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Sapphire Ascent - IC


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Apr 21, 2019
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It is the age of Virtue. The Realm of Lumen is at peace. It has been 21 years since the dark mage Farlorn was defeated, and the wounds of that conflict are finally beginning to heal. The many peoples of the lands have come together after they were almost brought to ruin by treachery and devastation. The four heroes who faced Farlorn and defeated him disappeared afterwards, but their closest companions returned to their homes and took it upon themselves to model the broken nations of the realm into a new order - a realm that would make heroes, and never again suffer like this. Four new kingdoms and dynasties were established in the name of those four heroes, each representing and seeking to foster one of the virtues that brought on the defeat of the dark mage. The Kingdom of Valor, the Kingdom of Finesse, the Kingdom of Resolve, and the Kingdom of Hope. They have replaced the old order, and under their guidance, most people thrived.

But some wounds heal slower than others. The dark mage was surrounded by a cadre of wizards and sorcerers, witches and mages, who sought to build a nation where they would rule by virtue of their magical power. In the wake of this rebellion, arcane magic is widely distrusted, and practitioners are in constant danger of being ostracized whenever they cannot assuage the paranoid clerical authorities that have taken all magical auspices under their oversight. Many arcane practitioners are forced to conduct their art in secret or to flee from civilization altogether and become hedge-mages. Many rogue casters have joined the remaining bandit warlords, creating further tensions. Yet, things are looking up as the first generation of children born after the end of the realm war reaches adulthood and becomes ready to make its mark on the world.

In the shadows of the frontier however, something is stirring. A strange new society has started recruiting and abducting magically talented people. Their reach is still small, and their aims are as nebulous as the figure that leads them - a mage known only as the "Lady of the Night." Some across the four nations have noticed the threat, and are starting to prepare for a coming upheaval, one that may eclipse the realm war...


In the darkness of her sanctuary, the Lady of the Night watched her plans unfold, and the many new people who were chosen to join her growing army. In particular, she observed with eagerness three young girls about to meet her agents, and get a taste of the power she has to offer...

Ruxi, a goblin thief and troublemaker, was on the run from the militia of a small town in the eastern regions, and she was running for her life. She knew that this time, they would not kick her out or throw her in jail - by ways she did not quite understand, she had made that girl jump from the roof to her death. They would see her die for this - probably painfully.

Maria, a foxgirl from the eastern regions, was on her way to join a convent, traveling with a troupe of nuns to their secluded monastery. They had been on the road for the day, and it being long past sundown, the other sisters decided to approach a farmhouse nearby. The leading sister said they knew the old man and his daughter who lived there, but when they arrived, they found the house empty...

Patricia, a half-orc warrior, had just returned from hunting. Her quarry had eluded her, and without provisions to go on, she had to return to her tribe's camp empty-handed. But that was not the worst thing that would happen to her this night - for as she left the woods behind and stepped unto the wide plains of the eastern steppes, she saw a roaring fire raging where her tribe was resting for the week...
Ruxi, the Immaculate, Location: On the Move Tag: Introduction

Two yellow-orange eyes flopped open under the carriage. They currently followed a yellow sac spider whose web had been startled by the female goblins impromptu hiding. An all too brief consideration later, a long, red tongue came forth to slowly lick over the spiders head. The spider took exeption to that.

"Yeowch!" The wagon rattled a little, attracting far more attention than Ruxi was looking for currently. An authoritative shout from outside had Ruxi quickly extand her hand, collecting the spider into one of her ragged pokets -you never waste a good spider after all- and then, her other hand holding her stung tongue, she dashed out from under the wagon and between some legs.

Armored legs, Ruxi noted. That bode poorly. She wasn't entirely sure which city this was, human names were stupid and elfen names were stupider after all. She also wasn't sure where she was going, it was a bit too bright outside for her tastes, after all. The guardsmen behind her were shouting something about order and foul magic. Ruxi wish she knew magic, then there'd be a lot less problems for her, and a lot more toads.
Someone shouted at her to stop. Or what? She thought, turning around long enough to draw a dagger, and toss it in the requestee's face. It was a shame, pretty face, really, the kind of face that she saw herself romancing.. if he was a handsome goblin, that was. Well, less handsome now, what with the dagger, and the blood.. although didn't slow him down much, what about that.

Ruxi was running a little lower on daggers, which was a problem. Now these weren't -her- daggers, but they were still quite useful to have.. she dove under a market-stand. Which was a bit of a risk, there could be a solid wall at the other end. There was also an apple. Now, that was Ruxi's apple. See, she needed it worse than the store-owner, to keep up her energy. Running away cost a lot of energy. The apple tasted sweet and a bit like spider poison.
Yeah. It would be nice to be a spellcaster. She could blast these dumbasses with fire. or just.. fly away. Or summon an army of pigs to stampede them. Was it her imagination or had her tongue swollen a little? She propably needed to drink something to fix that, but there was the issue of the guardsmen in pursuit. Turns out, apple was a bad guardsman deterrent, it seemed to only make them run faster.

Time for her secret technique, flailing to run faster. The book Ruxi had read-ish called it aerodynamics and birds did it, birds were fast, so.. "Woouwouuuwouup!" she made, running a little faster, on small green legs. If anyone asked, she'd say this was goblin for 'don't catch me I'm cute'. That'd be a lie, but it'd sound better than 'random noise I make when I am stressed out'
24565 Maria; Location: Farmhouse; Tag: Sisters
Maria had been training as a acolyte of a harvest goddess for years now. At first she hated it, the idealized life of chased asceticism clashed with her prideful self indulgence. That wretch of a woman would pay! At least that's what she had promised herself as a child. The years of harsh punishments, strict training, and indoctrination had formed her into the perfect little maiden, ready to live out her life dedicated to the goddess with no worries about anything outside of her. This was no more obvious then her affinity for magic, which she had displayed a gift for shortly after joining the convent. Such displays of arcane magic where sinful! She was swiftly taught never to show her affinity again. Magic was evil, she was evil for being good at it! The only recourse was taking on more chores, doubling her prayers and never using it again.

Finally it was time to leave the convent she had been trained in, she would be traveling to a remote convent that was short on sisters. A small voice, selfish and proud, demanded she run away. She was a noblemen's daughter, not some common nun! She wouldn't spend her days in toil for some goddess that didn't love her. Maria knew better, she knew that being a good sister was the only way for a creature as depraved and evil as her to be made whole. The journey was long and even though she might have been tired Maria could only view that as a good thing, she was toiling hard for her goddess. It seemed however, that some of the less faithful where not trusting in their provisions, asking to stop at a farm house of a simple rest.

"If we must stop, then so be it," Maria declared approaching the building. She made sure she was one of the first to the door, right along side the sister know know the old man. Her tail remained still, her ears perfect little triangles. She was a representative of Chauntea to theses people, and would not let them down. The sister knocked, several times, she called out, but no answer. No one was around, and the house was completely undefended. "Maybe they are out back?" Maria asked, walking off on her own before even getting an answer.
Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Orcish Camp Tag: Survivors?

The hunt had been worse than a failure. Patricia had been regarded with suspicion by even her best friends in the tribe not only because of her human heritage but because of the flashes. Life had grown far more complex, more stressful and even more dangerous as Patricia had grown older. She'd grown into a woman and attracted the attention of men and boys and the jealousy of her peers and the older women. The mix of human and orcish blood had left her with a powerfully buxom and beautifully feminine form along with a strength of body and mind that set her apart in the tribe. Patricia flirted and snogged of course but something instinctive within her had maintained her virginity. She had no wish to give herself to a man as a wife or lover, to bear his brats as many of the girls her age had already done. It wasn't that Patricia disliked men for she had a powerful attraction to men, especially the strong, charismatic and powerful and the idea of bearing a child to such a man thrilled her immensely. However that was not to be, at least not when the strangeness had started around her, things catching on fire spontaneously, things breaking, milk curdling or items fixing themselves in odd fashions. Patricia who already was regarded as odd both for her virginity, independence of spirit and her mixed blood now found herself half ostracized by her own tribe as they suspected her of magical powers.

Patricia had taken more and more to long, solitary hunting trips where she could not only bring back food to the tribe but escape the watching, negative judgement and the whispers... the ever present whispers. On this trip she had not only failed to bring down any game but in the middle of a stalk as her mind ruminated on the injustices of the tribe fire had exploded around Patricia. The sudden flames had scared away a glorious buck deer and wasted an arrow that Patricia had not been able to recover. But the worst was that the incident had all but confirmed in Patricia's mind that she was some sort of conduit for magical powers. Now of course just how could she face her family and the tribe unable now to deny what twisted powers lurked inside?

It was in the context of these dark thoughts that Patricia came up short as she saw the smoke and fire rising above the site of her tribe's camp. In the moment any dislikes of her tribe vanished. Patricia growled and readied her bow. If a foe was powerful enough to approach the camp and burn it then they would be powerful. She immediately trotted along the edge of the woods until she came to a low watercourse where she could move in slight cover to approach the camp and see what could be done to aid her folk.
@ Maria

Behind the farmhouse you found a large garden with plants, a closed barn, and a large wheat-field almost ripe for harvesting, with a small tool shack nearby. next to the field and along the garden and a nearby meadow ran a small creek, with a dense forest beyond. There was no one back there or in the field that you could see. Sister Aurala came up behind you. "Sister Maria, the door is open. There seems to be no one at home. The others want to wait inside."

(You can search one of the mentioned places or return to the house. Either way, roll an investigation check.)
@ Patricia

The camp looked worse from up close than from afar, piles of burning corpses everywhere, and their flames where starting to spread. Soon, the entire camp would be engulfed in flames and burn down. There are no peope around, attackers or defenders, and you can hear nothing over the roaring fire...
Several things flashed through your mind.
You should look for survivors! Surely, not everyone could be dead?...
Your parent's tent! You had to know what happened to them! Plus, there were things there you would never have left behind...
Whoever did this would have left traces behind. Maybe you checked for those?

(You can choose one of those and give me an Investigation check.)
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@ Ruxi

You continued to run from the guards. You were close to the town gate, but a row of guards was already blocking the way. Maybe you could dive under them? There were also houses next to the wooden wall, you could climb them and maybe get over the palisade from there? Or you could try dive between buildings and evade the guards fora while... but it was clear they would turn this whole place upside down to find you... the pain in your tongue keeps intensifying as well, hopefully this spider was not seriously venomous...

(Give me a Con check against poison, then, whatever your preferred route is, give an Athletics and an Acrobatics check.)
Ruxi, the Immaculate, Location: On the Move Tag: Introduction

Ruxi looked about.. her natural instinct was to scuttle down low, but the guards expected this and the city wall was big,.. so maybe climbing up high was a better idea, this time around. At the burn of day, at the scene of a crime, like a streak of shadow, she'd escape just in time.

Although the swelling of her tongue wsa slightly concerning.
"Hmpffh.. stoopid spidos." She noted, before trying to paw herself up a wall, with a more than decent amount of squirming and wiggling. Who build these things this large?!? Her little goblin footsies flailed and pushed.. and then she growled, turning around on the guardsmen, now closing in on her. Flapping out her swollen tongue a little, she declare:

"Yous want to see some real magics huh? Alright, I didn't want to blow you all up, but here we go! Erin Arum, Aran nerim, Spirits of fire obey my call.. Judas Rising!" She declared, raising her hands up high, twirling them mysteriously and intonating a magical formula..

Before rushing forward, punching the closest guard that tried to grab at her between the legs.. and running!
Alright, so this wasn't her best day. She was not really good at climbing and maybe she should stop licking little critters, it seemed that ever since that fun time with the toad, its been downhill on that one anyway. But she is nimble and hard to get a hold off, no one can take that from her! "Laters, Buttfuckers!" She enthused, when she felt like she got away.

(Athletics 6, Acrobatics 6, Save vs poison 5! Deception 7 and, just to test my luck, activating Tides of Chaos for advantage on slipping through the guards with a dex check!
A 21 dex total to just run! (or 19, if you rule that the failed deception gives disadvantage, which is countered by my advantage. )
Maria; Location: Farmhouse; Tag: Sisters
24659 The calm of the warm house was unearving, Maria hadn't felt anything like it before. She peered around the back, with the fading light making finding anything of value a chalange. She took a few steps towards the woods before being stopped by sister Aurala. "I would like to take a look in the woods for a moment. I will join the others soon." Weather the other sister stayed with her or went back, Maria pressed on. Looking into the wood, trying to find any signs of the family, or possible clues to there whereabouts. [Investigation 15]

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Orcish Camp Tag: Survivors?

Patricia gripped her bow and grimaced at the scenes of devastation. Friends, relations dead and all the camp and clan dead. She vowed revenge but immediately she had to see if her family was ok. Patricia knew that she should look to help survivors but her family was most important. Later she would help those that might be still alive and then track down those responsible!

Trotting quickly she headed toward the tent of her family!

OOC: Investigation roll 11
@ Patricia

You made your way through the devastated camp, rushing towards the large tent your family lived in. The fire was spreading nearby, time was running short!
Inside, among broken furniture, you found Jackie, your youngest half-sister partially buried beneath the mess, bleeding, but still alive.
Orc - Green Hair - Yellow Orange Eyes [ronindude].png
"Pat... Is that you? Help me, please..." (You can attempt an Str roll to pull her out.)
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@ Ruxi

Having made it past the gate, you thought you were home free, until you heard that dreaded clapping sound: horses. You looked over your shoulder, and sure enough, a guard was coming through the gate on a horse. Even your swiftness would have trouble. There were patches of trees and brush in this steppe, and as you looked towards one of them, you noticed a strange light coming from it...

(Give me another athletics check, a perception check, and another con check against poison.)
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@ Maria

Sister Aurala sighed, but turned around and went back around the house without further complaints. You idly wondered what punishment the headsister will have in store for you as you crossed a simple footbridge made of logs over the creek into the forest. This far into autumn, the leaves had largely dropped, the footpath the farmers took into these woods obscured beneath a bed of brown leaves. With the orange glow of the evening sun fading, the treetops were still lit, but the ground was cast in shadow. It looked almost as if the trees were on fire. You slowly made your way along, wary of the brushes and roots that are difficult to spot in the twilight. (Dex check, please)

Your instincts did not fool you, however, for soon you noticed a strange shimmer on the leaves, and upon close inspection, saw it was a spilled liquid. Sniffing it, your mind immediately jumped to 'blood,' but it was difficult to tell with absolute certainty. Whatever it was, though, it left a faint trail for you to follow.
(You can choose between rolling 1 of either Perception, Survival or Investigation to follow the trail. Also, give me an unrelated perception roll.)
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24865 Maria; Location: Woods behind the farmhouse; Tag: none
Seeing the sister wordlessly leave her outside, Maria already got a sinking feeling. 'I'm going to get such a caining for this,' she inwardly sighed, knowing that heading back wasn't going to make the punishment go away, so she might as well press on. The setting sun was filtering through the rustling leaves. It was rather pleasant, making Maria's tail swish back and forth, brushing a few of the dead leaves aside.

The forest was dense, making Maria have to travel carefully as not to trip in the undergrowth. Things seemed to be ok so far, and she wondered just how far she should really go looking for these people she barely knew. That was when she found the shimmering leaves. The faint red smear immediately made her mind jump to one thing. "Hello!?" She called out, now actually concerned for the safety of the sister's family. She could see that there was a trail of the red substance, she started following it, trying to keep her eyes and ears open for anything that might be a good clue as to their location.

[Dex Check: 11]
[Investigation to follow the trail: 8]
[Unrelated Perception: 17]

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Orcish Camp Tag: Survivors?

Patricia gasped as she saw her sister pinned and injured in the wrecked camp. The fire was spreading rapidly but Patricia would do anything to save her sister. "Hang on Jackie, I'll get you out!" Reaching down with hysterical strength Patricia pulled away the debris to save her sister!

OOC 20+2=22 for strength test!
Ruxi, the Immaculate, Location: On the Move Tag: Introduction

"Horses are cheating!" She eeped, deciding not to slow down her retreat! Her tongue was still throbbing, but she kinda got used to it.. It was hard to see things during such bright daylight, but she just kept trotting onwards, panting ever so slightly, deciding to test the hiding-potential of a random tree, after all, the horses could not ride proper through dense enough foliage, at the least.
"You can't see me!" She declared loudly, towards any pursuers, slipping into the bushes!

(Save vs poison: 19
Perception: 6
Athletics: 12
Deception: 21)
@ Maria

There was no answer to your call as you carefully made your way along the path, without tripping over any roots or vines, but you had to move slowly. Following the trail proved difficult, only meticulous search made you find the next specks, wasting more time. By the time you were deep inside the forest, the sun had fully set and you were alone among the trees. Normally, that wouldn't have bothered you, but while searching every bush and shrub and tree for more blood, you noticed something else - silk threads, like those of a spiders web. But they were not in a small, but long and quite thick, but still transparent, and they were not in a web, as far as you could tell, but spanning from tree to tree and shrub to shrub, like tripwires on the path and the air above. You don't know what made this threads, but being alone in the woods with it does not make you feel comfortable...

As you walk deeper into the woods, the trail grows fainter, but fresher. You think that you are close now, but you cannot yet see anyone nearby.
@ Ruxi

You dove into a cluster of vegetation, thick enough to prevent the rider from following, but you could soon hear men, several of them, slashing at the bushes and branches, trying to chip away at your refuge. When contemplating where to go, you noticed that the strange glowing thing you had seen earlier was still there, between two trees inside the cluster, not far from you. Or, you could try to hide deeper into the brush - behind a hedge of thorny plants.

(If you decide to go through the thorns, you take 4 damage, dex save of 15 to halve!)
@ Patricia

With strength you never knew you had, you push the fallen beam off from Jackie's form. She quickly stands up, only to lean on you in pain. Her limbs seem ok, but she has bloody bruises all over her upper body.
"Thank you, Patricia! I was afraid I was gonna die!" She hugged you closely, wincing in pain. "Let's get out of here! Have you found anyone else?"
You looked around in your completely devastated home, most of the furniture smashed when some of the wooden beams upholding the leather tent collapsed. (You can make an optional perception check)
With the sound of fire intensifying, it was probably only a matter of time before your family home would be engulfed too...