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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 53/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Brand relaxed quite a bit. Alira found his cock to be warm, almost too warm. The blood almost seemed to boil inside of him. A thought flashed through Alira's mind: if his skin was this hot, how hot was his cum going to be. Anyway, Alira's tongue well was suited to the task she was currently attempting. She should have found the taste repugnant but somehow, it satisfied a darker part of her. He began breathing faster and Alira realized he was about to cum. Whether she was just that good or whether he was a quick release, she didn't know.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Feeling Brand's cock tremble in her throat, Alira slowly pulled her mouth off the man's length, her lips popping off the head lewdly. Stroking him with her fingers, she smirked up at Brand. "Ready to pop? That's alright honey, you can just let it go right down my throat, mmmph..."

Alira emphasized her point by slipping the cock back into her mouth, and swallowing the length expertly. She bobbed her head enthusiastically, seemingly as eager to take the man's seed as he was to give it.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 53/65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 777 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Brand grunted as he came, his cock sending out five shots of, what seemed to be to Alira, scalding cum. Seriously, if it had fallen on the floor, she wouldn't have been surprised to see it steaming. Oddly, however, it wasn't painful and didn't burn her. She could just feel the searing heat. As she swallowed, she could feel that heat travel into her body and radiate outward, causing her to feel exceptionally warm. She began sweating, getting her clothes drenched. But her underwear was drenched in a different way. The cum had been rich and the heat had seared its essence into her brain, which got ready for some action.

Brand, however, seemed a little unsteady. "Al-alright then. You were so reluctant before but now you seem to be quite the temptress. Maybe you just pretend to be a nice girl."

Alright, technically, only when you take PP damage, you get Corruption Points but I'm going to rule that, at least in my games, putting their bodily fluids, whatever the type and however you take it, gives you corruption points.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 832 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira looked back at the rubble that had formerly been her prison. After a few more encounters that left her with quite a bit more corruption, they had been interrupted by a mercenary who had been hired to clear out the area. Alira had taken this opportunity to disarm Brand of his throat. A black-skinned, extremely muscular, futnari oni walked in without a stich of clothing. She was huge, so much so that Alria suspected she might have a bit of giant blood in her. She was so large and well endowed that her cock dangled in front of Alira's face, making it kind of awkward. This was obviously a giant pervert but while she had claw marks, they didn't seem to have penetrated too deeply so at least the lack of armor was kind of justified, if not the lack of clothes. The draco-wolves had been smashed to paste that was sticking to the end of a similarly huge warhammer. The oni looked down at Alira and licked her lips "So, you're an elf, huh? And I've seemed to have rescued you." On second thought, maybe dealing with Brand wasn't so bad...

Any way this ends, Alira and the oni end up raiding the modest hoard that Brand had collected. She earns draco-wolf leather armor (leather armor with +3 AV, +1 DU, -1 EV, strong vs fire) and an enchanted heavy crossbow (+4 attack and damage) as well as 100 denarii. She also gets an obedience collar. Alira had played Brand well enough to avoid being collared with it herself, though he had considered it several times.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira looked up at her unlikely rescuer, Brand's blood still dripping from the weapon she had managed to secure, and took a step back. "Uh, you did? I mean... of course you did! Yes, thank you. Uhm.... why did you do that?" Alira eyed both of the oni's impressive weapons with hesitation.

Well, at least she's talking instead of charging...
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 832 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The oni took a step forward to match Alira's step back. "What was it?" She paused and looked away momentarily, giving Alira enough time to take a few more steps. "Right. Apparently someone was getting tired of this creep so they put a bounty on him and his pets. I came here to collect it." She looked at Brand and sighed "And now you've messed it up. Yeah the dog-things were worth some but the main bounty was on his head. I've got to find another way to collect it." She let her warhammer rest against the wall, giving her use of both of her hands. She turned back to Alira and grinned lewdly. Yeah, this probably wasn't good.

"But first..." She rooted around in her pack and pulled out a jug of some kind and a few oddly shaped cups. "Want to share a few with me?" She poured a colourless liquid in both of them and sipped her cup. Alira noted that the oni's cup was more than twice the size of the other cup. After depleting her own cup, the oni refilled it, then looked at Alira expectantly. Alira noticed some kind of odd smell filling the cave. It hadn't quite covered up the smell of the blood and Alira couldn't figure out what it was.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira glanced back at Brand's lifeless body, and shrugged. "Don't see what the problem is - the creep's dead. If you say you killed him, I'm not going to argue with you."

Gingerly, she reached out and took the offered cup, sniffing the liquid within. "What is this stuff?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 832 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"My own special blend. I call it Breaker." Alira knew enough about onis to remember that the race was well known for becoming more powerful as they got more drunk. Odds were that that was the stuff being offered. The oni drank a few more cups before Alira even drank her first one. Given the oni's size it probably took quite a lot to affect her. "I made a bunch of them. I got a mage to enchant this thing. It can hold a lot and I've filled it with different blends." She patted the jug. Apparently this oni got chatty as she got hammered.

If Alira drank the liquid, she would it didn't taste like... anything. It had a hell of a kick and burned on the way down. She noticed, couldn't help but notice, that as the oni drank more, she started to breath harder and her whole body began to flush. "So, what do you think?" She grinned, showing some of her sharp teeth as she leered at Alira.