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SBS Notice Board

Re: SBS Notice Board

Standby on jump in three...two...one...
Re: SBS Notice Board

can someone make a post about this place accepting new characters in sign up, i tried to do it myself but despite my "presence" here i don't know enough about whats going on to sell it correctly.

edit: Thank you tons and tons copper, it wasn't quite in the right spot so i moved it around but its still got a little thanks on it.
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Wasn't sure if you wanted it there or in the other thread you had started, but, behold the power of the moderator, so I guess it's all good.
Re: SBS Notice Board


Well, good idea. Our problem here is really when we get stuck in some long winded miscellaneous event, or when people get trapped by another players non response. This time skip at least let's people get in again easier.

My problem is simply lack of regular internet access. I try, but as can be seen, it's tough to stay an active part of this even at the current speed. I plan on returning proper, but unfortunately can't give a date on when I can do that yet. So... penniless... it's really no fun. I'm living on a Simon style diet here. Bread and water. And can you belive the nerve that they put my favourite cheepass malt loaf up in price by 8p!? That's 40%! >_<

Uh... anyway. Will be nice if I come back to see a whole load of new players next I'm on. Can you remember the days when posting went so fast a page would fly past before you could get a word in? My people have arrived. Not sure where Simon is right now...

And Shadow, Kyle totally stole that idea off Simon. I was going to do that back on the old boards. I was about two posts from launching em when we reset. =)
Re: SBS Notice Board

Unfortunately, neither Kyle nor myself had knowledge of that, so I'm going to have to argue the claim of idea theft.

It really just seemed to fit, and Kyle knows enough chemistry. Resources also weren't going to be a problem for him.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Heh, I wasn't at all serious about the idea theft thing. Someone going to fire some, might as well be Kyle. I'd semi dropped the idea since I hadn't been online enough to make plans.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Methinks rule and bartnum need a kick in the pants everyone waits for the dance to begin and when it does... there nowhere in sight...

maybe they missed the memo? lol

All I know is that everyone else is either accounted for... (which is kinda sad) or never resigned back up on the forum after the change... (more sad) or your SirOni who which havent been seen in... how long? a week


Hey hes excused...

net troubles...

And hes friken Onikain...


Normally I'd say we need to start reselling SBS but... Take a quick gander at the new posts section... =)

Almost all the post being made are in Raptor Jesus' Extremly popular "All Woman Must Be Impregnated Rp"

Its new! Its fast paced!...

Its not rated... Ecchi!

That and the dude hardly ever sleeps so a response from the GM is almost guaranteed within 10 mins

And as much as I haate to sound like the evil corperate guy with the mysterious shady breifcase out for world domination...

as long as AWMBI is going strong I dont think SBS is gonna grow sadly

I myself can see what attracts people to it and Should anyone want to inform RJ of this post...

DONT QUOTE OUT OF CONTEXT!!! >XO Hate it when people do that...

I don't dislike AWMBI myself, and actually I had thought of joining for a few rounds in between posts once... But nope, I don't like things that consume more time than I normally have to give... I Started here I remain here...

SOO... back to the first thing... SHould I PM batnum and rule about SBS or what?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Rule, at least, has already been asked.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Well he say anything?

I remembered another...


Dear Al has been waiting to return from the grave for oh so long...

And could someone be so kind as to link me to WHERE "Pumpkin" came from?

Seeing that was like, "dahell?"

Explaination would be nice!

Pale Pumpkins... Mysterious Cephlopods... Jurassic Messiahs... Whats next China made Japanese Cyborg Ninja Hermits that skeet pink acidic foam???

Oh no you don't! I thought of it first!
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I think you can ask our own DEAR Sho about that one. She's responsible for it, after all. As for Al.. she'll be back, fear not. I'm just waiting for the moment to make a dramatic entry.. or re-entry.. a la Moonraker.

Re: SBS Notice Board

Don't wait for my characters. Between Keylo's character dicking around and the entire place going dormant for months I have well and truly lost interest.

It hurts somewhat to part ways with this as this RP has brought forth two of my most notorious RP families - The Finsters and the Ritters. I know the Ritters have technically debuted at PoA, but it was SBS that made Hannelore more than a throwaway character.
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Re: SBS Notice Board

No Master, next are flying yellow glowing squids that rip you apart mercilessly before taking over the world.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Don't wait for my characters. Between Keylo's character dicking around and the entire place going dormant for months I have well and truly lost interest.

Re: SBS Notice Board

Hau... Look around, Not as dormant as in past months NOW is it?

Glowing... Squidlike thingys... Haven't I seen something like this befor- Oh My God Its Tearing My Face Off!!

Nah... Musta been just a coincidence.
Re: SBS Notice Board

*grins* Actually, you can blame Nunu for that one. Nu's the one capable of making titles like that. Sho's just the type to not pass up an opportunity when it presents itself. If you want to find out where it came from, check the Girl's Dorm thread. I'm a little too pressed for time to go searching myself, but I'm pretty sure it's there.

As for Bart and Rule, boys, you will be missed. Shame on Grace getting stood up, since I do recally someone asking her to the dance, but if that's the way that you feel about the game, it can't be helped. Know that should you decide to return, the doors are always open.
Re: SBS Notice Board

its her own fault, she said someone called her that once and then she made the mistake of making a point of having us not call her it.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Oh, I'm sure that everyone figured out what I did, but just in case...

...Yes, Kyle did rig the fireworks so that the explosions would sound like "Never Gonna Give You Up".
Re: SBS Notice Board

Figures... One of the only Threads I still haven't caught up on yet...

I think I'm over 80-90% fully caught up with reading both forums Just a few more threads to go!

Hey, its not easy covering nearly a years worth of posts in 3-4 days!
Re: SBS Notice Board

....Didn't she say they used to call her the Pumpkin Queen? As in.. Nightmare Before Christmas? It was totally Sho's idea to convert that into Pumpkin. AND she took it badly :p.

Re: SBS Notice Board

anything you say pumpkin.