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SDTT5 - Game over


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
one stormy night the bus breaks down the driver, garfield, gets out and attempts to get help from a nearby gas station. hours pass and she dosent return. you all get out of the bus and slowly walk to the gas station. Toxic slowly opens the door and is stunned to see a swrling vortex. before anyone else can react the whole group get sucked into it.

when keylo awaks with a start she is horrified to find garfield smashed face first into a brick wall that is in the middle of the room. she wakes everyone else and everyone feals diffrent...changed in some way. with the exception of SiphonTalvesh which has been turned into something verry white and fluffy and promptly eats the body of garfield.

you all shrug that off and everyone looks for a room to sleep in.

Night 1.

Current people:
1. ToxicShock - Win
2. Plmnko - Dead
3. Dreana - Dead
4. Keylo - Dead
5. GoldStein - Dead
6. SiphonTalvesh - Dead
7. Bartnum - Dead
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Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

You all wake up rested and a little grogy there seems to be a laurge stack of food next to the brick wall and you all eat breakfast. After everyone finishes you all relise toxic isint here and rush to her room. You all find to your horror that toxic has been raped to death by either a shitload of men or... by someone here that has been changed by the portal...

Day 1 lynching
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

(Took me a while to decipher that post on account of bad spelling and grammar... *grammar nazi mode activated*)

Well... that's interesting...anyone for humping the dead body?
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

I knew I shouldn't have taken the cheapest bus. Damned tightwad university...

Somehow, I doubt that 'humping the dead body' would be very productive.
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

humping the body...no thanks.

(are abstained votes allowed?)
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

Bad joke on my part, mainly as... first day boredom...

On a more serious note, I say we pass on the vote unless someone wants to play "russian roulette".
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

The most logical option, at this point, would be to abstain from murdering any of our number until such time as we have additional data indicating a possible culprit. Therefore, abstain.
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

That seems the best option at this point.

Re: SDTT5 - Day 1


(no lynch)
Re: SDTT5 - Day 1

the majority of the group decides its best not to kill someone yet and so everyone spends the rest of the day doing whatever and then goes back to their rooms. except for SiphonTalvesh Which she happily devours toxic's body before going to her room.

Night 2 actions
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Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

As everyone wakes up one by one you all meet in the brick wall room. looking around theres a new stack of food but noone notices it because you all relise that Dreana isint here. quickly you all rush to her room only to see that Dreana has been raped to death. most of you morn over her body for a few hours before going back to the meeting point to eat and decide who is doing this and to stop her before everyone dies.

Day 2 lynchings
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Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

...Wait, why is Siphon eating the bodies constantly?
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

She is also apparently 'white and fluffy'. Most curious. It seems that portal had unexpected results on human physiology.
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

...Maybe she's also been raping her food to death beforehand?
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

I suppose that it could be possible. It is odd that she has not spoken to us at all, thus far.
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

Would she respond...

*pulls out a knife*

If we started poking her with this?...

Lynch Siphon?...
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

Not what I would prefer, but I suppose we have no other options at this moment.

Lynch Siphon
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

I don't think there's enough evidence to lynch Siphon. We have no idea what kind of role she has. (Actually, I have an idea forming based on a role I invented for a previous game, but I'm keeping it to myself for now).

I therefore, in her defence, Vote Keylo, for being the one who incited the lynch.
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

"I might bite your hand if you poke me with that. I haven't spoken before because truth be told, I wasn't certain if I could. Didn't want to embarrass myself by trying to talk and barking instead. Unfortunately, I don't know why I keep eating the bodies, if I did maybe I could stop. Alas, I don't even know what's going on, so I'm going to have to say No Lynch at this time."
Re: SDTT5 - Day 2

*jots notes down*

Fascinating. Perhaps if you could keep a log of your impulses for the next few days? Record your frame of mind when this desire comes over you? Data is needed.

Ahem. That is, of course, perfectly adequate reasoning given the context of your... predicament. We must always revise our reasoning when new evidence comes to light. Therefore, I change my vote to no lynch.