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Sanctuary Based RP

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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'm up for it, personally. not gonna reply though, seeing as I have the last post in the thread. Don't wanna double-post, ya know ;)
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

My reply is right before Shrike's, so it's the same with me. Up for continuing.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I never got a thread to start with the char I made way back when, so I couldn't really post :p but seriously I'm still somewhat interested despite my full plate. I might even try working on a different char idea~ :3
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'm up for continuing. I think I'm one of the ones being waited on for a reply, actually...
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'd post but there's nothing for Dante to respond to, really.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

You were Bartnum. Alright, I'll see what I can do later then.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

In my case I was more waiting on Drenea to post, but seems I'm stuck with iniciative roll if we wanna keep this going, so to speak ^^;
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

With holiday stuff going I have not had time to really update this or anything else. That said, I will continue this after January 2nd. Everything should be back to normal by then.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

No worries, I think we've all been pretty busy. I myself am so full you could probably cram me in the oven and get turkey with stuffing at the end XD
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Well finally had a minute to update, apologies on the delay. With any luck, this can get going again.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

PM's are going out to those who the RP is waiting on. Hoping we're not going to have drop outs but ... sometimes life happens and it can't be helped.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I will be gone starting tomorrow morning until probably either Friday or Saturday sometime. Updates from me will resume then.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sooo, I was browsing through this the other day and I'm thinking about restarting the whole thing with a reboot at some point in the near future. I'll be sending out PM's to all former players just in case no one checks here, and if you are interested say so here and I'll start working on it.

You can use the same characters if you like as well, though as of this exact second I have not decided WHERE the RP will pick up, only that it'll be a fresh start and not from the previous spots.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sarah pokes her head into the room, a dangerous glint into her eyes.

"Did somebody say... science?!?"
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sweet, so one in, hoping to get at least two more! New players are of course welcomed!
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I likely will, though my postrate has been suffering of late. I kinda miss Mikki XD
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Alright that is two. One more and I can start seriously putting everything into setting this back up. Estimated restart time is about 1-2 weeks after I get a third confirmation. I'll probably go ahead and start planning things out and making an actual database this time ahead of schedule, just so that nuisance is done. If you change anything about your characters, please make a note of that to me.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Looks like I have 3 confirmations now, so starting tomorrow I'll put everything together and make all the changes I plan to, and then get things started up with the 'sign-ups'. The character sheet won't be changing much if at all in terms of format, though I may tweak some of the NPC bio's before starting up again.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Alright, so here is the deal.

I'm still not going to allow vampires as of yet, though I may change that in the future. Chris and Nikola right now are the only two known ones, though everyone thinks Nikola is dead (again). Picking this up a little bit further into the Cabal line than last time, but sticking with that one. At this point, Lazarus is a well known thing, rumors have it that there is a Cabal facility somewhere in Calgary, and the Cabal have started their march towards taking the Montana test subjects.

The Lazarus Virus is still in play, having been discovered in the same place as last time, but spreading at a faster rate than the previous version of this. If your character is not a part of the network already, then we'll have to bring them in, and everyone will need a starting point, so figure out where your character would be.

The Sanctuary is a true global network, having one in most every major city on the planet, and a few in seemingly out of the way locations.

The character sheets have not changed in style since the last version of this, although some of the NPC sheets I have, or my own characters have changed slightly. I will have the character database up in just a bit with any luck, and then you folks can start tweaking and submitting your characters back in here for me to add them into the database. If you have any other questions on something I didn't cover here, shoot me a PM or ask it in this thread.

Available Races:

Humans: Self Explanatory.

Medusae: Most are physically attractive specimens, they can be either male or female. Their definining features are of course snakes for hair, however they appear to have blind human eyes. This however is something of a trick, they can see far better than any human ever could, and the extra senses their snakes give to them make their senses almost as sharp as what a vampire's would have been. They are susceptible however to specific harmonic frequency attacks, and can be rendered paralyzed for a time if struck with the right frequency. They are able to hide amongst humans well enough by wearing special hats and playing off as blind people.

Yeti: This is the species of "The Big Guy". Yeti have extremely tough skin that can't be penetrated by bullets, and are substantially stronger than a normal human. It is difficult for them to hide out in the public unless they are clad in baggy coats hiding their inhuman features and long hair. On the plus side, the only known way of actually knocking out a Yeti is with gaseous vapors such as a general anethesia in this form. Physically tough, the Yeti is a being who you do not want to anger and get into close quarters combat with, their strength is believed to be a match even for a vampire.

Pixie: A small winged species, they are difficult to attack given their small size, but the trade off is that at best they are a mere annoyance themselves in combat, with no real abilities to fight anything larger than them effectively.

Vaylari: This recently discovered species naturally appear to be bald humans. However, they are capable of some limited shape-shifting, able to mimic human form perfectly. Beyond this however, they can't shape shift much further, as their abilities seem to have been developed solely to mingle unknown within a human population. Only a specific instrument designed by the Sanctuary or Cabal networks can tell a Vaylari apart from a human.

Other: You can create your own race still, just no vampires or part vampires. Lycanthropes are fine as well.
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

And here's my character, Raigor

[Name: Raigor Stonehoof
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7" (Hunched) 6'6" (Standing)
Weight: ~700 lbs
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Abnormal (Potentially classified as an Elemental.)

Physical Description: Raigor's body appears to be that of an abnormally large gorilla, though, his legs end in digitigrade ankles with large forked hooves instead of the typical feet of a Gorilla. His fur also appears to be a dark tan shade, with darker and thicker fur on his back and shoulders. His fists are larger than his actual cranium, and his ears hang out to either side of his head slightly, just barely drooping down. On his back what appears to be a frame holding a large, round totem, inscribed with all manner of ancient runes, is strapped, held on by straps over his shoulders, much like a backpack. Covering his arms from finger to elbow are thick leather gloves, and his hands are each, in fact, two giant large fingers with an equally large thumb. Around his waist is a broad leather belt with a thick piece of black cloth hanging down the front, and two thinner strips hanging down to either side of his spine. On closer inspection, the belt is actually part of a pair of black cloth pants, reaching down to his ankles and held tight against his fur with tight red bands, causing the fur below his ankles to billow out. Lastly, his face sports a flattened, black nose, a rather large forehead, and an exceptionally thick "beard" of his fur hanging down from his chin, a small, round object bearing the same inscriptions as his Totem tying it tight near the end

Known Biological Facts: Allegedly has strength rivaling a Yeti. Intelligence is on par with an average human being, and can speak fluid English.

Powers: Raigor Stonehoof could, at best, be classified as an Earth Elemental, though his power isn't as......Accessible. Raigor possesses the ability to control earth, just like an Earth elemental, however he cannot manipulate it in a major way without the aid of a thick and heavy totem, inscribed with various runes, he carries on his back, and is never parted with.

Light Background History: The first thing Raigor remembers is awakening amidst shattered hills and fallen boulders, a heavy totem clutched under one arm, and a deep-seated wanderlust filling his body. Over the course of his life, he has drifted across the Earth, as continents do, slowly taking in the world that he feels is as much a part of him as he is of it. He has often avoided much of Human civilization, as often times they fear him, or have lost touch with the world beneath their feet.
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