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Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)


Dec 6, 2009
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Off on the sandy shore of a distant island unknown to most of the world a voluptuous red haired woman in a bright yellow outfit and thigh high boots and gauntlets lay face down in the sand after having been tossed and beaten the relentless waves. She had come to the island looking for a new challenge after having saved countless women from a dark tower being possessed by a group of sex demons. After coming about 1,000 km from the island her ship had been attacked by a large squid like woman.

She had been able to barely fight the octopus woman off with her mystical sword and lightning attacks but the night before she arrived she was hit by a powerful thunderstorm which had only torn her ship which had already taken damage by the squid lady asunder. She abandoned ship only to be left at the mercy of the sea; to which she was tossed like a rag doll by the merciless waves. Early morning three days later, she had ended up lying on the beach.

Where am I...... she thought to herself as she slowly and groggily woke up on the beach, Is this the correct island? I was at sea for at three days being thrown around by the waves. I could be anywhere. Either way, just laying here will do me no good. I should get up and try to find shelter or some sign of life or civilization. With that she slowly and wobbly got up on her feet, picked up her sword and headed out into the unknown territory, her hand on her blades hilt and on guard, knowing not what may be in wait for her.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

(I don't know if you wanted desert, but since that would be a bad place to be after three days of no food, or fresh water, I think this setting would be much better.)

A small, circular shore Gaidan found herself in, nearly perfectly circle in shape, with a small opening out to sea, nearly blocked off by a pair of cliffs on either side. She would find herself lucky to have ended up here, for there didn't seem to be any land for her to wash up upon anywhere else.

And beyond the beach, she would be greeted by nothing but jungle. Thick, and more than likely dangerous. Still, despite the apparent danger, she did have to continue, lest she die right there.

Walking up, her feet no longer treading on the sand, but moist grass, Gaidan was quick to find a source of fresh water, and even a fruit tree, bearing oddly shaped, pink, star shaped fruits. As far as her survival knowledge would know, pink never meant poison. Usually green, purple and yellow did. There were no poisonous pink fruits ever known to her during her time learning how to survive in the wilderness.

But, still, who knows what devilry this unknown island could hold. She could eat the fruit for nutrition, since she is indeed starving, or she could try to find an actual animal to kill... However, a risk is in that as well, since the animal she would be hunting will no doubt be more fed than her, and with greater strength...
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Hearing her stomach grumble loudly from malnutrition Gaidan decided to play it safe for the time being and go for the fruit rather then take her chances of trying to fight down and kill a wild animal when she had been without food or water for free days. A well fed beast would be more then a match for a starving young woman. She walked over to the fruit tree and picked one of the ripe fresh juicy looking star fruits off of one of the limbs and bit into it taking a deep bite and taking the time to chew the hopefully sweet fruit she had found. After finishing the first one she would pick two more of the star shaped fruits and begin to dig into them as well. Having finished eating she would bend over to the pool of water and begin to draw handfuls of the liquid into her mouth, washing down the fruit and rehydrating her starved and sore body.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Digesting the fruit, which turned out to be nothing less than an absolutely delicious treat, and taking plenty of clean water into her system, Gaidan suddenly felt an odd 'click' in her mind. The fruit she felt herself digesting seemed to deliver an odd stimulant to her mind. Her heart beat slowly started to sound like a rhythmic beating of a drum, and the world around her slowly began to seem more... Interesting.

And interesting would be the only way to describe it. Everything seemed so much more amazing, even though nothing had changed. The star shaped fruits were so pretty, Gaidan couldn't help but think about how cute they looked. The jungle around her seemed so amazing. And while she couldn't help but continue to stand and appreciate everything around her she could, she would notice too late that she had apparently had eaten a magical plant. The magic seemed to influence her mood incredibly, to the point that she had no control over herself.

Everything was simply amazing, no matter what it was. The soft grass that felt so good to the touch, the lack of thousands of bugs that would swarm in your face in most jungles was encouraging, and the sexy looking light purple haired amazon that she suddenly ran into seemed to be well fit. Her jet white eyes gleamed so beautifully in the sunlight. Her jagged tail seemed wicked, and the ritualistic designs on her body looked very neat.

Holding a bucket in her hand, she suddenly splashed it upon Gaidan's face. And when she did, Gaidan would suddenly feel a flush, the feeling of joy and curiosity slowly leaving her, and allowing her to think clearly. After she had eaten the plant, Gaidan unconsciously continued her quest into the forest, only without the caution she normally would have used. And upon arriving in front of what seemed like a native of the jungle, simply walked up to her, investigating her with a smile, before the woman splashed some sense back into her with the water she'd been carrying.

"Fool," she directed at Gaidan, "Humans cannot tolerate the island fruit."
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

As soon as Gaidan had digested the fruit and swallowed the handfuls of water she had taken she suddenly felt a thousand times better then she would have expected to even after having gotten something to eat finally after a few days. Her bright red eyes opened widely, her head began feeling light, and she began to stop caring about anything. "Oooh, how lovely...." She said enthralled by the beautiful star shaped fruits she had just eaten. "Aaah, it's so great not having any bugs biting me. You would think a place like this would be full of them." She then bent over to run her hands over the grass that felt like wonderful velvet to her smooth soft hands, "So nice, and soft...." She said to her self before kneeling over to the pond and running her hands through the water, "Oh, the water is beautiful and crystal clear...." she admired her own reflection in the water before heading off to the rest of the area.

She continued through the lush jungle area, amazed by the beauty of the region. " The leaves and plants are such a wonderful green... The trees so beautiful. What a paradise....." She said as she wondered through the area before coming to a dead stop at the exotic and sensual looking woman in front of her. "Aaah......" She gasped in awe at the beauty, " What gorgeous purple hair, so long and soft.... Oooh, what a pretty tail... I've never seen someone with a tail before.... look at all the marks on her body.... they're so interesting......" she continued to marvel at the Amazon before she felt a sharp cold splash of water strike her face. "AH!" she gasped at the sudden sensation and the rude awakening she was hit with, after returning to her senses shortly she quickly gazed around the area she was noticing she was far from the pool she had started out; "Where..... where am I? What happened? How did I get out here?" Gaidan cautiously and slowly placed her hand on her sword's sheath getting into a defensive posture, preparing her self should the need to attack arrive but not making an appearance to actually attack in case the woman was non threatening.
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Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Holding the bucket at her side, the woman did not seem to care for Gaidan's posture, or the sword at her side, as her own sword, hanging on her back, and primitive in appearance, looked far more threatening due to it's larger size. Her look remained cold, befitting her icy white eyes. "You are on Amazoness territory. Though you are dressed as a warrior, you act lost." Her eyes blink, only once, as she seems to think for a moment, "Eating the elegant starfruit, you must have no means of food on hand. Am I right when I say you did not intend to be here? Children should not wonder into unknown or dangerous areas." she lectured her.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Gaidan looked at the amazoness carefully, noticing the large sword strapped over her back. She kept her defensive posture not sure of the woman's intent but still trying to keep from appearing threatening or aggressive as to keep the woman from attacking in turn. "I.... I am sorry..... my ship crash landed here a few days ago. I was attacked by a sea monster octopus woman. I managed to fight her off, but what was left of my ship was hit by a fierce storm and thrown into a rock, wrecking. I drifted out in sea for three days before reaching the beach and the fruit. It was the first real food I had in while, I didn't realize in my hunger that it was magical. I don't mean to intrude on your land, but there is no where else for me to go. I was trying to reach a human settlement. I don't mean any harm. Will you let me pass?"
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

"Pass?" the amazon woman questioned Gaidan curiously, "Walk in circles, turn around, zig-zag, I do not care. But, you will find no human settlements nearby. If you are willing to tolerate the lewdness of a non-human race, even a child such as you may take refuge in our home. And as I just mentioned, do not be surprised when one or more of my people are taken with your tight fitting clothing."

After giving Gaidan fair warning, the amazon simply walked past her, towards the river to gather another bucket of water.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Unsure of what to do next, Gaidan cautiously followed after the purple haired woman, back towards the oasis she originally found herself at. She removed her hand from her sword and tried to approach in a non threatening manner, but still walked slowly, until she found herself back at the spot where she originally found the magical fruit, she tentatively asked the woman; "Forgive me, but would you be opposed to at least guiding me through this forest? I won't ask anything else from you, but I don't fancy the idea of traversing through this strange jungle by myself. My name is Gaidan, what is yours?"
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

The amazon walked silently back down the path, seeming to either not know, or not care that Gaidan was following her. Upon reaching the water, she bent over, gathering a full bucket of water to go with the other bucket she had, and lifted them both up in her hands. She turned to Gaidan when she made an introduction, but otherwise remained uninterested as she requested a guide.

"Terra," she replied with what could only be her own name. "To do something for you, you must do something for me." she said simply, her meaning towards Gaidan's request, "I am already married, so you are lucky I am not seeking sex. However, you have a blade, so I would like you to use it." she pointed her hand holding the bucket towards the east, "That way, there is a cave. And inside it, a powerful creature that abducts just about anything, be it monster or human, and drags them back to it's lair. We have lost several children of our tribe to those creatures. But instead of all of us going ourselves, if you, an outsider were to save our kin, I'm sure my chieftain would gladly give you escort to your fellow humans."
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Gaidan considered the amazon Terra's words for a few minutes, before deciding to ask her more about the situation. "If this monster has indeed taken your young I would be glad to help you with removing it, Terra. What kind of monster is it? Is the cave very far away from here?" She asked.

(Again, not as good as my opening posts have been. But keeping things rolling at least. :eek: )
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Terra shakes her head, "Not far, they would not be dangerous if they were far. We call them the Cunning Red, though I do not know the name the humans have for them. Conventional weapons such as your blade will not destroy them entirely with weak attacks. You must cut hard, and cut fast. Their bodies regenerate rapidly, this is why we struggle to defeat them. And they are also very skilled at capturing prey. Getting close is dangerous, yet they can only be killed when we are close, and splitting them apart. Many young amazonesses were defeated because of this, when they tried to rescue the captured humans that were there, to claim them as husbands and wives."

"That is all I know." Terra said bluntly. "Return with my captured people, and the humans, and we will hold a celebration in your honor, and grant you the respect of the amazoness."
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

"I will go to the cave and return when I have freed your clanswomen and the humans from the monsters. I would prefer to avoid unneeded death or taking of lives if at all possible. There's no glory or honor to be gained by pointlessly taking someone else's lives. Only if my own life were threatened and there was no other alternative would I consider it. I shall do everything that I can possibly do to free the others, even if it mean that I may get captured by the creatures my self. I hope that this will not be the last we meet Terra. Wish me luck." she said with a surprising amount of affection and emotion as she headed of in the direction her new Amazon acquaintance had pointed her in along the shore of the beach. Gaidan was filled with caution and nervousness as she marched towards the unknown. She had no clue what other creatures may be inhabiting the cave other then the ones Terra had informed her of. After some time walking she eventually made her way to the large opposing cave at the edge of the shore by some rock near the water. She steeled her nerves the best she could before finally determining her self to march forward into the structure.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Bidding Gaidan a silent farewell, the amazon Terra gave her respects to the red haired woman, watching her depart, before heading for her village.

Almost immediately as Gaidan headed for the cave, she would notice a distinct lack of life. Clearly, something was driving off the indigenous creatures. Most likely, the cause was the monsters Terra spoke of. And, both serving as a warning and a means of telling Gaidan she was headed the right way, the sounds of wildlife grew more silent, until they were nothing but something vaguely heard in the distance when she would finally arrive at the cave entrance leading down into the earth.

Immediately from the entrance, Gaidan heard an urgent whisper, "Shh!" she heard, the female voice coming from the cave, "It's dangerous! Come here!" beckoned the voice.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

It looks like whatever the monsters inhabiting these caves are they are driving out all of the natural wildlife from it. She thought to herself as she bagan to become more and more nervous and apprehensive as she approached the ominous looking caves. She was startled by the urgent hiss of someone giving her a whispered Shh, and defensively put her hand on the hilt of her sword before asking in the same whispered tone, only more guarded; "Why don't you come here where I can see you? How am I to be certain you are not one of the creatures inhabiting this cave? Or that this is not a trap?"
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

The voice was silent for a moment, before grunting, as if struggling, "Please be quiet! I cannot move! You must come here!" the voice requested. It was fairly obvious that the voice was suspicious. And whoever the voice belonged to didn't do a good job of acting the part. One thing was for sure though, it wasn't coming out.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Gaidan slowly crept over to the direction where she heard the voice, tip toeing over to its general area but being sure to keep her distance as best as she could, trying to not get too close until she had a better grasp and understanding of the situation. She could simply be trapped or bound in the cave somehow and not a threat. If that were the case whoever it was could quite possibly and hopefully be some assistance and help in dealing with the monsters in the cave she needed to face to free the hostages for Terra.
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Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Tiptoeing closer, the woman inside only seemed to grow impatient as Gaidan displayed a great deal of caution. "What are you waiting for!?" she whispered urgently.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

Gaidan slowly walked into the room with her sword held at the ready incase of attack. She still didn't completely trust the voice, but her somewhat grey conscious was still a conscious and wouldn't let her continue without helping the woman that had spoken to her. She wasn't a fool, but she still wanted to help her, and would be ready to promptly attack if this was indeed a trick. She continued on into the direction of the young woman's voice until she came within sight of her but still managed to keep her distance the best she could with her sword pointed in her direction.
Re: Saviour or Conquerer (Gaidan)

How deep the woman was, was uncertain. But she was a little ways inside, from the sound of it. Stepping down the steep slope that led into the stone hole on the ground, Gaidan wouldn't see the shape of a woman, only the slight reflections of the light outside on the damp cavern walls. With no choice but to stand outside, or actually go inside, Gaidan's first steps inside the cave, were immediately greeted by something slimy dripping onto her shoulder...