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Seed Realm Creation.


Jungle Girl
Aug 27, 2010
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Group Realm Generation: Page 208.

Before play starts, a seed realm needs to be created to play in, so here we go. All the instructions are on page 208 of the M-E handbook.
Three laps around the table. A: Ardnakandra, B: BlueSlime, C: Cross_Grave. And joining in is Courage Wolf.

Development: A Region of the Realm is discovered.
An oceanic region, dotted with small to medium sized islands and peaceful atolls.
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Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: As the ocean is formed, so too is the seed of True, the Eidolon embodiment of that very ocean. She is the spirit of that vast realm, dotted with beautiful island paradises. After uncounted years, something splits her from the ocean itself, and she washes up on a distant shore, where she discovers that...


The Otter Folk of the river. These creatures share a mingled dna of human and otter, and thus display traits of both. Their short body fur displays in a wide variety of colors, ranging from common browns and blacks all the way to the occassional blues, purples, and pinks of those who live on different islands.
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Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: As there was not enough space on one island for all the otterkin to live, many have embarked on journeys to find new places to live, reaching many of the islands in the region. This exodus remains a major part of their culture, regardless how much the new islands changed their inhabitants, and it is now a custom for otterkin to learn how to sail, even if they do not leave their islands.

A SETTLEMENT IS FOUNDED: Rather, many settlements - one on each island, it's size depending on the size of island that has been colonized. The simple towns of otterkin were made of whatever materials were abundant on the islands, creating a certain degree of diversity.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A Place of Wonder is discovered.
The Eye of Harmony, a circular atoll surrounding a whirlpool of bottomless depth. A peaceful, serene feeling fills all who visit, beast, nascent or eidolon.

DEVELOPMENT: A Natural Law alters.
The Balance between Air and Water is harmonious and is it is almost as easy to breath underwater as it is to breath air in this realm, for short periods at least.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A Folktale is Born

The Otterkin isles all agree that a great romance occurred between the Great Anima spirits of Air and Water, and that the periods of breathability are dependent upon the proximity of those two spirits to one another. For 21 days after each romantic meeting between those spirits, the fish from the sea may fly low through the air, skimming the ocean waves, whilst air-breathers may freely live beneath the waves.

A NEW RACE is Discovered:

The Siren, a humanoid race with the scales and small fins of fish who live on the ocean bed. When they reach maturity, they may choose to remain as they are and live a life both above or below the ocean, or they can marry themselves to the seas permanently, becoming Merfolk.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A Treasure is created.

The otterkin and the inhabitants of the seas have initially been reluctant to contact each other at first, but eventually the two races began to get along, as both of them have strong ties to the ocean. One of the signs of good will the Siren have offered their new friends was the Coral Crown, a beautiful diamond found after an underwater volcanic eruption and carefully set into an elaborate diadem fashioned out of red coral. This treasure became a symbol of peace between the two races, and is capable of calming fierce sea creatures whenever it is brought near them.

DEVELOPMENT: A Settlement is founded.

Nerea, a town of sorts built by the Siren after they have made contact with the otterkin. It was originally a place where the two races would meet in their attempt to establish a good relationship, later turned by the sea dwellers into a place for those who wanted to spend some time among their new allies - assuming they could still walk the earth, of course. Nowadays, it is populated by Otter Folk moreso than the race that created it, owing to their preference for living underwater, though there is a fairly large population of Siren and Merfolk living near the island, and it remains an important hub of land-sea relations.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A new Holiday is founded.
Nerean Festivals, occurring for the three longest days of the year, celebrating the alliance between the otter-folk and the siren, filled with night-long parties and unions.

DEVELOPMENT: Cultural Development.
Hydroball, a fast-paced sport played with a weighted ball in ten meter-deep pools and small six-man teams, open to all races and genders.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A Place of Wonder is built.

To host the tournaments for Hydroball, a magnificent stadium arena is built, arising out of the sea. Placed equidistantly from the port of Nerea and two other populated isles of otterkin tribes, the Three Isles Arena was the innovative creation of Jorus Marklodi, the first master mason of the realm.


Art and Architecture begin to spread as a deep rooted appreciation for the aesthetic wells up in the Nascent inhabitants. Creations of beauty develop above and below the waves.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: A Trade Good is created.

Rainbow Paint, discovered by accident by a group of Siren and Otterkin artists, made from several rare underwater plants. It changes color depending on several factors, such as amount of light available when drying, how much water was put in it to dilute the mixture, even the painter's technique. Skilled artists are capable of producing wonderful hues and colors, making it a valuable item.

DEVELOPMENT: An Organization is founded.

The Hydroball League, formed as the sport got more and more popular. It hosts all the big tournaments and events, allowing teams to compete in an organized enviroment, and balances the official rules to allow both races to compete on an equal footing.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

RESULT: An Eidolon is born.
Justine, the embodiment of fair play and good sportsmanship, patron Eidolon of Hydroball. An otter-morph who loves gambling, but despises cheating.

And now for two more laps of conflicts.
CONFLICT: Several of the plants used to make Rainbow Paint double as a food source and have been over farmed in recent years, leading to them becoming endangered.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Conflict: Despite Justine and her sense of fair play, the amount of economy that goes into Hydroball and the large gambling and book-keeping scene surrounding it leads to the formation of gangs and hooliganism. Some of these organizations, ostensibly claim to simply be fanatical supporters of a team, while others are plain thieves and bookies, looking for a way to con people out of their money and matchfix.

Valder, a Siren with shark characteristics, is born as an Eidolon, and quickly comes to embody the attitudes of hooliganism and excess. A natural rival against Justine.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Conflict: As the Otterkin constantly sail outwards from their home they've brought back strange reports of flashing lights underneath the water that continue for miles and miles. Never close to the islands themselves and continuing out into the sea for days in several directions. A recent report has come back of an attempt to investigate these lights and has revealed massive underwater compounds made entirely of metal. Rusted in some places and showing signs of mal-repair these reports also revealed that after an attempt was made to enter one of these compounds by the otterkin that mechanical guards had come to life from underneath the sand and from various ports along the metal structure. These guards, of various sizes and shapes, chased the exploratory team until they had receded at least a mile from the structure before returning. Observing these compounds from distance has no reaction but all attempts to probe their depths have been met with hostility
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Conflict: Though the two races live together in peace, one of the Merfolk, a man named Belegar, has been spreading propaganda aimed against those that live above the surface of water and gathering a group of troublemakers to support his racist views. Initially dismissed (and rightfully so) as an annoyance at worst, recently he seemed to become distressingly popular and much more vocal, as well as more aggressive.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

CONFLICT: Danielle Stainer, an otter-folk and Coralis Cirker, a merwoman, both architechs, have begun a bitter feud over some beach-front property, both claiming the rights to develop there.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

CONFLICT: Horkal, an otterkin of massive wealth and equally massive girth, becomes the don of the first family of organized crime. Under the guise of 'protecting' the otterkin of his various owned neighborhoods, Horkal begins to dominate the underground of the isles. He rules from the shadows and is more powerful than any single island ruler. Law and order are threatened wherever he and his underlings are involved.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

CONFLICT: Do to the recent change in physical laws involving water and air, a great deal of new technological innovations have been discovered based around the fact that the molecules in water are now much more excited than normal, causing the bonds between Hydrogen and Oxygen to weaken making these explosive gases much easier to separate and utilize. Due to this weapons ranging from simple explosives to far more complicated projectile weapons utilizing these gases as fuel and propellant have been developed and have become exceedingly popular due to the availability of the raw materials. Criminals in particular have started using this technology to wreak havoc among the populace and the recent rise of organized crime has made there illegal procurement much easier.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Conflict: With organized crime and extremist groups becoming a menace, certain people came to the conclusion that law enforcement in it's current shape is useless and decided to take matters in their own hands. Razia, a Siren, is a fanatical crime hunter who works outside the boundaries of law, exterminating criminals with extreme prejudice. Her methods, though brutal, are being followed by several individuals who share her views, adding more fuel to the fire that is Horkal's campaign of domination.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

(My apoligies to all. I've been in hospital with a bad lung infection. To give you an idea of how bad, it's killed me twice before, so I checked into the doctors early. Sorry about the lack of warning.)
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Well, glad to hear you're back. Up to playing it if we're going to start.
Re: Seed Realm Creation.

Glad you're okay Ardna. Take your time. And like Grave, I'm happy to continue with this if you are. :)
