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Saving Christmas!

The blue spider moved around, before deciding to perch on Leah's shoulder, and take a small nap there!

Leah had a good view of the...action while rubbing herself. The tester elf moaned and moaned, as the other two kept arguing tirelessly!

If she could be on her place...well she could...if she removed the suit just for a while...she could have them tie her, and test toys on her all around the year...maybe she could be a sex-tester gynoid...lying there in plain view of all the elfs that passed by, trying new dildos every day, with the spider keeping company...

She kept playing with herself imagining it...till someone poked her in the tummy.

"Hey, miss...don't you know this is a workplace? You have to wear a Christmas or an elf hat, for safety reasons." the half naked testing supervisor told her "But more importantly, why are you here? We are too busy right now, as you can see!" she continued.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Leah shuddered in potent need as she imagined herself fucked like that all year round. This was just the life she wanted - no more responsibility, just pleasure. But taking the suit off felt wrong, unless to exchange it for a better one... yes, the suit was her safe space. It was so sexy, and she was making such a delicious mess inside with her drooling cunt...

The Elf's voice shook her out of it. "You're... you're supposed to stop the machines! The production line! Err, the elves above can't keep up!" She moaned huskily, imagining the elf girl between her legs, licking over the smooth black fabric of her suit...
"Hmm? Why can't those lazies keep up! We are literally working our butts of down here, and they are just messing around! What do they think, that we have time to mess around?" the elf woman angrily replied.

"But whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. The toy machine can only be stopped or started by Bushy, and she has gone to find Santa! She has to return before we can stop the toy maker!" she explained.

"But are you ok? You look a bit...sick?" she said, giving an investigative look at Leah.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leah shivered and moaned as she kept jilling off the elves' lewd work. She was so close to the edge, that sweet spot of delicious torment...
"Yeah... err,... I am... rather... horny... needy... yes... need..." She husked. "I should... find Santa... be rewarded... by Mary... oooohhh..."
"Hmm...you have a dildo in there or something?" the elf asked, leaning forward to investigate the area around Leah's pussy.

However, at that time, Leah noticed something horrible! The blue spider had left her shoulder unnoticed...and it was now playing innocently on a conveyor belt! It was just a few seconds before it went into the mysterious hole in the wall! Without a doubt if it went there, the toy machine....could even break it apart!!!!

What to do!
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leah breathed an exhausted sigh, her arousal spiking as the elf started to touch her between her legs, right where she wanted it...
"Nooooo... I don't like sticks... errr dildoes... in my pussy... I prefer... soft fingers... and wet tongues... mmfff..."
In the haze of arousal, it took her a while to notice her new spidey friend was missing. When she saw him on one of the conveyor belts, adrenaline rushed through her veins, casting aside the pink mist that had clouded her mind. "Shut it down!" She screamed and dashed towards the conveyor, to snatch the living plushy from the belt...
Sadly, it was too late! The cute blue spider had already disappeared in the hole! Maybe if she also jumped inside she could rescue it...but it could also prove dangerous for her!

Whatever she would do, there was not much time to decide...there were already mechanical noises coming from behind the wall!
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja observed the spectacle, igniting a cigarette with narrowed eyes. Her breath hissed slightly as she inhaled, listening to the milk-stained milf. A man lost, jealousy with a woman and an affair. An inn.

"It's a big deal to me.. And you lady, should take better care of your man."
She said, before turning, and walking out on the spot, denying any offers of milk, as she made her way to the tavern.. it was a grey, snowy night.. and there'd be soon many crying kids under christmas trees if she couldn's fix this mess.
Not to mention, her wish. It had been different this year. Not her fault the doctors were all inept at fixing a single broken arm though.

She sighed, flicking the cigarette behind her, walking to the tavern as snowflakes landed on her skin, melting away like old memores onher chocolate skin. Her wish would come true, and if she had to turn this whole damned tavern upside down. She pushed the door open, and demanded:
"A glass of burboun, and the location where Santa headed after being here."

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Without hesitation, Leah jumped into the hole! It looked like she would barely fit in. Hopefully, she would prove just large enough to make the machine come to a stop... that would solve the problem as well...
TheHmago-764602-We_did_our_job_and_now_we_celebrate.jpg The saloon-style door closed dramatically behind Raja, however it seemed the waitress was a bit...distracted!

"Come on, let us have a taste!"

"Yeah, hah, come on kitty, we gonna pay you good!"

"Eh...sorry but...please wait, I have a customer..." the waitress complained, only to be interrupted by even more groping.

"Then why you dress like this, slut? Huh?"

"That's right, you dress with only this much...clearly you..."

"But it's the dress code!" she argued back, but without really resisting

"Come on, Santa isn't here...just become the tavern whore for a day or two...don't ya want it?" the other customer argued.

"Uh...I don't know...if I should..." the waitress blushed, thinking the matter over as the customers kept groping her body...
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja.. drew her gun on the lowlifes! "Unhand that slutty elf at once. You heard the lady." She insisted, dangerously, gulping down her shy emberassment at the show before her down with some effort.. just like Trish had told her.

"You wouldn't want Santa to hear about this - once I find him."
She noted, nodding to the naughty elf, the red of her nipples reminding her of the way Trish used to pop cherries
in her mouth.
All playful and sensual like.
Passing through the hole without any trouble (maybe she should fatten up a little?) , Leah found herself in a weird place!

The conveyor belt was there, along with other conveyor belts and floating machine claws that moved toys around, and other machinery above every belt doing different things to the different toys...but down below there was no ground, but a bottomless abyss! How was that even possible!

The blue spider was right in front of her...when suddenly a giant claw descended and picked her up! "Complete toy detected...ready for boxing" the claw buzzed, as it took the spider away. Maybe it would be safe, after all?

However, she didn't have time to ponder about it...as an other claw grabbed her!

"Defective sex-droid detected...repairs needed" this claw buzzed, and picked her up, towards an other conveyor belt!
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leah reached for spidey, only to have him snatched away in front of her. She tried to yell, but only a hoarse gasp escaped her lips as she was picked up. She tried to struggle, but found herself being lifted somewhere else with ease, nothing she did even slowed the machine down.
Wait... Sex-droid? Something stirred within her. Damn, now is not the time! She chastised her needy pussy. but it was no use. She had to find a way out of here, before the machine did something to her she wouldn't like... Or even worse, something she would like...
@ Raja, some time later.

It seemed that the elfs didn't really mind her gun...but they had minded her threat of telling Santa later. Whispering to each other complaints about the 'snitch', they sat back at their tables like good kids.

Finally, the waitress brought her bourbon!

"Thanks for helping me...they can get really naughy some times." she sighed "I am Laila by the way! I was an elf from a D&D story, but Santa was hiring elfs and I only had a supporting role there, so...here I am!" she explained.

"It is a bit lewder than the usual, but a job is a job." she sighed.

"So...you are looking for Santa too, I take it?" she asked lowering her voice.

"Look...I have some suspicions...but I can't tell anyone, ok? I think it's Krampus behind it. I mean, really, who else can be the suspect." she nodded.

"He is Santa's evil brother...he believes that kids should be punished for being naughty, instead of rewarded to be good!" she explained "He always persuades some elfs to agree with him...and worse than than, he has even the ability to change his appearance. Every few years he tries something..." she sighs.

"But what can you do. Anyway, if you find Santa the rest will not matter anyway, right? He came here yesterday, and he asked me if I had seen any suspicious activity. Then he left..." she recalled "...afterwards Mrs. Claus came...with few black guys. They had an orgy, fucking her over and over, with their huge cocks..." she said blushing and biting her lips "..and then when they were tired..."

" 2868957 - Christmas JiangShi Mrs._Claus elf.jpg Mrs. Claus, can we please use you as a cumdump too?" one elf asked.

"Yeah, please! Santa has been working us to death all year long! It's unfair!" an other complained.

"Oh well..." she hesitated "...I guess I have some time while the guys recharge..." she mused "...and it's my vacation! But only one time each!".

"Really?! Great!" the elfs cheered happily.

"Keep her busy, while I call over the others too" whispered a cunning elf to his buddies...it would be a long night...
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The robotic claw however didn't let her any chance of escape! Still, her constant struggle did manage to make it stop.

"Malfunctioning Toy Is In Suffering. Calming Agent X13 Injection Required..." the voice noted...and soon enough, Leah felt a sting on her butt, before she fell asleep!

She saw a weird dream. In her dream, she was a little doll that belonged to a girl who loved her dearly. Also, she had a pet spider that lived behind the wooden toybox...such a nice dream!

Leah woke up. She felt a bit...different. Her body was...changed!

She was still soft...but this wasn't real flesh, but synthetic! Her whole body was like that! Her veins had been replaced with cables, her bones with steel! Even her head felt...different! And her appearance...was a bit different!

She was now laying on a conveyor belt, fast approaching a hole that read 'exit'. The blue spider was nowhere to be found...but probably it was already out of this place long ago...she would have to find it somewhere out there!
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

She sniffed the strong burboun, listening to the elf. cheerful. Slut. Redhead. The elf had some choice words to say.. Krampus. Sibling rivalries were a pain.. luckily she was an only child. Well she'd had a clique.. wondered what they were doing. The girl she'd met earlier kinda reminded her...

Anyway. Time to focus. Another sip of that burning orange poison that was good bourbon whiskey.

She cleared her throat. "Right.. enough about miss Claus.. so.. where did Santa leave to afterwards, any idea? And how could I recognize Santa, if I saw him?"
She questioned, with a slight blush on her cheek, fighting back an emberassed stammer at the rather vivid storytelling. This wasn't important, right now, or at least not as important. Getting to Santa was.
"Hmm...you can't not recognize him! I guarantee that!" she coughed awkwardly "He wears red clothes and a Santa hat..obviously."

"I think I heard him mumbling something about a bad feeling..and then he left, and I think I saw him moving towards the stable, I guess." she focused, as she tried to recall what happened yesterday.

"But I didn't see if he actually went there...I just noticed a shadow moving towards the stable from the window. You should probably ask Rudolph, or the other reindeers." she suggested.

"I heard that the sleigh was stolen too...so, I don't know, really..." she scratched her head. "But if I can help somehow, just tell me!"
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Detective Deren sighed ever so slightly. "Thanks.. you're the first genuinly helpful employee I've seen.. Anyway, guess I'll be off to the stables."

She nodded, stepping outside, once more watching the dance of snowflakes in an ice-cold winter.. the stables next. She wondered what she'd find there.. well,.. aside from a hunky Rudolph fucking an elf, that was. This place really needed Santa for order.. She briefly pondered whom she had all seen with a red hat.. well, everyone from the one who greeted her to this elf herself.

A hard to crack case, but she felt like she was getting somewhere.. Next.. the stables.
Raja arrived at the stables fairly easy. After all, there were only four buildings around!

However, she didn't find the scene she expected. Instead, the eight reindeer were engaging in some typical domesticated reindeer behavior - chilling around lazily. They only seemed a bit annoyed by the uninvited guest...

1345066-Reindeer_hi_res.jpg There was no sleigh anywhere...however, there was a reindeer-girl, sleeping peacefully on a pile of hey.


However, trying to interact with the reindeer didn't have any good results! Their only replies were

"Hmm...they won't talk, you know." the girl stood up with a yawn.

"I am Rudolf." she introduced herself.

"According to the voting of the Santa's Reindeer Union, we, the reindeer, are officially on a strike." she shrugged "That includes any kind of cooperation, such as searching for missing sleighs or Santa".

"Well, not that the guys are wrong. I mean, it is a bit unfair."
she nodded "Mrs. Claus fucked everyone, except those poor sods."

"So, we are on a strike to complain about the blatant discrimination. Not that I blame Mrs. Claus for not doing it with those guys. They are worthless lowlifes with tiny dicks. But while I wouldn't fuck them, I wouldn't fuck the tiny-dick elfs either..."
she explained, fixing her position on the hay stack.
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Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Well, short of the workshop, large and grey and emotionless, short of residiual jollyness, she'd have gone through all the buildings.. what a detective she ended up being. No wonder she struggled to pay those bills.

She stepped to nudge the reindeer girl awake, almost relieved there was no gangbang orgy going on right now. The scent of dry hay and domesticated animals in her nose as she took in the scene..

She supressed an urge of mentioning red noses to the blonde.

Her relief faded like puffs of smoke in the wind...
"I know what I must do now, yet I do not want to even speak about it."
On the upside, she'd get to ride in Santa's sleigh. On the downside, she wasn't sure if she wanted to anymore. Not without desinfectant. Alright, ok, so She'd done a few wild things with Trish, but this....

She sighed.. and waved at Rudolph, and returned to the Claus home, to speak to Miss Claus.

"Miss Claus..
Did you know that the barkeep thinks you can't handle a reindeer?"

T'was a dirty lie.. but she'd done other dirty things before...