though it was his fault his games are so complicated... but I digress. Red Ribbon games tend to have a ton of H content, so brave this one if you enjoy his works, but be warned it's got a lot of variables to consider if you can't read Japanese., This is considered part 1, so we should expect a part 2 release next year. Might be worth holding onto your save file after you beat the game who knows.

Tips: The EV option shows you the events, green being the events you've seen and can replay, blue being the H events and black being the next event you can trigger just by going to the area. It tells you exactly where you need to go, whether you need god mode eye on and what items/day you need to be on just by hovering over the event number. For the H events, once you fulfill the requirements from the hints in the menu (I think it was the girl in question, the two slots below are the areas you're expected to touch her, and the place you're suppose to met her. also don't forget if it has to be a specific day and/or time of day.) you just click the option down below the menu, it's the confirm button. If you did it right it'll tell you if you want to view the scene immediately and you'll be watching the event right then and there.
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Yeah i played i little the demo .. i lost from event 19 -_- but art ist really great
The demo was really good, I just missed one event.
I wouldn't say that it's as good as "vampire sister" but I've only played the demo, now to wait for the usual gods to upload the full game.
i am glad i try the demo before buy... onlly 3 minutes was enough for me to delete and block that dlsite nunmber xD
i didnt understand a thing on what to do
The EV option shows you the events available, green being the events you've seen and can replay, blue being the H events and black being the next event you can trigger just by going to the area. It tells you exactly where you need to go, whether you need god mode eye on and what items/day you need to be on just by hovering over the event number. Like I said, if you don't know Japanese, Red Ribbon is not an easy circle to jump into. The main story stops temporarily around 53, and around there to 260~ is a bunch of H events. Also the boss fights happen during progression of the H events, so that's the time you'd need to grind.
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ok this game really confuses me alot

i have no idea what to do even at the start, i just go around collecting those orbs that gives me mats
those blue squares needs an item or something but i have no idea how to get those or am i supposed to make those and how?
i learned that i can press shift and can fight characters with red squares on them

i guess ill wait for someone to make a something of a guide for the game..

vampire sister and hermit crab was easier to understand and play
You don't need to fight till way later in the game, but you will need to farm a ridiculous ton of gold, and I mean 6 times the maximum limit of how much gold or S you can carry. For the story, you just go to where the event hint tells you to go, there should be an npc or a yellow square to activate to advance the story. When you swap to the area where you play as the old guy, it has three red squares that are the shop interfaces, the first one opens up the distract you can travel too after investing in them as well as spawn new npcs to interact with for mats, cash and tips for H scenes.
Events are simple enough but I guess I dont fully understand h-scenes.
You activate them from the menu right, its what I had to do to activate 51.

But doing the same thing for 52 I cant for the life of me get it to trigger despite me filling in all the options its asking for.
Events are simple enough but I guess I dont fully understand h-scenes.
You activate them from the menu right, its what I had to do to activate 51.

But doing the same thing for 52 I cant for the life of me get it to trigger despite me filling in all the options its asking for.
Once you fulfill the requirements from the hints in the menu (I think it was the girl in question, the two slots below are the areas you're expected to touch her, and the place you're suppose to met her. Also don't forget if it has to be a specific day and/or time of day.) you just click the option down below the menu, it's the confirm button. If you did it right it'll tell you if you want to view the scene immediately and you'll be watching the event right then and there. If not you'll just get an error sound.

If you lose the boss fight you can still continue the H events, I'm not sure if it'll have any ramifications in the long run. You can replay any boss fight from the option next to EV to the right, it starts where you left off.
Cant even get 51 to trigger, says location is the workshop, any time of day works, and to use the listed character but even with all those set she doesn't appear in the area. I think mine might be bugged. Nevermind just got it.
how do I get money? for every fight I get 60~170, no fucking way I'm gonna grind 30k that way.
Selling the materials and items you find can give you money. It's important to buy every item LV in the game at least once, since it'll give you every item one plus however many times you upgraded it's LV each time you clear important EVs and boss fights. This way, you can farm the items for money, upgrade the LVs again, do more events and rinse/repeat. The amount of items there are to upgrade is massive however, you can unlock more items to buy/upgrade LV as well as H event tips and such by unlocked more areas. Red Ribbon's H games are all lessons in repetition, but this H game is probably the most grindy of all his H games. Probably doesn't help there's a harem of girls with like 25 events each and almost all of them involve just foreplay to tease the mind as per usual of RR. Also those boss fights drag on waaaaay too long.

What was it people said, it's the journey that counts? heh.
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HOW do I even trigger the Hevent 51?? I really can't figure it out. Please just guide me with babystep because I'm not even sure at this point where the workshop is
lmao are there equipments or something i cheated the stats to max and still get beat up in fights
So i opened up the data files to see how much text is in the game, and i found about 6 times as much text as any other RPGM games ive opened. :oops:
6 times?? damn that mean this guy its working less by the years pass O_O
i wonder what was going through the creators mind when he thinks its a good idea to have 40 fights in 1 event.
Yeah, enemies has resistances and immunizes, just maxing your attack isn't going to save you when they're immune. There's an item for just about every scenario though, so get those skill items. You can remove their instant death resistance by constantly using the item that slashes their resistance to it by 15 and one shot them eventually with an instant death attack, so combat is really just a tedium. Red Ribbon loves repetition like I said, you see it in his earliest works whether it's the foreplay H scenes or the storyline. I imagine it's a strong point for his storyline at least, they aren't half baked. But his H content stuff is really masochistic.
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