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Selena's room

Re: Selena's room

Selena grunts then pushes Kitty away before slipping out, fumbling around for Serena's taser as she walks up to the door, looking at the occupants of her room, then as quickly as she could, opens the door a crack, the taser held in her other hand, primed and ready to go as she looks,

"Yes Jesse~? I'm a little busy right now~"
Re: Selena's room


Hello, Selena...

Said the wicked voice behind the door, when Jesse suddenly kicked the door with all her might, the edge of said door catching Selena by the shoulder, and knocking her to the floor.

Jesse stood with rage above the fallen Selena, as her gaze shifted angrily at the two victims in the room. Jesse suddenly looked down at Selena, with a wide, evil grin.

"You're finished! No more! No more favors! You're DONE!"
Re: Selena's room

Selena lets out a grunt as she feels her shoulder take the blunt of the door, not good... she pushes it aside as she tries to keep her weapon hidden, looking over at her twin warily,

"And what are you planning on doing this time...?"
Re: Selena's room

(Yay, play catchup)

Jo's eyes shot to the door when she heard a loud bang from the other side, worried about the voice she recognized as Jesse because she saw one of the twins walk over carrying a tazer. She tried to shout, but with Jesse outside the door, it was impossible to hear her mumbles. In an instant, the door was wide open and the girl was on the ground. Jo stared at her with pleading eyes, watching the situation play out.
Re: Selena's room

Jesse reveals that she had a whip in her left hand, and cracks it behind her in an intimidating fashion.

(Jesse's intimidation does not make Selena flinch)

"I'm going to send you and that clone to the prison, and put an end to this nonsense! Even if I have to send you both in a body bag!" she shouted. And when she did, Serena growled at her.

"Looks like we get to keep you as a toy to! C'mon, sis~ let's get her!" she told her sister, and looked about to pounce Jesse.
Re: Selena's room

Selena grins and nods as she crouches, smiling at the dominatrix,

"Sounds good~ I'm finally going to have my revenge for that time you raped us~" She leaps forward first before her clone, hoping to catch Jesse with the taser and to quickly end the standoff.
Re: Selena's room

Jo found a bit of joy to Jesse's threats against the girls, but that quickly faded when she saw they wouldn't go so quietly. Seeing the opportunity, with both twins not focused on her and with some outside help, Jo removed her hand once again and attempted to free her other one.
Re: Selena's room

Jesse took a step back, but only too slow, as Selena rammed her tazer against Jesse's skin, and sent many volts of electricity through her body. After Selena had weakened Jesse with her tazer, Serena went behind Jesse, catching her, holding her up, and reaching her hands around to undo her clothes, while using her leg to kick the door closed, so they could have some privacy with yet another pet...

"We've got you now~ And now I'm going to stick things into you~" she laughed.

As Josie started undoing her bondages, she felt a tugging at her right foot, and saw that Kitty had barely gotten up from where she was, just to help Josie get free. And before Josie knew it, all of her limbs were free...
Re: Selena's room

Selena giggles as she helps Serena strip the shopkeeper, looking at the naked woman up and down,

"You have no idea how long I've waited to be able to do this to you..."
Re: Selena's room

Jo gave Kitty a quick nod, thanking her for helping out, and leaped off the bed towards Dixie. Hoping she has the advantage of surprise, she tries to undo the knot holding her hands together behind her back before the other two get a chance to see or stop her.
Re: Selena's room

Jesse growled at Selena as she trembled from the electricity still coursing through her body,

"I should never have helped you..." she said weakly, "If you rape me, I swear you'll regret it, Selena..." she threatened her.

Meanwhile, Serena, still holding Jesse, laughed, and trailed her tongue along Jesse's naked neck,

"Ha~ I love it when they fight!" she said, as she pressed her cock against Jesse's anus, eager to push herself inside...

After Josie was free, her and Kitty quickly moved to Dixie, and got her arms free. But, even after Dixie was free, she seemed a bit worse off than Josie was, not moving, even after her hands were free. She appeared very worn from the rape, and was breathing with fatigue...

Kitty look up to Jesse, then back to Josie.

"Please... You have to save her..." she whispered to Josie.
Re: Selena's room

Selena walks up to Jesse and strokes her body as she smiles,

"Thanks for all that you've done for me then~... You will regret it greatly if you get me kicked out of the inn~" She strokes her cock, which was already stiffening quickly from all that was happening, then she laughs as she pushes her way into Jesse, penetrating the shopkeep with one sharp motion.
Re: Selena's room

Seeing that she'll probably get little help from Dixie, and Kitty's already done enough, Jo realized she'll be going this alone until Jesse was rescued, which didn't seem too fortunate, considering their states. Jesse was tazed and about to be raped, while Jo is coming fresh off of one, so the fact they weren't paying any attention to her would be the only advantage they have right now. Rushing forward, Jo balled up her fist and attempted to connect to the temple of *whatever twin is on top, or if they're still standing, closer*
Re: Selena's room

Jesse clenched her teeth as Selena finished her speech, and before she could ram her cock inside Jesse's already wet nether, she felt a sharp pain connect against her temple, as she was sent to the ground from Josie's fist, temporarily seeing stars, before the pain, and her vision, slowly started to clear...

(Selena has been stunned, and cannot make an action this turn)

(Selena's Stamina Status: Yellow)

Serena, still holding Jesse, gasped at suddenly seeing Josie standing, and even attacking her "sister"

"Bullshit~ You shouldn't have any essence left!" she spat, and before she could react to anything, she suddenly found Jesse trailing back, pushing the rapist behind her, who had meant to ram herself into her anus, into a wall, slamming her hard enough so that her grip lessened, enough so that Jesse could elbow her in the ribs, and get free.

"Thanks, sweetie," she said to Josie.

Meanwhile, Serena growled at Jesse, as she prepared to lunge at her once more.

"Get up~" she spat at the dazed looking Selena on the ground, "We're supposed to be sexing, not sleeping! Get up~!" she demanded.
Re: Selena's room

Selena grunts as she shakes her head, yelling back at her clone,

"Ngh... gimme one sec... seeing stars here..."
Re: Selena's room

Jo shook her hand off a little, hurt from punching the girl in the head. Standing above her, it seemed the girl had a bit of trouble moving after having been surprised. She figured that was good enough for now, the less she had to deal with at one time the better. She nodded toward Jesse after she had freed herself, even issuing a comment back


"Thank you." Making sure to emphasize that, considering if Jesse hadn't burst in, who knows how long they would have kept her tied up.

Turning her attention to still standing twin, Jo stepped towards her, pulling her hand back and pushing it forward quickly towards the girls stomach.
Re: Selena's room

Josie managed to slam her fist into Serena's shoulder, as she tried to move out of the way, only a second too slow, as Serena shrugged off the pain, and slammed into Jesse, bringing her down to the ground, and rolling around so that she was clinging to Jesse, and so that Jesse was in between her and Josie, trying to use her as a shield.

"Get her, sis~ I've already got one!" she yelled to Selena, who was just now currently starting to regain her senses, and notice the world around her.

(Selena may take an action)
Re: Selena's room

Selena rushes forward and swings her taser angrily at Josie, the electricity crackling across her weapon,

"No one hits my face and gets away with it! I'll make sure you never wake up again after this!"
Re: Selena's room

(Oh that's no good)

Pulling her hand back from connecting with the girls shoulder, Jo was unable to stop the girl from taking Jesse to the ground, and though she wanted to reach down and tear them away from each other, hearing her yell to her sister brought Jo's attention back to the previously stunned twin, who was now charging her with a weapon. Jo no longer had the time to try and help Jesse out, considering her position and didn't at all like her chances of going hand to hand with a tazer, but this was her life on the line. They've gone this far, who knows what else these girls are capable of, and that's not a life Jo plans on living. Instead of trying to sidestep or back away, she steps towards the girl, hoping that would at least be something she wasn't expecting as she puts all her forward weight into the punch aimed at the girls chest.
Re: Selena's room

Selena was too quick for Josie, and her tazer connected with the girl's body, and sent her to the ground in an electrified heap. Josie's body convulsed, and trembled as she fell to the ground, at the temporary mercy of Selena...

(Josie can't make an action this turn)

Serena laughed as Josie went down, but her laughs were cut short, as Jesse flinged her own head backwards, and collided it with Serena's face, loosening her grip enough for Jesse to get free, and stand up on her feet.

"Stop hitting me! I just wanna put my baby juice in your butt~" Serena said, getting up as well, and preparing to attempt to get back on top of Jesse, in hopes of raping her.