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Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

“Keep it going, Liliana, show them who’s the top girl here!” Schultz cheered, even more excited than before, as the fight seemed to go in the lamia’s favor at the start, now if they could keep going like this. “Don’t give her space to breath, go for it!” (Same as last)
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

Lilianna would charge fiercely at dark elf!.............. Only to have her deftly jump out of the way...... "CURSSSSSESSSSS! SSSSSTAY SSSSSTILL YOU!" she cried out angrily, "HA! Do you take me for a fool snake!? Take this!" She said rearing her whip back before flicking it out towards Lilianna's face, a loud pop being heard before the end would snap back, leaving a small mark on Lilanna's face. Lilianna takes 34 damage! "GAH! MY faccccce! That left a mark, you little bitch!" She cried tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Lilianna has become Timid.

(Lilianna is in danger. The first exchange went horribly against her, she could neither dodge nor land a blow, and she's worried that she's going to lose again. It's Schultz's job to encourage her to fight, before she's defeated.)

Lilianna: 62 / 96
Guts: 10
Dark Elf: 78 / 108
Guts: 5

Choose a Skill for Lilianna to use:

Tail Whip
Pow 21

Pow 14

Encouragement: (Choose a kind of encouragement to give your mamono.

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

Now that looked like it hurt, careless, they were both careless, but that shouldn’t stop them now, the battle was far from over. “Come on Liliana, you won’t be showing her who’s the boss if you get scared now, don’t let up now!” (-She can’t stop you, Crash-)
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

".......Y-YESSSSSS! I'LL BRING THISSSSS BITCH BACK DOWN TO HER PROPER PLACCCCCE AT OUR FEET!" She hissed out determined! Lilianna is no longer feeling Timid and is now Pumped! "HA! YOU ALL TALK, YOU OVER GROWN WORM!" The dark elf cried out! She would make a fierce tackle for the elf but she would calmly side step out of the way! The elf would then throw her whip back before aiming to unleash a swing, but Lilianna would swing out of the way before the tail could hit her! With this burst of confidence, Lilianna would take advantage of her opponent's opening and try to wrap her body around her! The elf can't counter in time and is knkocked off her feet, her pert rump splashing into the water! The dark elf takes 47 damage! "GAH!" The elf cried as she tried to gather her breath and rub her sore rump. "HAHA! YOU NEEDED A BATH ELFSSSLUT!" "Ugh...... I cannot lose like this......" The elf muttered miserably. The Dark Elf has become Pessimistic!

Lilianna: 62 / 96
Guts: 15
Dark Elf: 31 / 108
Guts: 10

Choose a Skill for Lilianna to use:

Tail Whip
Pow 21

Pow 14

Encouragement: (Choose a kind of encouragement to give your mamono.

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

“That’s it, great one! Come on Liliana, give her the strongest hit you can, she can’t stop you now.” Schultz fists pumped into the air, seeing the amazing and inspiring recovery his lamia had just done, now if they could put the final nail on this situation’s coffin. “Whip her into submission!” (-She can’t stop you, tail whip-)
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

"THISSSS ISSS THE END ELFSSSSLUT....." Lilianna hissed contently, pleased to be finally putting the offender in her place. Lilianna has become composed! "............ I...... I.... can't...... lose......" The Dark Elf said in a rather uncertain voice, she was too stubborn to surrender but had since lost hope of winning this confrontation. With that Lilianna would rush in and swing her tail viciously at the downed elf who was just struggling to get her self back up. Her tail would hit her once again square in the face, sending her flying back a good few feet, flipping backwards and landning face first, belly flopping painfully into the water where she would lie there for a few good minutes..... The Dark elf takes 37 damage! KO!!!!

After a few minutes the Dark Elf would slowly and miserably, lift her self out of the water, dripping wet, bruised and humiliated...... "I...... I..... Submit...... I am at your disposal human.... I will return with to your ranch...." She said her lip quivering and looking utterly broken.....

Lilianna in a rare show of tenderness, would slither over to the elf and gingerly lift her chin up with a finger, "Don't be ssso missserable, little elf..... The rabbit is rather accomondating, and ssstrivesss to sssserve. While I will alwayssss come firsssst, he will take good care of you." She said gently stroking her cheek.

Lilianna: 62 / 96
Guts: 15
Dark Elf: 0 / 108
Guts: 10
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

“Come on, don’t look so miserable.” Schultz said, surrounding the elf with his arm, pulling her to him strongly. “I would like to think my ranch isn’t a bad place to live in.” He said, trying to keep himself from giving the elf a kiss on the cheek, he didn’t want to incur into the wrath of Liliana if he could help it.

“Although… come to think of it, we’re still naked…” He smiled at Liliana, while looking pleadingly to her, “May be we ought to celebrate our victory.”
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

"......Good or bad..... It doesn't matter to me..... I must now surrender my freedom. I have become a pet regardless. But I am a woman of my word, so I will return with you regardless..." She said solemnly, "Jeesh. I hope she gets over it. I don't want to be a flat mate with a sad sack forever....." Lilianna muttered out rather sullenly, till she heard about Schultz mentioning a reward, "Yesssss, that would be mosssst pleassssant, little rabbit. Let usssss return home~" She said as she snuggled up to Schultz. Meanwhile, the dark elf would finally get back up to her feet before looking impassively at Schultz and asking, "Excuse me, sir. If you will permit me, I shall go grab my garments from the woods, and join you and your consort back to your homestead." She said if Schultz would allow, she would quickly scamper off to the trees where her clothes were discarded, and await for Schultz and Lilianna to come out. Once they were ready, the trio would finally head back home.

Schultz has acquired a new mamono!

Dark Elf
Mamono Level: 213
Life: C 100
Power: 101
Intelligence: D 71
Defense: E 63
Skill: B 144
Speed: D 80
Tech: C+ 105

Whip lash
Power 25

Sharp Crack
Power 17

Dusk Ball
Mag 42
Re: Schultz's Ranch (Armacalic) [GMED BY TENTANARIX]

Schultz smiled at the new acquisition, certainly looking forward to playing with her , but for now, they were all there and away from home. Figuring the elf might not be in any mood to be teased, he simply reduced to surround her with his arm, pulling her to him obviously to bring her closer to him, quickly doing the same to Liliana, ending up with each girl at both at his sides.

“Let’s make this work girls, there’s no reason to be sad when we have each other.” He proclaimed, giving them both a squeeze against him at the same time as he squeezed her breasts. “Now, I don’t think you’ve told us your name. I’m certain you’ve caught both of ours by now, but I’m Schultz, the lamia is Liliana, we’re pleased to meet you.”