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[Complete - Full] SEQUEL blight, but it's in english now (RJ193419)


Active member
Dec 16, 2019
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Hi hello. It's a translation.

SEQUEL blight thread in the games section

Please use the guide found in the "How to Apply a Partial" thread to install the patch to your (perfectly legally acquired, I'm sure) copy of the game.

What's next:
  • Check out my SEQUEL awake translation thread. Or don't.
  • This SEQUEL blight translation project is super finished. Unless I get a very pressing reason to, I won't be updating it any more.

Latest patch version (1.3.0) download:
This patch is for game version 2.10, which is the latest one. Compatibility with earlier game versions is not guaranteed. Save games between versions of the translation patch are compatible. Save game compatibility with carb0n0x's translation is not guaranteed.
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Hey, that's awesome! Looks like a cool game. Thanks for the translation!
The journey has just begun.

This patch translates the remaining lore that was left untranslated, making the translation complete instead of complete* with an asterisk. Still, there's a lot of editing that needs to be done.

Important notes:
  • This patch may introduce some issues with items because of the large amount of changes made. I imagine they should all be cosmetic, but please read the note about them below anyway.
The original item description format was a fiddly nightmare to work with and I kept on breaking things. So I wrote a piece of spaghetti code (or rather, plagiarized a similar portion of code from elsewhere in the game) and started using that system about a halfway into the weapon translation. I have done some cursory testing to make sure that things work, but I have not checked literally all of the items in-game.

The item descriptions should look like this in-game for weapons and armor:
General item type description.
Short description.

Longer description,
spanning multiple

【Special Effects】
One or two lines.

The descriptions of other items lack the "special effects" section and the Junk item has no long description.

Other than typos and text that runs offscreen because of sloppy linebreaking, I can imagine how any of the following issues might occur in the item descriptions:
  • Missing lines for the swords, daggers, axes, spears, or fist weapons. Symptoms: more than one empty line in a row, or an empty line in the middle of a paragraph.
  • Entirely missing descriptions for any item
  • Unusual bits of text like <L3: and > in the text
Additionally, because RPGMaker games are apparently rigged together with bubble gum and tape, the following other problems may occur:
  • Some items may have disappeared from the Great Arena shop. I did check these, but it's always possible I overlooked something.
  • The ordering of some items in the inventory may have gone wack.
  • White item names when the item name should be colored (all weapons and armor with special effects have colored names)

Version 1.0.0 download:

What happened to the post and patch by that other guy Carb0n?
It's still there in carb0n0x's thread. They actually got their feature-complete version out a few days before I did.

I'm curious as well, I thought you guys were working together or something?
That would've been the smart thing to do, but no. We've been translating independently.

Less important notes:
  • Whoops, I missed a very important word with the Mana Potion descriptions way back!! (they revive party members)
  • It was very tiring translating paragraphs that explain how the improved lump of junk has excellent power but probably takes considerable training. Over, and over, and over, in every single category of weapon, but in slightly different words each time. Fucking 270 weaponssaysfusydgfg
  • I definitely autopiloted a lot of the less important item descriptions. I did try to pay close attention with the unique items that have actually interesting lore to them.
  • The game data contains an item "Cat Ears" which I am pretty sure does not actually appear in game. Let me know if you find it without cheating and I'll translate its description too. If I had to guess I'd say it's from a previous hakika game, as it looks like a lot of code has been recycled.
  • One of the enemies (Piniflian, I think? Or the asset swap version) had a very satisfying enemy description and I unfortunately didn't do it justice. It began with マナそのものであるこの魔物 [mana sono mono de aru kono mamono] which is immensely fun to say, while 'this monster that is Mana itself' or whatever I ended up with isn't.

Least important notes:
  • A lot of the more interesting item and monster descriptions contained references to hakika's previous games. And I haven't even played them so I probably missed many more than I got. Because the games aren't translated and I haven't played them this might make some of them unreliable.
  • The Small Gear and the Heretic items, and probably some other ones I forgot about, talk about the Ancient Era's town. It's very obviously the starting town from hakika's second or third game c. 2013 歯車の街、アトライン which I would translate as the 'Town of Gears, Atline'. The Small Gear in particular even uses the words for the Town of Gears which I translated as such. The only problem is that the title screen of that game has the words "The Wheel Town" on it, but fuck that, that name sucks
99ba55a565.png 298f2c402a.png
  • One of the dragonfly monsters refers to dragonflies as one having been called Flying Bug Dragons. This is a somewhat literal translation of the term which seems to have come from hakika's 6th game Liberty Step. Incidentally, the Japanese word for dragonfly doesn't contain "dragon" in it, and that's why the ponderings about their relation to dragons may sound silly.
  • Basically everything about the Immortal Goddess is probably a reference to Ruinswald, hakika's second or third game. I dunno which came first.
  • Everything about Riffa is a reference to hakika's fourth game, Silver Tower. That's the protagonist's name.
  • My notes are telling me to pontificate about the reductivity of translation and what I should be doing to combat it, and to tidy up my list of problems and post them for everyone to see, but I've been writing this post for an hour now and I want to go do something else

1.0.0 - Release: "Actually Complete Edition"
  • PROOFREADING: Miscellaneous bits here and there. Most notably item and equipment descriptions now should consistently use articles
  • MECHANICAL: Translated all 229 Monster Log entries, all ~270 detailed weapon descriptions, and I don't even want to count the armor and items at this point. Come get your lore
  • GLOSSARY: 'Auram' -> 'Aurum', because aurum is Latin for gold. Thanks to carb0n0x for pointing this out
  • GLOSSARY: 'Jeekdola' -> Zikdalla, because I was never quite satisfied with that name
  • GLOSSARY: Some terms referring to various aspects of Mana were inconsistently translated, which has been corrected. 'life force' is no longer occasionally 'vitality', 'magical power' isn't occasionally 'magical energy', and 'energy' isn't occasionally 'willpower'.
  • FIX: Remember that time I fixed the descriptions of the Shield of Angered/Restful Spirits? Yeah I got them wrong again. This time they're definitely correct! (also the effect description barely fit in the box so I had to mix up the usual format)
  • OTHER: Did some spaghetti coding to speed up the translation of item descriptions. Give me a shout if anything with them breaks
  • OTHER: There is a new .odt readme file because .txt file formatting is hell. You can delete the old one
Today, a small patch that includes a missing translation for the end of event 083, and whatever fixes I had going on otherwise.

Important notes:
  • Nix's name is changed to Nyx, but if she's in your party when you update the game, her status window will still use the name Nixryuuna. The game probably keeps track of your party members' names in the save file.
  • There was a serious bug in 1.0.1a and 1.0.1 that allowed you to warp to Aurum Base before you were supposed to. Please download 1.0.1b below.

Version 1.0.1b:

Less important notes:
  • I should be studying for tomorrow's exam and not writing notes

1.0.1 - Release: "Male Bonding Edition"
  • 1.0.1b: fixed being able to warp to Aurum Base before unlocking the sword (and the text being fucked)
  • 1.0.1a: fixes a stray line of text in the shopkeeper dialogues which didn't belong there
  • PROOFREADING: general proofreading stuff until around halfway into chapter 5 or so
  • OTHER: Nix -> Nyx, because people keep asking "why nix and not nyx"
  • OTHER: Some people were absolutely losing their shit when the basic ailment protection amulets didn't give full protection. While the detailed descriptions makes this clear, the game doesn't tutorialize that feature so well. The item descriptions have been slightly altered so it should be more apparent
  • OTHER: A Jojo reference that I missed when entering World Bulwark for the first time is now included in the game. There's also a translator's note about this
  • OTHER: Rabi now has appropriately silly hunches
  • FIX: The end of event 093:Male-Hunting Rabbit is now translated, as it should be
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Basic proofreading is complete! But the adventure continues. I would hope that this is the last patch, but that's probably unlikely. No doubt there's still some fixes I need to make and tiny patches to post. But in any case, this patch should be the more-or-less the final version. There should be no more large changes, I hope.

Version 1.1.0a:

Less important notes:
  • I'll probably make a long post-mortem post of sorts for this project tomorrow.
  • Surak Prila's greataxe is renamed to Surak Pilila's greataxe, because she is in SEQUEL awake and "Prila" is not heroine name material. (スラク・ピリラ [suraku pirira]) Pilila is not great either, because apparently that's Spanish for dick, but, well. Pirila? Pilira? Pilra? Pirla? Nothing really feels great.
  • Lesslie's verbal tic is now more of a disaster; it's simply transliterated. In addition, the archaisms she uses are inconsistently reflected in her lines, if at all, despite the first H-scene pointing it out. I'll play SEQUEL awake and think about what to do with both, if anything. Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.
  • I hate autocomplete. It turned "harsh" into "High-level aarsh" and I'll never live that down.

1.1.0a - Release: "Unlimited Proofreading Works Edition"
  • PROOFREADING: The full story, events, dialogue, and H-scenes have been proofread
  • OTHER: Cemika's name is now Chemica, which it really should've always been
  • OTHER: The spells "Fire" and "Wide Fire" are now called "Ignis" and "Wide Ignis" to facilitate a gag Rabi makes
  • OTHER: There was a line that was probably a Metal Gear reference, which is now more clearly recognizable as one
  • OTHER: There's less "flesh" and "meat" in the h-scenes because every time I read about "moist flesh" or "wrenching the wet flesh open" i wince a little
  • OTHER: The readme file name has been changed once again. I apologize for the inconvenience
  • FIX: The item "Cloak of the High King" was mistakenly deleted from the Great Arena store. It is now back
  • FIX: The game start's difficulty selection prompt was accidentally replaced by a line from Fake-Rabi about going home. This has been fixed
  • FIX: Some outdated glossary was used in the achievements and event descriptions (Jeekdola and Nix instead of Zikdalla and Nyx, respectively)
You have obliterated SEQUEL blight! But the adventure continues.
This patch is likely going to be the last one. If crashes, bugs, or other large issues pop up then I might post another patch yet, but I really hope not. Sometimes you have to let go and stop proofreading.

Important note:

  • I've decided to translate SEQUEL awake too. By myself again, because I'm allergic to good decisions. But first I need to do some planning, test if the character limits are still the same, that sort of thing. I'll post a thread for it over on F95 when I've got something meaningful worked out. Maybe here too.

Version 1.1.5:

Less important notes:
  • There are no major changes in this patch, only fixes.
  • The -shi honorific is rarely used and Tirma used it only like 4 times in the game exclusively with Pretty, so I had it localized into "Miss Pretty". But there's a character in SEQUEL awake who also gets referred to with it, and thinking about these things gives me a headache so now practically all of the honorifics are just kept.
  • I wish I had been a day faster with this so everyone would've thought this was an April Fools joke, but alas.

1.1.5 - Final Release: "Barely didn't make it for April Fools' day Edition"
  • PROOFREADING: Casual proofreading of the main storyline again. Proofreading and fixing of the line breaks of event descriptions.
  • OTHER: Tirma now uses the -shi honorific those four times she talks about Pretty before the postgame instead of "miss pretty". Now that one guy on 4chan can be a little less upset about this
It's the last patch. I know I said 1.1.5 would be the last one, but I fucked up in a way that definitely needed fixing. On the door in chapter 7, when choosing Dire, the game checked for completion of Tirma's events instead of Fake-Rabi's. Thanks to carb0n0x for pointing this out and helping me find many typos.

Version 1.1.6a:

In other news, I have started the translation of SEQUEL awake. I'll make a thread about it when I've got a patch available for download, since I don't want the thread to get locked for not following rules. I'm unsure whether or not I want to post partial patches. On top of causing additional work, awake isn't quite as neatly divided into chapters as blight was.

In the meanwhile, since I can't make a thread about it here without a download link or on F95 at all... I guess I'll make status updates about awake's translation progress on my profile?

1.1.6 - Actual Final Release: "The One That F95 Doesn't Get Because Mods Deleted My Thread Edition"
  • 1.1.6a: a single typo was fixed
  • FIX: Fake-Rabi's check on the door in chapter 7 actually checked for completion of Tirma's events instead of his. This is what demanded a new patch
  • FIX: I made a bad decision early on in the translation which resulted in no distinction between "ghosts" (spirits/souls of the dead) and "spirits" (living spirits) together under the word "spirit". The separation in terminology should now be clear.
  • OTHER: Miscellaneous typo fixes
  • OTHER: Exciting new translator's note with a post-hoc justification for using the word "monster"
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What the heck, I just now know someone's working on this game translation. Thanks for bringing this to english, man.
A friend who finished the game today seem to have come across a possible bug related to the Deluxe suit (which according to him is the place in the screenshot) where he cant seem to trigger the next set of scenes.

According to Blackex (my friend) he fulfilled all requirements for those scenes to be available but they still dont get triggered.

Hopefully you can check if its an actual bug or hes just being dumb.
Unfortunately he didn't provide any save for testing the issue.
A friend who finished the game today seem to have come across a possible bug related to the Deluxe suit (which according to him is the place in the screenshot) where he cant seem to trigger the next set of scenes.

According to Blackex (my friend) he fulfilled all requirements for those scenes to be available but they still dont get triggered.

Hopefully you can check if its an actual bug or hes just being dumb.
Unfortunately he didn't provide any save for testing the issue.
I took a look at the code and it doesn't seem like I changed any of the game logic, so it should work as intended. I don't have a save on hand that hasn't unlocked those scenes so I can't exactly playtest it easily, but I've got an idea what your friend's problem may be. It's possible he hasn't earned "the right to reserve the deluxe suit", which is a sort a miniquest that doesn't appear on the event list. It's the one related to the Foil Pink Card. If your friend has no idea what I'm talking about, ask him if he did the following:

  1. To get informed of the Foil Pink Card, buy the item the Suspicious Fellow sells in the Great Arena. To be sure, talk to them again so that they mention the Foil Pink Card and hint where to go next.
  2. Go talk to Mokka on top of the garrison in Haven.
  3. Go talk to Cara (the woman behind the counter) in the dining hall of Miruess Garrison.
  4. Go talk to Golen (blue flower monster) downstairs in Reiwano.
  5. Go talk to the Strong-looking Person in the hallway leading to the Old Storehouse in the Windswept Village.
  6. Go talk to Lemanou (the person wearing a hat) in the western room of Aurum Base.
  7. Finally, talk to the Shady Company Member downstairs of the Aurum Company. (You need all 5 Pink Cards at this point, but your friend should have them since they've done the stripper class quest)

I hope this helps your friend's problem and that I didn't fuck up in some sneaky way that I can't figure out myself.
From the way he reacted when i quoted ur post aka "fuc***** foil ping card" im lef to believe he wasnt aware of it lol
Thanks for the help btw.
If SEQUEL awake has a conversation system similar to SEQUEL blight at the end of each chapter, I'd like to recommend a QoL change for your translation; add a Scene Control: Open Save Screen command to each common event before the choice. For those of us with VX Ace, we can just look at those CEs in the editor, but for someone else, having to play through whole boss battles/scenes multiple times just to get those scenes doesn't seem like a good time.
The translation is well made. Thank you sub-par!
Looking forward to SEQUEL awake.

Cant believe that the actual game was made by a signle guy. It"s really good.
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I found this game years ago and i always wanted to play it but was unable to it because there wasn't a translation for it, so i was incredibly happy when i found a translation for it a week ago.

The game is amazing and the translation is just as good, as to me, everything was perfectly translated as if the game was made in English (heck i could even understand which characters were talking based on the manner of speech, i haven't seen game translations that good in a long time)

I have really enjoyed the game because of your translation, so thank you very much for the time and effort and you have put into this game (I have had a lot of free time with Corona Virus around so i have been playing a lot of this game).

I hope you are willing to translate 'Sequel Awake' and 'Sequel Colony' eventually as i don't think they will get picked up by anyone else and i don't know if anyone would do a job as good as you.