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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)


Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
Reputation score
Stumbled across this one doing my "I'm bored, show me all upcoming games that have demos" search:

Shiny new game website:
The dev has now.
Not sure if it had a demo when it was first listed, but it sure does now.
There's an that currently covers the demo plus a good deal of items that will likely come in the full release.

Status: Released.
Controls: RPG standard. Shift skips text, A calls up conversation history.

What is it?
It's an RPG, with some crafting elements. You walk around, fight enemies that hang out on the map, pick up crafting components, fight bosses.
What makes it unique is its combat mechanic: melee damage from some enemies shreds upper or lower clothing, which has separate health bars.
Once clothing is gone, enemies can do arousal attacks - arousal eventually stuns you for a turn, but also powers up your magic.
A fairly cute artstyle and humor doesn't hurt, either (the tampon of magic apprenticeship is pretty glorious).

Obviously, the game circles around virginity - as far as I can tell, you can do a virgin clear, but don't have to. Losing virginity loses some of your magic, though (sound familiar, anyone?)
Most of these events seem guarded by QTE events, so you can lose to a boss but still protect your virginity by frantic button-mashing.
According to the description, QTEs can be disabled, "but don't be surprised if you suddenly end up captured in a dungeon that you could have avoided".

If you get stuck in the demo:
The witch wants you to practice alchemy, but for some reason you have to be naked to do so.
If you can't leave the house and don't know what to do, do what any girl does in that situation and unequip clothes, and hit up the pot.

After that, she wants you to test your magic, open the game menu, abilities, and use the fire spell you just learned in the second category (the 10mana, not the 5mana).

After that, things should be fairly self-explanatory.
Oh, right, and for textbook's pleasure:
Soo cute omg and fianly rael clothes damatch? Can't waaaait!

Translation thread here!
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

This has been on my radar for a bit, and it definitely didn't have a demo listed yesterday. That's good news in my book. I was a bit worried that the dev had up and left, considering that I actually couldn't find any other mention of this on the interwebs.

EDIT: And I also notice that the release date has been pushed back, which is slightly annoying. Before today, it was this month. Now it's late November. Boo. On the game, I'd also note that it's advertising prominently "Virgin Clear Possible! Bitch Clear Possible!" (or something along those lines), so it looks like you can go through chaste or screwing everything, which is always a nice feature.
EDIT2: The demo is very short. It does mention that a version 2 of the demo will be posted sometime before release, so there's that to look forward to, but there really isn't much to judge it on here.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Thanks for the heads up.

"If you can't leave the house and don't know what to do, do what any girl does in that situation and unequip clothes, and hit up the pot."

You sir, made me laugh. Oh, if only that was true. Think of the glorious naked women that would be walking around... And, I guess the not-so-glorious ones too :D
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

nice game :D
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Its really good so far.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

This kind of BF battle system is one of my favs, just like feena sacrifice and sonabia's newest arena game, so I will definitely be keeping an eye out for this release, thanks for the heads up.

Shame the demo has so few scenes for 145mb though, really hoping they have an ample amount in the real thing.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Because I love y'all, I tried bashing the options menu against text hookers and web translators until something vaguely useful fell out:

Beware: This is just based off mechatranslators, I could be wildly off on some of them.
I have NO idea what Ointment (軟膏) is actually supposed to refer to, but web translators seem pretty universal in that translation, maybe "Cream/Paste".

Oh, right: This game has slightly nonstandard menus,
the last item on the menu leads to (Save / Load / Options / Back to title),
so if you can't find the options, look in that last menu button.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Definitely looks like it'll be a good game. Did any of you manage to find actual H content in the demo? I don't consider what happens with the first boss to count, since he seems to get toasted immediately no matter what happens during the QTE.

I guess what happens with the witch counts, too, but I want more. MORE.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Definitely looks like it'll be a good game. Did any of you manage to find actual H content in the demo? I don't consider what happens with the first boss to count, since he seems to get toasted immediately no matter what happens during the QTE.

I guess what happens with the witch counts, too, but I want more. MORE.

Nope. That's all there is in the demo. (Well, also the stuff with the random molesting enemies). Like I said before, the demo is very short; just wait for the next one, I guess.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Yeah, the author said there'll be another trial so I guess this is just to show some mechanics.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

when the play host further constructed so I'm just 1+ hentai game look good ^^
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

this is definitely not a battle fuck (bf) game the girl only use usual jrpg skills attacks
and the monsters only use grabbings and gor (game over rape):(

so dont use the bf shortcut here, seriously reading bf and then getting so disappointed by this you dump hentai,:(
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

this is definitely not a battle fuck (bf) game the girl only use usual jrpg skills attacks
and the monsters only use grabbings and gor (game over rape):(

so dont use the bf shortcut here, seriously reading bf and then getting so disappointed by this you dump hentai,:(

It does say "BFish"... not BF.
The enemies use sexual attacks, it seems (or can), so it's KINDA BF-ish just not a two-way street.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

It does say "BFish"... not BF.
The enemies use sexual attacks, it seems (or can), so it's KINDA BF-ish just not a two-way street.

nope it's just usually gor h jrpg with clothes destruction nothing special at all,
nice art thought (and no loli giving a + on thad)

but don't use any kind of bf shortcut if the game is not about fucking and making someone came in battle, goodamit.

(except for boyfriend/best friends but nothing else)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

so dont use the bf shortcut here, seriously reading bf and then getting so disappointed by this you dump hentai,:(
Apologies if I got you all worked up over nothing, there.
I suppose it's a bit early to tell exactly where the game will go - so far, all we have is the tutorial, but that doesn't really go too in-depth.
I'm hoping they will do more with the heart "arousal" meter, which does seem designed around getting your character worked up during fights and then stunned or something on release.
But I agree that there's no full-blown BF in the sense of "symmetrical battle of sex moves, who comes first loses", since at least so far there's no moves available to the player.

Still, I figure I'll keep it as-is for now. For one thing, you're the first one to really get upset at it that I'm aware of,
and for another, I figure there should be some category for "actually has combat H mechanics, not just scenes hidden in story / GoR / minigame reward".
There's way too much junk out there that's basically a bunch of CGs stuck into a mediocre grindfest, that's not why I want to play H-games...
If you've got a better term for that, I'm all ears.

Me, a hentai dumper. That's actually an amusing one.
Fear my walls of descriptive and mildly rambling texts!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

I'd say it is bfish or more of a one sided bf game as some enemies do use sexual attacks to weaken and defeat you.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

I'd say it is bfish or more of a one sided bf game as some enemies do use sexual attacks to weaken and defeat you.

nope because that's just mean they rape you and that's not what bf is like,
otherwise you could call any rapist a bf fighter and that's ill:(

lock i try to explain it that way, by taking 3 different ways of sex:

1. there is the regular way (amicably) where both sides making it out without caring about anything special,mostly used by married or in love couples also paid hookers, (or as h game in novels most likely)

2. is raping where mostly mens(somtimes women to) raping (fuck) someone against her will, by threaten with weapons
(like let me fuck the hell out of you or i freaking kill you) using the victim fear, to make them their sex toys also
tie them up so they can´t fight back or move and mostly killing them afterwards.
or first beating them up and then rape them or suddenly rape them in the showers,
(used in most regular h games,(mostli jrpgs))

3, battle fuck, is where both partners agree on the theme to fuck till on of them comes, they don't have to be couples or something for that, they also could do it as a challenge where the winner gets money or something.
(this way of sex is only used in a few h games: erotical night,robf/s4u are best examples for thad)
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

Look, you disagree about this, but no-one is forcing anything upon you. If it really offends you so much, then it'd be best just to ignore the thread (as in go to thread tools and select "ignore this thread").

My own preference on this is that people stop posting off topic in this thread (as in let's discus the game, rather than have huge posts trying to invalidate or prove correctness of 4 letters in the thread title).
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (BFish, clothdmg)

5 letters.

And the "ish" combined with the description directly in the first post DO seem to qualify the "BF" fairly enough.

I won't complain about more accurate labelling for in-battle animated molestation if anyone comes up with it though.