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Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
This is just going up to see how many people might be available for this when I get out of rehab. Which will be in two months, so it gives myself plenty of time to develop, and it gives you all time to prepare. Anywho, on to the reason why you're here: THE PLOT!

Basically, this game takes place on December 28th, 2012, a week after the world was supposed to end. In reality, the world didn't end, it began to grow. Something has laid dormant within plant and animal life, passed from generation to generation, until the day of the 21st, when it awakened, and the world changed. A week has passed, and the forests have gone out of control, new plants growing at a hyper-accelerated rate, most animals have begun to change, their entire DNA structure recomposing as their brains rewire for hostility. And, amongst the many humans who fear for their lives, something passed down since the dawn of time awakens the true potential of humanity. Super-human feats begin to pop up in newscasts and newspapers around the world, most people calling them saviors. Humanity's evolution has begun.

TL;DR: People are getting super powers and the whole world's going to hell in a hand-basket. This will be a fairly clean RP, I.E, no walking bugmen or rock people. Sex will be allowed, but no sex-based powers. If I have another moment of clarity tomorrow, I'll try and post more info.

EDIT: Blah. Finally found more of my docs for the RP. K, here's some more info.

The game will mainly be free-form. That's not to say it's all "point and click." The usual fare coming from yours truly. I can't really think of any more info to post here that isn't obvious. Though I am mildly delirious right now.

EIDT 2: Okay, so due to my mind being clear, I realized I should have told you this will be more survival than living peacefully. People see these powers as an abomination, so yeah. They're gonna be trying to kill you. Hope that helps.
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Re: Savior

So, seeing as how my moments of sanity are waning, might as well get the Q&A going. And here's a character template for those of you who want to prepare for when I can get this started.

Character name:
Country of Origin:
Current country/state/city of residence:
Character description:

Those of you who are wondering, PM your character sheets and power, along with a detailed description of how the power works, to me directly, do not post them in this thread.
Re: Savior

If our powers are electrical based, can we mess up with humans minds, brains, and other electrical stuff, and force people to obey us or help us by bending their nervous system to our electrical powers?

Just throwing this out here as of a way of 'if burrito says yes' then theres going to be some problems.
Re: Savior

Not right off the bat. Those kinds of abilities will be very difficult to achieve until much later on. It would take extensive training and development to make it viable. TL;DR, Not until you all have done some impressive shit.
Re: Savior

Definite interest shown. You already know what kind of character I'm thinking of, so I'll use that. I'll also go over with you at some point potential branches off of newer abilities he might could acquire as time progresses, but I already know what I plan to have for his primary/starter.
Re: Savior

Good, good. Another update: This'll prolly be starting within 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the progression of my rehab.
Re: Savior

Hmm, can I handle another game right now? It's possible. I'm willing to give this a proper look. The general concept seems like it could be fun, though no potential characters spring to mind for me yet. Is there any more info you can give about the game perhaps?
Re: Savior

Not really. Mind's still a bit scrambled from the pain meds. Anything in the first post is all that I've dug out of my notes. But this will be happening on a global scale, depending on where characters originate from. Anywhere that can be found on a map can be used as your birthplace/place of current residence. Not all characters have to be heroes, though. They can be survivalists, or villains. It's all up to the players.
Re: Savior

Get yer characters ready! This thing is starting earlier than expected! In exactly 2 weeks, on Friday the 13th of August..........Ohshi-
Re: Savior

Interest shown. Won't be here on 8/13 though, for the weekend. Any restrictions on power?
Re: Savior

Interest shown. Won't be here on 8/13 though, for the weekend. Any restrictions on power?

2 key powers that will be exempt. Terrakinesis, as in, ability to move earth, and Permanent Power Mimicry.
Re: Savior

Is magnetism considered an allowed power? Also, limited to one power?
Re: Savior

Is magnetism considered an allowed power? Also, limited to one power?

Magnetism is allowed. Yes and no on limited.

You are limited to your base power, but everything that that base power can do is allowed. EVERYTHING. Think outside the box, but keep it in the confines of the base mentioned power.

Though, even if you find all the hidden potential, it won't be available right off the bat. As the RP progresses, your powers should evolve based on certain circumstances.
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Re: Savior

I would be interested in playing, if you'll have me. Should I PM you a character sheet?
Re: Savior

PM me the sheet. So long as you have previous RP experience and know how to spell worth two shits. Literacy is a good thing :)
Re: Savior

Finally got around to PMing you the sheet, just posting here in case you miss the notification (like I usually do) :).