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Secret Apocalypse


Dec 4, 2008
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Hey, although I'm just throwing this idea out there, I will start a game once I reach about 4-8 characters. I mean for this to be an erotic game so female characters are highly reccomended.

You woke up this morning, positively filled with energy and you feel that today you’d be able to accomplish anything. Filled with radiance, you move to your window and open your curtain. The sunshine pours in and you look out to the sky and see the shining brightly as well as an enormous, rectangular silhouette hanging ominously in the sky and your body pulses in reaction to it. You flip on the channel for the news and there is nothing that even comes close to stating anything about the imminent doom your planet is faced with. You must be going insane.

And that was my intro

In essence, you and _ number of other players are the only one who can stop this but you aren't without guidance as you'll find out in the game. In fact, several centres invisible to all other human beings are pulling this thing from the deepest depths of space towards your planet. Of course, these are guarded by what can only be called golems which contain the brains of human except the brains have no conscious thought, only instincts and are instead programmed (some come with tentacles :p).

Each and everyone of you has raw psychic energy that when applied in a specific manner can be devastating eventually. Everyone starts with somewhat similar stats but there are going to be many traits to choose from to really customize your character. However, your energy is drawn from your stamina.

Psychic Outline-You can only specialize in one for now unless a specific trait is taken

Raw Tech: Everyone starts with some of this and includes the most basic attacks
Blade Tech: Your mind is as sharp as a knife and so you shall cut them with it
Sheild Tech: Defense if your forte and you know how to stop attacks well
Mind Tech: You wreak havoc upon the mind of your foe through control or just damaging their functions
Move Tech: Your psy is stronger when used with your body and so you can do such things as defy gravity to an extent and eventually jump down a cliff safely
Telekinesis: Your psy lifts, moves and controls objects around you, including your enemies
Void Tech: Yours is a dark abyss and manifests itself in the form of dark matter which sucks away life, even that which has been given to a golem
Element Tech: You have the ability to control the elements around you to an extent. You can cause the fire from a match to be flamethrower or a gust of wind to become a mini-cyclone... well eventually. Element Techs get the most abilities but the abilities are weaker than others of the same level
Reversal Tech: You have the ability to reverse the effect of anything coming towards you. However, this uses up slightly more energy and it takes a while to prepare at first

Keep in mind, hit and run tactics are the best you can do in the beginning until you get stronger yet you must defeat the golems swiftly as although they can eventually be defeated, they have an inexhaustible amount of stamina.

More will definetly be added. Remember, this is sex-based combat though not many of your abilities are related to that. Most gameplay will be outside of college mind you.

This is just an interest check for now.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Sounds interesting, I would probably go with move tech as my specialty. By the sound of it, I would guess it is basically a form of telekinesis limited to your own body. So would it eventually allow for boosted speed/strength and super jumps?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Except it would be like one boosted action at a time... not like a superhuman. So like it would send a force through your leg which would be expelled from your foot around the time you jump and you'd for example leap across a large river... I'm still working about the combat system though.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

I'll toss out some interest here for you, though I'll wait to see a bit more on how things will work out before working on a sheet.

Just a curious question, are your golems based off of anything or no? Reason I ask is they sound similar in a way to the ones in Parasite Eve 2, which is an immediate attraction to the game here, just from the sounds of them.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Re: Secret Apocalypse

I'll be interested too. At least in seeing a little more; it's not like I"m doing anything else right now :p
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Mmm, sexual combat, meaning can you use tech to cause your vaginal muscles to clench so hard they crush the oppenents arm/shaft/fingers/tentacles?

Interested at the ideas one can use with body.... Vaginal liquids as sharp as blades :D.
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Not exactly... anyways.. I'm working out everything right now so don't worry I'll have some of it up soon
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

What! why not? Is your powers only limited by what the moderator deems? Can you not use your power to cause chain reactions that over time make you far more powerful? Such as sending a wave force up through your shoulders that can knock you down but also train your legs to fight that force and grow stronger! Hmm, I'll try to type it better next time, but isn't your powers limited only by your ingenuity?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Mmm, sexual combat, meaning can you use tech to cause your vaginal muscles to clench so hard they crush the oppenents arm?

Did anyone else read that and think 'Ow, that shouldn't be in there in the first place?'
Re: Secret Apocalypse

There, the quote is sorta FIXED, sheesh. Stop mocking my inconsitenticyes, sigh my spelling is deteroiating. ARGH!
Re: Secret Apocalypse

First of all... I'd assume a programmed golem wouldn't go around sticking it's arm in vaginas... second it's not body-enhancing powers .. its more of tangible psychic powers.

Also... on a side note...

Note: Numbers being next to each other mean multiplication
Stuff for your character

Stats: You have 30 points to allocate as you want over 4 different stats. No stat can exceed 25.
Fortitude: Your general strength and endurance. Allows you to take more hits from monsters despite the fact that they hit hard, increases energy and helps with any athletic feat you must overcome.
Dexterity: This is your speed and finesse. It gives you the initiative in battle as well as dodging and fleeing as well as escaping grapple.
Mind: Your mental strength. Increases energy, aids with quite a few psy techniques and decides maximum arousal damage you receive before orgasm.
Intelligence/Luck: The trait of everything. It boosts all mind, dexterity and fortitude checks while increasing the chance of you finding something to either increase your chances of critically hitting in a fight or finding a hidden item.

Derived Stats
Health: How much of a beating you can take before falling unconscious. 2(2Fortitude+Mind)
Energy: Is spent on movement, actions and spells. 3[2(Fortitude) +3(Mind) + (Dexterity)]
Arousal: 5(Mind)
Grappling: Fortitude + Dexterity
Critical hit chance: 2(Luck)
Initiative Bonus: Dexterity + ½(Luck)
Psy: ½ [Mind+ ½ (Luck)]

Traits/Quirks/Abilities Etc
You have 50 points available to you to spend on these. Note that some have prerequisites.
(Cost:5 points)Martial Artist (Grappling): Gives you a +2 on escaping grapple or grappling a target (I have no idea why you’d want to grapple a golem)
(Cost 5 points)Martial Artist (General): You can use a physical attack that would actually prove affective on the golems. Damage is equal to D(Fortitude/2)+(level) and the use of 5 energy is required. A physical check versus the golem’s dexterity is used to determine whether the attack hits or not. You also gain a +2 when choosing to defend against attacks.
(Cost:10 points)Preparation: You have great planning skills and it gives a boost to your next action. You can choose to waste on action on this or both an action and a move. Using one action gives a +3 to your next check. Using both a move and an action gives you a +5 on your next check.
(Cost:10 points)Aware: You are aware of your surroundings and instead of a vague environment description; you are given extra info that can be used to your advantage. (Ex: Normal= You see many trees cover what at first seemed to be a forest outside. The air is a bit chilly. Aware= The ground around you is slightly damp with water and you notice many trees around you. With a quick glance you are able to discern the location of the exit, it is to the north. There is a decent amount of wind which makes the room seem chilly. You realize that you are in fact still inside the building. You see something move from behind a tree though you may be seeing things. All you know was that it was small.)
(Cost:10 points)Quick-learner: You gain an additional 10% experience from each fight.
(Cost:10 points)Fit: You have an additional 15 stamina. This may be taken more than once.
(Cost:15 points)A Natural: Believe it or not, you have a knack for these psy attacks. You gain a +1 to any psy tech roll.
(Cost:15 points)Multi-talented: Prerequisites: Quick Learner, A Natural: Allows you to take an additional psy tech. However, at level 1 you have the level 1 spells in both. Upon reaching level 2, one of them must stay behind at level 1 and the other can proceed to level 2. At level 3, one is level 3 and the other is level2. You get the point.
(Cost:15 points)Plain, Raw Power: You can’t harness the psy energy you have properly and so some of the energy can only come through raw techs. +2 to raw tech rolls.
(Cost:10 points)Fast: You get a +3 bonus to initiative and +1 to dodging.
(Cost:5 points)Meditate: You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
(Cost:10 points)Athletic: +1 to Fortitude checks
(Cost:10 points)An Intellectual: +1 to Mind checks
(Cost:10 points)Lucky: +1 to Luck checks
(Cost:10 points)Dexterous: +1 to Dexterity checks
(Cost:15 points)Improved Meditate: Prerequisite: Meditate: You gain 25* your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
(Cost:10 points)Jack of all Trades: Prerequisites: Athletic, Intellectual, Lucky, Dexterous: Instead of adding just +1 to the checks, the stats themselves go up by 1 each.

Psy Techs
Level 1: Blast: D6 Damage+ ½ Psy Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy
Level 2: Improved Blast: D10 Damage + ½ Psy Range: 5ft Cost: 20 energy
Level 3: Multi Blast: 3D4Damage + ½ Psy Range: 10ft Cost: 30 energy
Level 4: Focused: Your blasts now use all your psy instead of ½
Level 5: Psy Bomb: D20 Damage+ Psy You expel much of your psy energy and deal damage to up to 3 enemies. Range: 15ft All enemies must be in range. Cost: 50 energy

1: Disk Slice: D6 Damage+1/2 Psy Range: 10ft Ignores up to (Level) damage mitigation Cost: 15 energy
2:Body blade: When grappled, each turn you do D4 Damage, ignores up to (Level) damage mitigation Lasts 5 Rounds Range: Yourself Cost: 15 energy
3:Sharpen: Your next Blade tech will have doubled chance of critical hit, and ignores all damage mitigation. Cost: 25 energy Range: Yourself
4: Sharp Mind: An additional ½ psy is added to the damage of all Blade techs.
5: Pierce: D10 Damage + Psy A concentrated strike that is deadly. 50% Chance of increasing next attack’s damage by 50%. Ignores all damage mitigation. Cost: 50 energy Range:10ft

Shield (Reversal was added into this one):
1: Basic Shield: Psy= Damage Mitigation for 7 rounds Cost:20 energy
2: Slipping away: Psy is added to Dodge for 7 rounds Cost: 20 energy
3: Reversal: Psy= damage done back to the enemy when they attack you for 5 rounds even if they miss. Cost: 25 energy
4: Improved Sheild: Basic Sheild’s Damage Mitigation is doubled. Also, energy cost is doubled.
5: Deflection: 50% Chance to deflect an attack away from you for 7 rounds Cost: 30 energy

1: Pressure: You stun the opponent for D3 rounds. 50% chance of failure. Cost:10 energy Range:15ft
2: Psychic Scream: The enemy had a 50% chance of hurting itself as well as you upon their next attack. D6+Psy Damage. Cost: 20 Range:10ft
3: Brain crush: D6+2(Psy) Damage. 25% chance of causing blindness which will either have the opponent stay still or run in a random direction. Cost: 25 energy Range:10ft
4: Improved Mind: All chances are now increased by 25% except reprogramming.
5: Reprogramming: You mess with the opponents mind. 35% chance to lose function in one limb for the golem. If it fails, D20+Psy damage is done. Cost: 40 energy Range: 5ft

Move Tech( combined with Telekinesis):
1: Power Leap: You leap 20 ft away from the opponent, also crossing almost any gaps you come across. Cost: 5 energy. Uses: both the move and action.
2:Throw: You throw a flurry of nearby inanimate object at the golem. 5D3 Damage. Cost: 15 energy Range:5ft
3: Push: Pushes the golem 10 ft back If it fails, it has a 50% chance of knocking the golem down which causes it to use one action to get up but still preserving its move action. Cost: 20 energy Range: 5ft
4:Lightning strike: Through a combination of psy-enhanced movements, you strike the creature quickly from a distance. D15+Psy Damage. Effect: You can attack from up to 10ft away and then use a move action. Cost: 35 energy Range:10ft
5: Levitation: You float almost effortlessly and at a quick pace. Cost:40 at the beginning of combat only. Lasts the entire battle and no movement energy is needed. You can cross all gaps and move at a constant pace of 10ft per turn. Increases Dodge rolls by 5.

Void/Element Tech
For this, you choose one at a time per level. Void is at level 5.
Water: You suck up moisture from around you and utilize it for your purposes. (Level)D4 damage+ ½ psy
35% chance to cause enemy to fall. (Requires an action to get up but retains movement) Range:10ft
Flame: Using the elements around you, you create a flame which you blow towards your enemy as it becomes the equivalent of a flamethrower. (Level) D5 damage + psy. Range:5ft
Air: A cyclone surrounds the golem, reducing its movement to half and damage from outside sources to half for 1 round. (Level)D2 damage before the damage halving occurs unless you reuse it. Range:10ft
Earth: Rocks shoots up from the ground. (Level) D5 damage+ ½ psy Range: 10ft
All of these cost for Level 1: 10 Level 2: 20 Level 3:25 Level 4: 35 Level 5:40
Void: Combines 2 random elements and add the effects/ damages of both into one spell
Cost: 80

If you want stuff added just let me know... I'll see if it needs to be modified or not... Next up is combat....
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

So, should we create character sheets now?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Stats: You have 30 points to allocate as you want over 4 different stats. No stat can exceed 25.
Awww, I was totally going to go 27, 1, 1, 1 for my stats too ;)

I'll echo Phoenix's question.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

As an extra question: I don't suppose you can bold the feat and spell names to make it easier to differentiate them?

Edit: You say we have 50 points to spend on feats, how much does each feat cost?
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Yes indeed how much, and among my thoughts, can we put in a bio/personality check thing to give our character a little background and appearance? (your probaley going to say yah or something) Also I was correct, the maker deems the power thus limiting you to use convoulted logic at which time the maker can deny. By that I means to get something to happen your going to have to be peruasive.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

I forgot to sort all that out... I'll let you guys make a sheet later today. Don't worry, I'll have a template up.

@Dia...Yes to your questiion and if you can find a way to pull off that psy thing, tell me and I'll try and implement it. Though, it's open to technique ideas... I'll add them for you guys if you have ideas. In fact, Ill put that in the game as part of levelling up ;) . Yeah, levelling up will allow you to create one new ability.
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

(Sorry for the double post, I can't seem to change font sizes if I edit something.)

Note: You may want to wait until combat rules are up before making a character. Either that or edit it later after I make them.

Leveling Up

When you level up, you gain the next level in your current specialization unless you have a certain Quirk (read multi-talented).

The benefits of a level-up are:
+4 points to to add to stats
+5 points for Quirks and the like (You don't lose them if you don't use them)
+1 spell in your Psy Tech and 1 for Raw Tech
and upon reaching level 2, you can create your own ability every level which must fall under your psy category(Raw doesn't count). It of course, will be checked by me. If you don't feel up to it, you can ask me to create one for you. I'll even make a different one if you don't like the first suggestion. (It would be wise not to test my patience though.)
You also gain an additional (Level)*10 stamina.

Character Template

Bio/pic: (Optional)
Sex: (Preferably female unless you want to be anally raped or fuck a hunk of stone-like substance. Not that anal rape won't happen to your female character.)


Critical Hit Chance:
Initiative Bonus:


Psy Abilities/Tech:

Experience: 0/(Level)*100

This space is reserved for Combat


Every turn, you get one move and one action.

A move can be used in 8 ways.
You can choose a direction first of all. North, south, west or east.
You can also choose the distance you wish to cover. 5ft or 10ft or 15ft. 5ft requires no energy at all. 10ft require 5 energy and 15ft requires 15 energy.
That should be pretty simple.
Without Power Leap, you cannot cross gaps 5ft or wider.

Just to give you an idea, most golems move 10ft at a time.
Actions are used on any attacks or techniques used.

Physical attacks (most of the time you're on the recieving end) require a distance of 5ft.

Distance of spells vary.
The damage for spells are listed.

I will do all rolls, however I'll probably be too lazy to show them. I will also keep track of your stamina and stat decreases. You must keep track of the rest.

To hit with a spell/technique, (I'll interchange them) you must roll a d20 and add your psy to hit. You must then overcome 5 + the Golem's Dexterity.
For a golem to hit, it will be 10 + Golem's fort versus d20 + your dex.
For you to hit a golem with martial arts, you must add your Fort to a d20 and overcome 5+ Golem's Dex.
Grappling will be golem's Fort + D20 versus D20 + your Grappling

When you attack a golem you can choose various parts of their body to attack:
The core: When attacking the core, you gain a +(Level)*10 bonus to your critical hit chance. The core always accounts for the golem's full health.
The arms: The arms are equal to 1/(number of limbs) health and when attacked will decrease the amount of full health like a normal attack. When enough damage is done to a single arm, the golem loses 1/(number of arms) Fortitude.
The legs:The legs use the same formula and facts as the arms except when one is destroyed, the golem loses 1/(number of legs) Dexterity.

You have a 99% chance of hitting the right target if your attack does in fact hit.

Finally, critical hits triple damage done on your part. Only certain golems can critically hit and the multiplier will be X2 for them.
To critically hit, your critical hit will be rolled with a d100 versus the Golem's maximum health.

Damage mitigation will be the number deducted from the gross damage. Net damage is applied to health.

Not much else to say here.
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Under Construction (Contents Subject to Change)

(when editing click go advanced)

Name: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart
Sex: Female


Critical Hit Chance:24
Initiative Bonus:11

Traits/Quirks: (5points left over)
(Cost:10 points)Quick-learner: You gain an additional 10% experience from each fight.
(Cost:15 points)A Natural: Believe it or not, you have a knack for these psy attacks. You gain a +1 to any psy tech roll.
(Cost:15 points)Multi-talented: Prerequisites: Quick Learner, A Natural: Allows you to take an additional psy tech. However, at level 1 you have the level 1 spells in both. Upon reaching level 2, one of them must stay behind at level 1 and the other can proceed to level 2. At level 3, one is level 3 and the other is level2. You get the point.
(Cost:5 points)Meditate: You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.

Psy Abilities/Tech:
Level 1: Blast: D6 Damage+ 4 Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy
Void/Element Tech:
Water Gun Lvl 1 You suck up moisture from around you and utilize it for your purposes. 1D4 damage+ 4
35% chance to cause enemy to fall. (Requires an action to get up but retains movement) Range:10ft Cost: 10 energy
Basic Shield: Damage Mitigation 8 for 7 rounds Cost:20 energy

Experience: 0/(Level)*100
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Name: Di'vas Aoa
Age: 23
Height: 4"11
Hair Color: natural is brown dusted with silver stripes, dyed is blue-silver
Eye Color: Bright Green, with silver flecks
Breast Cup Size: I Cup
Bio/pic: A pale with ghost like skin petite female (gets sunburn easily), that has a history of being groped and sexually harressed by many men. Most of those many men have ended up either with a certain crushed male organ. She has a fiery temperment through her body is weak and frail forcing her to depend upon far away range. Also due to her frail body she takes very much pain from any kind of sex without lubricant. Since her breasts have grown to this size, at the age of 15, they have began lactation all on their own. Her breasts will swell up and hurt if she does not get rid of some of her breast milk daily. Because of this, she shuns most society only venturing out to collect food and complete her jobs. (Not meaning sexual ones -.-)
Sex: Female, Virgin

Fortitude: 2
Dexterity: 8
Mind: 10
Intelligence/Luck: 10

Health: 28
Energy: 126
Arousal: 50
Grappling: 10
Critical Hit Chance: 20
Initiative Bonus: 13
Psy: 7.5=8

(Cost: 5 points)Meditate: You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
(Cost: 15 points)Improved Meditate: Prerequisite: Meditate: You gain 25* your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
(Cost:15 points)A Natural: Believe it or not, you have a knack for these psy attacks. You gain a +1 to any psy tech roll.
(Cost:10 points)An Intellectual: +1 to Mind checks
(Cost 5 points)Martial Artist (Grappling): Gives you a +2 on escaping grapple or grappling a target (I have no idea why you’d want to grapple a golem)

Psy Abilities/Tech:

Level 1: Blast: D6 Damage+ ½ Psy Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy

1: Pressure: You stun the opponent for D3 rounds. 50% chance of failure. Cost:10 energy Range:15ft

Experience: 0/(Level)*100
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