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Sapphire Ascent - IC

Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

Ruxi made, half suprised she had managed to escape. What was the next step exactly? She didn't want to stop lewd and lickey per say! Also, observing the two closer, all the smooching was kinda sexy too..

"So yous really new at this?"
This was confusing too. It was like this was evil lewd school! Not that Ruxi ever went to school, school was something that happened to bad human children that couldn't hide in time.

"Yes, very soft hand. Also, Ruxi full of best, no need to coax much..."
She nodded, before glancing back at Leah, eyes narrowed at first.. until she lit up at the idea of more power.. and feeling good. "Humnn.. no hurtenings? Am listening.."
She nodded, tilting her head, hesitating. Well these two hadn't tried to kill her so far..

She murred under the petting of her puss-puss, tilting her head, looking from Leah to her boss-lady, hesitating.. and nodding. "Alright.. guess you haven't been meaner than most people.. plus... powers are neat."
She hesitated, before focusing on Leah. "So how do I get more of the pleasuring, less of the teasing now?"
She was willing to try, definitly. Leah was kinda cute for starters, and.. although the goblin would NEVER EVER admit it, having a strong boss, even if not a goblin, to follow and make you happy pleasure was kinda neat too..
26494 Maria; Location: Mistress's Chamber; Tag: The Lady
Without hesitation Maria pressed the stone to her heart, accepting in the Lady's magic essence into the deepest part of her. Her very being began to pulse with pleasant cooling light, filling with the Lady's love, power, and desires. Slowly the blue light weaved in and out of itself, forming a long chain, connected The Lady to Maria's very soul, she belonged heart and soul to the great being alive, the only one worthy of worship.
She leaned into the tender hug, enjoying the affections of her mistress. "Thank you, I'll devote my very best for you," She promised softly. Nuzzling into the ample bosom, letting her tail curl around Mistress's thigh so that she could feel fully attached to her. "You've vision sounds wonderful! I'd love to help in that quest, to make others understand how perfect your love is, how magic is the conduit of your grace... Nellie mentioned a mentor, do I pick? ... Will I receive your will directly, or will I have to serve in a hierarchy? ... Those who are, resistant, can I make them slaves to my desires. They will, of course, be filled with your grace and love, but I'd like to know if ownership displeases you."

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Dreamworld Tag: Mysterious Woman

Patricia nodded slowly as the Lady spoke. "I... it may be some time before I will be willing to seek less than an eye for an eye from those who wrought such havoc on my family and my people. I would like to think that I could see that they follow our ways of peace and patience but I am going to need to gain more perspective." She sighed. "I do promise that I will try to think such thoughts and be willing to work to break the cycle of violence and revenge. Now it is all too raw for me to want aught but to quench my sorrow in blood."

She shivered at the touch of the lady, her loins heating and her belly growing heavy and liquid with desire. "Strong... sensual... a seductress..." Patricia moaned, leaning into the Lady's touch. "I will... I will work to achieve that goal, to seduce them to accept your gift... to atone... It will be the most difficult thing... thing I have ever done..." She sighed again. "Be patient with me Lady and give me strength and knowledge and I will strive to do you will, to do the right thing." Patricia truly felt the desire to become a perfect seductress like the Lady, to extend the blessings of peace and the control and perfect love of the Lady to others, even those resposible for the death of so many of her clan. She would show the Lady that she could overcome her violent emotions and instead embrace love and sensuality as part of the power of the Arcane.

Smiling Patricia let her hands rest on the Lady's broad, sexy hips as they stood. "You are beautiful and sensual beyond all dreams and mortal measures Lady. I desire nothing more in my life but to take your passion and give back my own. Even in a dream I will treasure your intimacy and love like none other." Patricia looked up, her lips half open as she invited a kiss. "Man... male mistress..."
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@ Patricia


The Lady kissed your forehead.
"I see. I won't hold your desires against you, as... biased as I am towards female intimacy. And I can tell how aroused and wound up you are. I am glad to hear you're so eager. Let me reward you."
With that, her hand went to your neck, gently tilting your head upwards, so she could swoop down and put a claiming kiss on your lips, her wet tongue and hot breath invading your mouth. Your passion soared as the kiss dragged on, becoming ever sweeter with each passing second.
It's ok. Let go of your stress and relax for me. Let it all out for me. Cum for me, and relax into my embrace. Yesterday doesn't matter. Your new life has begun.
You heard her voice echo in your head as she held you close...

A short time after you came, she let go with her mouth, still holding you, smiling.
"I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Actually, I am sure of that. If you'd like to do that again, I have another proposal for you. You seem promising, so I will keep an eye on you. I may have special tasks I can only give the most promising of my followers. If you were to complete them, I'd gladly share more passion and magical power with you, deepening our connection further. How does that sound?"

The Lady took her seat again.
"I enjoyed tonight a lot, my dear Patricia. But unfortunately it is time for you to wake up. You have a journey ahead of you. I know you will make me proud. Just know that I am watching over you. Oh, and welcome home."
She smiled benevolently, her face the last thing you saw before the dream faded...

As you awoke, you were still lying on the bedroll Zann had given you. It was barely after sunrise, the forest floor still covered in twilight. Outside the magic dome, the trees were covered in mist and dew. Merely looking outside made you shiver, but in the dome the air was warm and dry, thanks to the glowing crystal. Zann was lightly snoring not far from you, his robe used as a makeshift blanket. You noticed a bulge standing up from his form in his nethers, and your loins grew warm and moist immediately, the same lust you felt in your dream coursing through your veins, but you also felt the same control, the same power. You had indeed been gifted this power, and there was no turning back.
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@ Maria


The Lady reciprocated the embrace, pressing you lightly against her cleavage, her other hand running over your buttocks and along your tail.
"I can tell you will be a devoted follower. I am... no queen, no born leader. I prefer to teach instead of commanding... I only care that my gift is being spread. How you do that, is up to you. But I will not tolerate senseless violence or killing. And be a bit discrete with "ownership." Many of my followers are eager, the Sapphire power nourishes those lusts, but not everyone is into that. I am sure, however, that all those you show my gift will gladly repay you with their newfound passions."
She kissed you, pressing her lips against yours, slightly parted, her tongue licking and flicking over your lips before pulling back.
"I am the mistress of this cause, but I do not give many orders. Every one of my enclaves has their own arrangement about hierarchy, but usually it comes down to those who are sexually dominant or submissive... as you have experienced just earlier. As for a tutor, both student and teacher have to agree. So you can choose, yes, if the one you want is willing and able to teach you. It's a deeply intimate, sexual relationship. Choose wisely."
She smiled knowingly.
"Though I feel like you have already made that choice..."
Feeling you trembling in her embrace, the Lady continued.
"If your powers grow as strongly as I suspect, I may have special tasks for you sometimes. If you fulfill them, I will reward you by strengthening the connection between us. It will grant you more power, more passion, but also bind you closer to my will. But that is not really a drawback for you, is it?"
@ Ruxi

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Leah blushed a bit. "Well, you would be my first slave... I had a great mistress, and I wanted to share that feeling with others. No care in the world, being cared for, nurtured, loved..." She admitted.
The Lady of the Night smiled and tussled both your hair some more. Her touch made something in your loins and stomach stir, but you were pretty sure it wasn't from eating bad red berries.
"Not everyone among my followers is into explicit master and slave relationships, though the bond between teacher and pupil is still very sensual. But I could tell that you, Ruxi, would need a guiding hand to adapt to your new life. And I still think Leah can do it."
"Thank you for your confidence, Mistress."
"So Ruxi, you want to feel good right now, don't you? I'm sure Leah can oblige. But it would be wrong for only the Mistress to work, wouldn't it? A good girl like you should return the pleasure she is gifted. So how about you two pleasure each other, make each other cum, and then we can talk about what comes next?"
"I like that idea. A lot." Leah shyly stated, looking at you sheepishly. All her mean demeanor seemed to have left her.
"So err, Ruxi, my slave, lie down like that, and I will, err, lie on top of you, opposite, and you will lick my snatch like a good slave girl! Yes. And I will lick your pussy like a good mistress! And you will only cum on my command. Which is, err, when I cum! Yes. You are only allowed to feel release when I do! Because you are my slave!"
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26554 Maria; Location: Mistress's Chamber; Tag: The Lady
Maria certainly had gotten a different impression of this Lady from Nelia and Eopia, but that didn't matter. She nodded and smiled, allowing herself to cuddle with the Lady as she continued the explanation, taking small whiffs of her intoxicating perfume. "I understand, nothing wrong with a few grateful converts," She smiled, her lips growing taught at the thought of turning all those bovine sisters to worship more worth thier time. She'd have a harem of docile milk cows, loving her, and she'd be making the Lady's following grow. Such a wonderful thought!
"I understand," She nodded to the Lady, her thoughts turning back to Nelie. Though it was true she wanted to be her own woman, she couldn't help but remember how good if felt giving into the spider, the idea of being a hunter for another... wasn't that bad, and Nelie was one she could see herself being happy with, "I believe my mind is made up," She agreed.
To the final point, she nodded, "Yes, I understand. I will do my best to be worthy of such an honor." With a happy smile, she added, "I believe that is all my questions."

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Dreamworld / Real World Tag: Mysterious Woman / Zann

Patricia shivered at the kiss, melting a bit into the touch. She looked at the Lady, wondering. "I... I do not object to the love of women but men..." she sighed. "Men are what arouses me most deeply... strong men."

She eagerly lifted her head and parted her eager, moist lips for the kiss, eyes closing as the world swirled around her in white and pink and golden billows of pleasure and joy. Patricia's body clenched and moistened as her body relaxed and tensed at the same time as she responded to the Lady with the sweetest of orgasms. "Ohhh... ohhhh... my lady..." She slumped against the lady and breathed deeply. "Lady... I... you are wonderful, beautiful and irresistible. I would... I would love to be your special servant and be blessed with further sharing of passion and magical power... to deepen our connection would be a great joy."

Patricia leaned up and kissed the lady as the dream faded...


Patricia's eyes opened. She lay still, quiet and listening. The sounds of the forest flowed over her normal and both reassuring and disappointing after the unworldly and pleasurable dream. Her life had been changed forever in the most fundamental fashion. Patricia closed her eyes reaching deep inside of herself as she touched the power, convincing herself that it existed and the link, the bond to the Lady pulsed gently in the depths of her mind like a bright leash. Satisfied Patricia looked about again and found her eyes drawn to Zann and his bulging erection. Her body was moist, open and she shivered as her sex flowered open in submission to the thought of hard, deep penetration. "Mmmm..." she sighed knowing and gladly embracing the idea of sensuality.

Slipping quietly free of her clothing Patricia moved over and quietly unbuttoned Zann's undergarment and took his hardening member in her mouth. She licked and suckled smiling to herself as he would wake with the wonderful feel of her mouth around his shaft.
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

"Not sure if your mistress was that great, if she was all about poking people with shoes..."
Ruxi questioned!

Ruxi tilted her head under the petting. She liked the nice, tingly feeling, even if the whole 'guiding hand' for her made her pffff.. "I am greatest gobbo. Don't need guidance!"
She huffed, before lying back on the bed.

"I like the good feeling. I don't like feeling good when others tell me.. I dun like anything others tell me, infact.."
She looked at Leah.

"You want to learn real mistressing?... first of all you takes that off."
She points to the collar. "Should be a reward, and sign of trust, not something you slap on anyone.

Also while we are at it..."

She pointed at white-hairy boss lady! "You shouldn't just hand your powers out to anyone, without prior screenering, I mean.. some nasty folks might use them to attack you!" She declared, ignoring the fact that -she- had been one of those some.

"So.. how about rather than doing the guidening to me, I give you all helping out hands, I mean, clearly you got too much blue power than know what to do with.. Have you considered investing it in.. hear me out here.. Goblin supremacy?"
She nodded, with a glinting in her eyes.

"See, there are manyly benefits to letting Ruxi become your mistress.. errr.. You'd not have to do the mistressing yourself.. you'd get to serve a very cute goblin.. I'd not boot anyone, without good reason.."
She whistled innocently and wiggled about. She'd also keep that comfy thing under her!
@ Maria


The Lady smiled. "Good. Mhhh, I will keep a close eye on you. I want to see you fulfill your desires. For now, to celebrate to your awakening, cum for me."
She hugged you tight as a tidal wave of pleasure washed over you, your mind turning into a blue haze. Your head rested on her cleavage, all your senses overwhelmed by pleasure and her presence, her arousing smell, her radiant beauty, the softness of her skin, the soothing whisper of her voice: "Welcome home, my dear."
You didn't know how long you were like this, leaning against her, basking in the afterglow, but as your senses started to return, the dream faded to blackness.

You awoke with a jolt on the grass where you fell asleep, your body aching but bristling with energy, and throbbing with need. You could feel the fire between your legs, the source of power that demanded to be fed pleasure. Nellie was still coiled around you, snoring softly. On the other side of the by now extinguished campfire, you could see Eopeia and Kari sleeping intertwined. The morning was cool and moist with dew, sunrise just a few more minutes away.
@ Patricia

Zann's cock reacted quickly to your wet care, throbbing and bulging and twitching, almost eagerly to push deeper into your mouth as the mage shifted and rustled and sighed in his sleep, a small smile creeping on his lips. He smelled so different from your tribesmen, even between his legs, less earthy and more... clean, probably? You weren't quite sure, but the taste was as delicious as the smell was intoxicating, your snatch growing wetter with each lick and suck you gave.
Warmness spread through your body as you felt the twitching intensifying, you instinctively knew what was coming next - and then it happened. With a shudder, his penis erupted, a small jet of white semen spurting into your mouth. The taste was difficult to describe, but it was everything that had hoped for. Zann's glazed-over eyes shot open, his body shivering in his climax, and his smile widened as he reached out and gave you a pat on the head, before sinking back down and enjoying the feeling of your ministrations while lying in the afterglow, leaving you still aching with desire.
@ Ruxi


"Leah, do you mind leaving us alone for a bit?" The Lady asked.
The girl nodded and promptly disappeared from sight.
The Lady of the Night reached out and gave you a belly rub, her soft hand moving over your taught skin in a spiral pattern.
"Well, I could take away the gift from you again... But you don't want that, do you? You like this feeling of power. But for that, you will have to learn to be more considerate. You can't just demand everyone cater to your whims all the time. I am leading a group of people trying to transform this realm, to overthrow the current order of things. To achieve a future where everyone has the gift of magic, and no one is being oppressed or bullied. Does that sound good to you? You can be part of that world, but for that you have to learn to obey. Then you too can be powerful, the maker of your own fate.
I can't teach and supervise you all the time, however. You need a guide. I chose Leah, because she is not so different from you. She is energetic, passionate, she used to be very rebellious, and still is, in a way. I think you two fit well together. And don't try to tell me you didn't like what happened so far. I can tell you enjoyed her hypnotizing you, taking all your worries away for a moment, making you float in mindless bliss - you remember, don't you? She can do that even more, and stronger, making you feel even better than even her licking you could ever make you feel."

Her other hand tapped against the spiky collar.
"And admit it already, you like that collar too. Looks good on you, I have to say. Just think of the collar and the magical power as gifts. To show how nice we are. You can get more, but only if you are a good girl. If you let Leah teach you, and promise to obey her. It's not as absolute as it sounds, she will of course do her best to accommodate your desires and needs as well. I can't promise it will be easy, but I can promise you will feel great once you give in to her, even if just a little bit.
I know that your life so far was not easy and that you have good reasons not to trust anyone. But if you do, if you trust me, and trust Leah, you can leave that life on the run behind, and enter a life of passion, power and pleasure. How would you like that?"

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Camp Tag: Zann

Patricia eagerly suckled the cock, savoring the taste even as her hands ran over his chest and stomach to explore and stimulate him. She sucked and stimulated him, taking his seed and savoring the glorious taste. Sighing she snuggled up against him, kissing at his nipples and teasing his neck. Her hand found his cock, fonding him and seeking to bring him to hardness again. "Mmmm... very wonderful. I ache for you inside of me, your hands on me."
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

"Wait.. how'd she do that? Did she go an invisible?"
Ruxi tilted her head.

"Wait what is you doing nuuuhh.." Ruxi tensed, and then squirmed, at the rubbing, followed by her squirming and giggling ever so slightly. she semeed apprehensive but not to dislike the gesture in itself... "Alright, I will learn all about this Considerate, who is he and what did he do?"

She then scratched the back of her head. "Wait, I don't get it, that's the purpose of power, isn't it?
Hold on there lady, hold on...Power is like.. how much you can force others to do stuff you want, that they don't want. Now not being bullied sounds good and all, but I dun get it, the existance of power derives from a disparage between people. You can either seek equality for all or power for people, not both. I read that in a book. Tasted pretty ok for a book."

She nodded.

"For the record I am very not rebellious, I am very agreeable and understanding and contest all notionings to the contrarian!"
She nodded, then cleared her throat. "I am not sure if I should do the trustening of Leah though.. being helpless is the scary, done that a lot in my life actually, and being helpless to someone like me.. I mean.. err.. Actually that is totally fine, as I am a trustworthy member of society that is great at raising honest bees."
That was what this had been about, right?

She hesitated, touching the collar herself.. she -needed- posessions.. a goblin without posessions was bad. But wasn't a collar the sign of a slave?

"I am an exeptionally good girl at all circumstances!"
She nodded her head, with green ears bopping up and down energetically.
"Yes I am very into passion and power and will happily kiss Leah's butt.. although her boots are more required.... hmnnn... I am great boot shiner! Give me some wax and I will make sure those boots are the cleaned all day!"
She agreed with enthusiasm, but doubtful levels of honesty.
26824 Maria; Location: Rando Field; Tag: Kari, maybe Eopia
Nuzzled against her Mistress, safe, warm happy. Maria came, the tingling electric pleasure running from between her slick thighs, up her spin out to her fingers; twitching and grasping at her love. Her tail bristled and curled happily, excited to show her affection and dedication. Her soft lips not holding back her delighted moans and contented sighs, "Thank you, Mistress," She purred, curling up and falling asleep in her mistress's arms once more.
Awaking from her dream she found that the others were still softly asleep, Eopia, Nelie and the new convert Kari. She had awoken first, but the need was still great within her, the desire to use her magic burning, to an even greater degree she felt the need to sate her lust. Nelie was the first option, the cute sleeping spider girl was certainly able to fill her sexual desires, but she'd not want to risk dominating her, not right now. It was similar with Eopia, the girl she'd met first, certainly an exciting partner, but possibly a bit out of her reach.
That left only Kari, intertwined with Eopia. The fox snuck over to the duo, softly rubbing against the girl, trying to wake her without waking the mage... She would start by establishing her dominance over this, girl, showing she was at the very least not at the bottom of the pecking order.
As the girl started to stir, Maria would quickly kiss her on the lips, helping her do disentangle from Eopia. Magic flowed through her, the cooling tingle starting at her sex, and coating her words in a soft suggestive tone. "Love." She commanded.
[Command Spell: DC 13]
@ Patricia

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Zann managed to smile between ragged breaths. His hand reached out and stroked through your hair. "I see you've met our Lady. Unless you were just waiting for an opportunity..."
His smile turned cocky. "I have to say, you are quite talented. Have you done this before?" He breathed out and looked around.
"Looks like we still have half an hour under the dome. Go ahead. Satisfy those urges."
As you mounted his already erect cock again, he gripped your buttocks and squeezed playfully, then heaving you up and down in rhythm with your own movements, causing almost the entire length of his rod sliding in and out of your wet and warm folds with every thrust, wet skin gliding over wet skin, an electric tingling spreading from your hot and needy nethers with every motion.
Zann grunted and started to pant quickly. "Damn! You feel good! It's been too long... I'm almost at the edge again..." A throaty laughter erupted from him. "You know, most women and girls, after they meet the Lady, have almost no interest in men anymore... I gotta say, this is a... urgh... welcome surprise!"
He continued to arch, thrusting upward with every cycle, meeting your downward motion, the wet squelching sounds ringing in your ears as the pleasure rose, burning, tingling, demanding...
You were already panting and moaning when you felt the rod twitch inside you...
@ Ruxi


The Lady laughed.
"That book must have been as unfulfilling a read as it was a meal, then."
"I must admit, you are funny. I think you will be great to have around, if only you stop trying to lie and cheat so much. I understand that this sounds strange and maybe a little scary, but you must listen to your desires. You like having possessions, but you I think you will like being possessed by Leah more."

Her hand stroking your belly reached lower, circling just above your crotch, the rubbing sending waves of warmth through your body.
"It wasn't just the licking you enjoyed. Remember how you felt as her spell mesmerized you. To feel so carefree, just following along. Think how much better it would feel if you actually surrendered to this sensation. No more worries about mean people bullying you. Leah will protect you, care for you, and as you grow more powerful, you can return the favor. You'll be safe and carefree. Should I call her back? Will you ask her to play with your mind a bit more? Make you feel good and carefree? It seems to me like you like that the most."
@ Maria


Kari stirred, her naked body shivering, but not from the cold, instead from her own sexual need, her blazing blue eyes first widening, then taking on a hungry glimmer. She eagerly disentangled from Eopeia, groping you and rolling over the dew-covered grass. You came to a stop next to one another, kissing and petting hungrily, when you cast your spell, and Kari's eyes twitched, her eyelids fluttered, until she looked at you with a mixture of fear and lust. (Kari resists the spell!)
Then, her mouth curled up in a smile of understanding, and she resumed kissing you, more passionately than before, her wet body rubbing against yours. As Kari broke off to catch a breath, she mewled out:
"You know, you could just have asked..." She resumed kissing you, her hands roaming along your buttocks, squeezing flesh and stroking along the base of your fluffy tail.
From the corner of your eye, you suddenly saw the naked form of Eopeia standing over the two of you. Kari felt your tensing, and looked up as well.

"Well well well, aren't you eager? Already looking to assert dominance? Good girl. However, looks like you failed. Now it's her turn. Come Kari. Embrace the power you have been given. This horny fox wanted you between her legs. How about she kneels between yours?"

Kari chuckled and suddenly shoved herself on top of you, her legs spread around yours, her hands holding yours pinned to the side. Droplets of her arousal fell from her spread crotch unto our needy slit as her eyes' glow intensified. A wave of calmness washed over you, together with Kari's words that reverberated sweetly inside your mind, while her eyes drew your focus on them...
"Listen to my words. Surrender to my desires. Please me, you horny, slutty pet. Desperate for my approval. So needy and weak. You want to give in. You need to give in." Kari intonated, each word swirling inside your mind like a spiral of honey as the glow threatened to blanket your consciousness under a wave of pleasure... (Kari casts Charm Person: Wisdom save DC: 13)
26861 Maria; Location: Rando Field; Tag: Kari
Tumbling in the grass with the girl felt so free, so right. Both girls naked from head to toe, both girls panting with sweet sweaty arousal as they had just awoken from meeting there mistress. Maria didn't know a thing about Kari but they were sisters now, and it was only a matter of who hand-picked up on there magic quicker! Maria's surprize attempt seemed to have not any effect, making the fox chuckle nervously, "I couldn't wait to try it..." Her ears twitching toward the crunch of grass as Eopia stood over the rutting pair, instructing her charge to try the to charm Maria... it was only fair.
Seeing the change in Kari, form the trembling helpless girl from last night to the powerful dom who rolled Maria so easily, looking down lusty at the kitsune. Maria's eyes looking back with a moment of hesitation, before glazing over as the charm spell...
When did Kari get so cute, her eyes so bright and cheerful, Her voice silky and words so... true? "Yes... Listen... surrender... horny pet..." Maria's eyes drifted down, catching the two voluptuous melons on Kari's chest, each peaked with a glistening red nipple. They looked so supple and soft... A nice place to put her head to get lots of praise and pets... "Desperate... needy... weak..." She agreed, her eyes trailing down to her Mistress's drooling snatch. Full, puffy, it looked so lonely without fox pets face stuffed in it... inhaling her mistress's sweet scent, tasting her rich flavor...
"Mmmh... yes... must give in. Yes! Mistress Kari, I'll be your horny little fox slut... I'll do anything for your approval, please just command me, let me please you!"
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone lewd Dream

"Yeah, books overall not very nutritiounal, but better than nothings."
She then tilted her head.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, I have not stolen anything today.
a--and.. meww.. obviously like having things more than being have'd!"

She mewled a bit under the now warm-tickling strokings.

"Hmnhnn carefree is nice.. no worry about no eating or people eating Ruxi.."
She admitted, purring softly, little green ears flopping.

"I does like that.. but Leah wont be meanie either? Between me and you, she's very booty-kicky..."
She pondered, seeming unsure of that, after their earlier encounter, as she nuzzled a little into the petting hands, but still seeming somewhat worried about trusting Leah this much..