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Selestine (Alias)


Nov 16, 2008
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(Well, after looking up "indigo", and fiddling with RPGMaker... there ya go. :p)

The indigo-haired girl picks herself up. The air is hot and humid, but an eldritch glow lights the cavern up enough for her to see. Odd moving puddles are scattered here and there, and a brighter glow on the far wall suggests an exit.


Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[I guess that works =P]

Selestine picked herself groggily. That creepy guy... where had he gone? She wasn't in her bedroom anymore... instead she seemed to be in some sort of cavern. She wiped her arms off and realized she was naked. She cringed, looking around frantically. Luckily, it seemed like there was nobody there, not even that guy that had broken into her bedroom. Broken into her bedroom! She would have to call the cops as soon as she got out. And there... at the other side of the cave, that looked like it was the way out. Not noticing the puddles, she marched to it, determined to find some clothes and get home so she could have that guy arrested.

[up 3]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine's march towards the exit is halted when the nearest puddle abruptly sprouts feet and a face, runs up to her, and asks in a high-pitched voice, "Can I splash on your titties?"

Whether it's smart enough to listen is not known, because as soon as Selestine replies, it jumps straight at her chest, splattering her with its substance. Any further reaction is lost when a second puddle comes dashing up, "Wheee!" echoing through the cavern as it flies into her side.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 2/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

"I... what?" she stammered in response, but before she could say anything else, it struck her in the chest. Seconds later, another one hit her in the side, and she stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what happened. It was... warm. Really warm. In fact... she rubbed her side with one fingertip and recoiled in disgust. Just as she'd thought, the gooey substance was semen, and it felt like it had just been ejaculated on her. "Gross..." she groaned as she tried to wipe her hand off on her hip, the sticky fluid already beginning to crust on her breasts. She wondered how it was possible that a puddle of semen could move and even talk, but she was more concerned with getting out of here. Clearly it would not end well if she lingered, so she made haste for the exit.

[up 3, by the way I don't care about the sprites so if you want you can just keep having her move up until she gets to the exit, in the interest of saving time.]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[by the way I don't care about the sprites so if you want you can just keep having her move up until she gets to the exit, in the interest of saving time.]
(Trying to catch up with Tassadar? Fine, fine, but just for that you get splattered by all the remaining cumsprites instead of just three. :cool:)

Selestine, disgusted by the cum, breaks into a run towards the exit. Unfortunately, she immediately has cause to regret it as she gets hit by more flying puddles, first her front, then from both sides, and finally from the rear as she wobbles under the bombardment.

Making her way into the tunnel, she comes across a trickle of water running down one wall. It's barely enough to drink, if she even trusts that it won't be contaminated.

Whether she tries cleaning herself off or not, she has only two choices... to go back and sit in the now-empty cavern, or find out where the tunnel leads. With no reason to go back, she goes forwards... and finds herself in another open cavern.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 6/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[nah, they're just not dangerous enough to warrant trying to avoid... plus it's in her character that she'd just try to get out of here as fast as possible; after all, it's not like she knows there's going to be a whole gauntlet to run. hopefully this water won't corrupt her further]

The dark-haired girl almost sobbed as she reached the end of the cavern. What kind of twisted place was this, where little puddles of semen had the ability to move and talk and splash onto girls like her? She looked down at herself, the sticky fluids covering her body; she looked like she had been gangbanged and all the men had shot their load on her. She remembered a time when she'd done just that - a birthday present from her boyfriend - but instead of feeling satisfied and loving their sticky gifts, now she just felt revolted.

Thankfully, as the tunnel opened up into another large cave, she saw a little stream of water flowing from somewhere higher in the ground. She gasped in relief and rushed over to it, then recoiled somewhat as she realized how impure it was. Well, a dirty bath was better than being covered in this disgusting.. substance. She did her best to clean herself off, and in a short time had washed most of the fluids from her. It was a shame she couldn't cure her cottonmouth from being asleep, but she wasn't going to risk drinking something like that, especially in a place like this.

Moving into the next chamber, she looked around, almost stamping her foot in frustration. This wasn't the exit, it was only another chamber. And it was crawling with little creatures, twisted devil-things that she'd never seen before. Just where was she??

There was one of the things on her left and one on her right. Luckily, there was a boulder rising out of the ground that was blocking the one on her right's view of her, and there was another boulder directly in front of her that might help her hide from the one on her left. She snuck around to the right side of it, hopefully avoiding notice.

[up, up, right]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine's cautious advance pays off, as the creature wanders out from behind the rock. It's small and fairly humanoid, and immediately reminds her of the word "imp", and she gets a good view of its backside as it wanders further off.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 6/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She breathed a sigh of relief as her sneaking seemed to reward her. The creatures hadn't noticed her. Taking a short stop for a breath, she peered at it, its naked rump clearly visible. It was something she'd only read about in fantasy books and the darker of the religious texts she had browsed through, some sort of demon imp. She almost sobbed as she realized where she must be. She was in Hell... there was no other explanation. That creepy guy with the glasses had sent her to Hell somehow. Jesus Christ... She shook herself and moved. She had to keep moving, had to get out. There was no way this was the end.

[up 3. have you considered flipping the maps so we're not staring at their hair the whole time? obviously in the full game you have buttocks too but I personally prefer frontal.]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[have you considered flipping the maps so we're not staring at their hair the whole time? obviously in the full game you have buttocks too but I personally prefer frontal.]
(When I can figure out a way of making a down-doorway or a side-doorway as obvious as an up-doorway... I'll think about it. "Up = Forwards" is common in RPGs and shooters, anyways, and this is the rules test-run. Maps, monster stats, and general rules can all change - I already scaled back the HP on the slimes, for instance.)

Selestine continues walking through the rocks, the imps too far away and too involved in their own mysterious tasks to notice her.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 6/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine shies away from the one ahead of her, moving a little to the right.

[Oh I see. Make sense. up right up.]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Unfortunately for Selestine, the imp in question takes this opportunity to walk right in front of her, quite close enough for it to notice her. The surprise on its face is comically obvious.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 6/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She cursed luridly, her eyes widening in fear. No... no... she repeated in her mind. Then she was moving. The little beast couldn't be that tough, not at that size. She raced forward, toward the door. She had been on the varsity soccer team in high school, and even though she was out of practice and shape, she had kept her grenade launcher of a kick. Drawing back as if she were firing a burning shot toward the goal (the exit), she kicked viciously toward the little imp, all of her fear converting into anger, and all that anger balled up in the face of her right foot.

[left up up, attack]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine winds up, fully prepared to boot the imp clear across the cavern. It - no, him - turning to face her and grinning just means that she'll score a field goal at the same time.

Unfortunately, her long windup leaves the imp lots of time to react. Which the imp uses, ducking under her swinging foot, knocking her on her back, and then shoving his tiny penis into her wide-open cunt.

It takes only a few pumps for the imp to reach his climax, leaving Selestine completely unsatisfied and a tiny trickle of cum in her vaj. He flops backwards, grinning idiotically at the ceiling. She, however, can already feel her belly twinging.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100, Pregnant: 1 turn

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She cursed again, having the wind knocked out of her by its clever move. "Uh... god..." she groaned, almost not even noticing the little creature's rape, so focused was she on getting her breath back. She wheezed agonizingly, then hoisted herself up, desperately moving toward the door.

[left up up]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

The imp's mocking giggles chase Selestine as she dashes for the exit. Fortunately for her peace of mind, that's all that pursues her.

Like the first tunnel, she discovers a small trickle of water running down one wall. Soon after she finds this, however, the pangs in her belly turn into all-out muscle spasms, and she's forced to lie down and endure while soft hands pry open her womb from the inside. Strangely, it doesn't hurt near as much as all the horror stories she'd heard, and in a very short time she's staring down at yet another imp.

This one merely cocks its head in curiosity at her, happily following her as she moves into the next cavern... and then stopping along with her as she sees the fat blue imp in the far corner.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1
Last edited:
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She was helpless to resist the budding life inside of her... Christ, that ugly little thing must have impregnated her somehow! Questions whizzed through her mind, but her senses were dulling. At this point, she didn't think she'd be surprised by anything, and her questions would only lead to more questions. She rested a moment in the tunnel; it seemed to be some sort of safe spot, catching her breath and staring at the imp that had just... come out of her. It didn't seem to be doing anything, least of all raping her, so she decided to let it be for now.

She was surprised to find that it followed her eagerly, however. When she turned and it just cocked its head as if waiting, her eyes narrowed. She wondered if it considered her its mother, and would follow her the rest of the way. Well, she supposed that wasn't such a bad thing. Its claws looked sharp, and she bet it could fight better than she could. She pointed at the far wall. "Go up there and attack that imp," she told it, her voice cold. She felt no attachment to the creature, but if she could use it, she would.

[Selestine: up 1, no other movement]
[Imp 1: up 3]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(Tut tut tut. Such lack of compassion. Oh, yeah, and units can't pass through one another.)

Selestine's rather vague gesture confuses the poor imp, and as she turns to walk away, it bumps into her backside while trying to obey.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1
Last edited:
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[Oh. Then I would have had her move one square left instead of one square up. I get one takesees backsees right? Assuming yes:
Se: right 1
I1: up 3
If no:
Se: left 1
I1: up 3

And yeah she's the cold calculating one, you know, the type that you don't want to get angry or you might find your guts spilling out of you when you wake up]

Selestine gestures for the stupid little creature to go on the offensive with the nearest target.
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(Errgh... I really shouldn't... but oh well, I'll give it to you. Selestine'd better learn to be friendlier with her minions... or she'll end up slave to the enemy demons. Probably level 6 - I think she can make it past this boss just breeding with enemies, but the second boss will put her over the limit.)

The imp keeps looking back at Selestine, puzzled at her not coming with it.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[all in good time.]

She scowled after the little creature. "Go!" she growled, folding her arms and waiting.

[Selestine: no movement]
[Imp1: up, up, left, attack]