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Sapphire Ascent - IC

Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

Ruxi shook her head to deny her interest in the gem.. although as soon as it was in reach, she did try to snatch it.. giving an innocent expression at the tight grip holding it, connecting their hands through the gem.

Then, Ruxi gasped at the gem pressed up against her, powerfully. "Woaaah.. wha..."
She swayed, with the well of power unlocked within her. "Fuck yeah.. what is that...

I feel.. powerful.. hmnn.. I like this."

She licked her lips. "Y'know, I might not mind the devotening so much. So how does this even work though, you goes around giving gems out to random folks? How many more like me are theres?.. Anyway...."
She pondered, flexing a little, grinning... she felt.. powerful. Which was a nice change of pace. Granted, she also felt rather horny and.. oh, right she was still wearing that collar.. not as sure about that.. but one thing she was sure about, her eyes getting a determined glint... one thing that would sacrifice her right away.
She raised her hand, drawing a circle with one whilest focusing on the cutie-turned dominatrix that had pushed her down before... "Burn!"
She declared, fires bursting forth at the spot her once-tormentor was standing. "Yeah! That's what you get for kicking me down!"

(Create Bonfire: Slave-girl has to pass a dex save or take 1d8 fire damage!)
26136 Maria; Location: Feild; Tag: Nellie
The rush of orgasm, the desperation of her declaration, the sudden tenderness for the spider-girl. Maria's mind was left in a think pink fog, tenderly kissing and nuzzling with any part of the spider she could get her hands on. It took a few minutes of tender loving for the fox to finally regain her right mind.
"I... I'll not lie, you had me quite domesticated... I'd rather serve the Lady directly. I'd not mind being your pupil however... this was enjoyable." She nuzzled up to Nelie finding a comfortable way to lay on the spider girl, thoughts of her new impassioned free life dancing in her head as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Dreamworld Tag: Mysterious Woman

Patricia gasped as the power of the sapphire magic flowed through her body. She felt powerful, sensitive and far more aware of herself and the world around her. The blue glow surrounded her and time paused...


When the world swam into view Patricia moaned softly and snuggled herself into the soft embrace of the Lady. She took a deep breath and gloried in the feeling of power and warmth... warmth... heat in her loins and a steady, glorious beat in her hard, perky nipples. Patricia found herself slowly, unconsciously rolling her hips against the glorious form of the Lady. Looking up into the deep, wonderful eyes Patricia let go of her tension and worry for the time being. "Arousal? Sexuality?" Patricia seemed surprised and confused as a slow, heavy ball of warmth settled in low in her belly. She reached up slowly and touched the empty space where the barely visible leash and collar of magical energy. "Oh... I... I guess..."

Patricia was worried and actually a bit frightened by the thought of being linked, yoked actually to the Lady through the power. Yet as she spoke Patricia slowly relaxed and began to nod. From what Patricia had heard of the powers of the Arcane having a control and guide made sense. She felt her own power and while Patricia was confident in her own control who knew how others might react. And... perhaps as the power grew Patricia herself might have problems! "Yes... yes.." Patricia said reluctantly but firmly. "I can see why control and discipline is important. The Arcane is power and power is always dangerous." She shivered and twitched at the brief kiss, her hips grinding again. "I hope... I hope that I can follow your guidance and find that... that... balance." It was hard to think with the growing ball of arousal in her loins and the sensuous, overpowering presence of the Lady. Patricia took a deep breath. "I am willing to learn and follow." She smiled wryly and blushed. "I would imagine it to be hard not to involve a great deal of sensuality in our training..."

She looked down at her clothing and began to slowly remove the brief loincloth and scanty bra. "I thank you for giving us... me... the chance to follow my own path under your protection and guidance. I'm eager to learn... to learn every aspect of the power." Patricia stood nude before the Lady. Her large, firm breasts stood proudly on her broad chest and her lithe and muscular limbs gleamed with the perfection of toned and athletic womanhood. Broad hips framed a lush and inviting love cradle that held a prominent mons covered by a dark delta of pubic fuzz. She stretched, reaching above her head to show off her powerful and sensous body. "Please Mistress show me what our next steps might be."
@ Ruxi

The flickering heat grasped at the girl, but then disappeared without a trace. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the majestic woman swiping her hand through the air, a blue glow flaring up, and you instinctively realized that she somehow stopped your magic.
(Lady of the Night cast Counterspell!)


"That wasn't so bad, you have a lot of potential indeed." The Lady chuckled. "However, if you wish to exact revenge, I have a different idea."
She walked closer to you, sensually swaying and confident.
"You are not wrong, my little one. I do hand out this power rather freely. The only thing I demand in return is your servitude. And you will find I am a kind mistress. I generally don't give any restrictions. You will be as free as before, and better cared for. And it will be very... sensual."
She stepped behind you, her hands on your shoulders. She smelled really nice, her touch was as soft as her voice.
"Can't you feel the heat in your loins? The desire, the passion? To embrace yet control this feeling, is the way to master Arcane power. I'm sure you will have lots of... fun with my other servants as they help you practice your magic abilities. Of course, there are people who will resist my offer, fight me, stubbornly. I want you to convince them. Make them my servants."
She pointed towards the girl.
"If you wish to punish her for trying to subjugate you, why don't you do the same to her? If you are truly as strong, as worthy of servitude as you claim, prove it! Make her yours! If you fail, and fall under her spell, then you know that your heart really longs for a nice mistress to take care of you."
She stepped aside.
"Go on, Ruxi. Show me your seductive powers. Think of her as an enemy of mine, to be taught to embrace the pleasure of my Sapphire Power. Serve me, and I will reward you with more magical power, and sexual pleasure!"


The girl smirked dominantly.
"You enjoyed being under my heel, admit it! You're a weak, stupid goblin slut! So eager to fall for my little trick, so easy to arouse, so convinced others should caper to your whim, when all you really want is to submit yourself!"
She held out a hand. "Now take a good luck, as I tell you the truth about yourself!"
A pattern of bright pulsing light erupted, yellow then green then blue then gold then red...

(The girl casts Color Spray! Wis save of 15 or you will be blinded and closer to submission. You can submit totally or in steps, as you like. If you make the save, cast any spell, but fluff it as an attempt to entrance her. Minor Illusion would work. Make a spell attack with that spell.)
@ Patricia

(The collar was supposed to be metaphorical, but sure, you can have a energy collar, in the dream or in the waking world, as an accessory, much like Maria gets blue eyes.)


The Lady embraced you in return, your naked body shivering in pleasure and anticipation. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you'll get used to it. And it feels really good." She whispered into your ear before kissing you on your forehead. She looked you over. "You look beautiful, my dear, so strong and so graceful and yet so soft. I hope you don't mind if I am a bit touchy and kissy... I am a big admirer of the female form." She smiled, her eyes glinting with lust.

"As for the next step, that is up to you. You can stay here with me for a bit longer, or return to the waking world and awake in the morning. Zann can guide you to one of my follower's sanctuaries. There, you will find others like you, who can help you. I would... advise you to put your plans for revenge aside for a little while. Expand your power, practice your discipline, explore your desires. You don't need to be ashamed of your loss, or of your lusts. Everyone will understand. Just be yourself, my dear. That's all I will tell you."
She stroked over your throat, the ethereal collar sparkling with her touch, sending shivers down your spine.
"This looks cute, but I am not your Queen, or your owner. Though I must admit, I like being addressed as Mistress."
She smiled before releasing the embrace, walking back to her chair and sitting down again.
"Be at ease. Don't hesitate to ask anything. Say when you are ready to return."
@ Maria

You drifted to sleep, only to awaken on a floor of stone. Around you was a large room of smooth stone with carved patterns and tree-branch-like growths. The whole place was illuminated by blue glowing crystals held in place by the roots.
At the other end of this strange room, a small flight of stairs led to a raised platform. There, on an ornate, root-formed, almost alive-looking chair, sat a woman in a revealing, yet regal black dress with flowing white hair. You immediately knew that this was the Lady that Eopeia and Nellie talked about.


"Maria. I've been waiting for you. Come closer."
Her voice was velvety soft, stroking your ears, even as it boomed and echoed through the large room.
26313 Maria; Location: Mistress's Chamber; Tag: The Lady
Maria awoke on the cold stone floor, naked as the day of her birth, curled up into her tail like a common fox looking for warmth. As she slowly stirred, she nuzzled the tip of her soft tail, the smooth cold ground rubbing tightly on her nipples, giving her a pleasant chill as she stretched, sticking her ass out into the air. Pulling forward she danced up to her feet, taking in the surroundings. The glowing blue lights, the naturalistic feel of the room. This had to be the room of her true mistress, the only one worthy of her true devotion and admiration, "My Lady," She bowed deeply in front of the thrown, showing her utmost devotion to her new mistress. "How may your new servent best please you?" She smiled. Approaching the Lady until commanded to stop.
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

Ruxi pouted at the party pooper, raising her brows about the promises. Then again, the lady did smell nice so that was an argument in her favour.
"Well yeah, high heels did me a teasening and then just stopped, of course I feels a little distracted."
She nodded, before crossing her arms and shrugging. "I mean it does sound kinda neat.."
She nodded, before turning to the slave-girl mistress from before.

Then, shrugging after the long, lewd promises from the strange mistress, Ruxi focused on the red-dark haired caster, growling. "Did not enjoy your evil heeling! You're the weak slut and.. woah.."
She blinked and shook her head, blinded by the multi-hued flickering of light, briefly trying to shake her head.. but the twirling of colors was so distracting and temptatious.. it was really hard to concentrate on other stuff.

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Dreamworld Tag: Mysterious Woman

Patricia shivered at the touch of the elegant, beautiful woman. Her hands found the glimmering, mystic collar and she stroked it. "Mistress... yes... I like that as well. You will be our guide and protection. Mistress is a good form of address."

Sighing Patricia stood silent for a moment as strong emotions warred across her face. "Revenge... my heart cries out for it, aches for it but..." She clenched her fists and then relaxed. "I will hold off, wait and learn, grow. I will open myself to new experiences and free myself to be the most that I can be. There will be revenge but later when I have the control as well as the power."

She walked over and knelt to the side of the chair. "How did you come by the power Mistress and when this conflict is done and the world is properly shaped what would you like to do?"
@ Ruxi

The pulsing lights drowned out your entire field of vision with soothing colors. Red to yellow to green to blue to gold to orange... The changing waves beckoned your gaze to their point of origin, washing over you, making you feel calm and safe and relaxed... your heavy body slumped, instinctively kneeling, eyes drawn to the center of the pulse that felt so nice... Relaxing waves of color, so pleasant to look at, synchronized with your heartbeat, which slowed down with every pulse...

Beyond the colors, you could hear voices, but if was difficult to remember, to think, easier to just listen and let the soothing lights wash over you...

"There we go, much better like this, isn't it? You feel so good, so relaxed, so safe right now, don't you? Do you know why? Because you are my slave. I am your Mistress. You will obey me, serve me, pleasure me, and in return, you get to feel this pleasure all the time..." A seductive voice cooed from surprisingly close, but your body was too heavy, too relaxed to react, only shivering slightly as your nose filled with the scent of arousal... but was that hers, or yours?... It was so close...

"Remember, my dear Leah, that with such control comes responsibility too. Especially if you mentor her. You could stop with stepping on her until she acquires the taste, for instance."

"Of course, Mistress. I won't abuse her... too much. Just to make sure she'll be a devoted, and honest, follower of your cause."

"That one has a strong will, despite her desires. And she is thoroughly anti-social. This is a big task for someone as new as you. But I won't forbid it."

"Thank you, Mistress! I won't disappoint you!"

The voice suddenly comes from behind you, as does the aroused smell. Something, someone, hands, grope and massage your breasts as the lights continue to pulse.

"Relax some more, Ruxi. Take it all in. You are on your knees, at my mercy, and it feels so good, doesn't it? Being at my feet arouses you. Makes you wet. Makes you crave more. You feel so safe, no need to think, only to obey..."
@ Patricia


The Lady waved her hand, and a cluster of roots broke through the stone ground, forming some sort of seat next to hers. With a motion and a pat, she beckoned you to take seat next to her, to sit at her side.
"Thank you for being so understanding. I don't like proscribing things, but you are not the first one with emotional trauma to enter my service, and while I endorse acting on instinct, you yourself can see the reason why chasing immediately after the people who killed your tribe would be foolish, can't you?"
She reached out with her hand, stroking over your shoulder.
"Don't worry, my dear. All who serve me eventually find something positive to live for, aside from my cause, no matter how damaged and despairing they were. With the power of the Arcane under control, and desires in full bloom, happiness is not far off. Then there are those to whom serving me, worshiping me like a goddess is happiness. I'm not entirely comfortable with it, but I won't stop them. You'll find your own way, in time. As for what happens after I have reshaped the world? I am not sure. I think I'll stay around to teach the next generations, and enjoy wandering the world. I have locked myself away for 21 years, now. Hopefully, it will soon be safe for me to leave, and to partake in the new world I dream of."
@ Maria


The Lady let you walk until before her seat, and laughed as you knelt down.
"Nellie and Eopeia have already converted you to their way of serving me, huh? Well, if it makes you happy, I will gladly be your Mistress. But please, stand and look at me while I speak. If you enjoy kneeling, there will be plenty of opportunities for that."
She reached into her cleavage, between her breasts, pulling out a small gemstone, bright blue with a strange, coruscating spark inside it, holding it in front of you.
"Perhaps just a formality, but do you, Maria, accept my gift of Arcane power, in return for your servitude?"
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

"Oooooh..." Ruxi made, fascinated by the blinding lights, her pointy, green ears flicking a little in curious attention. It was relaxing which was an unusual state of mind for the goblin to be in -got to be prepared for things wanting to snack on you-. If she'd been more aware of it... or had a concept of fairness, she'd have pointed out how unfair it was that her spell had been countered only for this spell to knock her out next, but right now she was too distracted with a pleasant buzz from the cruel brunette's magic. A really nice buzz, to the point where she struggled to recall the last time she felt so.. not worried. It was an oddly serene feeling that Ruxi didn't entirely know what to do with.. the best comparison she had for it was licking toads and stealing some druidic herbs to eat them all at once.

She tilted her head at the voice, struggling to see much past the colors. Feeling good all the time sounded like a good deal... She sniffed a little at the lewd scent in the air, tilting her head. More talking, but her mouth felt uncharacteristically tired, more happy to listen along with what the other voices suggested. She did nod at the stepping.. no stepping on Ruxi was somethings he could agree with at large.. although what was that about taste?

Huh. She had a strong will? Well of course she did! Propably... She was awesome! There were hands on her breasts, groping her. That did feel nice. Still, evil heel's voice told her things she'd have found less agreeable.. .if she could focus on protesting against them. Like.. she wasn't sure if she felt good being at evil heels mercy like this. At least there was no hurting her going on.

"Hmnnn. Yes.. so goood.. so wet. So happy at yous feets. Hmnn.. safe and happy.. obey.."
She intonated along for evil heel lady, whilest shaking off the influence upon her mind. She'd pretended worse things than being enthralled by some very pretty colors to get out of danger. And clearly, whilest the white haired human was nicer than her.. subordinate Leah? and Ruxi felt good.. this was a weird danger. She'd pretend to go along with all of it best as she could for as long as necessary, then escape.. find something to eat.. ooh with those new powers she could propably sneak into a bakery and eat real cake! She wondered how it tasted without trash...

(Second save for a total of 20, followed by a 19 deception to pretend to still be fully under influence.)

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Dreamworld Tag: Mysterious Woman

Patricia sat next to the Lady as a seat formed. "I do not want to waste my efforts in seeking revenge prematurely but I will have my revenge ultimately." She sighed and took the offered hand. "I don't see worshipping you but you do deserve the most powerful respect and affection for all that you have done Lady." Patricia sighed again softly as she leaned into the stroking touch to her shoulders. "21 years! You definitely deserve time to enjoy the beauty and companionship of the world."
26417 Maria; Location: Mistress's Chamber; Tag: The Lady
Maria quickly stumbled back to her feet. It was a little puzzling that she'd say it was only Eopia and Nellie that viewed her as a goddess, though it mattered little. She'd be able to add a third name to that list now! "Yes," She happily declared taking the gemstone from the Lady. "I will take your gift and use it any way you see fit." She smiled widely, clutching the jewel to her chest.
@ Maria

The moment you pressed the gem into your chest, the blue glow flared up, turning your vision blue. Heat spread from your chest trough every fiber of your body, and you felt a monumental power surge through you. You could feel the magic, grasp the magic, control it... As your vision returned, the gem was gone, or rather, it was one with you. You felt your new powers pulse through you. So familiar yet so wondrous. The pulsing was strongest between your legs, a constant throbbing, a kindling fire you knew would be fanned by acquiring more power and pleasure. You saw the faint magical connection between you and the Lady, binding you to her, a wonderfully soft chain around your soul, her gentle hand guiding you... (You have unlocked your spellcasting ability and full access to all your abilities at your current level!)


The Lady smiled and hugged you close. She was a bit taller than you, and your head naturally rested on her cleavage as she stroked your hair and ears. Her scent was heavy and arousing, her presence intoxicating, her voice flowed into your mind like hot honey.
"It's alright. Just soak in the Sapphire glow. This lust, this power... it is easy to be consumed, to lose control... but I will help you. I have seen the injustices done to you. It's ok. You're home now." The Lady of the Night whispered. "Don't be afraid. Be yourself. Follow your passions. Explore your powers. Learn to balance indulgence and discipline. I will be with you, always. My dear, devoted, sensual Maria."
She pressed you against her for another while as you luxuriated in her embrace and started to explore this feeling of empowerment. Eventually, she stepped back, putting her hands on your shoulders to steady you. "I look forward to seeing you grow. Now, I'm sure you have questions. Don't be afraid to ask anything of me. But perhaps I should tell you about my vision."
She let go of your body.
"I want to share this power, and this pleasure, with everyone in the realm, and topple the corrupt four kingdoms of virtue. Everyone will be able to use magic, to live their own life. Of course, many will fight against this future I offer. Will you help me to share this gift with the willing, and seduce the unwilling into joining?"
@ Patricia


"I understand your desire for revenge. But if I may suggest, how about instead of forcing the same fate on those responsible as they inflicted on your family, you make them repay their crimes by serving our cause? It might seem... strange to contemplate giving common bandits and thieves such a gift... but without being willing to break the cycle of violence, how can any change happen?"
The Lady stroked over your forehead, her heavenly touch inflaming your lust.
"Consider this my first mission for you. I want you to become strong, and powerful, and sensual. I want you to discover and explore your own desires and passions, and learn to manipulate the desires of others. To become a seductress. Then, once you find those responsible, you will seduce them to accept my gift, and my control. I will make sure they will atone for their crimes, by fighting for our new way of life."
She looked at you intently, thinking about her next words carefully. "I have done terrible things in the past as well. But I wasn't punished with death or pain. I found the Sapphire power as a way to atone instead. I lost my freedom, but it is a price I eagerly pay for the chance of redemption, of changing this world for the better. I believe in extending the same opportunity to others."
She smiled shyly.
"I hope you understand and are at ease. I am glad you were so eager to accept my gift. I can see your potential, and I am glad to have you among my followers."
She stood up, gently pulling you up with her, standing face to face. Her proximity made you swoon.
"And I must admit, your strong, yet shapely body is greatly arousing... I know, our connection imparts certain lusts to you, but answer me truthfully: Do you think I'm beautiful? Would you like to get... passionate with me, even if only in a dream for now? And do you hunger for male or female intimacy?"
@ Ruxi

Eventually, the light faded, and you could see the Lady standing before you, feeling the mistress-slave-girl, Leah, behind you.

kia-amazona-nexus-recovered.jpg sweet_rose_by_prywinko_daqxt5e-fullview.jpg

The Lady chuckled as you knelt. Leah stopped her groping. "What is so funny, Mistress?" She stood up and walked around to your front, eyeing you mistrustfully.
Then she laughed. "Wow, she really is strong. Are you sure I am the right person for this?" (Leah Insight: 27!)
The Lady approached Leah and embraced her from behind, running her hands over her sensual body, making you feel a pang of jealousy.
"Yes, I think you two fit together nicely. Ruxi is strong, but really, let's not deceive ourselves: she wants to submit to a mistress." She looked at you. "Lean has the potential, but is inexperienced, maybe overeager... I apologize on her behalf if she made you uncomfortable."
She let go of Leah and stepped between the two of you.
"Your desires align, you just need to find the terms. How about we move this to a more suited place?"
She waved her hand, and your vision blurred, then refocused. You were lying on a large satin-sheeted bed, so soft... Leah sat opposite you, between your spread legs, still wearing the sexy leathers, while you were still wearing the spiked collar, but it didn't feel strange anymore, if anything, it felt familiar, and comfy by now... less comfy were the ropes binding your hands together above your head, and around each of your ankles, prying your legs apart.
"Let's try this again." The Lady stood beside the bed, watching the lewd display with an amused expression.
Leah nodded, her eyes taking on a glimmer of lust as she eyed your wet little gobbo-snatch between spread legs. "I have an idea."
She leaned forward, her head just inches from your crotch, her hot breath dancing over glistening folds, making you tingle nicely...
"In a moment, I will cast another entrancing spell on you. This time, you won't resist. You will submit eagerly. You know why? Because I will lick you to the edge of orgasm and keep you there until you submit. You'll only get to cum if you fall under my spell." She winked, then extended her tongue, probing your puffy nether lips, making them throb with pleasure... all the teasing had you already hot and wet, but this was different. Leah gripped your thighs possessively, her tongue pressing against your folds as it slid up along your slit, flicking your clit with force. She was taking possession of you, and your pussy was eager to let it happen, to make it happen, just so you would finally feel release...

(You cannot cast any spells with somatic components. You also know that any spell that will actively hurt Leah will be counterspelled by the Lady, though she will probably let you counter-entrance her if you get the chance.)
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Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

"Yes. I am the strong. As for terms.. how about no kicking the goblin for starters. When dids I ever kick you? Injustice. Condemnable! Failing in a court of justice! I shall do the suening for bodily damage! Infact, I believe I shall not be able to work in my honest profession furthermore! You better pay up all the silver I'd earn on the weekly!"
She decided, before blinking, looking around at the shift of the scenery. Well this was.. woah.. "W.. whats going on, what is this torture device with the blankets in it.. it's so.. comfortable.. Is this a magics?" Must be..

She then blinked, noticing she was bound too.. and growled. "What's the deal now!?"
She didn't like being bound up. But she -did- like being pleasured up, she could at least admit that. She stared down at Leah, with lust, but also hesitation. Her green toned skin unudlated under wiggles of pleasure as she glanced down, sighing, her dark pubic-hair crowned goblin pussy warm and wet.. and tingly with the nice tongue. She sighed lustfully, but was reasonably concerned about these two still... "If so powerful you are, why bind me up? I am harmless little gobbo.. hamnn."

She asked, squirming a little, despite just a moment earlier claiming to be strong. If she was wiggling under the tongue, or in the bindings, was a little hard to tell. Perhaps both, and perhaps perhaps she didn't try as hard because the nice licking did distract her. This was fine, really, if Leah wanted to be just happy licky mistress.. but Ruxi was by nature mistrustfing.. few had given her a reason to be different, including herself. At least she was less openly hostile when pleasured properly, at the least. "Hmnnns.. w.. whys you even need to spell the Ruxi, Ruxi is harmless, hard working goblin, will not abuse awesome spell powers much.. will not steal your strange comfy underground either! unless you dun want it. Then will take it off of your hands for small fee ye.. aahmnn.... ooh th...that nice.."
She offered, seeming subtly scared and glancing about the more comfy room for an escape route!

(SoH 14 to try and escape bindings!)
@ Ruxi

kia-amazona-nexus-recovered.jpg sweet_rose_by_prywinko_daqxt5e-fullview.jpg

You managed to wrest your hands free from the ropes, causing Leah to stop her licking and look at you in disbelief.
"How did she do that?"
The Lady smiled and tussled your hair. Her being near made you feel a little safer.
"Because I didn't make those bindings inescapable."
She stroked Leah's head, leaning close to her. They kissed briefly but erotically.
"You are too overeager, my dear. Your previous mentor was like that, but you don't have to mimic her in everything." The Lady of the Night said to the swooning girl as she broke the kiss.
"Listen to what she said. Don't force yourself on her like that just yet. First, help her explore her desires. Poor Ruxi here needs a soft hand, someone to coax out the best in her. Try something softer."
She smiled at you while Leah regained her focus. "Ok... I'll try..."
Leah turned to you again. "Ok, how about this. I'll be your Mistress, you'll be my slave. You will follow my instructions and obey my orders. In return, I'll teach you to become a more powerful mage, and I'll make you feel really good." She stroked over your wet, gaping slit with two fingers to underscore her point. "If you disobey me, I'll..." She looked at the Lady, then back to you. "I'll stop pleasuring you, and I'll enchant your cunt so that you won't climax no matter how hard you try. If you're a good girl for me, you'll get to orgasm lots. If you're a bad girl, no pleasure."
The Lady of the Night laughed and looked at you. "Does that sound better?"