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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

It appears to be Gumbo, assuming Sakura knows what Gumbo is. It's very hearty, and spicy. Lot's of seafood and other meats mixed in along with peppers, celery and other vegetables with a fairly thick stock.

Sakura finds she could eat another easily enough, her womb was very full, but she was eating for many now, and Aunt Faera happily brings her more. "That ol' temple? Bad mojo there, Miss Vear checks it out often. Used to be a real holy place but it's been gettin' worse over time accordin' t' Miss Vear. I couldn;t tell yeah what's goin' on for sure, but things have been gettin' rougher lately. Just know dat Moroson family has been rilin; up the fallen as of late.," says Uncle Bones with a grimace.

"Depends how far north y' go, child. The swamps get rougher up north and the area's gotten a bit worse as of late. But after that you get to d' city which has good folks, even if they are snooty and quick t' paint us all by da same brush. Further up past dem though, beyond d' Oni Mountains and their demon guardians are the Demon Wastes dem selves. Dangerous place for all since everyone risks corruption. Bit late' f' all that for a young demoness like y'self mind, but it can be trouble for all the rest.," says Aunt Faera, nodding.

Martin shrugs a bit, checking the tuning of his fiddle. "Wantin' t' help out is good an all, Miss Sakura, but it's a tall order y'know. I'd say start with what y' feel y' can do then work your way up, yeah? Still, Miss Vear can give y' some advice, she;s pretty old an wise. Ah, but uh, don;t tell her I said she was old, eh heh."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The food at her dish was new for the young lady, she may had saw just random pictures of it, but as her family had servants and most likely her future life with her husband she will have some too, this make her dont have too much skills at kitchen and exotic dishes of some cultures, but at least she have a lot of experience with the best food at the world and she learned the simple at the kitchen.

Her needs to get the energy for her babies make her continue eating, at least she never have a problem testing new food at her past. Of course, it is really a creepy place, i dunno why a lot of people has tried to get into the temple and still believe than the tales of a treasure inside are real, they even call it the temple of hope or something like that. Sakura said before eat some more, trying to hide than she was one of these naive adventurers.

Sakura wanted to ask about the moroson family, but the woman take the word and so she heard more of this world. Uhm, i had heard than there is a human group than hunt witches and demons, so im not sure if i want go to meet that city at the north, but maybe i need to get there to get a mage tutor. After all, fight with just a lance is not the best choice. Sakura take another part of her second dish who was getting empty more fast of the expected. About Demon Wastes, i will never go there, who knows what lives there.

The dinner continue and Sakura was worried than it was mostly late, maybe the Sun will rise soon and all will start to get worried for her at the town, but there was nothing than she could do now, the nights here are really dangerous and she dont know when she will give birth.

At least Martin make her chuckle a little. Heh, that will not get out of here Mr Martin. You are right, we first must talk with Miss Vera, i cant wait to meet her as all said of her point than she is a nice wise lady. But first maybe a little rest would be the best, it must be already late now. The blue haired girl said mostly sure than she could need some rest even if she is part demon.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"The inquisitors. They aren't all bad but they are... Focused. It's a bit of a secret but they have demons in their ranks too you know. Ones who've rejected wantoness and such. Vear says there's one who's been watching the temple.," says Uncle Bones.

Martin nodded when Sakura said she was tired after her meal. "Cmon, we'll get y' tucked in.," he smiles, offering Sakura a hand and leading her upstairs and into a room. It's a bit old but clean, with a canopied bed with a nice comforter on it, nice curtains and a dresser and vanity. A side table with a flower pot is there, and several paintings hang on the walls. It's very peaceful seeming.

"Here y' go, Miss Sakura. You get settled in. If y' want y' clothes washed, just set em aside and someone will get em while you sleep. You can get a change of clothes from the dresser.," smiles Martin
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Yes, them. I havent heard than they had demons among them or than there is one at the temple, but is a great news to heard, it mean than we can talk and help each other if needed. Sakura said smiling and then taking some more of her Gumbo, cursing her luck to had visited that temple and dont had found that inquisitor, it would had saved her of her actual state, maybe she will have some words with that person about at least place some warnings the next time than it make guard in a dammed site.

The food went all right without troubles, after take Martin's hand she used her manners to say good night to uncle bob and Aunt Faera, not without show her great approval to the cooking skills of the last one. Then she follow the young Martin to where she would sleep, she was already trusting at these peoples so much to worry of where was getting taken, the whole family looks to be so kind to even think in anything bad really.

The place was nice, it was the best bedroom where the young lady has been at this game, not by far but it was a warm home and she feel so safe here. Then Martin's words made her smile and frown nervious, she has been wearing this smoke harness a long time, but for first time she feel so nude, she was not sure if the dress and mantle on her were an illusion or just magic smoke, the idea of wear some borrow clothes was so tempting, but then they will wonder where was her wet clothes.

Uhm, thanks. Its a really cute room and your family is so kind, I want to know more of you, so is fine if we talk more at the morning? But if you are busy we could do it after meet Miss Vera, there is something than i want to say to bothof you. The blue haired girl said blushing and looking a little down, she wanted to share all with these persons, maybe find some help or answers for what she caused and a cure for her before she get used to this strange warm in her inside than even Martin looks to increase.

After this she will wait for Martin to leave, he should maybe return to the party with all the ghosts, so she would have the chance to once alone uncast her smoke clothes and then open the dresser to find something than could fit her with her pregnant belly, her belly and breasts were starting to get in disconfort so she decide to turn the black harness in just a collar, so she could just sleep with real clothes at least this time.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"It's something of a hidden secret, some would question the inquisition's piety if it was well known.," says Aunt Faera. The pair nod in goodbye, Aunt Faera smiling happily at hearing that Sakura enjoyed her cooking.

"Sure, plenty time to talk.," he nods with a smile and a slight flush, having come in contact with her slime and feeling the effects slightly. She could certainly sense an attraction, and the very little corruption in him, in all of them. Some part of her felt a desire to grow it so she could absorb it from them in turn, but it was still controllable.

Once Martin left, Sakura indeed managed to return her smoke to it's collar form, revealing her fertile body to any who could see, then started going through the dressers. The clothing is in good repair if a little old fashioned, and she found a few clothes suited to this form.

Sakura could sleep if she wished, able to fall asleep instantly, but still some part of her remained aware at all times, able to snap out anytime she wished and be fully awake. She could maybe explore the manner, or maybe even pay a nightly visit to Martin or maybe one of the spirits and maybe for once be the one on top.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura hold her hands and bite softly her lip to control herself, Martin maybe was not so bad looking, but she dont wanted to corrupt him or any of her family after how kind they had been with her. She let him go smiling and giving a wave to him. Good night, Martin. She said in a charming tone, not than she wanted than her words come out like this, but at least she was glad than she dont let any naughty word come out or said that in a naughty tone.

She moved to close softly the door and then undress herself, the dresser have maybe old fashion dresses, but all was fine than wear black always or continue looking at her pregnant corrupted body, it made her think than she looks as a depraved monster with the scales in all her limbs and back, thankfully the dress choiced hide some of this fact.

With her borrow dress she them decide to sleep and this was easy at the start, but her mind continue so active, as also her fire inside her tainted body. It was her first night as a demon and she was not sure if they really sleep or what she do to control hthis endless urges. Her arms hugging her pregnant belly, as she struggle with the troughts to have someone below her, that kind well looking boy named Martin and she already was looking for a gushing boy with Tess at the hotel.

It passed maybe an half hour, maybe more as she think and stop herself, but at the end she just couldnt find out why she should punish herself to pass the night alone. W...well, im pregnant and Martin is a human... so the eggs will be fine. She said to herself as she get up of her bed and turn her collar into a black two piece underwear to get some more protect at her body of anyone who would look at her.

In silence she walk out her room and tried to find out where Martin could be, exploring what she could of this room without bother anyone.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her lust active and the thoughts of feeding her needs, and her young new genes, running through her mind, Sakura slipped out of her room to find her prey and lover. While she feared corrupting him, it also made her a bit excited. It wouldn't be so bad after all, he'd rut her eagerly, enjoy more lustful hobbies, and adore her. Someone she could make sure was completely hers and safe, not needing to fear ulterior motives or scorn. Could even make him her pet if she so desired. Or unleash him and let him master her instead.

Searching through, she found his room, his name on the door. She could hear the soft sounds of him sleeping within. A chance to give him a dream of bliss, one just as real too.

Now it was deciding merely how to proceed, and whether to listen to her own demonic instincts.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The young lady walk bare foot and easily found Martin's room, this in part made her have some mixing feelings, as she dont have the time to fight back this urge. Soon, the darkness in her made her think most likely reasons to do this and she really hate most of them, but the idea of have someone to love each other stop her of turn back.

She sigh in front of the door and turn around, worried than someone find her doing this, before she notice it her hand already has opened silently the door, making her whimper, as she was not sure what to do now. It take her a moment as she peek inside the room, trying to find out than Martin was alone, she really wanted someone to stop her, but she know than it was hard to happen.

She would stealthy get inside and then find out if Martin want some fun if his staff was hard, after all if it werent she could just cuddle at him and pass some time like that, maybe after some hours she will get sattled and she could then ask to him if he wanted to have some time with him when he awake, that was mostly her inocent plan, she was not a wild creature to jump at him.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura snuck her way inside of Martin's room. It's fairly old as well but of similar design to hers. But it was much more lived in, with several musical instruments about, as well as several ritual circles and magical devices meant to assist with necromancy.

Martin himself was asleep on his bed right now, in his under clothes and dreaming peacefully. It was simple enough to slip into his bed and check his arousal. While he hadn't been excited before, the slime from her body swiftly was exciting him.

She could easily play with him while he slept, leaving him none the wiser to being a father to her wonderful eggs, or maybe slip into his dreams themselves using the magical devices about and make him hers there. Or she could awaken him and ask him if she so desired. Or perhaps she could come up with some ideas of her own as well.

In any case he had yet to awaken, and she could easily slide what few clothes he had on aside for her to inspect her soon to be lover.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Out of all the ideas than could come to her mind, she mostly wanted for him to say what he think about her. There could be some magic tools and devices, but she suppose than she would fail in use them by her lack of knowledge at the topics.

She roll her eyes and just hug him from his back. nuzzling softly as she get his scent and get her warm, before wishper.

Martin... Martin, are you sleep? She whisper before start to caress his chest, slowly undressing him but then stop before continue whispering. Please awake... Martin, Martin do you feel something for me?

All said than this is right, so if is right can i take you? Make a noise to say yes, i really want this, so... please say yes, ok? Once then she will wait for any noise to start this, rubbing and filling his skin with her slime before undress him and then made the same with her own clothes except her underwear, trying to dont make any noise, as her hands move to caress his tool, getting it ready to use it when he awake or she couldnt hold herself, what come first...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura slipped into his bed, cuddling up and spooning against his back, if a little awkwardly because of her gravid stomach.

She started to grope and explore him before trying assuage her conscience, waiting for something, anything that she could choose was a go ahead. He did give a slight groan indeed. Consent enough for her, Sakura rubbed and soaked him in her slick aphrodisiacs, ensuring he was very hard and eager for her.

His breathing picked up a bit, her ensuring his dreams were of the lewd sort, his body more than ready for her to play with and to claim. Her whispering and rubs weren't quite enough to awaken him. Heavy sleeper. But it did mean she could confess freely and act and explore as she liked, safe from eyes to have her first time with a human male on her own terms.

She was in control this time.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura blushed and made a sweet smile when for what she suppose Martin agreed to have a time with her. Quickly moving to explore for first time a male human's body, giving small pokes to some areas than she havent seen before between her rubs to him. Taking most of the time soaking his privates, in part wishing than she dont had the scales at her hands, maybe the touch could feels weird for the male and so she decide to give some soft licks at his member lenght, trying to get used to it as she do what she has learned from seen Vel that time at the brothel.

Do it feels good, Martin? Im so new in this, but dont worry i will do my best so you can enjoy it too. She wishper him to his ear before finally rubs softly his dick at her lower lips and after some minutes it get inside her. Sakura tried to dont place her weight over him, but as the minutes passed she started to bounce faster and use one of her hands to muff her own moans, her insides wanted to get the mantool deep inside her, faster and harder to break what barrier could she have so when he cum it do it direct at her womb, but she also wanted than this last as much as it could and dry his pennis of all uts seed.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura finally got her chance with her dozing yet aroused partner. She fully slickened his shaft in her slime after fully stripping him down, getting to explore his harder body. It was more muscular than her own and harder in places, the body of someone who's not a stranger to physical labour, though certainly no body builder.

Sakura's shame of her scaled hands seems to have a slight effect, allowing her scales to recede from her palms and inner arms and legs, so it only covers her outer body defensively while leaving her body soft and easily fucked on the inner side.

She lapped along his shaft, tasting the sweet slime she coated it in and his own fluids, practising her lewd craft. He wasn't nearly as endowed as the nonhuman species she had mated with thus far, but she could fix that too. After all If she corrupted him enough she could make adjustments.

Soon enough Sakura couldn't resist any longer, mounting his slumbering form and taking him into her. She felt her body adjusting to grip and milk her new partner as she rode him, getting to move at her own pace and enjoy the pleasure of being the dominant one, milking him for his seed to bare her new young and alter her burgeoning ones.

As she mated with him, her corruption flowed into him, and in turn into her. It was not very much though as of yet, but she felt she could get a lot if she let it flow freely and saturated him in her corruption and making him hers. She might even be able to enhance his size and potency, if not add entirely new things.

In either case, her speed was increasing, and she suspected he wouldn't last much longer before adding his seed to her lusty body.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With all at her favor, the young demoness mount the male once she has explore him completely until the point than she couldnt endure the need to ride his member. Her hands and legs were for her surprise released in part of such odd scales, making her smile and fill in joy to be now able to touch as much as she could with her soft skin, she wanted to ask how that miracle happened, but no one with the answer was there.

Martin's dick was so hard pushing deep inside her, it was just so great have her wet folds press against it, almost as if they had own mind. As the time come, there was less bindings for try to improve the pleasure given to her, her hands who moments later had been stroking his slimy member were placed over his firm chest, moving her hips to guide his member to find her bests spots. Yes... i ts so good, help i cant stop... so warm. Please, im so needed to get it all inside. She manage to whispers between whimpers, her moves going fasters with the time of his release looking to get closer.

The release come and she tried to end with it, her hand almost get late in cover her mouth as her body shiver with her peak, but after a moment of break, she wanted to so it again, she was sure than Martin wouldnt sattle her needs alone without help and she just hope than he could make his member more hard and bigger inside her with more potence and cream juice to fill her, maybe it was her inner corruption taking her actions in instinct she just make these changes on him without know than she could, just wishing than nothing bad happens with her making some more love with him.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Well since it was asked, Sakura is (unintentionally) attempting a Conversion check. Sakura is a Minor Demon so has no bonus, but gains a bonus from Demon Lord's Mark. Target is an above standard target so there is a penalty as well.

15+0+2-2= 15. Sakura is very successful indeed.

Sakura thrust herself upon her partner eagerly, but her desire for more, to make her partner more suited to her needs her cravings grew, and she found herself pouring more and more of her energies into him. Even her climax wasn't enough for her.

As she drained her darkness into him, he groaned and shuddered as a marking appeared on him in turn, a runic mark that she could sense symbolised herself, something she could easily alter to suit her more like a heraldic symbol or what not.

Even as she corrupted him, her desires for his shaft grew, him thickening and extending upwards, growing in potency as he gasped, giving a loud groan as he orgasmed hard, feeding her the seed she craved and a large bounty of demonic energy.

Sakura has fully corrupted her first individual and in turn increased her demonic energies. She may choose from one of the following demonic traits to mark her path into demonhood forward. They are represented by a new rune appearing on her body.

Rune of the Night Visitor: Sakura does not need to make a stealth check around sleeping targets, her passing like a dream, and can ravage sleeping entities unnoticed. However she is vulnerable to Dream Catchers and other wards and may take extra risks against such.

Rune of the Hellguard: Sakura can use her lust as a shield, converting harm into pleasure. She can transfer hp damage to AP instead. However she is extra vulnerable to straight AP strikes and takes +1 AP damage from them.

Rune of the Darkbreeder: Sakura's spawn rally to protect their mother. Sakura's young can break Sakura out of a severe bind every so often. Though the scent of a breeder will increase chances of encounters.

Rune of the Demoniac: Sakura can allow her dark influences to run rampant, giving her +2 to her rolls. But after the combat she will attempt to violate her opponent, or if impossible the next closest creature.

Rune of the Balefire Acolyte: Sakura can call upon the demons Balefire, flames of lust that strike enemies AP and ignores armor and reductions. However she has little control over it and may affect herself too.

In addition she can modify Martin's form as her first convert to a form fitting with her burgeoning demonic nature. Basically you can alter his form limited to demonic things and it should reflect Sakura's inner demon in some manner.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was lost at her pleasure, she wanted to stop of use this kind man below her, but it was so good to feel his staf ravaging her needed place, the corruption on her wanted more pleasure and she couldnt deny than Martin's member could be better. For itself her body moves faster and place more corruption on the poor man who was fully corrupted by the demoness, her moans were each time more hard to muff and her hand over Martin couldnt stop to rub against his manly chest, shivering in delight as her body thrill in delight.

Suddenly her eyes noticed a strange mark on him, she supposed than it was related to herself, but she was taken so much delicious corruption from him than she suppose Martin heritage was the one to blame for that mark, then her eyes wide open and she couldnt stop to let escape a surprised moan when the manly member grow and press feep inside her. So huge...how? its still growing!?... ahh Martin... i cant hold it... her amazed whispers were just the peak of the iceberg of lust on her, she was amazed than human males could make theirs dicks grow so much, it made her almost cum but she never stop as Martin's member turn into a perfect one for her inner demon self.

Martin, i love you...please... hug me, make me yours and lets do it together. She begs and order to him, without know than he serve her now she only wanted to the man to awak e and do sweet love to her for the rest of her needs at this night.

Rune of the Darkbreeder: Sakura's spawn rally to protect their mother. Sakura's young can break Sakura out of a severe bind every so often. Though the scent of a breeder will increase chances of encounters.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura felt a new rune appear on her, feeling a stronger bond to her growing brood and a stronger urge to breed, though not yet unmanageable. The idea of new life made by her through any means an exciting thought, the burgeoning of a new demonic broodmother, though her path could wind many ways yet.

In the meantime however she had her first stud to service her, her first cultist, though he didn't much look the part yet.

Martin's eyes opened, him shuddering and indeed hugging her as he began to thrust up into her, panting hard with a groan, rutting his mistress and patron. "Of course, Sakura. Can't leave y' wantin'.," he says, thrusting hard into her.

He was relentless as she could tell his greater fertility. While not the most powerful of studs, his magical lineage would bestow her young great ability in the necromantic arena.

His large shaft continued to hammer deep into her, him rubbing her full breasts as he leaned in and kissed her passionately, rutting her just like she needed.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Renewed needs to laid and breed were placed at Sakura by her new rune, these help her some more to deny any worry than she have of enjoy this moment at Martin's arms, her whole body crave for his warm seed and her hips move better to help at the suction than her naughty walls do to his now bigger member.

She was not amazed than Martin opened his eyes or answer her back, after all she know from the start than Martin was just acting and he wanted this to happen, she suppose than there was a crush between them. Of course not Martin She answer with a soft giggle. I...am sure than, you were feeling the same... as me, but you dont needed to be so shy and act as if you were sleeping. Sakura said blushing and loving how the human made her feel loved.


Oh...yes, pound faster, i love it Martin~ She said before try to prepare herself close Martin's mouth waiting her first human male kiss. They were united in a passionate kiss than lasted minutes, it made the young demoness burn in love, almost melting at his arms than pleasure her so perfectly for her first time. Im so happy, please cum inside me, i want to feel your seed implanted on my womb, i feel so weird, it must be maybe love, do you feel it too, Martin?. The lust burn her alive, making her move faster to get more of what the human could offer until her lust could get sattle.

Then as a couple, she will rest at his arms trying to enjoy the moment before in pain need to dress to return at her room, Martin needed to rest after all and she dont wanted to cause troubles if anyone get inside the room and look to them.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura's delusion that he had always been awake and wanted it rather than she violated him and her command had forced him awake aside, she certainly was getting what she needed now.

Love or lust, she needed this, to feel her energies spread, to feel more life planted inside her. The idea of her being empty of growing life somewhat disturbing. He rutted her without rest, and there was no lack of release into her, adding his genes to her existing young and she could tell that she would have his young as well.

His stamina wasn't eternal though, even with her enhancements, and eventually he passed out in her arms, giving Sakura time to slip away, feeling satisfied with her relief. It could be improved but for now she had time to savor and consider how to make her "love" all the better to sate her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her needs sattled in part, Sakura could finnaly calm herself at his embrance before kiss him kindly. I guess than you were already so tired after all is so late, rest well my love ❤ Her eyes look to Martin some moments later before she start to prepare herself to leave, for the moment she was so cheer up by finally had meet a boy, she cant believe than she already made it so well than he was the one to pass out, of course than she dont notice from where this happy feeling come than made her hands rubs instinctively her pregnant belly or than her inner walls were pressed enough to dont let his cum escape so it get more chances to impregnate her.

She just wear her borrowed dress and get out the most silent possible, she wanted to giggle and show her happiness but she endure it until reach her room, hugging her pillow and roll sometimes, if she dont needed to sleep then maybe she could think about what will happen at the morning, she needed a bath and think on a cute and modest dress to wear, so she most likely passed the rest of the night getting ready to get out with Martin to meet the Demon Witch, the innocent girl never had a boyfriend until now.

When the time come she will peek of the room, all ready to come out if she needed to go for a breakfast, it was strange to dont need to eat something after pass all the naight without sleep. Her plan was simple get out as nothing has happened and maybe then Martin would say about love her too at the breakfast, about the runes she will mostly try to cover them and think about them when they get to the demon witch.