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Screw D. (Screwdriver)

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Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Screw D.
Apparent age: 21
Brief physical/personality description:
Wears her hair at shoulder length, fair and Red. Screw has a toned and curvy body, adorned with the occasional spot of freckles, and a pair of C-cups. Screw can be real fiery and determined when things start going down hill, and often holds the belief that if no one else can do it, she can. Of course, such a brave beliefs can stick her into some... sticky situations.

Defense: 4
Constitution: 3

Screw wakes in a cell room in nothing but a Black sports bra and a cream colored pair of cotton boyshorts. She looks around confused, she can't remember much, but she does remember that these are NOT her original underwear. She then notices and reads the note on her wrist. Standing up and looking around, she notices that the cell door to her south is unlocked.

Travel South
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

What does the note on my wrist say? (I hope the list of options are just suggestions)
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

(the note in the rules. I guess I should probably just copy and paste them huh? ^_^ and yea, the Options are kinda like guidelines, they become more important in combat than anything.)

She looks at the note and reads:

"Welcome. You are now my guinea pig. I have been looking for a proper host for my devious experiments. If you can, try to make it to the top. Welcome to My Pit.

-Dr. D"
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

(Ah, I see. I kinda figured that was the case. And good to know)

Frowning at the message written on her wrist, Screw hoped it would wash out. She wasn't very fond of permanent tattoos... especially ones with such a silly message. Oh well... it looks like a game is afoot, and Screw really likes games.

Screw wonders if the King Guinea Pig left anything in the room for her to play with. She searches every inch of the room.

*search room*
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw rummages through the cell, not finding much of anything. Finally, she comes across the dresser in the cell. She opens the drawers and fails to find anything of value until she opens the last drawer. She finds torn pair of jeans. The condition of the jeans are in bad shape, so Screw rips most of the pant legs off, being useless anyway, and turns them into rather short jean shorts.

Search again
Travel South
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

"Better than nothing" Screw mutters. She puts the denim shorts on, and decides to get a better view of the place. Screw walks to the the South exit and peers out the door.
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

She steps into the hallway, looking both ways as she does. She quickly notices a door across from her cell to her south. The hallway also appears to travel to the East. The hallway is extremely dark, and screw can only see about 100 feet ain any direction. There are a large number of bags thrown about in the hallway, many have already been opened.

Travel N/S/E
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw takes interest in the door to the South. The bags and pitch black hallway can certainly wait for now... it seems a little too shady for her liking.
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw opens the door to reveal another cell, very similar to the one she woke up in. She scans the room but cannot see anything worthwile immediately staring at her, though most of the drawers were still closed in the drawer.

Travel North
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Well, if she found a pair of "do-it-yourself" shorts in the previous room... there must be a "make-it-yourself" shirt here. Screw eagerly searches the drawers for her next clothing project.
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw begins to tear the drawers apart with gusto. She soon finds a tight blue baby tee. It is probably a size or two too small for her chest, but she is able to squeeze into it. Happy with a "complete" wardrobe, she stops searching, pondering her next move.

Travel North
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Seeing nothing else in the room, and a little disappointed that there wasn't something to illuminate the hallway, Screw exited to the North.

(You know what? This is really starting give me nostalgia. I'm almost tempted to take this and pop it all into a text adventure once we're finished, haha.)
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

(Fine by me ^_^)

Screw steps back into the hallway, dismayed at the darkened corridor ahead of her. Looking downward, she notices something amongst the piles of papers on the ground. Picking up what looks like an old floor plan, she is able to determine that there is a stairwell in the North Eastern most corner of the floor she is on. The map is unfortunately too damaged to be much more help. Looking down the hall to her east, she let's her mind wander.

Travel N/S/E
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

"Now we're getting somewhere." Screw pocketed the map scrap. Knowing full well that standing here would not get her anywhere, Screw decides to take the darkened eastern path. Perhaps one of those bags had something useful in them...
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw walks for a moment until she reaches a dark intersection of two hallways. One travels north to south, while the other continues on to the east. There are more black bags littering the hallways, many of them have already been opened. What screw does not notice is a large mass of vines that are growing out of a vent near the ceiling. One vine comes down hard on her shoulder, pulling her arm behind her.

Screw DEF: 3 + 2
Vine HP: 4

Can't flee
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

"Wha- HEY!" Screw yelps as something pulls her arm back. Spinning about to get her arm in front of her, Screw to bite the damn thing off.
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw tries to bite down on the vine ensnaring her arm. She is able to get a piece of it, but doesn't seem to cause it enough pain to let go. While still biting down, she notices countless other vines surrounding her, just on the edge of the darkness.

Screw DEF: 3 + 2
Vine HP: 3

Can't flee
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

"Well this isn't good..." she spits. Sensing that this wasn't a good time to just stand about, Screw figured she'd better make the damned thing know who the bigger monster was. With a battle cry, Screw attempts rip away from the vine holding her.

((Attack ;_; please be good Mr. Dice. I love you!))
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw plants her free hand firmly on the vine and rips with all her strength away from her body. She is able to free herself from the clutches of the vine, ripping a few smaller pieces of it off at the same time.

Screw DEF: 3 + 2
Vine HP: 2

Flee N/S/E/W (67%)
Re: Screw D. (Screwdriver)

Screw had a vague idea that the vine was rather good at entrapping things... her "major" in horror movies only made that point that much more obvious. Rather than trying to expend any more energy trying to kill the damn thing, Screw was certain the wiser thing to do was to take flight.

Screw attempts to run East while avoiding the other vines.
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