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Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
War was always exciting, at least in many ways. It was a nasty, grizzly affair but at least it was always different. Nothing could be fully expected and the raging war between Valance and Tarvinan had been anything but expected. For example, it would have been unthinkable before this war to have machines capable of crashing through the lines of armoured infantry or to have sharpshooters in such numbers that they could pick off casting mages before they could unleash grand spells over the battlefield. Tervinan had progressed and adapted to the new avenues that their mastery of harnessing magic for the masses had brought, Valance would have to adapt or die.

Sakuya had overseen the battle, helping to organise the defence of the mostly ruined town of Belvast, once a Tervinan boarder town. It hadn't been an easy battle, but they had held the town for the time being, leaving only a few scattered remnants of resistance to be mopped up. A few stragglers were holed up in the ruins of a churc, taking pot shots at anyone that tried to get too close. While it would have been easy enough to flatten the building, one of the men inside was a highly regarded Tarvinan officer, one whom might have a wealth of information about what other surprises their army were planning.

Aria, one of Sakuya's subordinate's and a competent field scout, had just returned with a report of the situation.

"There looks to be no more than eight of them, they have three at least keeping watch at all times. I don't know how much longer they can shoot but they have the main entrances covered. It might be possible to sneak a couple troops in one of the smaller side entrances while we distract them, but what we know of the interior would leave them pretty open to attack. The building isn't in great shape as it is, so I don't think we can risk using too much force or we risk bringing it down." The young woman bows her head, shifting her rifle at her side.

"There were some tunnels under the church, but with all the fighting I don't know if we can still get into them. Not many of the men would volunteer either, they don't like the idea of desecrating the graves of the dead." it was clear from the slight hint of nervousness, a trait Aria rarely exhibited, that she wasn't too keen on the idea either."
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

Sakuya bowed her head slightly rubbing her temples in deep thought and frustration, "I don't approve of desecrating hallow ground or graves except in the mist dire of times or situations either. A distraction would prove useful if it would work and work for long enough.... With the main entrances covered and a constant vigil at all times it makes a direct assault rather futile... What are our numbers, Aria? Would we have enough to distract the shooters for a small band to attempt to break through one of the main entrances? What would you suggest at this point?" she asked looking for ideas that would work with not too many causalities on her side.
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

"Directly under your command we have about twelve capable fighters. Two barrier mages, a pair of sharpshooters, a handful of warriors and a healer. I think if the sharpshooters and a few warriors opened up on the side and made as though they were attempting to gain entry we might be able to distract them. The barrier mages will be able to keep them safe while a team moves in from the other side entrance. I expect they will be watchful, but it might give us a few moments." Aria replies carefully, nodding as she finishes.

"It won't be safe, but they really want that commander taken alive." She adds, with the barest measure of resentment in her voice. They had already fought a long battle today, this extra risk wasn't very welcome, despite the potential gains.
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

"Then our main objective is to siege the opposing army's commander? If that's so, then we need to focus on quick infiltration and will be needing either a distraction or the element of surprise on our side. Hrm.... if we did go through with digging through the graves and catacombs, do you think we would be able to slip past the defenses enough to get the drop on them and capture the commander easily with few casualties? I'm not saying to do so, but if we did do you think it might work better then our previous suggestion? I want to know every option before making my order." she inquired of Aria trying to come up with best possible plan of action.
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

Aria looks a little hesitant but soon nods in reply. "Yes, it would give us the greatest element of surprise to head through the tunnels. If we timed that with a distraction out front then they would be watching all sides but not thinking of anyone coming up from below. Given the options, it's the most likely to give us the element of surprise, and the most likely to let us manage without casualties."
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

"I see........" Sakuya said reluctantly and frustrated before huffing out a heavy sigh and turning around to face and address her troops, "ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP! I know you all don't like the idea of digging up and through graves, and to be honest I dont like it either......... BUT, unfortunately it IS our best bet to get in an take the commander alive and do so with the least amount of casualities. For those o you who have a problem with this you can be part of the diversion force. Everyone else get armed, grab a shovel and get to digging!" she said as she would proceed to grab a pick and shovel and would start to the catacombs to begin her assault.
Re: Sakuya Tachibana (TentanariX)

Aria and the others listen carefully and snap a salute when Sakuya is finished giving her orders. There are a few that are more noticeably against the idea of going through the catacombs, but in the end most of the unit agrees that it'd be the best way to proceed. Aria sets about issuing the more immediate orders and organises the team for the tunnels from those that are willing to go.

Its not too long until the team breaks through the outer wall of the catacombs, opening a way into the tunnels under the town. Gathering around the makeshift entrance, Aria stands with the others who are to make the assault on the church. Four men and another woman stand with her, two warriors, the healer and a sharpshooter, all ready to proceed on Sakuya's command. The catacombs seemed narrow so they'd need to continue in single file, the order of which would be up to Sakuya of course.