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[Complete - Full] SEQUEL blight, but it's in english now (RJ193419)

Hello, thread. I'm popping back in to inform you that I'm planning to update the patch to SEQUEL blight after I've done so with awake. There's a lot of reasons why, and most of them boil down to one cause. The unfortunate reality is that translating is a skill that can only be learned by translating, and SEQUEL blight was my first real whetstone. Many not-so-good decisions were made and sloppy work was done during it, and I want to shave off the sharpest of the corners now that I'm able to.

The "errors & consistency" and "colored text" problems are largely the same as in my post about updating the SEQUEL awake patch, so I won't repeat that. The same thing, but more of it.

The mess that is lore
There's no prettying it up: a lot of the lore (here meaning 'detailed item/monster descriptions') is kind of a crapshoot. While blasting through them in like four days or something probably played some part, a larger part was probably played by simple inexperience. I didn't know what I was doing or I hadn't internalized it yet, as many of the lore entries are in technically-correct-translationese. In essence, I was trying to follow the syntax to the highest degree possible. It really wasn't a good approach to take.

I want to rewrite a lot of them so that they're both readable and in acceptable condition to reuse in ASYLUM or whenever any pieces of lore next happen to get recycled.

The blight problem
This one contains spoilers for the ending of the game.
The game's name is SEQUEL blight. In a , hakika revealed that it was supposed to "kind of feel like" 荒廃の後に [kouhai no ato ni] which I would usually translate as 'after (the) ruin'. The phrase appears in three spots during the game, most notably after beating the final boss. Currently, I have translated it as after the decay in an attempt to reconcile the title of blight with ruin/destruction.

It's not working. Whether planned in advance or not, (ASYLUM spoilers) when viewed in light of information presented in ASYLUM's story, decay sounds too passive and slow. It would be better as ruin or destruction or anything. Abandoning decay and using after the blight further loses the meaning of the word. You might also argue that blight doesn't mesh with the story of Atline, which is a greater problem since that game actually existed at the time, so the line is more likely in reference to it than a plot twist four years later.

Working in a full title drop is impossible, because sequel does not mean what it "should feel like". It would be laughably bad, consider this:
DUROM: Why do you...refuse...
DUROM: ...Eventually, the world...will blight again...just like...it once...did...
RABI: Because as a sequel to blightーーright now, we are alive.

I don't know about you, but if I saw that line at the climax of the game my palm would be getting really close to my face.

Decay has further problems in that I've used it for many other things in SEQUEL blight (and other games too, but that's not really a problem), so there's associations that shouldn't be there: the exact word 荒廃 is only used in these sorts of not-quite-title-drop moments. I'm considering the following alternatives but none of them are without problems.
  • After the ruin. Appropriate but conflicts with translations of other things.
  • After the destruction. Appropriate, but kind of boring.
  • After the fall. Appropriate, and the definite article before "fall" makes it conflict with practically nothing. Unwanted association with "Fallen Moon" though, and it's hard to work into one of the sentences.
I might just cut my losses and accept "decay". Or embrace nihilism and use "blight" despite all of my intuition crying out against it.

The Atline problem
SEQUEL blight is full of references to Atline, a previous game made by hakika. (i've written slightly more info about them ) As it will receive a remake in the future, it'll undoubtedly highlight the flaws in my translation that came from not having played Atline beforehand, assuming most of the things blight nods at are kept in the remake.

I want to finish playing the original so I can try to future-proof these references by having them come from a place of understanding rather than guesswork and googling.
This is absolutely the final version of the patch, for real, no jokes this time. Let me be free. . It's practically just miscellaneous fixes, but there's a lot of them.

A lot of the lore entries were rush jobs or otherwise just crummily done, and they should be now widely improved. I played through the storyline again and fixed a bunch of the more egregious translationese, but...it's still what it is. Blight is kind of a mess at parts. I have only myself and my inexperience to blame, and I'm certainly not translating everything from ground up.

I ended up not touching the line in the climax of the game, and instead reworked some of the translations (mostly in items) with the word "decay" so there's no ugly unintentional translation collisions. I think I would find "after the fall" mildly most preferable out of the options I outlined in the previous post, but...it's such a large change to be making like what, six months after 1.0.0? I've made my bed and I'll lie in it.

The Atline references should now be future-proofed. On a side note, I gave myself weird reverse nostalgia by replaying blight's storyline after finishing Atline.

Fake-Rabi's introduction once again received small adjustments. In brief, the problem is that he uses the masculine boku pronoun and Uula points that out. English doesn't have gendered first-person pronouns so there's not a one-size-fits-all smooth solution to this. Previously, his introduction in blight kind of leaned into the "Fake-Rabi is a trans character" reading (which I'm pretty sure I'm on the record for not supporting) too hard to solve the pronoun problem. It leans there less hard now.

Again, this should hopefully be the final version of the patch. For realsies this time, actually. But on the other hand, I'm kind of gaining a worrying understanding towards devs who release patches to their games tens of years after release. I might be that kind of person. Piss.
The original 2011 freeware version of Atline is no longer distributed (which is why previously I didn't worry about references to it in Blight), but in the future (which is why I now wanted to fix the references in the hopes that they'll stay the same in the remake).

I think "late next year" was the expected release date? I forgot. I presume it'll be on DLsite.
This is absolutely the final version of the patch, for real, no jokes this time. Let me be free.
Once more, with feeling.

SEQUEL blight English patch version 1.3.0:

With over a year's worth of extra experience, I've gone through the game's text, editing it properly for once. With this, the quality of SEQUEL blight's translation should finally be at a level where I'm comfortable leaving it alone. Maybe now I no longer have to write a bunch of excuses every time I talk about it.

Relevant for modders: this update makes changes to the Scripts.rvdata2 file. Rebase your fullscreen patches or whatever on the new scripts file.

A short list of changes:
  • Modders: the scripts file has been modified in multiple places. Update your shit.
  • Mod users: installing mods based on old versions of the patch may undo some changes.
  • Typo and error fixes and less accidentally weird sentences.
  • The patch readme is now in a .pdf file labeled manual.pdf. You can delete the old readme_patch.odt file if you have one.
  • More cross-game consistency with terminology.
  • Portraitless speaker names are no longer displayed in [brackets].
  • The Connecting Spire is now called the Binding Spire and the Twilight Peninsula is now the Sunset Peninsula.
  • The Shinigami monster type is now the reaper monster type.
  • The text in the computer at the Mansion Cellar should be more comprehensible now.
  • An extended version of the changelog with more explanations (contains game spoilers) can be found .
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This thread is for translation discussion only.
can u tell me how to get strip job pls
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