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Section 13: Headquarters

Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Z? Interesting, I look forward to discovering your full name, but in the meantime, what of you two? Suzy asks, gesturing at the two men in the room.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"I'm glad to see you're all here," A wraith of a man walks into the room, his leather trenchcoat as well as his trousers and shirt are cut and torn in places and his long black hair is matted and filthy. The smell coming from him could only be described as 'epic', and his hands were tucked into the pockets of his coat. The only thing that could be considered 'clean' about this man would be his boots, which came to just below his knee's, made from thick leather and had a metal toe cap with three, one inch spikes protruding.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

And who might you be? Are you Takeshi? Suzy asks, sitting up and looking at the newcomer.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

((We did have something planned, but Burrito isn't online so he'll have to wing it :p ))

"Oh, no I'm not Takeshi," The man whispers only just loud enough so those in the room can hear him. "I'm merely one of his lackey's. With a predicament similar to your own." He adds, nodding in the direction of Zeena. His stench is quick to fill the entire room.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Bleehgg. I don't care who the fuck you are, just open a bloody window and take a damned bath sometime. You smell worse that the shithole of a room where we kept unbroken bitches. Zenna replies, looking somewhat green in the face.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

A sadistic smile stretches across the mans gaunt face. The result would be enough to make hardened criminals cower in fear.

"Oh I think you will care who I am. I'm only working here because they allow me to kill legally. It's either here or the chair. And I apologise for the smell, but when I had my body created I asked them to remove my ability to smell. It allows me to enjoy the kill that much more when I can't smell their blood and flesh."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Get the damn thing washed anyway! Plus, I don't need to hear your fucking stories about killing assholes. Killing fuckers who don't need it is damn wasteful. Living bitches can be used for a bunch of shit. Zenna replies, bracing herself with one had across her mouth and the other on her stomach to try and keep herself from vomitting. Fortunately, her 'trying not to hurl' posture makes her miss the man's smile. She still seems more unsettled by the smell than the man admitting to being a serial killer, however.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Oh, so you're into the sex slave trade? Yes, I remember killing several pimps and their whores. Maybe I killed some of your friends and their 'toys'?" the man slowly walks towards her, ignoring her comment about him needing a wash. "And so long as I'm ordered not to kill you I'll allow you to live. Though it'll be such a shame, a livewire like yourself creates the most fun." This part was whispered only loud enough so only Zeena could hear it.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Friends? Hah, you never hit any of Devon's fun little operations so you were only taking out the fucking competition. Zenna starts before tacking on a extra bit to the end of her statement, You just keep fucking thinking you can take me out. If we were both damn free, then you wouldn't stand a damn bloody snowball's chance in hell against Devon's men.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Oh really? I've lost count of how many people I've killed who were as arrogant as you. I suggest you sleep with one eye open tonight." With that the man slowly walks back to where he was standing originally.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy, having untied her bandanna and re-tied it across her nose and mouth, says Well if YOU aren't Takeshi, then where is he? Although I must agree in that a nice wash wouldn't go amiss with you..., ignoring Z and the dirty man's argument.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"He'll be along shortly. And it's not a problem for me, so I feel no need to wash." The man then continues to stand there in silence.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

So what is your name? Will you be working with us under Takeshi aswell? Suzy enquired.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"My name?" The mans complete attention was suddenly drawn to Suzy, a smile appearing on his face again. "Oh, sharing names is what those who are emotionally attached to their humanity do. You may simply call me Reaver. That is all anyone who wishes to live needs to know. And yes, I'll be working alongside you, in a manner of speaking."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy shrinks slightly under the weight of Reaver's gaze, and says Well, Reaver it is then... And might I say I'm bloody glad you're on our side, well, at the moment at least...
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Well so long as they keep giving me targets to kill I'll stay here. But once that runs dry.....well, lets just say you don't want to be where I am." Reaver then chuckles to himself, though it's a kind of perverse, maniacal chuckle.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy shifts in her seat and avoids Reaver's gaze, eager for Takeshi to arrive now.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Robert just shakes his head at the newly arrived mans psycho routine, and turns back toward the door, waiting for his new CO to show up.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

The door to the meeting room opens, and, if anyone was looking at eye-level with an adult, they would miss the child who had come through. The child stood at 4'3", wearing what appeared to be a junior school uniform, dress shoes, and a pair of black sunglasses covering his eyes. He would turn his head towards Reaver, nod, then walk towards the man and motion to him to lift him up "I see you've made plenty of friends, Reaver." he says in a refined yet childish tone as he waits for the man to lift him up