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Sanctuary Based RP

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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

So, uh... How's it going?
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Apologies, I have had ... well let's just say things have kept me away for a while and I'd rather not talk about them. I'm going to be out until either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning still. Things shall resume at that point, with any luck on a stable schedule.

I really hate this time of year.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

No worries, I figured it was something of the sort, just trying to keep some activity here.
Good luck!
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Updates scattered about here now. Have to head out in just a few, but I'm going to try to get a few in before I leave. Will update again tonight.

This is a bad time of year for me here, so up until the holidays end, my availability may be ... sketchy at best.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I wouldn't worry too much about it, I'm pretty sure the next two weeks are full for pretty much everyone. :/
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Since my laptop finally croaked, I probably won't be able to be online as often as I want to be, altough I'll try to hop in as often as possible and post stuff.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Copy that Grave.

I will be gone most if not all of Christmas Day, and all day New Years Eve and New Years Day. Plans for Christmas, and I'll be in Pasadena, CA for New Years and the Rose Bowl between #5 Wisconsin and #3 Texas Christian. Go TCU!
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Forgive me, because I KNOW I am being impatient and all; but I was just wondering how long it is going to be before I can start in here. ^^""
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Shit Tenta, I completely forgot ....

I'm trying to think who would be appropriate for your character to run into and where ...

Not many NPC's open still, although ... I think I have an idea. Any particular place you'd want your char to be in?
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I had Declan ask Edith something LDF over in London. Ya may wanna check there.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Hmm, Shey will likely be at a coffee shop/cafe/library somewhere in Indiana (Evansville) reading a book and or drinking a cappuccino. She probably wouldn't be anywhere out of state as she never travels.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

OK, that will change things a little bit. Will get to that ASAP.

I'm not updating any further tonight due to a bad Blizzard here and power interruptions. Will update after the blizzard ends either tomorrow night or sometime Monday.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Well it's been 3 months with no replies. I'm pretty much ready to declare this completely dead and up for a move to the archives. I can't chase everyone down for it so ... yeah.

If there's enough interest shown in the next week or so I may restart this, but for now, I think this needs to be classified as dead.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

*shrugs* makes me sad, but i suppose it's for the best. In other news, most of the way through the third season now. have to wait for it to be released on DvD, so i'm a little behind...
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Same. Shame that other interferences keep setting this to doomage :<
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Badthing is I started watching the show again recently and looked in to see what the latest posts were to try and get back into it.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'd like to get it started back up again, but if I do we're all going to have to work out a few kinks given that some folks may or may not be back.

I can run it still if it's just the 5 of us (I'm counting me too). But yeah, anything less than that is going to be hard to have enough disparity. Bartnum I don't think has enough free time for it, and idk what happened to Burrito. LDF idk about either.

If you folks want to keep this going let me know, and go ahead and reply to where your characters were when this stopped. I'll have to free up others to get this going too, but I think I can manage.
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