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Secret Hitler OOC

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

That statement I made was one made in general, to address the issue to whoever sent the note to me via rep. The issue of me coloring your opinion can be handled as I just said it can.

No. It can't be handled like you said it can. For the reasons I gave above.

On a personal note... I never, ever started a conversation with you, unless it was to remind you of an action you needed to take in the game.

This is untrue.

Even if it were true, the reason for starting a conversation is irrelevant. If the entirety of the conversation were "hey Blue, you're up." "Okay." Then there wouldn't be an issue. But that's not where the conversations ended.

I was (and still am) extremely disgusted with events prior in another game and the realization that someone had one-sidedly disliked me...

You're being overly sensitive, and I stand by what I said about that situation. I don't dislike you, but I did dislike what you did. That's really all that needs to be said.

before realizing that a thread in the RP I running for them was pretty much dead without me being aware at all (It was one of the slowest threads and one I had the most notes for, so having effort wasted is a letdown at best).

This has no bearing on the current problems, but check all my threads. They've all been slow. Consequences of an increased work load. You are, to date, the only GM who has genuinely attempted to make me feel guilty over this.

With you supporting them as me being the one in the wrong, I don't know why you think I'd continue to seek you out after that. I don't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted, and that includes being in the presence of people who find me disagreeable. Any conversation we had, and will have, will be because you invited me to it. I'm not going to have another issue over this, and any issue that 'you' find with me will solely be through your own invitation. This should give you full control of the problem you're having, I hope.

And yet, you did seek me out.

So what am I to make of the above? That you cannot take criticism? That if someone airs a legit grievance, that you will find a way to throw the problem back at them?

But if the end result of all this is that there's less ooc conversation from moderator to players during the game, the that's fine by me.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I think you're misunderstanding a lot here. A real lot.

Nothing I spoke about was directed at you. I'm still not drawing the conclusion that the posrep was you, even if I have every reason to believe it was you. It wasn't signed so I'm not going to say it was anyone. Since the last thing I want to do is put words in someone else's mouth and make this anymore frustrating than it already is. I didn't say you were the one with the one-sided dislike. I never said your thread died (I never mentioned a slow thread was bad either, I wrote notes for the other slow thread and what made me sad was the realization that it died, not that it was slow).

This is getting super off topic, though. I only posted here to speak to the one who posted the posrep on how to avoid their issue in the future. If you want to continue this, it can be done over private messages. Otherwise, I'd be really happy if this conversation didn't continue.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Get a room!
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

The vote is supposed to be secret right? So I pm it to you?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Yup, PM votes or deliver them to me via Instant Message, however you want. HOWEVER, you must also post in the thread that you have declared your vote. It's like letting people see you put it on the table, if you wanna think about it that way.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Okay, edited my post to show that I voted just so everyone knows. :)
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I really appreciate Blue's tracker, though of course emphasis on the *claims* part.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I thought about doing it myself, keeping logs and such. However, that should honestly be your job. That excuse also allows me to be lazy.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

It's a thing that should probably be left to the players. It's their own fault if no one is on top of things.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Yeah, I just appreciate good formatting and color coded stuff.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Hoh. Can I just say that this is the craziest game format I've seen in a long while, and I've seen a few. I'm german but I ain't even offended, its just bemusing and puzzling and several other synonyms.

Half expected an erotic bend to this, all things considered.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Should I send Blue my role or is that GM duty?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

GM Duty, must ALWAYS go through me so I can nod that it's the truth and not the player playing a fib to do things and stuff. That and so I can make sure things go correctly.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I might have seemed like I rushed a few people last election to just hurry up and vote, but that was just because I saw no discussion. I'm never rushing anyone to vote, so don't feel like you're going to piss people off by stopping to think about a plan of action for your Liberal or Fascist self. As an unenforced rule though, if you're gonna hold your vote, make sure to keep a conversation going. There's no time limit for a reason, and that's so everyone can talk their hearts out before deciding on a final conclusion.

tl;dr, keep doing what you're doing ;) and don't feel pressured to keep the game going. Throwing suspicions is more fun than drawing cards!
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

The peaceful liberalism song.

Re: Secret Hitler OOC


Zis is ze liberal party song!

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Nein, eet eez DIS!

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

"Dummkopfs, zis iz ze liberal anthem"

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I think he fighting is done for now. Perhaps we all submit our votes?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I think I have votes from everyone but toxic, correct me if I'm wrong, or if you want to double check your vote. Basically, to be safe, if you're voting nein, contact me. I only put down the votes that I saw, so if you didn't DIRECTLY contact me, I'll put down the last thing I saw.