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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"I'm not very good at magical analysis so I can only tell you what I remember. Let's see." The eye tentacles peered closely at the items while one stared at Alira's face. "That grappling hook could provide unlimited amounts of unbreakable rope... or at least Jaime couldn't tear it. We've tested the daggers and they are either made of something unusual or enchanted and are better than normal."

She pointed at the 'originals'. "Those actually came with little cards, though they were badly damaged. Jaime tested them out and found the information to be correct. The glasses allow you to see through things, to a certain degree but using them causes your eyesight to be dim for a little while. The goggles protect your eyes from any kind of enchantment used through eyes. The robe gives you vision from every part of your body but that tires you out fast. Humans just aren't equipped for that kind of information. And the gloves allow you to see around an item from a distance, as long as you touched it before hand."

She gestured at the final items "We never figured out what the book or monocle did, though the one that owned both seemed to be a user of magic. He cast a spell before I turned him to stone."

She considered "You dealt with the goblins and brought back the staff so I'll say you can take two items." Each of the sacks of money holds 50 denarii.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira nodded as Einetra explained the properties of the items. "Quite a stash you've accumulated. Two pieces is a fair price for the job. I'll take the hook and...," Alira hesitated, "the pair of gloves."

As she stashed her new belongings away, she looked around again. "I wouldn't mind a chance to get a few more trinkets either. I was planning on checking out this rumor of a dragon's hoard to the east. After I finish up there, what do you say I come and check up on you, see how you're doing?"

Finished, she straightened up and addressed Einetra. "Well, you've dealt fairly with me. Thank you for that. If you like, I could tell people that I picked this place clean, though I doubt that will stop all the visitors."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Einetra frowned at the mention of the dragon's hoard. "That reminds me of something... hmm..." She shakes her head and several of the eyes "Can't think of it." She shrugs "If you come back, I'm sure I'll have remembered. If you would spread the word, that'd be great.."

Traveling overland to the location of the dragon's lair was quite the chore. And when she arrived, she found the entrance packed with people. Other treasure hunters, miners, even some soldiers. Gathering information was easy.

No one had gotten very far in. There were some kind of draconic wolves that laired inside the cave. They occasionally attacked the camp and seemed more intelligent than any normal beasts, setting traps and attacking when the guard changed shifts. Lastly, they seemed to have another way in and out of the hoard since their attacks sometimes came from the outside and not a one had managed to escape from the front.

Normally most people would have left but Alira could confirm that the first expedition had retrieved a cart full of gold and treasures and that was hard to pass up.

The gloves allow Alira to scry any object she has touched with the gloves within the past 72 hours but only one object at a time. She can see it and what is around it within 10 feet.

The grappling hook has a secret button that, when pressed, creates up to 100 feet of rope. Einetra clearly didn't test it thoroughly enough. She was right on the strength, however: it could hold any test weight Alira would try and was resistant to cutting, taking her a minute to cut through it with a sharp knife. When the secret button is pressed again, the rope is retracted. When new rope is created, it is created whole, with no damage. Any rope not attached to the grappling hook disappears after a few seconds.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Draconic wolves... that's a new one. Probably more dangerous than the goblins. Probably.

Alira looked around the crowded entrance to the cave. The lure of gold had clearly attracted many who were not at all equipped to handle the dangers. The humanoid menagerie at least ensured that she would not stand out, and for that Alira was duly grateful.

Finding her way to a makeshift kitchen which some enterprising sort had set up, Alira purchased some food, overpaying by a good deal even after some adept haggling. Greedy bastard... still can't deny he's found a good spot...

As she ate, Alira considered her options. Going in through the front had a certain appeal, but it was likely the most difficult route. And it would be almost impossible to avoid the attention of the other treasure hunters. Hmm... secret entrance it is then...

Finishing, Alira stood and was about to head out to search for the hidden path when a sudden thought struck her. Slipping on her new gloves, Alira walked through the crowd, searching for the most experienced looking group of would be raiders. Among the throng of people, it was easy enough to innocently brush up against a stranger's armor, marking a target for her remote viewing. Now I know what the competition is doing...

With that, Alira left to search for clues leading to the location of the secret entrance to the hoard.

4 denarii for the food sound right?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Her search went as well as she could have hoped. She didn't get attacked by anything at least, though she found some chewed and scorched bones. There were several holes that she found but none of them seemed to go inside the cave and were tiny to boot. Probably just burrowing animals. Occasionally she found an area that was burnt black. Just ash everywhere. She did find paw prints with especially deep gouges where the claws were. They led to an blank part of the stone mountain the cave was in and no amount of looking made the mystery clear.

So she switched gears and scryed on the toughest-looking mercs. They were searching as well and had found an identical patch of wall. Unfortunately, the gloves didn't provide audio. They were discussing it and one of them, a mage it looked like, was casting a spell. He had a small obsidian chunk in his hand and when he pressed it against the wall, it seemed to melt. They seemed to perk up and began to enter the cave when they paused. Alira could hear the howls from where she was. They seemed to echo from all around her. Then the attack began. Half-dragon, half-wolf, the creatures poured out of the cave. There were at least a dozen of them. The mercenaries fought well but just as they gained the other hand, a humanoid figure appeared and held out their hand. A gout of fire, blue in its intensity, washed over the battle. The wolves were unhurt while the mercs were... cooked. Alira's vision of the battlefield was immediately reduced, presumably from the damage, but before it cut out entirely, she got to see the rest of the scene. The wolves dragged the corpses in and the humanoid figure stepped out.

As draconic as the wolves, the young man was covered in red scales. He was tall and proud-looking. His features were sharp and he bared his sharp teeth. He was striking but not exactly handsome. He looked back and forth before touching the stone. The stone flowed and once more covered the mountainside.

Perception 11 + 30 vs DC ?? FAILURE
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Definitely more dangerous than the goblins. Wonder what they are doing with the bodies? Probably nothing good. Alira shuddered. At least its good to know that I found the right spot. Opening the door will be problematic though. Hmm...

Alira approached the stone wall and examined it again. Where did that guy touch it? Looked to be about there... Reaching out, Alira ran her hands over the section of stone that matched the one the man had used to open the other passageway.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Since the wall was different there wasn't an exact parallel but eventually Alira managed to get a basic search pattern going. After touching the underside of part of the rock wall, it dissipated. There was a dragon-wolf right in front of her. She was lucky: it was asleep. But trying to maneuver past it would be tricky. The passage in wasn't all that big and the dracolupine was much larger than a normal wolf.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira froze in her tracks at the sight of the sleeping wolf creature. Damn Instinctively, her hand twitched toward her weapons, but she suppressed the reflex. Can't risk a fight now..

Warily watching the wolf for several seconds to make sure that the creature was truly asleep, Alira turned her attention to the passage itself. The corridor was narrow, and the bulk of the wolf took up most of the available room. Great... Alira bit her lip in consternation as she vainly searched for a clear path. She had almost resigned to failure when an idea struck her. A risky plan... but better than no plan at all...

Moving slowly and carefully to the left side of the passageway, Alira placed her hands on the rock. She gingerly reached her foot back across the narrow span and braced herself against the opposite wall. Tensing, she lifted herself off the ground, and brought her second leg up on the opposite wall as well, spanning the corridor with her body.

She began to shimmy up the walls, one deliberate movement at a time. Judging the she had climbed up high enough, she started to move sideways, deeper into the passage, creeping over the sleeping creature below. She kept her eyes on the wolf, watching for any signs that her maneuver had been detected.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

A fine idea. Alira was a bit small so it took a little work but she was able to get herself into position. She had the stamina to manage it to but her lucky failed her. As she was passing above the wolf, she put her weight on part of the wall that seemed just like the rest of it. It turned out to be weak and part of it came apart. She managed to keep herself from falling but the rocks struck the dracolupine on the head. It snorted, waking up. Alira held her breath as the creature saw the open wall. It tilted its head and sniffed. Then it jumped back, springing over 7 feet in a single bound, before Alira could try to attack it. It saw Alira and growled. Before she could do much else, the wolf launched itself up in the air and grabbed Alira by the ankle with its teeth. It was painful but Alira realized quickly that the wolf was barely biting her. It was just holding her at the moment.

It was growling, its hackles raised, and its ears flat against its head. It then began to drag Alira. Any resistance was met by increased pressure and a glow from between its teeth which subsided if Alira relented. It clearly meant to bring her somewhere.

Stealth 38 + 1 vs 16 + 30 WOLF WINS
Grapple Attack: 46 + 19 vs 51 HITS
Grapple: 46 + 19 vs 4 + 48 WOLF WINS
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira grunted in pain as her back struck the ground solidly. The monster hauled her down from her precarious perch so savagely that she didn't get a chance to react or break her fall. Damn, damn, damn, Her heart hammered in her chest wildly, panic building within her as the creature's teeth remained locked around her ankle.

The wolf began backing up down the tunnel, dragging the unlucky thief along, hardly slowed by the load. Where's he going? Oh gods... With effort, Alira closed her eyes and forced herself to focus. Get it together Alira. You're not dead. He's taking you somewhere. Your hands are free. You've got a chance. Taking a deep breath, Alira looked around, straining to pick out some bit of her surroundings that could give her an advantage, but the tunnel walls offered no help. Shit. Oh well, the old fashioned way it is.

Steeling herself, Alira swung her free foot up into the wolf's muzzle, while she tried to wrench her other ankle free, intending to free herself and get back up on her feet.

No luck this time around! Alira's trying to break free of the submission hold and then to escape the grapple altogether. If she fails, she'll keep trying for a few rounds before she gives up.

Am I reading those rolls right? The grapple actions are basically a toss up (+46 vs +48), and the wolf only needs a 5 to hit against Alira's armor?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 23/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira managed to get the wolf to loosen its grip. It helped as she struck it in the nose and the pressure on her leg decreased but it then bit down, hard, chomping down through the leather. In addition, the glow in its throat became bright. Alira was unable to get away and flame ran up her leg, scorching her. Then there was a moment of stillness with the wolf watching Alira warily, still holding her leg in its teeth.

OOC & Rolls
Yeah, these wolves are pretty damn tough. First I took the base from a 'tier two' wolf, then slapped the dragon template on them. And hey, at least they will miss you 20% of the time.

Grapple: 48 + 16 vs 15 + 46 ESCAPED SUBMISSION HOLD
Grapple: 48 + 3 vs 17 + 46 SUBMISSION HOLD REESTABLISHED
Grapple: 48 + 6 vs 9 + 46 HOLD MAINTAINED
Unarmed Attack: 9 + 4 + 17 = 30 - 11 AV= 19 damage
Grapple: 48 + 12 vs 20 + 46 HOLD MAINTAINED
Spirit Power Attack: Alira is grappled
Dragon's Breath: 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 6 = 22 Heat/Fire damage

Alira is down to 23 hit points. Be careful.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Defeated, Alira slumped back to the ground, her leg still stinging from where the wolf's flames singed her. Though her leathers helped a bit, the creature's bite had been powerful enough to draw blood. Thankfully, her ankle felt intact though that was a small consolation considering it remained firmly lodged in the wolf's jaws.

Damn it all! What did I get myself into? Alira looked up to find the wolf staring back at her, it's huge body still, but the unspoken threat clear. The thief did not press her luck further.

"All right, all right," she said, showing her empty hands to the creature. "You win." For now
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 23/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The wolf snorted in satisfaction and resumed dragging Alira. They both ended up in some kind of main tunnel, with side tunnels branching off occasionally. She could feel the floor tilt a little and the rock get warmer as they went. It might even have felt cozy if she wasn't being dragged over it. Several wolves were passed by as she went. Most looked at her curiously but ignored them for the most part.

Finally she was brought into a larger chamber, spherical in shape. And the far side was covered in gold and jewels. Thousands of denarii, right in front of her. Once she managed to pry her eyes away from the bounty she saw she was not the only person in the room. The man she had seen earlier was looking at her carefully. He looked at the wolf and spoke in a slithering tongue. He rubbed the wolf on the head and the wolf gave a doggy grin before turning back to the tunnels. It looked at Alira, gave a warning growl, and departed.

Now that Alira could get a good look at him, she could see obviously draconic features. The veins that ran close to the surface of his skin glowed bright orange and red scales covered several parts of his body. He had a horn that curled like a ram's horn on the left side of his head but only a stump for it's opposite.

He walked over to a throne made of a single piece of obsidian and watched her, his fingers forming a steeple arch. "You have trespassed on our home but you are still alive, unlike dozens of others. Do you know why Char brought you here instead of simply tearing your throat out and having lunch?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

As soon as the wolf let her go, Alira stood up gingerly, testing her weight on her ankle. Seems fine... As the man spoke to the wolf in a language she didn't recognize, she watched them both warily, but the memory of the wolf's jaws clamped on her ankle stopped her from going for her blade. And I've seen what the other one can do... Moving away from her weapons, her fingers fished out a healing potion, and she quickly gulped it down, feeling the medicinal effects quickly mend her singed flesh. Better...

The wolf left with a parting growl, and Alira was not sad to see him go. Good riddance, flea bag... Glancing around the room, she couldn't resist another look at the piles of treasure in front of her. I'm set for life... though that may be much shorter than I had expected. Still, if he expects me to start begging, he's going to be waiting for a while.

Moving to the throne, the man sat and finally addressed her directly. "You have trespassed on our home but you are still alive, unlike dozens of others. Do you know why Char brought you here instead of simply tearing your throat out and having lunch?"

"You know, I really don't," Alira threw back sarcastically, unwilling to be intimidated. "But wait, let me guess, it's because you need me alive for something."
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 53/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

He shrugged. "Yes, that is true. Maybe that wasn't the best way to say that but you are to be punished for trespassing. I assume you are here for that." He nodded towards the mound of wealth. "Well that's too bad. You aren't getting a coin. My name is Brand and I've been looking for someone to sire a child with. You fit the bill. You are beautiful, marked, and fertile." Somehow Brand seemed to grow, not in size but in presence. "Bow before me and I will give you the honor of continuing the bloodline given to me by my ancestor.." The voice seemed to echo in Alira's head and she felt the urge to bow at the feet of a creature with a bloodline far beyond her own.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira stared blankly at the seated figure for several seconds, fighting the urge to laugh in his face. Oh you have got to be kidding me. Several biting retorts raced through her mind, but she controlled her temper, barely. Careful, careful... satisfying as it may be, he's not a drunk in a tavern. He's got the ego and the attitude down pat, but he's got some nasty friends and a taste for fire. There are better ways to deal with this. Let's try this one first...

The night elf winced artfully before replying in a disconsolate tone, "Uhm, tempting as that generous offer may be for such a lowly, lowly wom- wench! as myself, I really can't accept. I'm doing you a favor, really! My own bloodline is pretty mangy, certainly unworthy of mixing with your glorious lineage! And besides, between you and me," here Alira dropped her tone conspiratorially, "I haven't done much to improve my standing! Why, just a week ago, I entertained three orcs in an alley behind a tavern! And by "entertained", I mean "fucked"." She smiled guilelessly at the man's face. A little truth always helps to turn a mark's head....

Alira turned and began pacing casually in front of the throne. "No, your lordship, you're looking for a better class of woman than myself. Someone with standing, someone with breeding..." Alira stopped as if an idea just popped in her head. "Why, I know just the person. Just met the girl a few days ago. She's got a secret temple, a great lineage, she's definitely marked, and she really wants to start a family! You two would get along great. Let me introduce you!"

Alira watched Brand's face closely, ready to either change her strategy or resort to combat at the first sign of trouble.

If Brand doesn't bite, Alira's got a few more tricks to try. If he decides to get violent in the next round though, her first move is to go for a Sneak action
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 53/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"Hmmm... let me th- no. One slut in the hand is worth two virgins in the bush. You are sufficient. And I don't appreciate someone trying to make a fool out of me." He held out his hand at Alira and flame suddenly shot out. It brushed past Alira, filling the room with the smell of burned hair. Then Alira realized his second target. Her daggers can been heavily damaged, the steel actually having bubbled up and dulled the blades. Her crossbow was almost entirely gone, burned to cinders. The buckler only had the metal plate left, the rest burned away. Fortunately, Dark Render seemed fine, if a little sooty.

Alira was able to take the opportunity while Brand was distracted, even if he was only mildly so, to make a break for something to hide behind. There was depressingly little, it didn't seem like Brand was much of a home decorator, but she managed to find some large-ish stalagmites to work with. "Really? There is one way out of this room, you've got a pack of my relatives between you and any possible escape and if you keep testing me I'll burn your legs so you can't move. Get out here this minute."

Stealth: Succeeds?
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira tossed aside the ruins of her crossbow in disgust. The arrogant bastard. I just bought that thing too!

Brand's threats continued as Alira hunched down behind the meager cover. She paid little attention to him for the moment, her eyes scanning the room, looking for an edge... and found nothing. Damn it all! Her eyes fell on the bracer still clamped around her forearm, and for a second her situation made her consider the unthinkable. The bracer seemed to glow in response to her thoughts, offering the powers she knew were locked away.... No. Not that. The bracer's glow faded, somewhat sullenly.

Alira looked around once more, and still found nothing around her that would give her a way out. Her panic and anger grew... and with them there was another sensation. An unfamiliar heat grew in her... and a small voice somewhere inside of her came alive. Why not give him what he wants? And maybe... just a little bit more?

After several long moments of stillness, Alira stood up from her crouch, moving slowly to avoid inviting a rash attack, and keeping her empty hands visible and well away from her sword. She looked toward the throne and sighed. "Oh, Brand, you do have a way with the ladies, don't you?" she kept her voice low and breathy. She rounded the stalagmite, and headed toward the throne, her hips swaying with every step as she casually placed one foot in front of the other. "You want to have a tumble, and you know... I'm game. It just takes me a little while to... warm up to someone like you." Alira stopped in front of the throne, and smiled. "But really, there's no reason we can't be friends" With that last word, the heat inside of Alira reached out and brushed against Brand.

Alira pays 6 EP and attempts to Charm Brand using her succubus power. As an aside I think she should be back up to full health after that potion, now?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 53/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine
Brand fails Resistance check! A roll of 1!

Brand smirks and relaxes. "Maybe. Perhaps I won't chain you to the wall and feed you raw meat. After all, if you are going to be this cooperative, this doesn't have to hurt. If you are very good, I may even let you take something from here." Looks like Alira had found something to exploit. He looked smug, his captive apparently given up struggling. Perhaps if Alira's magic hadn't worked he would be wary of this sudden shift but the head above the waist wasn't doing most of the thinking anymore. "Shall we retire to somewhere a little more comfortable?" He held up a hand and part of the cave wall became like glass. It shattered, revealing a hidden part of the cave.

Inside was a living quarters suitable for humanoids such as Alira and Brand. There was a bookcase, filled with ancient texts, a locked metal chest, furniture, and a little cooking area.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Pouting a little, Alira swayed closer. "Is that any way to talk to your friends, Brand? And you'll find that I can be quite friendly when I put my... mind to it." With a final twist of her hips she approached the seated figure of the man, the dull glow of the piles of gold and jewels creating dancing reflections in her lidded eyes.

She bent over at the waist, leaning in close to Brand's smug face, her fingers playing on the arms of the throne. "There's no reason to rush. Why don't you stay right here, hmm?" Alira's long tongue slithered around her full lips enticingly. "While I make you a little more... comfortable with our new friendship..." Maintaining eye contact with the repulsive man, Alira dropped to her knees, her slender fingers going for the crotch of his pants.

The dark heat still burning inside her, she quickly freed his hardening cock, her eyes widening at the sight. "Oooh Brand, I think this will be quite pleasurable for us both..." Alira spit on her hands and ran her delicate palms up and down the length in front of her, before leaning forward and slipping her lips around the head of Brand's dick. She kept her eyes locked on the man's face, keeping track of his reactions as she teased him with her mouth, now taking him deep into her throat, now running her flexible tongue up and down his length while her fingers toyed with his balls.

Just keep him distracted, Alira... and don't loose control