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Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Re: Savior

Okay kiddies. Here's the scoop. I'll be starting this as soon as I can get the subforum up and running.
Re: Savior

Double post, but whatever. The RP will be starting in a moments, soon as I get the beginning thread up. Now, before you ask, the start will be in one thread, since so many of you are spread out across the world. What I will be asking is, above your post, you put in bold letters, at least Size 4, the current city and country, or State if your character is in USA, they are currently in. As the RP progresses, it will slowly break into individual threads for the different locations, Etc, Etc.

To those of you wishing to voice complaints, I can usually be found in the Biteme chat, or on my MSN. Or you can just send a PM. :)
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Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Hmmm I'll be posting for this whenever I get around to it and can get out of a bit of a minor, small, tiny, procrastination slump.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

I have good and bad news.

For one, interest shown, and character sheet submitted to Occam's Razor for approval. It'll go up in the Char Sheet thread when it's checked.

For another... Occam's on a leave of absence. He dropped into a certain Java chat to let us know that he won't be around for a while. I believe his intention is to check himself into, in his own words, "The local loony bin". Something about feeling like a psychopath. So he might be gone for a little while.

I'll leave you to decide which is the good and bad news.

Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

I have bad news.....
Occam's on a leave of absence. ... I believe his intention is to check himself into, in his own words, "The local loony bin". Something about feeling like a psychopath.

I'll leave you to decide which is the good and
bad news.


That's bad news. Probably by the time he gets back if he doesn't notify me, I'll forget entirely about this rp just due to my own ways.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Feh. Seems like being a psychopath isn't so hard to treat. Meds FTW. Anywho, CONTINUE!
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

YAY! It is a great relief to know you are doing well, all appearances of well-wishing being merely self-serving aside. Meds are, indeed, FTW.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Occam's Razor would like it known that he is sorry for the lack of updates, but he's been too busy playing on his Xbox to come and do it. For those of you who feel like vengeance, his Gamertag is Cloud747, and he plays Gears, Modern Warfare 2, Fear 2, Phantasy Star Universe, Monday Night Combat, and many other games.

He will return when he feels like it.

Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Occam's Razor would like it known that he is sorry for the lack of updates, but he's been too busy playing on his Xbox to come and do it. For those of you who feel like vengeance, his Gamertag is Cloud747, and he plays Gears, Modern Warfare 2, Fear 2, Phantasy Star Universe, Monday Night Combat, and many other games.

He will return when he feels like it.


Stop being his messenger and bringing bad news.... He bugged the annoyance out of me to make a character for this and he then decides to drop it? Argh...
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

I was hesitant and doubtful this game would get off the ground at first, but since I came up with my character and saw that a good number of people were getting on board after all, I started to rather look forward to seeing where this would go. The very direct advertising was cheeky, but a good idea really. A GM that's willing to actively recruit is a GM that's willing to keep track of a games players (avoiding the deadly silent dropouts and all that). Or that was the impression I got.

So, oi Occam, get back here. Amusing as it is to see such a straight forward reason for absence, I'm sure there's time for both. You were evidently keen enough to start this, so your not gonna let it die are you?
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Occam's Razor would like it known that he is sorry for the lack of updates, but he's been too busy playing on his Xbox to come and do it. For those of you who feel like vengeance, his Gamertag is Cloud747, and he plays Gears, Modern Warfare 2, Fear 2, Phantasy Star Universe, Monday Night Combat, and many other games.

He will return when he feels like it.


This is not true.

Truth be told, I've been holed up in a hospital for the last few days. I won't get into details, but I'm too emotionally stressed right now. I apologize to anyone this might piss off, but I just can't RP anymore. I'll try and restart this when I've got my shit back together.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Ah. Well that's a shame but fair enough. Don't stress yourself over this too much then. I'll be fine to resume whenever your ready.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.



Friend sent me these, Mr Razor.

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Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

That's more different games than I play in a month...

Hmm, though it's possible that consoles can be taken into hospital isn't it? Or that aside, mentally and emotionally, RPing is a very different thing to chainsawing some locust on gears.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Playing five different games in one day? That seems to be a bit unlikely if you ask me...
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Go look them up, if you possess the ability. , cloud747.

As for Xbox in hospitals, sure. But not XBL. And I doubt one would get that freedom in a mental hospital to play games. Basically, Razor's lying through his teeth and can't admit it. Sorry for the disappointment.

Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

He's not in a mental hospital.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

No, he's not. But that's what he's been claiming.

Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

Strange. I recall him talking that meds helped him with his earlier problem, so I assume he dealt with that. As for the current situation, I talked with him today. Perhaps you should do the same - just to find out what's going on.
Re: Savior OOC and talky thread thingy.

And have Pale miss out on all the bitchiness she could do? Are you MAD?