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Selestine (Alias)

Re: Selestine (Alias)

(I hope you realize that the reason I'm not finding ways to punish you for mistreating those poor imps, and rushing your turns, is because I'm not actually GM'ing the enemy actions - it's all rules-based.)

In her rush to get out, Selestine bodily shoves one of her imp-children to the side, ignoring the annoyed squawk he lets out, and then the growl and yelp as a native imp runs up to the victim and smacks him one. Seeing their mother beating an undignified retreat, the children all pile after her, yelps and loud imp-chatter accompanying every move.

Fortunately for her nerves, the enemy imps don't seem inclined to follow the group down the tunnel. It's long and dim, a trickle of water running down the wall the only feature of note.

Finally, Selestine runs out of tunnel and emerges into a new cavern. The air seems even more humid here than before, and her first step inside is accompanied by an unpleasant squish. The walls and floor almost seem to be made of flesh, and liquid has pooled in some of the depressions. Her trio of imps pile into the cavern after her, surrounding her and clutching at her hands.

(New map, new tileset. Let me know if it's too hard to tell the enemies from the floor.)

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (left)
  • Imp 2 (top)
  • Imp 3 (right)

(I also renumbered the imps.)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[Well the reason Selestine is 'mistreating' her minions is because it's in her character. First off, she's always been very cool and calculating. Second, she doesn't feel much sympathy for creatures that have been raping her in this hell, and who would happily rape her as much as they could, given the chance. I'm not going to change her character just because you don't like it, even if you are the GM. As for rushing turns... seriously? I don't see any reason whatsoever to post "everybody moved to the left" and wait two days for you to say "nothing else happened" just so I can say "everybody moved left again." Also, I thought it was implicit that my 'do this next turn' was always accompanied by a 'if it's okay with you' clause. If you really don't want me doing it I don't have to. It just saves time and effort with no drawback that I can see. By the way, it's easy enough to tell the difference between the enemies and the floor in this version of the game, but I hope you wouldn't make an actual game with that color scheme.]

Selestine stared out at the cavern and spread her toes, the squishing sound highly unpleasant to her ears, and the feeling of this new, strange ground equally unpleasant to the soles of her feet. She hugged her arms over herself, covering her breasts as she tried to map out this odd cavern in her head, also trying to keep her hands away from the stupid little imps. There was some sort of red blob almost directly in front of her, and it was moving with a clear intelligence. It must be another denizen of this hole, she surmised, and she would most likely have to kill it, since it was almost in direct line between her and the exit at the far wall. "Attack," she growled, shooing the imps away from her and gesturing toward the blob of goo.

[Imp 2: LUU
Imp 1: LUU
Imp 3: UUL
Selestine: LUU]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(You know why I'm pissed, and accused you of rushing again? Because the imp-move in your previous action was inefficient. You moved it one square and triggered an enemy attack. Moving it two squares, down and then right, would've kept it out of trigger range for that enemy. It wouldn't've been out of character for the imp to keep moving. Instead, you decided "I don't care about that imp getting hit - it's just getting healed again right away anyways". Or you didn't think about it at all.)

(You know why I'm running this particular system? Because I'm testing it. I think it'll make a decent computer game. But before I go to the effort of coding, drawing, music-ing, and other "-ing"s, I thought I should test it. Ascribing motivations to the actions of the characters - all that text I write before "Character Stats", and the text you write before you dictate the moves - is simply to keep it entertaining. It's certainly not "efficient". So I'll run without that, for a while, and you can make up whatever flavor text you want. Just like the computer game it's supposed to be.)

Red Slime attacks Imp 1: 4 damage, movement reduced.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP, Movement 2

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (left)
  • Imp 2 (top)
  • Imp 3 (right)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(You know why I'm pissed, and accused you of rushing again? Because the imp-move in your previous action was inefficient. You moved it one square and triggered an enemy attack. Moving it two squares, down and then right, would've kept it out of trigger range for that enemy. It wouldn't've been out of character for the imp to keep moving. Instead, you decided "I don't care about that imp getting hit - it's just getting healed again right away anyways". Or you didn't think about it at all.)

[This is what I was thinking. I wasn't even aware that it would get healed, but in the grand scheme of things, these minions are going to get thrown away. They're just not powerful enough to stand up to the later monsters, and even 1 damage really wouldn't matter, since they were probably all going to die in the next level anyway. The heroine is the focus - not the minions. I... and, by the way, almost every player that plays this game if you do end up polishing it as a computer game... will sacrifice the minions as a way to save the heroine. If you don't like this, you simply can change it. Reward us for keeping minions alive for example.]

(You know why I'm running this particular system? Because I'm testing it. I think it'll make a decent computer game. But before I go to the effort of coding, drawing, music-ing, and other "-ing"s, I thought I should test it. Ascribing motivations to the actions of the characters - all that text I write before "Character Stats", and the text you write before you dictate the moves - is simply to keep it entertaining. It's certainly not "efficient". So I'll run without that, for a while, and you can make up whatever flavor text you want. Just like the computer game it's supposed to be.)

[testing is fair enough, I guess, but I have no idea why you want to defeat the whole purpose of having this be a forum game as opposed to a computer game. You can't mimic a computer game in this way at all, since I can turn on the game and have it respond to me whenever I want. Not so with a human opponent. Is this supposed to be some sort of lashing out against me for not playing by the rules?]