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Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Save Destyni Attempts:

Sayaka: 11 vs. Kunoichi: 20
Sayaka: 19 vs. Kunoichi: 18

The Kunoichi isn't able to stop Sayaka from firing off her arrow the second time, allowing her to free Destyni!

Attack Rolls

Destyni: 21 vs. Arachne: 15
Destyni: 30 vs. Arachne: 14

Destyni lashes out with brutal efficiency, frying the Arachne with a pair of well placed blasts.

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi: 10 vs. Destyni: 6

The Kunoichi grabs Destyni and wrestles her to the ground.


1: Free her (can't be stopped)

2: Ignore it and try to damage the Spiderbound.

3: Attempt to negotiate with the Kunoichi to stand down.
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"I shudder to think what would had happened to me if Destyni wasn't here. And this Kunoichi is really getting annoying. GET OFF HER!" Sayaka said, aiming an arrow at the corrupted ninja girl.

1: Free her (can't be stopped) [Precision Strike]
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Sayaka frees Destyni again.

Sayaka: 16 vs. Kunoichi: 17

Sayaka can't hit for damage

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 25 vs. Kunoichi: 17
Destyni: 7 vs. Kunoichi: 12

Destyni lands one hit for 600 damage, leaving the Kunoichi with 1,400 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi: 11 vs. Destyni: 2

The Kunoichi again wrestles Destyni to the ground!

((Figure she'll keep trying to free her for now til the other enemy is able to attack.))

Sayaka frees Destyni yet again.

Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 1 vs. Kunoichi: 27

Sayaka can't hit her!

Destyni starts to launch another attack, when suddenly the Kunoichi darts forward, getting underneath her, and lunges upward, knocking Destyni to the ground. In seconds Destyni is turned into a chick with a dick, and a moment later the Kunoichi thrusts her hips down and over Destyni's new cock, gripping her inside. The Mantra is broken, Sayaka feeling as if the speed has drained away, returning her to normal.

For Destyni though, it's a world of pleasure. She can only scream in pleasure and horror as the Kunoichi begins to expertly ride and rape her, taking Destyni down for her first ever sexual experience. Destyni shudders as pleasure that should be impossible for a woman to experience rips through her, suffering 95 Pleasure from the rape. She gains 115 KP and has only 85 Stamina left before she will orgasm.

Grapple Attempt:

Spiderbound: 19 vs. Sayaka: 15+3=18

Sayaka is tackled by the Spiderbound Woman, having forgotten about her!


1: Try to struggle free.

2: Enjoy some sex while watching Destyni get dominated. (How long?)

3: Other?
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"Stand still and die!" Sayaka yelled as she shot arrow after arrow at the Kunoichi, the corrupted ninja flowing around the projectiles. When Destyni was finally grappled by the ninja and turned into a dickgirl, Sayaka aimed to free her again when she was suddenly tackled by the spiderbound female. "Guh! Get off me!" the ranger yelled as she struggled to get free.

1: Try to struggle free.
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sayaka: 8 vs. Spiderbound: 6

Sayaka frees herself!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 19 vs. Kunoichi: 29

Destyni can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Kunoichi: 12 vs. Destyni: 3

The Kunoichi expertly keeps riding Destyni, the sexy elf girl trembling beneath her. Finally, it's just too much for her to handle, and right before Sayaka's eyes, she watches as her new friend is raped to an orgasm. Destyni squeezes her eyes shut, trying to hold back and resist, but suddenly they shoot wide open, the eyes nearly bulging and popping out of their sockets. Destyni screams loudly as her orgasm completely consumes her, helplessly spurting her load into the Succubus Assassin. Destyni convulses in pleasure beneath her rapist, unable to handle what is being done to her. Worse still, somehow Sayaka is aware that Destyni has given up her seed, and impregnated the Succubus!

Destyni suffers 95 pleasure and gains 145 KP from the rape and giving up her seed. Her adrenaline begins to flow, and she has 170 Stamina left until her second orgasm. She does however deal 180 damage with her orgasm as her skill kicks in.

The Kunoichi is pregnant, 20/20 and has 1,220 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Spiderbound: 17 vs. Sayaka: 11+3=14

Sayaka is tackled again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sayaka: 29 vs. Spiderbound: 13

Sayaka escapes again!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 8+10=18 vs. Kunoichi: 22

Destyni can't break free despite her adrenaline flowing!

Sexual Assassination Activation Attempt:

Kunoichi: 25 vs. Destyni: 10+10=20

The Kunoichi laughs at Destyni's failed attempt to get free, and, seeming to not care about Sayaka's presence at all, speaks to the elf girl.

"How laughable. I'm going to dominate you little elf girl, and you're going to absolutely love it. Experience the pleasures of your flesh little girl, it'll feel amazing!"

Suddenly a bed appeared underneath Destyni's body, a bed she was ultimately restrained on. Energy cuffs bound her arms, legs and waist, trapping the sexy elf woman. The rape continued, with Destyni unable to even fight it. Destyni can only cry out as the rape continues, suffering 95 pleasure and gaining 95 KP. She has 70 Stamina left. Worse still, some sort of barrier went up around them, leaving Sayaka with no option to help her friend!

Grapple Attempt:

Spiderbound: 9 vs. Sayaka: 25+3=28

Sayaka dodges!


1: Attack the Spiderbound Woman!

2: Watch in stunned fascination and horror as Destyni is raped (skip this turn)

3: Get raped yourself (For how long?).
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Watching in horror at what is happening to Destyni, Sayaka shook her head and managed to dodge the spiderbound female's attempt to grab her. "I'll kill you first! Then free my partner!" Sayaka yelled as she let loose a punishing arrow chain.

1: Attack the Spiderbound Woman! (Punishing Arrow Chain)
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

The Spider Woman laughed at Sayaka.

"You will fail. No woman escapes a Sexual Assassination. Your friend is finished, and soon, so will you!"

Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 24, 1 & 3 vs. Spiderwoman: 17, 13 & 10

Sayaka lands only one hit for 100 damage. The SpiderWoman has 900 HP left.

Destyni can't fight her rape, thrashing about in helpless pleasure.

The Kunoichi continues to ride Destyni, forcing the woman to suffer another 190 Pleasure as she hits every vulnerable spot on her body. Unfortunately for Destyni, it seems the Kunoichi has a trick she wasn't expecting. Sayaka can tell Destyni should have climaxed again, but instead the elf girl begins trembling, crying out and thrashing about, caught in the throes of an orgasm that won't release. It seemed the Kunoichi was literally denying her a pleasurable release, and lords only knew what kind of damage that would do to her mind. Destyni was, in a word, getting utterly dominated, and if the girl's reaction was any indication, it might just be enough to eventually break her. Destyni has 1 Stamina left, and gains 190 KP.

Grapple Attempt:

Spiderwoman: 27 vs. Sayaka: 16+3=19

Sayaka is tackled again!


1: Enjoy sex with her!

2: Try to struggle free!
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"N-no! I won't give up!" yelled Sayaka as she struggled with all her might to break free, her mind giving her traitorous thoughts by imagining what it would be like if she just gave up and let the spiderbound female have her way.

2: Try to struggle free!
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sayaka: 23 vs. Spiderbound: 5

Sayaka breaks free!

Destyni can't fight the rape.

Destyni wails in agonized pleasure, unable to orgasm despite suffering 95 pleasure and gaining 95 KP. All the lovely elf girl can do is writhe in helpless bliss, her body on fire with sexual pleasure that she can't handle.

Grapple Attempt:

Spiderbound: 22 vs. Sayaka: 24+3=27

Sayaka dodges.


1: Attack!

2: Other?
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"Hang in there Destyni!" yelled Sayaka as she tried to take down the spider bound female, trying not to think about how her partner is feeling.

1: Attack! (Arrow Deluge Chain)
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 11, 24, 2 & 6 vs. Spider: 10, 14, 6 & 17.

Sayaka lands 2 hits (1 critical) for 270 Damage, leaving the Spider Woman with 630 HP. 7/12 Para Arrow C/D

Destyni can only enjoy her rape.

The Kunoichi continues to mercilessly ride and rape Destyni, not allowing the woman any chance to do anything but writhe helplessly beneath her. After all the toying, Destyni is not prepared for the Kunoichi to suddenly allow her to orgasm, not after having been denied release for so long. Her orgasm explodes out of her like a gunshot, causing Destyni to toss her head back and outright scream loudly in utter defeated pleasure, loud enough to make Sayaka wince. The pleasure had to be intense for any woman to scream like that, and from the way Destyni twitched and nearly passed out from her world shattering orgasm, it was probably destroying her mind.

Destnyi suffers 95 pleasure and gains 2,145 KP from the rape. She can only weakly moan as her adrenaline is raped out of her, and given to her rapist. Worse still, the rape continues with no respite, and she begans to helplessly roll her eyes as her domination continues.

Sayaka counters the Spider as she tries to grab her, dealing 400 damage! It has 230 HP left.


1: Finish it!

2: Other?
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"Damn it! Just die already!" Sayaka yelled as she let loose one more arrow barrage.

1: Finish it! (Arrow Deluge Chain)
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

((Uh oh, countered.))

Sayaka's rage was used against her. Too late she realized the Spider Woman had baited her into attacking on her terms and not Sayaka's. She tried to avoid the counter attack, but her fate was sealed. She's yanked to the ground, and quickly straddled, forced into penetrating an incredibly TIGHT pussy! Try as she might, she can't escape it, nor can she resist the sexual pleasure inflicted upon her young, vulnerable body.

The Spider Woman began to ride her, the tight cunt sliding effortlessly over her captured cock, defeating her easily. Every stroke inside was paradise, and part of Sayaka wondered what it would feel like to burst inside of this pussy, to succumb to her pleasure. As the rape continued, she realized she'd get to find out, for there was no escaping this!

Over the next 2 rounds, Sayaka suffers 200 Pleasure, and eventually succumbs to a powerful, wild spurting orgasm! Sayaka can't stop her cock from spurting everything she was worth inside of her rapist, forced into giving up her seed and impregnating the Spider Woman! She was ridden all the way through her orgasm, not being allowed to simply empty out. Finally, she was completely spent, and with an amused laugh and happy look, the Spider Woman dismounted her, and seemed to withdraw into one small 'safe' area off to the side of the 'battle', likely waiting to give birth. Sayaka gains 470 KP during this time. Her adrenaline is flowing, and she has 110 stamina left.

During the same two rounds Destyni is repeatedly dominated, unable to do anything but helplessly cry out in pleasure as her rape continues, and worse, she's denied her orgasm yet again! Destyni thrashes wildly, helplessly and hotly caught in the throes of a violent orgasm that won't release, crying out nonsense as she continues to be hotly broken. Destyni suffers 380 pleasure from the rape but isn't allowed to orgasm! She gains 380 KP as well.


1: Try to attack the Spider Woman (She'll attack back, but you might get lucky.)

2: Sit and wait until the Kunoichi's shield is down and try to save Destyni, then tag team the bith that raped you (Auto Pilot for 6 Rounds)

3: Other?
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

((the dice loves to see lewds :p))

Too angry to properly think, Sayaka didn't see the Spiderbound female's trick and fell for her counterattack and was pulled to the floor. "N-no! You'll never conqueeerr....oooooooo!" yelled the ranger, shifting into a moan as the spidergirl mounted her and enveloped her cock with her pussy.

Angry grunts soon shifted into pleasured filled moans as Sayaka's hidden desires came to the forefront. "K-keep it t-together Sayaka! Y-you're not a slut!" she moaned as the spider girl's pussy did it's divine work. Unused to the sensation, the elf herm quickly reached her orgasm, letting out an orgasmic yell as the spiderbound female rode her for all of her worth until her balls are empty.

With the spider now out of the way, Sayaka simply laid on the ground for a few seconds and then shakely got up. "Y-you bitch! I won't let you birth more monsters!" she said, picking her bow up and shooting some arrows at the spiderbound female.

1: Try to attack the Spider Woman (She'll attack back, but you might get lucky.) (Arrow Deluge Chain)
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Sayaka unleashes her attacks, the first arrow hitting true as the creature was caught unawares. The remaining arrows ...

Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 3+10=13, 12+10=22 & 5+10=15 vs. Spiderbound: 20, 25 & 26

MISS! Sayaka lands only one hit for 180 Damage, leaving her foe with 50 HP!

Destyni can only enjoy herself, the young Elf girl completely dominated and unable to escape her rape!

The Kunoichi continues to dominate Destyni, causing the elf girl to cry out again as the rape continues. Destyni suffers 190 Pleasure and gains 190 KP, still not allowed to orgasm!

Attack Roll:

Spiderbound: 28 vs. Sayaka: 16+10=26+3=29

Sayaka BARELY dodges the Spiderbound creatures attempt to take her head off, realizing she has to end it now or risk getting killed!

Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 29+10= 39 AUTO HIT.

Sayaka KILLS the Spiderbound creature, and turns her attention to the Kunoichi, letting loose her other three arrows. To her dismay, they simply slam into some kind of energy shield, and Sayaka realizes that until that shield is gone, there is nothing she can do for Destyni. As it was, she wasn't sure if the poor girl could survive what was being done to her that long.

Destyni can't resist!

Destyni screams loudly again as she's raped, the Kunoichi finally allowing her to orgasm again, causing a rush of overwhelming pleasure to race through the defeated elf girl. Destyni's body thrashes in utter bliss beneath her rapists own body. Her already intensified pleasure is further intensified as the Kunoichi shares her orgasm with Destyni, essentially shattering the elf girl's mind, at least for now. Destyni enters a state of sexual frenzy for 5 turns, having been raped to the limit! Destyni suffers a dominating 380 Pleasure, and suffers THREE powerful orgasms! Destyni gains 2,960 KP from the rapes, and now is seeming to enjoy every last second of her rape! She wraps her arms around the Kunoichi, and stops trying to struggle!

((And now time for some shitty options.))


1: Wait for the shield to drop and try to free her (She'll still be in Frenzy for a turn and try to rape you).

2: Wait for the shield to drop AND her Frenzy to end, then for the Kunoichi's second skill to end. (The Kunoichi will use her other Elite Attack on her, prolonging the fight).

3: Option 1 or 2 but masturbate to the sexy scene of Destyni being dominated so hotly while you wait.

4: Say your goodbyes to Destyni, and apologize for leaving her. She may be a goner anyway, and you can't afford to wait on the hopes she might still be saveable soon.
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

"Destyni no! Hang in there dammit!" yelled Sayaka as she notched an arrow, ready to interrupt the kunoichi when the shield goes down and her victim to calm down and tried to not think about how good Destyni is feeling.

2: Wait for the shield to drop AND her Frenzy to end, then for the Kunoichi's second skill to end. (The Kunoichi will use her other Elite Attack on her, prolonging the fight). [Precision Strike]
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

((So I stand corrected, she won't use the other skill. Re-reading and looking at it, idk what I was thinking, but the processes needed for that simply don't make sense. Of course if she gets Destyni trapped again ... Well, that might be fun. For Destyni.))

Over the next five rounds Destyni is utterly dominated, and seems to show no signs of being willing to fight against her continued rape. The Kunoichi continues to mercilessly ride and rape the defeated girl, taking her time with her, seeming to know Sayaka was watching helplessly, and enjoying it. Sayaka had the distinct impression the Kunoichi was actually showing off for her, showing just how easily she could dominate Destyni, and possibly what she had in mind for Sayaka afterwards. The worst part was, given how fast Destyni had succumbed, there was no way to know if the poor girl could hold out long enough to be saved. How tough was she? Was she mentally strong enough to avoid utter corruption, or was she all but gone already? Only time would tell.

Four 'rounds' passed before Destyni could be seen, and heard succumbing to yet another world shattering orgasm. During those four rounds, Destyni suffers an amazing 760 Pleasure, and, upon being allowed to release, she suffers her most powerful orgasm yet. She gains a whopping 1,050 KP, but it's not over yet.

The shield suddenly dropped, but Sayaka could tell Destyni was still rampaging sexually. To free her now would be to release a sex crazed woman who'd probably either just get taken again, or worse, might actually try to rape Sayaka herself. It would force her to wait until the frenzy wore off, assuming it did...

The Kunoichi continues to rape Destyni, who shows no signs of fighting back! Destyni is quickly brought to another orgasm, this one shared with the Kunoichi. Destyni cries out, tossing back her head and screaming "Fuck yes!"

Clearly, it felt amazing for her, but the worst part was the haze that had seemed to be fading from her eyes suddenly came back anew, and Sayaka realized that orgasm had sent Destyni over the edge once more! But it did seem it could eventually wear off, if given a bit more time. The question was, did Destyni have that much time?

Destyni suffers 380 Pleasure and has two orgasms, one of which is shared with the KUnoichi milking her cock. The Kunoichi stores two more units of her seed for later, and Destyni gains 910 KP. She is in a frenzy for five more rounds.

Over the next 5 rounds, Destyni suffers 570 Pleasure, and suffers 3 Orgasms. Of those, her last one is a shared orgasm once more, Destyni's eyes bulging out of their sockets as she's utterly drained of everything she has. Destyni gains a whopping 960 KP. The Kunoichi stores 3 more units of Destyni's seed, and is soon to give birth! However, for the first time in a while, suddenly Destyni seems back in control of herself, weakly moaning and struggling again. Unfortunately it seems Destyni is too weak to fight effectively, but at least Sayaka can free her. Then the question is if Destyni can actually stand on her own and fight, or if the fight has been literally raped out of her.

Sayaka lands her precision strike for 110 Damage, freeing Destyni!

Attack Roll:

Destyni: 7 vs. Kunoichi: 19

Destyni misses her feeble attempt!

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi: 13 vs. Destyni: 17

Destyni manages to roll out of the way weakly and avoid being grabbed again, at least for now. It's clear however the girl is nowhere near full mobility or strength, and could be worn down quickly if the Kunoichi chooses to exclusively focus on her. Worse still, with another Kunoichi baking in the oven, how much longer would Sayaka have to help end this fight before there was a second one? If there were a second one, would she too be helplessly dominated the same way Destyni had been? Hell, they could be laid out side by side and raped for all eternity, which actually seemed a hot way to go ...


1: Unload everything you've got to try and kill her before she gives birth!

2: Other?
Re: Sayaka Yu (Masterofsurprise)

Cursing under her breath, Sayaka quickly acted to take down the Kunoichi before the fight becomes unwinnable. "Come on...go down!" she yelled as she let loose a barrage of arrows.

1: Unload everything you've got to try and kill her before she gives birth!
(Punishing Arrow Chain first and then Arrow Deluge Chain)
Attack Rolls:

Sayaka: 17, 7 & 25 vs. Kunoichi: 9, 13 & 6.

Sayaka lands 2 hits for 200 Damage, leaving the Kunoichi with 910 HP.

Destyni casts her Mantra of Speed, sensing things need a wild card to turn the tide in their favor, if it isn't already too late.

Desyni now has 70 MP.

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 8+10=18 vs. Kunoichi: 17
Destyni: 28+10=38 vs. Kunoichi: 11

Destyni lands both hits, killing the Kunoichi instantly!

Both women gain 7,600 XP. Both reach Level 3.

Loot Phase:

Kunoichi: MAP PIECE!
Spiderbound: MP Potion.
Succubus: HP Potion.
Arachne: HP Potion.

After dividing up the loot, Sayaka notices that Destyni, while still somewhat shaky, seems to be managing. Even still, she'd been raped for a long while, was she really alright?

Asking would have to wait as suddenly Cassidy appeared, showing them how to make use of the map piece they'd found. Unfortunately, upon arriving at the 'boundary', they discovered an energy barrier. Cassidy cursed, the first indication she wasn't simply a recording.

"I'm afraid that energy barrier requires a 'sacrifice' so to speak. It was designed to force sex upon any who wished to cross it, as a means to repower the device after it's been shut down. If I could, I'd take the hit for you but ... I'm afraid that's not possible in my current state."

Suddenly she vanished, though Destyni seemed to blink as if she'd seen something.

Finally, Destyni sighed.

"Give me a moment to recover my strength and I'll handle the barrier. I ... I think I can manage."


1: Let her do it.

2: Tell her you'll do it yourself, she's in no condition to take one for the team right now.
Shaking her head, Sayaka put her hand on Destyni. "No Destyni, I'll be the sacrifice. You been through a lot and going through the barrier will make it worse. In comparision I'm better off than you so I can handle this." she said, then she went through the barrier without waiting for Destyni's reply.

2: Tell her you'll do it yourself, she's in no condition to take one for the team right now.