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Secret Hitler OOC

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

How many players still need to vote?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Just checked in. Vote sent.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I just want to remind people.

If you have something to say that attributes to suspicions and such in this game, PLEASE, PLEASE, say it in the game thread or this ooc. It makes the game more exciting when you're not having private conversations, even minor passings of suspicion, and instead saying it for all to hear and contribute. It makes it easier for the Liberals, and makes the game more fun overall.

So, just assume (from this point on) that anyone that continues speaking of this game and their thoughts in private chatrooms is a Fascist trying to be covert.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I currently have the votes of:

If this is incorrect, let me know. Also, to help me keep track, when you're making a post, please indicate that you are placing your vote down. it's what you'd do at the table and it helps me make sure I've got all my shit together instead of trying to recollect whether I got a vote from you or not, and when.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Hentai Spider said Nein
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

That's really cool, but you guys have been breaking the rules for a while now. You can only submit your vote face-down and then it gets revealed when everyone has voted. I've been debating whether or not such a thing is important for the people who are very verbal about their proposed vote. I'm still inconclusive about it since it's a rule that's broken 100% of the time in every Secret hitler game ever.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

ohh... so the vote is secret !!! Sorry, i will send you my hidden vote soon
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I've only revealed it on ones where I've been in the govt, because I feel it would be obvious and I wanted the chance to post the image file to someone other than the GM :p (and obviously can't post my alignment and what not). Maybe that encouraged others to just post, but I was just playing the part of a pompous elf, heh. I tried to tone it down and hoped order would be restored but eh, who knows.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Ive seen people not vote for themselves in government before..
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Oh yes, there's good reason for it sometimes, but we've not hit any of those yet. The one where I Ja'd all the way home was early game enough there was no controversy. The second time I did a casual Ja. I think part of it rests on the semantics of "showing" your vote too. To me, saying "I'm going to vote for myself" isn't 100% revealing your vote, it's just stating your reasoning, though obviously there's massive potential for disagreement there. My point being actions and words can be different and it can be hard to say where the line is.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I was trying to keep mine secret, but I just got worked up and wanted to post that picture haha.

I guess the only drawback is it prevents people from lying about how they will vote. I've seen people do it before, but I don't know why anyone would want to because its incredibly suspicious.

Seeing votes might influence how other people vote, but usually if people are participating its not too hard to figure out how they're going to vote.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

That's exactly why I'm bouncing between the rules and what makes sense. It usually 'is' super obvious who someone is gonna vote for. But the rules say to keep the final result hidden. I can kinda understand why, in some cases. All someone has to do it put their card on the table face-down and say nothing. There might even be some strategies that can be employed that way, who knows. I'm leaning more towards the rules though.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Well, I've always maintained strict discipline of PMing it as well, which it seems like some have not. Whenever I have said which way I'm voting, I have assumed that others will know it is possible that I am lying.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I'm just a little disappointed that by the time I check in due to schedule and timezones the discussion has already passed me by. :(
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I think I'd like to pull back my vote for a moment to think. Not sure if that's allowed or not.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I don't know why Toxic and Ranger, who were looking so convinced that something suspicious was going on, voted Ja. Every decision OAMP and Aurani made was super sketchy, even the word trifecta was thrown around making it seem like a group of three working together. Those two liberal ja votes lost the game.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

lol guys, really no words for this
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I hope ya'll are feeling derp over not accusing the 3 of us harder. I can't recall anyone even throwing a decent open suspiscion my way even though I put 2 fascist policies into office, gave Blue the inspection power and then elected OAMP as my choice despite everyone's thoughts.
*slow clap*
Ranger and Toxic are the best little traitor pets. <3
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