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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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The village of Kadra was deserted, as it had been for the last fifty years. No one had attempted to inhabit it again, due to its reputation. However, lately a map had emerged from certain hands, detailing a hidden city underneath the vllage, a city that held an incredible item that empowered the user. Although reports came back that there was indeed a settlement under the village, no one entering it had ever come back. And thus it was that Alira stepped onto the dry grounds of the village. It had been struck by a terrible drought and had never recovered, Caved-in houses were the norm though a small, stone shrine lay in the middle of town. It was perfectly intact and, in contrast to many of the stone buildings, was made of gleaming, white marble. It didn't look like it had been touched by storms, hands, or time. Several wells also studded the town, far too many for such a small town.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira cautiously took in her bleak surroundings. I come to the very best places, she thought glumly. The village looked completely desolate, deserted not only by its inhabitants, but by the wildlife as well. Even plants seemed reluctant to grow here, with only tufts of hardy grass poking up here and there in the hard, dry earth. But her experience had taught her that appearances could be very deceiving. So Alira kept to the shadows, and moved with a soft tread, her eyes carefully canvassing her surroundings.

She'd spotted the white shrine right away, but didn't want to rush to it until she was sure no surprises were waiting for her. Alira passed a well, then another, and another. She paused. This was strange. Did the villagers dig them when the drought came, hoping to find whatever water was left? Alira cast another wary look around, and approached one of the strange wells, examining it.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

The sun provided a look into the well: it was dusty and dry. However, Alira noticed a small hole in the ground through which some of the sand had fell through. It wasn't much bigger than one of her eyes. Climbing down the well via the rope, unusually intact for an object over fifty years old, a look through the hole revealed a cave studded with bright stones, which glowed as bright as fire. The ground was covered in flowing water. She was right above it but the bottom of the well proved solid. Unless she had a pickaxe, she wasn't getting through that way. She couldn't get a good enough look to see anything else. Climbing out of the well didn't prove to be a problem, with Alira's athletic build.

9 + 28 vs 35 Perception: Success
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira brushed the dirt off herself. Her excursion into the well proved one thing at least: there was more to this place than met the eye. Those stones in the cave would fetch a handsome price with the right buyer. But who made that hole in the bottom? And more importantly, from which side? Clearly, she wasn't going to get any answers standing in the deserted street. Checking that her gear was in order, she resumed her cautious progress through the village, heading toward the gleaming marble shrine.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

As she approached, she saw that the whole of the shrine had something carved into it. Moving counterclockwise, she could read a story. If it was true, this place had once been underwater. A city had been built. Then the water receded and the city was consumed by fire. A second city was built and was placed back into the water lower down. The fire came once more but the city was protected. Then the village was built on the land the fire had claimed. There was some kind of connection between the village and the city but she couldn't figure it out. It looked like a lightning bolt, passing from the village to the city. And then that was the end. Alira noticed the doors didn't actually touch the ground. They were built to rest in the air, supported by the hinges and walls. A light touch caused them to open wide, despite their weight. Inside she saw a stairwell leading down into the darkness and three torches of different colors: red, yellow, and blue. All of them rested in scones and could be taken but Alira had a feeling she shouldn't take more than one.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira paced around the shrine, tracing the ancient carvings with her fingertips. The images shed some light on the history of the area, but revealed nothing definite about the location of her target. Still, something to keep in mind as she explored the underground city. Approaching the suspended doors, Alira gave them a push, and to her surprise, they swung open easily. Either magic is at play, or someone's been oiling these hinges for the past 50 years... she thought, as she walked through the portal.

The room beyond was lit by the multicolored flickering of three torches, their light revealing the yawing opening of a stairwell, the bottom of which was shrouded in gloom. On a hunch, Alira grabbed the blue torch, and headed down the stairwell, shadows dancing on the wall around her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

Alira soon discovers that she hadn't chose the correct torch. As soon as she got a few yards into the tunnel, there came the rushing of water and Alira was swept away, zooming through darkness for a while until she passed by the bright stones she had seen earlier. Then suddenly, the ground disappeared from beneath her. Luckily the fall wasn't bad and she managed to avoid twisting her ankle as she fell. However, now she was in some kind of hole. She could still see, due to the crystals, but she couldn't see much above her. There were two passages she could go down. Or she could climb the wall but it was moist and covered in algae so it would be extremely difficult, even though the top shouldn't be that high up.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira had taken only a few cautious steps down the tunnel, when the sound of rushing water made her spin about. A torrent was moving rapidly toward her, and before she could react, she was caught up in the deluge and flung down the darkened passageways, her traitorous torch snuffed out with a taunting hiss.

Alira did her best to stay afloat, snatching hurried breaths when her head was above the whirling waters. The unrelenting current dragged her along rapidly, bringing her into a cavern lit by the glow of stones in its walls. Just as she recognized the room as the one she had seen earlier through the well, Alira felt a sickening lightness in her stomach as the water rushed down an opening in the floor, carrying her along. Acting on pure instinct and desperation, the thief twisted her body, grasping for the ledges of the hole, but her fingers slid off the slick stone. Alira spun again, hoping to at least brace herself for the fall. It seemed as though her luck had finally changed for the better, as the bottom of the drain was not too far below, and for a moment, her feet found secure purchase on the stone floor. Using her chance, the elf strained with all her might to move out of the way of the torrent. She pressed herself against a wall and hung on as the waters rushed past.

Finally it was over. Alira, soaked to the bone and shaken, but surprisingly otherwise unhurt, found herself at the bottom of a wide shaft, the top of which, six feet above her head, opened into the lit cavern. Its walls were smooth and covered with slimy algae. Two gloomy passageways led away from the shaft.

Alira briefly contemplated a climb, but a quick attempt demonstrated that it would be next to impossible to make it up the walls. She turned to the two tunnel openings, carefully examining each one using all of her sense, looking for any clue that might guide her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

One of the passages was lit up by several stones. Alira could see that it curved to the right. Looking at the water, she also found that it was leading downward. The other passage wasn't too bright, having fewer stones for whatever reason. She could probably still find her way through, though. This one seemed to lead upward.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira quickly made up her mind, and entered the gloomy tunnel leading upwards, trusting in its shadows to keep her hidden from any dangers. She progressed slowly, wary of any further traps, her soaked boots squishing softly with each step.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

Alira's choice led her through darkness more than once but eventually she ended up at the foot of what looked like a ziggurnaut. The stone was bluish and felt wet. Removing her hand, however, she found her skin dry. White light spilled out from inside, more of the crystals. Then she saw a sign of danger: a pile of bones in a corner. There was some odds and ends there as well.

Suddenly, in the distance, she heard a voice. She couldn't understand what it was saying, nor locate where it was. All she knew was that someone or something was talking.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira looked at the ziggurat in wonder, running her delicate fingers over the massive stonework, transfixed by the beauty of the glow from within. The sight of the pile of bones quickly brought her mind back to the task at hand. Just as she took a step toward the remains, a voice suddenly pierced the silence. Alira crouched, looking around wildly for the source of the sound, but nothing was immediately apparent. Alira cast a glance at the bone pile. You're not going anywhere, and I'd rather not be caught unawares down here...

Turning away, she began to make her way around the ziggurat, keeping to the shadows and looking for the origin of the voice.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

Alira would find that the walk along the structure was quite long. It was minutes before she even found a corner. As if they were grown for this purpose, crystals larger than Alira sprouted along bridges made of the same kind of stone as the ziggurat. The crystals were so bright they lit up much of the cavern. A bridge sprouted from the building next to her which led to a pillar stone pillar. Now that she could get a good look, she found the cavern to be titanic. Several of these structures had been built, some of which were even larger than the one she had looked inside. There were even some built into the walls and, most startlingly, the ceiling, though how that worked Alira had no idea. Unless she wished to climb the ziggurats 'steps', she would have to go back into the building and find her way up. Climbing didn't seem to be as impossible as before, though. The material felt wet but wasn't slippery in the least.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Once the true size of the wondrous cavern became apparent to Alira, she paused. She did not want to wander aimlessly through the massive structures. Carefully, she retraced her steps, heading back to the location of the bone pile, intending to thoroughly search it.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

Alira found the bone pile to be unnerving but boring. The only thing she could find were 3 denarii. The building led in three directions: up a staircase, down a staircase, or forward. The crystals helpfully illuminated everything.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira pocketed her meager find, and looked around. The voice she had heard earlier seemed to have disappeared, and she was beginning to completely loose her bearings in the huge cave. The massive bulk of the ziggurat stood behind her, its glow both inviting and ominous. I need to come up with a better plan than just wandering around.

Alira looked at the three paths before her, and decided to head up, hoping to at least get a better sense of the layout of the area.

What happened to the mysterious voice? Is it still in the background, or did it fade away?
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

As Alira heads up the staircase, she hears the voice again. This time, she manages to hear a word. "...take..." But that's it. It may be closer but the echoes make it hard to tell. The staircase turns out to be a doozy. It must curve around because Alira is pretty sure by the time she enters the room, she should have been walking out of the building. As Alira's legs scream at her, she finds that she's come to the bridge she saw below. The strange discontinuity of the distance is a little unnerving. Alira walked a lot, sure, but not straight up. Anyway, the bridge leads out into a column standing on its own. She notices the column's side are smooth, oddly. Like it had been built from the ground up.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira's ascent went on and on, and once again the ephemeral voice reached out to her, its words echoing strangely in the confines of the staircase. Alira strained her hearing, but couldn't tell if the voice was closer now. As the echos died away, she decided to press on.

Alira was out of breath by the time she reached the top of the staircase, and paused a moment to collect herself after the difficult climb. Looking at the bridge ahead of her, and the stone pillar beyond, she felt pang of unease. Could I have climbed this far? She hesitated a moment, then moved forward, crossing the bridge and approaching the pillar, examining it from all sides.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45 Status: Fine

The bridge was solid, though a chill breeze ran through the air. The column extended from depths so deep that, even with the crystals, Alira couldn't see the bottom. Gave something of a feeling of arcophobia. There were five bridges leading from this one. One of them led up to one of the ceiling ziggurats and was so steep that she wondered how anyone would climb it. Another bridge was just as odd, being that it was only 6 inches wide. As she looked about the area, Alira heard the voice again. It was, again, too faint to make out any words but as it spoke, the crystals along one of the two new bridges glowed brightly for just a moment. Then she heard clattering behind her. It sounded an awful lot like bones. In fact, the skeleton facing her from the building she had left seemed to look an awful lot like the bones from the first room. It held a bone so large that Alira had been sure it was never in the pile. The platform she was on was 10 feet in diameter. The bridges seemed to be about 6 feet wide, for the most part. It was time to take action.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

The sudden attack by the undead creature caught Alira in a precarious position. With her retreat route cut off, she had to make a split second decision. Falling back on her instincts which had saved her time and again, the elf darted behind the stone pillar, placing it between her and the pursuing skeletal figure.

Alira uses the Sneak skill, for a Stealth check at a -10 penalty.